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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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DECK'ARD said:
Seriously, just no.

It would be *very* imprecise and lost completely if the screen moves to the wrong angle or your hand moves out of sight of the camera which will happen easily at close range. It's also an abstraction of the pointing process which takes away its benefits. The point of reference with pointing wants to be the what you are pointing at. Suddenly it's not what you are pointing at that's important, it's where your hand is in relation to something you are holding. This is not natural.

The pointer functionality is loved on the Wii because it's the correct implementation of it, with the correct form-factor of the controller to make it seem totally natural.

It is touch adapted to an environment where what you want to touch is too far way. A genius idea done well. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
Hi Deck'ard.

Not necesarily the case, if infact they could be able to track your fingers that way, there wouldn't be any precision problems. It'll just track finger tips normal to the screen surface. If you intend to touch the screen its obvious your fingers would be close to it, as soon as they are in the line of sight of the camera (which covers the hole screen) the non intrusive cursor appears on the TV screen. Just like it happens with the Wii remote.

The advantage? Instant pointing, your hole TV screen surface its at the reach of your finger tips. And for games where the user attention can't be splited between boths screens, it solves the orientation problems of where your touch will land.

Also im not suggesting it will substitute IR pointing entirely. A developer will choose what he thinks fits the game better. Plus theres all the other obvious uses of the touch screen.

Also not need to get defensive, just coming up with uses to the suposed touch screen like the rumor implies :D

Finally, i don't know if you saw some of my previous posts. Its posible to transmit frames wireless way withouth lag been much of a problem. Theres even people gaming like that at 1080p with no problems. Thats was one of your counter arguments, really like to hear your take on that.
hEist said:
someway i think, the new console of ninty will be also portable. the name café somehow confused me. specially with an 6' screen.
can play it on the tv and also portable...
And what will you suggested Nintendo to do with its already stablished portable bussiness? You know 3DS/DS etc.
From The Dust said:
imagine Phantasy Star Online 2 on the Cafe with a controller with the touchscreen acting as a keyboard. I can type really fast on a 3.5" ipod touch screen, so at 6", I should be able to type messages blazingly fast.

or voice chat

PSO2 on Wii2... good idea! While were at it let's get FFXIV on that thing!
In general i'd be really pleased if Nintendo had some console MMOs going on next gen.


DECK'ARD said:
Standalone tablet?

It just raises basic logical problems.

As opposed to the basic, logical, and obvious problems that occur when trying to bundle everything mentioned into a single controller unit? I think it's the closest thing we've gotten so far to a remotely reasonable suggestion, and I don't see how your listed issues aren't present with a 6" touchscreen-in-controller setup; in fact, Pocks' idea made the screen's size understandable from a function standpoint, whereas having a 6" screen built into a controller doesn't make any sense at all. Also, it's significantly cheaper (having only one screen per console) than the alternative (having one screen per controller).


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
Finally, i don't know if you saw some of my previous posts. Its posible to transmit frames wireless way withouth lag been much of a problem. Theres even people gaming like that at 1080p with no problems. Thats was one of your counter arguments, really like to hear your take on that.

And what will you suggested Nintendo to do with its already stablished portable bussiness? You know 3DS/DS etc.

There's people happily gaming via OnLive as well, that doesn't mean it's not without its problems. Some people tolerate more than others, Nintendo as far as controls go would tolerate none. I mean this is the company that still goes for 60fps for things like Mario, they are incredibly fussy about controls. Also if you are going to try and make it more feasible you'd have to scale/compress/decompress the video which will by definition add lag not to mention cost to do the same on the other end.

Also the basic reason why the game-streaming thing falls apart is the more players you add, the more impossible it gets and the more problems you run into regarding lag and trying to keep everyone in sync. If there's a screen involved on a player level, you'd ideally want all players to have a screen or to purchase extra screens to get the same experience. Game-streaming would break that concept.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Vinci said:
As opposed to the basic, logical, and obvious problems that occur when trying to bundle everything mentioned into a single controller unit? I think it's the closest thing we've gotten so far to a remotely reasonable suggestion, and I don't see how your listed issues aren't present with a 6" touchscreen-in-controller setup; in fact, Pocks' idea made the screen's size understandable from a function standpoint, whereas having a 6" screen built into a controller doesn't make any sense at all. Also, it's significantly cheaper (having only one screen per console) than the alternative (having one screen per controller).

