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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Bufbaf said:
I'd say even for a standard controller, a touch screen is a very bad idea. It works on a handheld, because you are supposed to look at it at all times (even if you are looking at the upper screen on a DS). I becomes annoying the moment you have to switch views between TV/controller.
I guess you never played Four Swords before. Worked well there.


Ninja Scooter said:
Wouldn't a touch screen be pretty terrible if you are waving the controller around and not always seeing what you are pressing? For a Wiimote it seems tactile buttons are a must.

Could give a small buzz when you're finger is over a button. Or a small (small small buzz-like) shock. Is that possible? A screen emitting a shock?

My brother tricked me with a buzzer the other day. It was the first time I've ever been tricked with one of those things. In my surprise, I made a funny face and dropped the rigged key chain. A random lady who was watching laughed at me. That had nothing to do with the conversation, sorry.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Chet Rippo said:
I guess you never played Four Swords before. Worked well there.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles too. If you had the equipment and the friends that game was a blast. Unfortunately my memory card got wiped deleting my entire caravan so my friends and I never finished.


Bufbaf said:
I'd say even for a standard controller, a touch screen is a very bad idea. It works on a handheld, because you are supposed to look at it at all times (even if you are looking at the upper screen on a DS). I becomes annoying the moment you have to switch views between TV/controller.

That is most likely why then that the screen will be used in tandem with the television set, or more like a hud screen.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Chet Rippo said:
I guess you never played Four Swords before. Worked well there.
Okay, I'll try again: For games like Four Swords and Pac Man vs, it works indeed, because you basically play your own game on the screen for longer than a few seconds. What doesn't work (imo) is any kind of button replacement, map screen etc.

Basically what Carlo said. Do you really want to look at your hands to check your ammo and life while aliens are shooting at you on your screen? Before you answer, please remember your favorite gaming position (which is probably not "holding your controller almost up to your field of view").

edit: typos :/


If the tablet rumor is true, I wonder if there was a partnership with the guys who made the uDraw tablet at THQ. :p Wasn't Nintendo developing a game for uDraw, or was that just another rumor?

duk said:
nintendo is trying to merge the tablet with the console... i dunno about this
If it means Art Academy 2 I'm all for it. Cooking Mama and Trauma Center would work nicely on it as well. And erm... Wario Ware... And... Erm... Anything else that works on a DS, I guess. :p


JCRedeems said:
Okay, let's put your Nintendo dream machine fantasies aside for a moment and try to look at their next console based on reality.

Do you really think shareholders would want Nintendo to chase the dudebro "hardcore" with a super powerful console after all the net billions loss with Microsoft and Sony? Shareholders are going to question why make a super powerful hardware console chasing a demographic they hadn't had since the SNES. Moreover they would have to sell at a loss and/or sell at a price point outside their fanbase's reach. It's apparently a broken business model. With the Wii en route to 100 million+ sold based on old hardware with huge profit margins I seriously doubt their shareholders would want to go with a super powerful console. I'm more inclined to believe it will be as powerful as the 360 but the main selling point will be some "gimmick" that will differentiate it from its competitors.

That's not to say Nintendo won't moneyhat for 3rd party exclusives and whatnot to attract 3rd parties, but they are definitely not going to go all out with some super computer.

Shareholders want to see growth all the time but more than anything shareholders want a minimum of sustained yearly profits, that is at very least annual profits at a stable level. This is partly why shareholders don't care if Nintendo has slow months during the year because they trust that once the holidays hit Nintendo products will sell big and annual profits will remain steady.

As such I think shareholders would be interested in Nintendo putting out a console that can hold its own against the competition for a number of years and not just in the short term. We've already seen Nintendo stockholders show their frustration with the Wii faltering from its record setting highs. They would not be happy if Nintendo released an underpowered console that experienced the same declines over an even shorter period of time which can be assumed if Nintendo releases an underpowered console that doesn't have the same revolutionary draw as motion did for the Wii.

I think the only scenario that would change this is if upon initial unveiling the N6's hook is immediately regarded as a success and expected to draw in the same consumers as the wii did in similar numbers. But somehow that scenario doesn't seem very likely.
D-Pad said:
Could give a small buzz when you're finger is over a button. Or a small (small small buzz-like) shock. Is that possible? A screen emitting a shock?

My brother tricked me with a buzzer the other day. It was the first time I've ever been tricked with one of those things. In my surprise, I made a funny face and dropped the rigged key chain. A random lady who was watching laughed at me. That had nothing to do with the conversation, sorry.

Some touch-screen phones give a small rumble when you touch a button.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Some touch-screen phones give a small rumble when you touch a button.
..and it doesn't help at all if you try to use it without looking.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
Some touch-screen phones give a small rumble when you touch a button.

Well, I'm talking more of an electrical shock, but I guess it'd mess up the inner mechanics.

