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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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StuBurns said:
Based on what? I bet it's larger.

Graphics are already starting to plateau.
It's physics that will be taking up more power from here on out.
And physics are much easier to scale than HD graphics were.
Just saw this thread. Is this why NeoGAF is dying right now?

Anyway, whether or not these rumors are true it doesn't matter. The fact that there are rumors means that the system is coming soon. I kind of hope they are true though... they sound good. Just don't charge too much money, Nintendo!


Steve Youngblood said:
I still don't think you follow me. I get general excitement at new hardware. Bases on known info, though, I don't get optimistic analysis that Nintendo is really trying to win the arms race, or the skeptical analysis that they're biting off more they can chew. Such speculation is premature.

You said you couldn't understand why people were celebrating because nothing amazing has been announced, but to some people this news is amazing. A lot of people didn't expect Nintendo's next console to be as powerful as PS3, never mind significantly more powerful. Also I don't remember anyone seriously saying that based on this info Nintendo will win the hardware race next gen.

As far as speculation goes, its mostly premature, but I wouldn't expect anything else from an excited GAF.


After implementing a back-touch panel in the NGP, I could see SONY implementing some kind of touch in the Dual Shock 4. I could actually see all 3 of them do it.



Aww. I was hoping we'd get yet another Mega-E3 where all 3 consoles and games (target trailers even!) would be shown off at the same time. Spectacular times on Gaf, and makes you feel like a kid again.

HD screen on the controller... that's interesting to say the least. Nintendo has a lot more heat on them than the other 3 to surpass the rage they created with the wiimote, let's see if they can pull that off. If the neo-Wii is significantly more powerful than the PS3, many will be happy and can finally admit "grafix yo" can add enjoyment to a game. It's going to be interesting to say the least over all, but if true, I can't see MS and especially Sony let ninty be the top-dog in power.


That HD screen on the controller seems like a costly decision. Would rather they just stick with the Wii Remote Plus, or maybe a slight upgrade with a heart beat sensing grip built in


Majine said:
Almost definately backwards compatible, so no.
Can't support two different types of controllers? Bluetooth is bluetooth. Don't use old thinking of when consoles wouldn't support old controllers because they didn't want to put so many ports on their system.

EmCeeGramr said:
Dude "normal controller" hasn't meant the same thing in years.
Tell that to all the best selling games on 360 and PS3.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
LiquidMetal14 said:
Seems weird to see the winner of this gen potentially launch first. How the tides have turned.

It's so they can win again even faster of course.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Damn Wii sold 290K in March NPD. Lower then both the PS3 and 360.

They release a new handheld while the previous one is stll killing the charts, but the Wii is slowly sinking and Super Wii is late 2012 (basically two years away)?


Goddamnit Nintendo dont' kick start the next gen already. The 360 and PS3 still have so much life left in them and they're still $400 (in certain SKUs) new. I for one will not jump on that next gen bandwagon for a long long time.


PKrockin said:
The Wii was backwards compatible and its controller certainly wasn't anything like the Gamecube's.

I expect to see a similar remote form controller to WiiMote, Nintendo do not want to alienate thier old casual consumers and have them relearn a new controller. Wii Mote works because it is simple and anyone can pick it up, I think they will just build on the WiiMote (e.g add a screen, better motion, touch sense and etc).
From CVG article...

and launch titles from third-party developers are in the works right now.
Now that's interesting! Maybe some announcements at E3? Monster Hunter HD, bitches.

all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.
DreamCast, is that you? NooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO! Sega GTFO!

"Nintendo's plans sound unreal," one source said. "Publishers are already planning launch titles and it's all very exciting.
Ports are not exciting, get your shit together source.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
DoomXploder7 said:
the screen alone isn't the crazy part( ok it is still crazy, but then its nintendo), especially if it was a touch screen of some sort. An HD screen is the crazy part. though a screen and motion controls seems like it would interfere with each other, unless they plan to have 2 controllers.