Oh don't get my wrong, I think everything involving a 6" screen raises basic logical problems.

It's the main thing getting in the way of believing the leaks have substance, despite how unusual the last few days have been.
ZAK said:
Aw man, at the last moment they took out two buttons near the A? They could have been so useful...
With my mockup you can have all of those functions.

I honestly believe not having tactile feedback wont be terrible. Since the orientation is long or wide when turned. You touch buttons based off of hieght. I think it would work fairly well.
DECK'ARD said:
Standalone tablet?

It just raises basic logical problems. Massively increasing costs, taking resources away from the console itself which Nintendo will be very sensitive about in the first place, and you would be bundling 2 completely different experiences to sell as one thing.

It would be as odd and unlikely as Apple giving you an iPad with your Apple TV.
I agree with almost everything you've said in this thread but I have to ask, do you have any of your own predictions? Do you think the screen rumor is true in any shape or form, or do you think the controllers won't have a screen at all?

If the rumor is true and there is a screen in this formula (other than the TV) I still feel like the standalone tablet is the most reasonable solution. It doesn't have to be nearly as powerful or feature-rich as something like an iPad, and having it separate from the controller would allow for all kinds of interesting and useful applications (browsing and buying on the store, messaging friends, etc.). I don't think it's fair to say that it's similar to Apple bundling an iPad with the Apple TV because the iPad is an already existing device that is made to be a standalone product, as opposed to an auxiliary tablet designed specifically as an extra way to interface with the Wii 2. Also, the only reason the tablet has even been mentioned is because of the rumors we've been hearing.

I guess I just don't see how it's feasible to have a screen in EVERY controller, since this would not only drastically increase the price but would also make the controller overly cumbersome and fragile. I suppose they could pull it off but it just seems kind of ridiculous.
HenryGale said:
With my mockup you can have all of those functions.

I honestly believe not having tactile feedback wont be terrible. Since the orientation is long or wide when turned. You touch buttons based off of hieght. I think it would work fairly well.
A controller with no buttons (or minimal buttons) would be a complete and total disaster in my opinion. I'm not saying it couldn't work or that no one would enjoy it, but I personally would be extremely disappointed. I hate gaming on touch devices, and the thought of doing it on a console makes me cringe.
DECK'ARD said:
There's people happily gaming via OnLive as well, that doesn't mean it's not without its problems. Some people tolerate more than others, Nintendo as far as controls go would tolerate none. I mean this is the company that still goes for 60fps for things like Mario, they are incredibly fussy about controls. Also if you are going to try and make it more feasible you'd have to scale/compress/decompress the video which will by definition add lag not to mention cost to do the same on the other end.

Also the basic reason why the game-streaming thing falls apart is the more players you add, the more impossible it gets and the more problems you run into regarding lag and trying to keep everyone in sync. If there's a screen involved on a player level, you'd ideally want all players to have a screen or to purchase extra screens to get the same experience. Game-streaming would break that concept.
You know im not saying the feature will end up in the console, but its totally doable with lag not being and issue.

Gaming at 1080P wireless the lag is neglible in some of these transmitter devices. Hell there are fighting game aficionados the perceive lag on LCD tvs. A standar definition image is just 14% of the resolution of an HD image. You could transmit to multiple sources withouth lag being and issue. So i think the lattency counter argument is out of the equation.
The_Darkest_Red said:
A controller with no buttons (or minimal buttons) would be a complete and total disaster in my opinion. I'm not saying it couldn't work or that no one would enjoy it, but I personally would be extremely disappointed. I hate gaming on touch devices, and the thought of doing it on a console makes me cringe.
See I do a lot of iOS gaming iPad and iPhone. Dnt have a problem with touch gaming at all. Just have toj be creativue with the UI.
HenryGale said:
With my mockup you can have all of those functions.

I honestly believe not having tactile feedback wont be terrible. Since the orientation is long or wide when turned. You touch buttons based off of hieght. I think it would work fairly well.
Even if knowing where to touch isn't a problem, for a controller like the wiimote, resting your thumb on the screen or glazing over a "button" by accident would result in an unwanted action. It would be uncomfortable to hold because you could never have a piece of your hand touching the screen unless you wanted to press it.
HenryGale said:
See I do a lot of iOS gaming iPad and iPhone. Dnt have a problem with touch gaming at all. Just have toj be creativue with the UI.