Edit - Like the electrical globes:


I honestly think people are making a mountain out of a molehill regarding the screen. I think it won't be a main factor of the controller and it'll stay within the current proportions of the wii remote and be about the size of the new iPod nano screen.


Junior Member
Not sure about touch screen on the controller. I hope it will be only simple touch-pad otherwise I have to learn how to do that:


iceatcs said:
Not sure about touch screen on the controller. I hope it will be only simple touch-pad otherwise I have to learn how to do that:
We pretty much do that already with the advent of smartphones and pocketpcs, we watch TV or play games and then yer checking yer blackberry or iPhone or whatever


Junior Member
Medalion said:
We pretty much do that already with the advent of smartphones and pocketpcs, we watch TV or play games and then yer checking yer blackberry or iPhone or whatever
Of course, but not at the same time.
I wanna to be pro while my hands stay on my lap. I will learn to do that eye trick. If fail that, I might consider go to eye operation.
Screenboy said:
I honestly think people are making a mountain out of a molehill regarding the screen. I think it won't be a main factor of the controller and it'll stay within the current proportions of the wii remote and be about the size of the new iPod nano screen.


truendo said:
Couldn't that present issues with pacemakers and such?
Yeah, I guess so.

We pretty much do that already with the advent of smartphones and pocketpcs, we watch TV or play games and then yer checking yer blackberry or iPhone or whatever
Yeah, while you're friends are yelling to put the damn phone down because they solved the puzzle [without you] and are ready to move through the door. If you're playing alone, you usually pause the game so the enemies don't kill you while you're texting or whatever (unless you're playing Demon's Souls then you're screwed :p). Even when you're doing all those things (televisaphononetting) you're still only able to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Maybe the screen is a scouter you wear over your eye. :p
I'm starting to wonder if maybe 6" was misinterpreted and they really meant 6 centimeters. Thats more realistic and only the US uses the English measurement system anyway while everyone else including Japan uses the metric.


perfectchaos007 said:
I'm starting to wonder if maybe 6" was misinterpreted and they really meant 6 centimeters. Thats more realistic and only the US uses the English measurement system anyway while everyone else including Japan uses the metric.
2.4 could make sense for some basic stuff but if streaming games etc to controller is true no way.

Though thinking about it maybe the games being streamed arent what people think they are


Unconfirmed Member
A lot of people have pointed out that releasing a system comparable in specs to PS360 and trying to attract developers because of the smaller development costs is the exact same strategy that backfired with Wii's lackluster third party support. The circumstances are a little different here, though. Wii came about late in the game, after major publishers and studios had already made the big investment of upgrading to HD development. Furthermore, Nintendo were coming off the GCN back then, so their influence in the wider industry was at an all time low. This machine is coming while the industry is still very much in PS3/360 mode and is the successor to the fastest selling console ever. If its gimmick/distinguishing feature is appealing enough to drive adoption at even 2/3rds of the rate Wii sold at, then third parties are in a very interesting position. I suspect that Nintendo's argument that it would be better for most to continue developing for the combined PS3/360/N6 userbase than make the leap up to more powrful hardware, especially when adoption may well move below expectations (look at how long it took for PS3 and 360 to accumulate total sales numbers higher than the Wii alone), would be a hell of a lot more compelling than last time.
If they play their cards right, they could drag this gen on for a very long time, until the industry has 'expanded' more and they're ready to move on. Sony and Microsoft's next offerings might look irrelevant and overpriced to developers and consumers for many years. It's Nintendo's version of 'next gen doesn't start until we say it does'.

If this thing really catches on, all bets are off. But it's a big gamble.
Krev said:
A lot of people have pointed out that releasing a system comparable in specs to PS360 and trying to attract developers because of the smaller development costs is the exact same strategy that backfired with Wii's lackluster third party support. The circumstances are a little different here, though. Wii came about late in the game, after major publishers and studios had already made the big investment of upgrading to HD development. Furthermore, Nintendo were coming off the GCN back then, so their influence in the wider industry was at an all time low. This machine is coming while the industry is still very much in PS3/360 mode and is the successor to the fastest selling console ever. If its gimmick/distinguishing feature is appealing enough to drive adoption at even 2/3rds of the rate Wii sold at, then third parties are in a very interesting position. I suspect that Nintendo's argument that it would be better for most to continue developing for the combined PS3/360/N6 userbase than make the leap up to more powrful hardware, especially when adoption may well move below expectations (look at how long it took for PS3 and 360 to accumulate total sales numbers higher than the Wii alone), would be a hell of a lot more compelling than last time.
If they play their cards right, they could drag this gen on for a very long time, until the industry has 'expanded' more and their ready to move on. Sony and Microsoft's next offerings might look irrelevant and overpriced to developers and consumers for many years. It's Nintendo's version of 'next gen doesn't start until we say it does'.