I can imagine them having the Wii2 controller and bundling a Wii motion controller or charging extra for that.
How about a portable controller that you can carry around, interact with your surroundings/do inventory stuff, and then you upload stats or something to the Wii 2?

It's not all about graphics. I don't want HD Zelda or Mario. Needs a new gimmick.


KAL2006 said:
More power = more gameplay experience

imagine a Mario Platformer that is more open world like Mario 64, so you have huge open areas with tons of detail and obstacles and tons of enemies on screen at once with HD graphics and a killer draw distance.

what about a Smash Bros that actually has decent online, because of the power you could have crazy 4v4 team battles with tons of shit going on at once.

it is exciting to finally have Nintendo games that can use some power

Meh. A Mario Galaxy game wouldn't be fundamentally different with extra draw distance and in HD graphics. Smash Bros could've had a great online system, I don't think the power of Wii precludes it. MHTri has pretty awesome online.

I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 and I'm getting jaded. The only reason I game now is because of the Wii (the only console I own) which offered new experiences. I just don't think it's worth throwing down $250+ every 5 years for better visuals when the fundamental gameplay is the same. I'm cool with more powerful hardware of course but if that is all it will have to offer then I'll pass.

I'm hoping Nintendo gets really creative with the next Wii and blow our minds as they did when the Wii was unveiled. I read they spent 1.5 billion in R&D in the last couple of years so I'm fairly optimistic.


Skiesofwonder said:
Damn Wii sold 290K in March NPD. Lower then both the PS3 and 360.

They release a new handheld while the previous one is stll killing the charts, but the Wii is slowly sinking and Super Wii is late 2012 (basically two years away)?

It's pretty much dying worldwide.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
witness said:
Goddamnit Nintendo dont' kick start the next gen already. The 360 and PS3 still have so much life left in them and they're still $400 (in certain SKUs) new. I for one will not jump on that next gen bandwagon for a long long time.

Wii has been underpowered and pretty crap since it launched. This is a good thing.
Skiesofwonder said:
Damn Wii sold 290K in March NPD. Lower then both the PS3 and 360.

They release a new handheld while the previous one is stll killing the charts, but the Wii is slowly sinking and Super Wii is late 2012 (basically two years away)?

Are you new to Nintendo console transitions? I thought that the Gamecube was far done by the time the Wii hit the shelves. They are usually pretty poor at supporting their consoles that are on the way out.


I am glad that Nintendo are finally looking to embrace the hardcore crowd again. However the only way I will even consider buying another console from them is if they install a real online system like PSN/XBLA. Friend codes and shit is not acceptable in this day and age.


AceBandage said:
Graphics are already starting to plateau.
It's physics that will be taking up more power from here on out.
And physics are much easier to scale than HD graphics were.
I don't agree at all. However I was more talking about the performance difference not some abstracted 'prettiness' rating.

I imagine they're going to do the same thing again, 'last-gen' tech with a twist, so PS360 level ish. However this time apparently they're also going first by a year or two, so they're going to be a generation and two years behind the PS480 in my wild speculation. We'll see though.


Question. When is Nintendo Fiscal year business meeting to talk results and year to come?

With IGN saying an announcement of the system is this month im guessing it will be around then


Everyone acts as if this rumour has some credibility because multiple sites are reporting on it. But I bet it all comes from the same source, and that source could be making it all up.


StuBurns said:
I don't agree at all. However I was more talking about the performance difference not some abstracted 'prettiness' rating.

I imagine they're going to do the same thing again, 'last-gen' tech with a twist, so PS360 level ish. However this time apparently they're also going first by a year or two, so they're going to be a generation and two years behind the PS480 in my wild speculation. We'll see though.

Significantly more powerful than a PS3? Also, Sakurai was talking about making HD games, it all makes sense now.
antonz said:
Question. When is Nintendo Fiscal year business meeting to talk results and year to come?

