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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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So really this is nothing more than a rumor by multiple sources. I'm a bit skeptical. Nintendo is even tighter than Apple when it comes to security leaks.


Ickman3400 said:
Yeah, didn't someone at IGN throw the rumor out there that 3DS was on par with ps3, or even better? Let's wait for E3 at least.

Yep, I remember that happening very early on. Early system power analysis is absolutely worthless.

So while I am extremely excited by this news, anything other than the announcement of the announcement is unclear.


Parmesan et Romano
devkit leaked


looks kinda fake tbh


Unconfirmed Member
EatChildren said:
Assuming these rumours are true, mixed reports on hardware power would have me believe it's not as powerful as the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3, at least not in all areas.

It reminds me of the 3DS gossip. Some were saying it was very powerful, others were saying it was weaker than the Wii. What we've got is a system that is quite powerful in some areas (eg: shaders), that may even surpass the Wii, but weaker in other areas (triangle count) over the Wii.

If it were objectively more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, I cant see why any developer would say otherwise. If they cant decide if it is they're either idiots, or it's horsepower falls much closer to the other two systems than one might expect.

But there's something (almost) everyone agrees, that it's more powerful than a PSP and (more than) a generation ahead of the DS.

And have actually developers said that its around a Ps3/360? Since that can mean anything, systems ranging from the NGP (or even the iPad 2) to current middle end PC have been described as such, even when the difference is comfortable over a factor of 10. Here on GAF, someone jokingly suggested that the Wii 2 was going to have an HD 5570 with the classic, lol Nintendo hardware, even though that GPU gives a hard beating to the Xenos and RSX in Raw power and is more than a gen ahead in features set...
Regulus Tera said:
This shit is gonna be fucking expensive isn't it?

Not necessarily.

Most low-end gaming pc's are more powerful than a ps3.

It could very well be more powerful and end up costing as much as a Wii to the consumer.


Gold Member
-Pyromaniac- said:
but what happens if a ton of gamers don't go onto that wii 2 wagon and opt to wait for ps4/720, while casuals don't go onto it either, as they are a pretty unpredictable/fickle bunch.

This is exactly what Sony was trying to pull with unveiling NGP just a month before 3DS went on sale. I don't think it did quite the splash they expected, people were pretty indifferent.

But on the other hand, my anecdotal evidence says that 3DS didn't quite hit it out of the park yet either, even though I think NGP didn't have much to do with it. It was more the lack of exciting software and the high cognitive load involved in staying in the 3D sweet spot that hurt 3DS, in my opinion.

It's hard to impress gamers with handheld tech given how good phones and chips inside them are these days, and how fast they move. The console space doesn't really have this problem at all, it's easier to impress.


My thoughts are based off Nintendos business history and my guess is that how far they are willing to go in the graphics department will depend cost. Nintendo is notorious now for only wanting to release consoles that make a profit from day one.

Microsoft and Sony aren't.

I would bet we see a Nintendo console that is noticeably better than ps3/360 but that soon after we will see the next gen ps3/360 consoles and they will be noticeably better than Nintendo's. Which might just put Nintendo in the same spot they are basically in now. Except maybe with only a slightly smaller gap.

Nintendo is that company that makes one or two brilliant moves but then has several head scratchers that have always made us say "yep, that's Nintendo for you. I just don't get why they chose to do that."
AceBandage said:

lol , watch when they don't show a controller at e3 and even crazier rumors begin.

J-Rock said:
Having a small Touch screen on the Wii-remote almost makes sense. Touch screen devices are the current trend with human hands.

the whole wii-remote face is now a touch screen, the ultimate customizable controller, with wireless nunchuk attachment.


Nintendo better offer something revolutionary with the next Wii as the Wii was revolutionary otherwise I'll likely give up on being a console gamer.

HD graphics is not what keeps my appeal to play games but new gameplay experiences.


Chittagong said:
This is exactly what Sony was trying to pull with unveiling NGP just a month before 3DS went on sale. I don't think it did quite the splash they expected, people were pretty indifferent.

But on the other hand, my anecdotal evidence says that 3DS didn't quite hit it out of the park yet either, even though I think NGP didn't have much to do with it. It was more the lack of exciting software and the high cognitive load involved in staying in the 3D sweet spot that hurt 3DS, in my opinion.

It's hard to impress gamers with handheld tech given how good phones and chips inside them are these days, and how fast they move. The console space doesn't really have this problem at all, it's easier to impress.
Plus everyone has iPhones now.


JCRedeems said:
Nintendo better offer something revolutionary with the next Wii as the Wii was revolutionary otherwise I'll likely give up on being a console gamer.

HD graphics is not what keeps my appeal to play games but new gameplay experiences.

More power = more gameplay experience

imagine a Mario Platformer that is more open world like Mario 64, so you have huge open areas with tons of detail and obstacles and tons of enemies on screen at once with HD graphics and a killer draw distance.

what about a Smash Bros that actually has decent online, because of the power you could have crazy 4v4 team battles with tons of shit going on at once.

it is exciting to finally have Nintendo games that can use some power


Hero said:
So really this is nothing more than a rumor by multiple sources. I'm a bit skeptical. Nintendo is even tighter than Apple when it comes to security leaks.

Well, they are asking third parties what they want in a console. If your want to make nice with third parties, that usually involves telling them things. Then you have to hope that they don't tell other people things.


StuBurns said:
Is the DS a dumb idea?
this is the equivalent to the ds screens being 10-15 feet apart from each other. it just sounds like a pointless extra. i'm sure it could have some cool uses but it just seems like one small step above the uselessness of having the psp as a rear-view mirror for ps3.
Hero said:
So really this is nothing more than a rumor by multiple sources. I'm a bit skeptical. Nintendo is even tighter than Apple when it comes to security leaks.
Really? Even though the DS's specs, the Wii's specs, and the 3DS itself were all leaked before announced?


Saint Gregory said:
Sounds like touchscreen controls at the top of the controller like the high end Logitech remotes. But WTF at HD. . . How big would the touchscreen have to be to have a rated HD resolution?

The full Wii controller itself would be a screen itself with A, B, dpad, 1 and 2 buttons one it. Basically imgine your remote, it still has all the buttons, but imagine instead of the plastic that houses it, it is a screen. It will probably slightly bigger too so you get more of the screen.
Nuclear Muffin said:
Ahh, it's that lovely time where people will believe any old bullshit rumours that come out.
ah yes the time of year where people shoot down every rumour only to be laughed at when these threads are posted after E3 =p
When I think about it this screen on the controller rumor can't be true. If it is then the console + additional controllers are going to cost a metric fuckton.

Oh and NPD + new Nintendo console rumors? GAF WILL NOT SURVIVE THIS NIIIIGHT!!!


btkadams said:
a screen on the damn controller? i'm sorry but that just sounds like a dumb idea. i'm interested to see that.

I question this as well. Buying an additional controller that has an HD screen has to be pretty damn expensive. Controllers are already way overpriced. I'd love to see the PR guy who has to justify to the public marketing a 80 plus dollar controller just so your friend can play wii sports HD with you.
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