I hate ipod gaming controls with a passion. with no physical feedback, I lose sense of me actually pressing the button. it confuses my brain, which is hardwired to physical controlls. not to mention the lack of analogue support


I believe the touchscreen will be standalone, not part of the actual controller. I also expect it to be basically a streaming client with very, very little internal processing power. By "streaming client", I don't mean that it'll necessarily show the same thing your TV does, just that whatever it shows comes from the console, not the device itself. It will offer some limited functionality when the system is turned off, like maybe browsing your friends lists and reading messages, but it won't play games.

There are many potential uses for such a "tablet": A portable display when someone else occupies the TV, a subscreen displaying maps, rear-view mirrors in racing games, inventories and what not, a messaging device (no need to drop to a system menu to answer a message or invite a friend, or maybe look up a website), or it could simply be used as an input device for certain games.

I also expect the actual controller to be basically a Gamecube controller split in two, motion sensors and rumble in both parts, pointer in one, fully Wiimote compatible.
HenryGale said:
See I do a lot of iOS gaming iPad and iPhone. Dnt have a problem with touch gaming at all. Just have toj be creativue with the UI.
I feel like the majority of creativity in UI design is only necessary because there are no buttons available. If you have the option for either or it doesn't make sense to get rid of the superior method of input. I could see a screen + traditional controller combo happening but I highly doubt we will see a controller with no face buttons.
HenryGale said:
I honestly believe not having tactile feedback wont be terrible. Since the orientation is long or wide when turned. You touch buttons based off of hieght. I think it would work fairly well.

You are wrong.

Try controlling a PC with XBMC using a smartphone remote app, for example. See how well it works without you constantly looking at the screen to see where you're pressing.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The_Darkest_Red said:
I agree with almost everything you've said in this thread but I have to ask, do you have any of your own predictions? Do you think the screen rumor is true in any shape or form, or do you think the controllers won't have a screen at all?

If the rumor is true and there is a screen in this formula (other than the TV) I still feel like the standalone tablet is the most reasonable solution. It doesn't have to be nearly as powerful or feature-rich as something like an iPad, and having it separate from the controller would allow for all kinds of interesting and useful applications (browsing and buying on the store, messaging friends, etc.). I don't think it's fair to say that it's similar to Apple bundling an iPad with the Apple TV because the iPad is an already existing device that is made to be a standalone product, as opposed to an auxiliary tablet designed specifically as an extra way to interface with the Wii 2. Also, the only reason the tablet has even been mentioned is because of the rumors we've been hearing.

I guess I just don't see how it's feasible to have a screen in EVERY controller, since this would not only drastically increase the price but would also make the controller overly cumbersome and fragile. I suppose they could pull it off but it just seems kind of ridiculous.

The screen is basically where everything falls apart, and why it's hard to believe the leaks have substance. At least in the way they have been presented. If there is a screen in there I believe it would just be small, and more related to communicating information to the player (if bio-feedback stuff was part of it for instance) or to do with them trying to create more of a personal connection between the player and the controller. The controller knowing who is using it, and displaying appropriate stuff.

Standalone tablet does indeed make more sense, but not when you weight up the costs involved in having it has standard versus the costs of the console itself. The comparable situation with Apple would be for the iPad to have never been released on it's own, and to just come bundled with a new version of the AppleTV. It would be bizarre, massively increase the costs of the AppleTV, and confuse people by offering 2 completely different experiences under one product. In that case, why not just sell them seperately?

Also any tablet would automatically draw comparisons with iPad, and it's established ecosystem. For Nintendo, a games company, to walk into that lion's den would be suicidal and not playing to their strengths. You couldn't tether it permanently to the console, because people's expectations would be to take it everywhere. Take it everywhere and you are shitting on the 3DS. Keep it in the home and you just have a dumb iPad.

With the move to HD, like the other companies, the focus will be on the television as consoles have always been. That's where most of the cost of this new console will be going. Sure, Nintendo will have some spin to put on the system to differentiate themselves, but it's highly unlikely for Nintendo to shift the focus away from the television, people playing together and sharing the same experience. It's their strength, and why they cleaned up this generation.
HenryGale said:
See I do a lot of iOS gaming iPad and iPhone. Dnt have a problem with touch gaming at all. Just have toj be creativue with the UI.