With IGN saying an announcement of the system is this month im guessing it will be around then

April 25th, I believe.


witness said:
Goddamnit Nintendo dont' kick start the next gen already. The 360 and PS3 still have so much life left in them and they're still $400 (in certain SKUs) new. I for one will not jump on that next gen bandwagon for a long long time.

Yeah but it's supposedly coming out in late 2012. By then the 360 will be 7 years old.


Yay, new console hype!
Controller with screen / tablet controller? o_O. Actually I wouldn't believe that.

Only hope it will be powerful enough to be semi-future-safe. I'm not thinking exactly that the other consoles' successors will put Nintendo into the Wii situation again since you have to ramp up power extremely to get any really noticable improvements (for the average gamer) compared to a >PS3 machine.

It's more of a general problem of having to deliver something unique. HD graphics are down (well at least Nintendo can still play this card although it's nothing entirely new). Motion control is down. What next? Vitality sensor doesn't really cut it. 3DS interactivity? Feels not substantial enough to me. Leaves the controlling scheme which is again the big question mark. But I'm at a loss here.
neptunes said:
After implementing a back-touch panel in the NGP, I could see SONY implementing some kind of touch in the Dual Shock 4. I could actually see all 3 of them do it.


I am 100% for this. I absolutely loved the Dreamcast VMU. And if they could pair the data on the controller with their respective handhelds (WP7 in Microsoft's case - so far), even better!


This has got me pretty stoked for E3. I honestly was not expecting hardware aside from the NGP.

this will rock. I don't really care if it's slightly more or way more powerful than current consoles, I;m just happy that we're on pace for at least one new console for 2012.

My hope for E3 is that they show some real software and not some pre-rendered reel like sony 2005.

side note: looks like Gaf had to disable all avatars to get back to normal loading speed


The tidbit about a possible late 2012 launch is intriguing and falls well within my expectation. Hopefully, this will also mean that both Sony and MS will be "forced" to launch their new consoles in the same time period (more or less) putting an end to all this crap about new consoles in late 2013/2014 that some like to adhere to.


JCRedeems said:
Meh. A Mario Galaxy game wouldn't be fundamentally different with extra draw distance and in HD graphics. Smash Bros could've had a great online system but I don't think it the power of Wii would preclude it. MHTri has pretty awesome online.

I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 and I'm getting jaded. The only reason I game now is because of the Wii (the only console I own) which offered new experiences. I just don't think it's worth throwing down $250+ every 5 years for better visuals when the fundamental gameplay is the same. I'm cool with more powerful hardware of course but if that is all it will have to offer then I'll pass.

I'm hoping Nintendo gets really creative with the next Wii and blow our minds as they did when the was unveiled. I read they spent 1.5 billion in R&D in the last couple of years so I'm fairly optimistic.

the Wii was a weak console that is one of the reasons why many games that came out on PS3/360 cannot be made on Wii. For example a Left 4 Dead game didn't come on Wii because it can't handle the amount of zombies there are, the Star Wars game on Wii didn't have any physics, the list goes on. What I am saying is finally these possiblities can happen on Nintendo games, the only reason you are saying I won't be imprssed is because you havn't seen it, once Nintendo show of their franchises on the new system, I can assure you majority of people will go bonkers. Again imagine a Smash Bros with a much bigger scale, 6 vs 6 online battles with tons of shit going on, the Wii cannot handle that, imagine Mario game that is detailed with tons of goombas all rendered at once, maybe some giant enemies, crazy draw distance, insane physics and etc.
You had me at HD windwaker. I really hope that they delay Wii Zelda. One for the quality upgrade and two for the graphics upgrade. Get retro working on an HD Metroid Prime remake. That would just be the best game ever made.

It's all sounding a lot like the ps2/gc/xbox era. The console to get mostly everything right and release first won that round like a boss.

Still, i'm trying to keep my hype to reasonable levels. Nintendo hasn't been cutting edge or high profile for over a decade.
I refuse to believe any of this is true. I'm actually shocked people trust IGN of all places, they couldn't even get tech specs for the 3DS.
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