If this thing really catches on, all bets are off. But it's a big gamble.
It's so crazy it can't fail!

Like eating liquid Nitrogen!


Ok, I know I'm kinda late, and I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been posted, but what about a controller that slides out like this?


Edit: and I didn't really take my time on this, so please forgive the low quality photoshopping. XD
truendo said:
Ok, I know I'm kinda late, and I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been posted, but what about a controller that slides out like this?


Edit: and I didn't really take my time on this, so please forgive the low quality photoshopping. XD
I can't even imagine playing a game with the control pad in that stretched out position lol. Looks way uncomfortable.


I've been thinking about the potential power of the system and some of the other rumors and here are some thoughts:

No matter how powerful or not, meaning matching 360 or significantly above, an HD console from Nintendo will attract long time Nintendo fans. I think these will be the early adopters.

Depending on the unique features/hook the N6 may retain some portion of the wii casual audience, maybe even a majority of them. But I don't think they can capture lightning in a bottle twice.

The "hardcore" non-Nintendo gamer will only adopt the system if it truly has "next gen" power, a clearly superior system to the PS360. 3rd party AAA titles won't be enough if this thing only slightly exceeds the ps360 even if it is the definitive version, with timed exclusive content or whatever.

So unless the hook of the system really is mind blowing amazing like amazing enough to get all 100 million casual wii owners to pony up, I don't see how Nintendo can afford to not make a very powerful, clearly superior "next gen" console. Because I don't think the long time Nintendo fan base is large enough to sustain a system (looks at gamecube), and getting casuals in hordes again would require a hell of a hook and a fairly low price point. What do you guys think?


artwalknoon said:
So unless the hook of the system really is mind blowing amazing like amazing enough to get all 100 million casual wii owners to pony up, I don't see how Nintendo can afford to not make a very powerful, clearly superior "next gen" console. Because I don't think the long time Nintendo fan base is large enough to sustain a system (looks at gamecube), and getting casuals in hordes again would require a hell of a hook and a fairly low price point. What do you guys think?

i agree that power has to be better than current systems, and not just how the wii was stronger than the gamecube in comparison. i don't think microsoft or sony will go off-the-wall crazy next gen, but if the next nintendo system is right around 360 territory, they're looking at a repeat performance of what happened on the wii.

i also think microsoft releasing a console next year is a very real possibility. the 2012 gaming console from amd might be that system.

we'll find out in a little under a week when the launch will take place. if it's part of their annual forecast, then the system is going to probably not be a significant leap forward. if it's not part of their annual forecast, then chances that it'll resemble a more substantial jump from current hd systems are much higher.


Bufbaf said:
I'd say even for a standard controller, a touch screen is a very bad idea. It works on a handheld, because you are supposed to look at it at all times (even if you are looking at the upper screen on a DS). I becomes annoying the moment you have to switch views between TV/controller.
In fact, the difficulty to see both is the reason I found Sakura Taisen 3 great on DC, with the VMU, and no so good on PS2.

Receiving communications on VMU (side-scrolling message) and talking to someone on the TV screen at the same time means thatyou have to mke choices, and bear the consequences... Really fun.

I see many usages to a LCD screen on the pad. First, obviously, informations (possibly private info that you don't share with other players) and/or video chat during gameplay. Second, any "side usage" related to gaming, such as using it to take notes or read faqs during play.

Third, and maybe more importantly : being able to use the Wii 2 without the TV set. Think tablet usage, web browsing, etc. or even gaming when someone else use the TV.
The screen might not be a screen though, it might be a sort of wacom tablet. So you don't take your eyes away from the TV screen, it could be used for writing or drawing, two things every human (give or take) knows how to do. We've already waggled the pointer around to pickup items in games such as stars in Mario, doing it with your finger on a touch interface built-in to the controller could be awesome.
M74 said:
So have they thrown away pointer mechanics? All these rumors simply say "motion controls", which does not necessarily include a pointer. Did I miss a source specifically referencing improved pointer recognition? And if it is there, how in the world does it fit into this traditional gamepad? Why would we need two control sticks if they plan on keeping the pointer?

There has been no mention of pointing either way yet, but I don't think a gamepad totally rules out pointer mechanics, much like 3DS and NGP allow you to adjust your aim by turning a two handed unit.
We'd need two control sticks and pointing so we can still have the ultimate Descent IV machine!

MidnightScott said:
Looks like some Sony moves

Damn, rumbled.


Koren said:
Third, and maybe more importantly : being able to use the Wii 2 without the TV set. Think tablet usage, web browsing, etc. or even gaming when someone else use the TV.
Ding ding!

I just wonder what Nintendo's games are going to look like.

Wind Waker with an assload more polies would be godly on a level I can't even fathom.