With that mockup, how would you have any idea what buttons you were pressing without looking down at the controller? That stuff only gets by on phones because you're touching the same screen you are looking at.
The_Darkest_Red said:
A controller with no buttons (or minimal buttons) would be a complete and total disaster in my opinion. I'm not saying it couldn't work or that no one would enjoy it, but I personally would be extremely disappointed. I hate gaming on touch devices, and the thought of doing it on a console makes me cringe.

I thought of this, and the main problems I have with it are:

-Touch controls typically only work when you're looking at the touchscreen. Trying to do touch control on a controller while looking at a TV is going to be problematic

-Touch controls is a step backwards from motion control. Its less immersive, less engaging, and does not lend itself as well to party games.

Despite all the rumours in this thread, the only thing that makes sense to me for Wii2 is enhanced motion controls with better hardware. Motion controls sophisticated enough to enable more hardcore gameplay. This way you can introduce your wiibase into more complex games, essentially breeding a whole new generation of hardcore gamers. Existing hardcore gamers will jump on board since the graphics are up to par and the gameplay is more their speed.
HisshouBuraiKen said:
You are wrong.

Try controlling a PC with XBMC using a smartphone remote app, for example. See how well it works without you constantly looking at the screen to see where you're pressing.

I play games on my phone a lot using virtual controls, and it sucks. The virtual buttons aren't bad, but using a virtual d-pad or joystick is awful. I really don't think Nintendo would make this a part of the system though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
You know im not saying the feature will end up in the console, but its totally doable with lag not being and issue.

Gaming at 1080P wireless the lag is neglible in some of these transmitter devices. Hell there are fighting game aficionados the perceive lag on LCD tvs. A standar definition image is just 14% of the resolution of an HD image. You could transmit to multiple sources withouth lag being and issue. So i think the lattency counter argument is out of the equation.

Do-able to an acceptable level to some people in ideal circumstances does not equal for everyone in the world and their dog when things like Wi-Fi interference and everything else exist. Nintendo like things to just work.

As soon as you scale and compress it, you introduce lag and cost to what is displaying it. If there are 4 people playing, to have any point you'd also have to be rendering 4 different screens before you even did this, for the 4 different views the players were getting. If they were all seeing the same picture, you might as well have them looking at the television. So all the power of your new HD console is being ruined by having to do 4 times the work of everyone else's. It makes no sense.

Wireless isn't perfect, and fluctuates in performance. If just one of these screens didn't get all it's massive amount of data correctly it would throw all the other ones out and you'd have to stop to resync. This is all getting in the way of the basic thing Nintendo are about, making good games and having them play well.

There's basically 101 reasons why this won't be happening, and to think of it as totally do-able is ignoring most of them.
DECK'ARD said:
The screen is basically where everything falls apart, and why it's hard to believe the leaks have substance. At least in the way they have been presented. If there is a screen in there I believe it would just be small, and more related to communicating information to the player (if bio-feedback stuff was part of it for instance) or to do with them trying to create more of a personal connection between the player and the controller. The controller knowing who is using it, and displaying appropriate stuff.

Thats what i think too, and thats what i meant when i was talking about how they are revisiting the GBA-GC connectivity.

Most people that were able to afford to play Zelda 4 swords seem to love the gameplay.

DECK'ARD said:
Standalone tablet does indeed make more sense, but not when you weight up the costs involved in having it has standard versus the costs of the console itself. The comparable situation with Apple would be for the iPad to have never been released on it's own, and to just come bundled with a new version of the AppleTV. It would be bizarre, massively increase the costs of the AppleTV, and confuse people by offering 2 completely different experiences under one product. In that case, why not just sell them seperately?

Also any tablet would automatically draw comparisons with iPad, and it's established ecosystem. For Nintendo, a games company, to walk into that lion's den would be suicidal and not playing to their strengths. You couldn't tether it permanently to the console, because people's expectations would be to take it everywhere. Take it everywhere and you are shitting on the 3DS. Keep it in the home and you just have a dumb iPad.

Nintendo will never release a Ipad competitor... ever
DECK'ARD said:
The screen is basically where everything falls apart, and why it's hard to believe the leaks have substance. At least in the way they have been presented. If there is a screen in there I believe it would just be small, and more related to communicating information to the player (if bio-feedback stuff was part of it for instance) or to do with them trying to create more of a personal connection between the player and the controller. The controller knowing who is using it, and displaying appropriate stuff.

Standalone tablet does indeed make more sense, but not when you weight up the costs involved in having it has standard versus the costs of the console itself. The comparable situation with Apple would be for the iPad to have never been released on it's own, and to just come bundled with a new version of the AppleTV. It would be bizarre, massively increase the costs of the AppleTV, and confuse people by offering 2 completely different experiences under one product. In that case, why not just sell them seperately?

Also any tablet would automatically draw comparisons with iPad, and it's established ecosystem. For Nintendo, a games company, to walk into that lion's den would be suicidal and not playing to their strengths. You couldn't tether it permanently to the console, because people's expectations would be to take it everywhere. Take it everywhere and you are shitting on the 3DS. Keep it in the home and you just have a dumb iPad.

With the move to HD, like the other companies, the focus will be on the television as consoles have always been. That's where most of the cost of this new console will be going. Sure, Nintendo will have some spin to put on the system to differentiate themselves, but it's highly unlikely for Nintendo to shift the focus away from the television, people playing together and sharing the same experience. It's their strength, and why they cleaned up this generation.
The cost issue is certainly worth consideration, and is probably the biggest factor that would keep Nintendo from implementing some sort of standalone tablet. I'm definitely not saying that this idea is fool-proof, I just think it makes the most sense of any speculation regarding the 6" screen rumor. Also, the cost issue would only be increased if a screen were present in every controller.

I disagree that the tablet would draw comparisons with the iPad. If Nintendo marketed it for what it is, a controller designed as an interface with their new system, they could avoid that trap with all but the most ignorant. They would have to be very clear up front that the device is NOT an e-book reader, app running device, music player, or mobile platform, but rather an extra part of the Wii 2 experience. It would be tricky but I certainly think it's possible. I also don't think it would be a "dumb iPad" if you kept it at home because it's not trying to be an iPad. Just because you have an electronic device with a big touch screen doesn't mean it has to be viewed as a competitor to the iPad and other tablet devices, especially when it comes bundled with a home video game console.

That said, I completely agree with what you're saying about HD and putting the focus on the television. I hope you're right. I think most of this speculation is based on the assumption that the "6" screen" rumor has some validity, but without that all of these ideas turn into completely unfounded ramblings. I honestly wouldn't mind those rumors being false, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
The_Darkest_Red said:
I disagree that the tablet would draw comparisons with the iPad. If Nintendo marketed it for what it is, a controller designed as an interface with their new system, they could avoid that trap with all but the most ignorant. They would have to be very clear up front that the device is NOT an e-book reader, app running device, music player, or mobile platform, but rather an extra part of the Wii 2 experience. It would be tricky but I certainly think it's possible.

I assure you that if the tablet is a standalone item, the media will post in bold headlines, "New Nintendo System Includes iPad-like Controller." Guaranteed.

EDIT: And I especially mean sites like Cnet, CNN, etc. They will try to paint the news in a way that makes sense to "Average Joe, Non-Gamer."
Lupin the Wolf said:
I guarantee you that if the tablet is a standalone item, the media will post in bold headlines, "New Nintendo System Includes iPad-like Controller." Guaranteed.
Well it is "iPad-like" in a sense, but only in the sense that it is a tablet with a big touch screen. If it can do enough cool things with the system that it comes with it won't matter that you have to leave it at home and use it only when you're using your console. It's all about the marketing.
The_Darkest_Red said:
That said, I completely agree with what you're saying about HD and putting the focus on the television. I hope you're right. I think most of this speculation is based on the assumption that the "6" screen" rumor has some validity, but without that all of these ideas turn into completely unfounded ramblings. I honestly wouldn't mind those rumors being false, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Maybe there is a screen but its not 6 inches

I assure you that if the tablet is a standalone item, the media will post in bold headlines, "New Nintendo System Includes iPad-like Controller." Guaranteed.