I doubt they go balls to the wall with any shader effects though. Tons more polygons to work with and all around higher quality texture work... the nthing in me is very aroused right now.
BowieZ said:
Ding ding!

yep. That's why i think the NGP will be a huge succes. Just play your competative multiplayer games (CoD, Killzone, etc) when and WHERE you want in console quality and console controller set-up.


On a second thought... I'd really really rather have Bully II instead of GTA V. Screw those "serious business" games, high school pranks and whacky stuff is where the fun is at in sandbox games. The Wii remake of Bully is probably the most fun I've had with a sandbox EVER, and one of my top titles for the Wii.


beje said:
On a second thought... I'd really really rather have Bully II instead of GTA V. Screw those "serious business" games, high school pranks and whacky stuff is where the fun is at in sandbox games. The Wii remake of Bully is probably the most fun I've had with a sandbox EVER
word, brah
Maxwell House said:
I can't even imagine playing a game with the control pad in that stretched out position lol. Looks way uncomfortable.
if its a 6 inch screen its an inch wider then the NGP, considering it wont have anywhere near the amount of silicon as the NGP it would also be lighter and the arms would help alleviate hand cramping and make it a more ergonomic device then the NGP

not saying its the best design, but I don't think you can just brush off the idea of the screen in the middle of the controller like this


AniHawk said:
i agree that power has to be better than current systems, and not just how the wii was stronger than the gamecube in comparison. i don't think microsoft or sony will go off-the-wall crazy next gen, but if the next nintendo system is right around 360 territory, they're looking at a repeat performance of what happened on the wii.

i also think microsoft releasing a console next year is a very real possibility. the 2012 gaming console from amd might be that system.

I think there are developers/publishers out there that do want their games on a Nintendo platform even if it's just Xbox 360 power level. The reason being it would be so cheap to develop or port. As for Microsoft, they would also need to deliver something more than just better graphics. A wii remote or Move style controller wouldn't go astray with Kinect.

Okay, see that thing on the left? That's what I want.

You see those four buttons surrounding the circle? Now imagine the circle is an analog slider that you can click in like a button. Then give the thing two triggers. And you can have one in each hand.

So if you were holding both, you would get:

4 face buttons immediately accessible to your right hand.
4 face buttons accessible to your left hand if you took your thumb off the analog slider.
4 triggers/bumpers/shoulder buttons.
2 analog sliders. Clickable as large circular buttons
Two D-pads at the bottom of the controller
Dual pointing.
And full Motion Plus controls.

More than enough for any "hardcore game," and it still doesn't look too complicated. As for a touchscreen? Go to hell.


beje said:
On a second thought... I'd really really rather have Bully II instead of GTA V. Screw those "serious business" games, high school pranks and whacky stuff is where the fun is at in sandbox games. The Wii remake of Bully is probably the most fun I've had with a sandbox EVER, and one of my top titles for the Wii.

Seriously? I need to try this game out.


apana said:
Seriously? I need to try this game out.

Of course. It got a lot of bad press as it was portrayed as a "bullying simulator" but that's far from reality. In fact, the very first missions are about protecting nerds from jocks and stuff like that. Of course you can get into random fights if you want but if you ever touch a girl or a smaller kid you have all the staff behind your ass on full alert in less than a second. And the storyline and characters really wipe the floor with the ones from GTA. Also the game rewards you for actually going to class with new abilities and the option to skip the subjects as long as you manage to pass.

Anyway, don't get the PS2 version and go for the Wii, X360 or PC versions instead as they have a lot of extra content, double the ammount of classes and a whole new chapter.


truendo said:
Ok, I know I'm kinda late, and I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been posted, but what about a controller that slides out like this?


Edit: and I didn't really take my time on this, so please forgive the low quality photoshopping. XD


nephilimdj said:
The top right one would be perfect for a lcd

jep i absolutly love this design and hope the controller will be something like that. Touchscreen and digipad/controllstick on one side, then flip it and more fleshed out button layout on the other side, problem would be that it could get a little too bulky with 2 sticks on both sides on top of that the usual abxy buttons..i dont know. The analog sticks would probably make it a little uncomfortable to hold too if you are facing the touchscreen...maybe dual numb analog sticks would help...no idea...


HenryGale said:
Okay I said earlier I would toss in a mockup. All of these seem to be different than I am thinking. A 6inch screen doesn't have to be gigantic and I think can be more practical. Plus I don't see how any of these can support motion.

Here is exactly what I have been picturing.

This is what I think it'll be close to, except there will be an analog stick above the screen.

It's also the worst possible scenario. This would be the first time there really would be no debate whatsoever - this would be the worst controller possible. People defending it would instantly be labeled. Touch screen can never mimic the tactile feel of buttons properly, even if it does that lame click buzz shit some phones have.

I dunno I think with all the rumours this looks closest, but I have to figure Nintendo isn't that dumb.
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