EDIT: And I especially mean sites like Cnet, CNN, etc. They will try to paint the news in a way that makes sense to "Average Joe, Non-Gamer."

also they have said that they want to surprise people... and i dont see an ipad surprising anyone anymore...

and also... to stream a game to a tablet doesnt scream FUN to me... it would be like an Ipad with better graphics???
Starchasing said:
All im saying is that maybe someone said there is a screen in the wiimote, and some else extrapolated the 6 inches from the diagonal of the wiimote
That would be a pretty far-fetching thing to assume, although I guess it's possible. I think a smaller screen would make a lot more sense. There are also rumors that the device has triggers, bumpers, and dual analog sticks. I'm not sure how all of that would fit on a wii-mote shaped device.
Starchasing said:
All im saying is that maybe someone said there is a screen in the wiimote, and some else extrapolated the 6 inches from the diagonal of the wiimote
Actually the 6" screen comes directly from IGN and their sources. May not be accurate, but it has more basis than an extrapolation.
Starchasing said:
All im saying is that maybe someone said there is a screen in the wiimote, and some else extrapolated the 6 inches from the diagonal of the wiimote

Wasn't the size posted by two sites, 01net and IGN? I seem to recall IGN "confirming" with their sources that 6" was the size of the screen. This is not a one-source rumor, that's the problem (unless they, by coincidence, happen to have the same source).


HenryGale said:
With my mockup you can have all of those functions.

I honestly believe not having tactile feedback wont be terrible. Since the orientation is long or wide when turned. You touch buttons based off of hieght. I think it would work fairly well.

Until you put on the Wiimote jacket. Then you're beautiful creation falls to pieces.

It's cool if people want to ignore this, just know you're wasting your time if you ignore practical realities.
I think it's important to remind people that we've heard the 6'' screen rumors from multiple sources. 01net reported it first, and then IGN independently confirmed it with their sources. That's not to say it's official by any means, but it is looking likely at this point.

EDIT: Beaten... twice.
1-D_FTW said:
Until you put on the Wiimote jacket. Then you're beautiful creation falls to pieces.

It's cool if people want to ignore this, just know you're wasting your time if you ignore practical realities.
What if the device was designed with the jacket "built-in" so to speak? I mean, what if it was just naturally kind of padded on the outside?
Someone has probably already suggested this but, the rumor may be referring to the ability of the system to stream games to the 3DS so they can be viewed in 3D.


The_Darkest_Red said:
What if the device was designed with the jacket "built-in" so to speak? I mean, what if it was just naturally kind of padded on the outside?

I don't see how you could do this. It's basically the "dumb-ass" sleeve. It's point is to cushion blows to other people's faces and TV sets. I don't know how you could rubberize it to the extent they'd need to.
Lupin the Wolf said:
Wasn't the size posted by two sites, 01net and IGN? I seem to recall IGN "confirming" with their sources that 6" was the size of the screen. This is not a one-source rumor, that's the problem (unless they, by coincidence, happen to have the same source).

Im saying that maybe the sources are extrapolating and maybe they happen to be the same source... Why?

Because all the rumours cant be true at the same time....
The_Darkest_Red said:
What if the device was designed with the jacket "built-in" so to speak? I mean, what if it was just naturally kind of padded on the outside?

Light the soft touch rubber on those hard plastic phone cases. Yeah that would be cool.
Ridleyscott said:
Someone has probably already suggested this but, the rumor may be referring to the ability of the system to stream games to the 3DS so they can be viewed in 3D.

Something I've suggested a couple of times in this thread now, but has mostly been ignored. Good observation.

EDIT: I think it was Hideki Konno who said that Nintendo was pursuing media more. If the Wii2 includes Blu-ray support, it's not impossible that movie playback will be possible, If 3D content streaming to 3DS is a feature, I would love to see some Blu-ray 3D movies streamed to my 3DS!


Starchasing said:
also they have said that they want to surprise people... and i dont see an ipad surprising anyone anymore...

and also... to stream a game to a tablet doesnt scream FUN to me... it would be like an Ipad with better graphics???

Go back and read Pocks' original post on what the tablet / screen could be used for. It in no way sounds like an iPad in terms of functionality and would not be useful outside of it providing additional functionality to the console.

You people are overthinking this.
Vinci said:
Go back and read Pocks' original post on what the tablet / screen could be used for. It in no way sounds like an iPad in terms of functionality and would not be useful outside of it providing additional functionality to the console.

You people are overthinking this.
That's the key point. As long as Nintendo makes this clear up front and shows some cool things that the tablet can do when interacting with the Wii 2 then it should avoid the iPad comparisons.
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