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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Quadrangulum said:
This sounds utterly fantastic. I hope there's uniform and worthwhile integration between this and the 3DS.

Well Ono said 3DS will connect to a home console, so 3DS could in theory be a controller too.


Saint Gregory said:
Sounds like touchscreen controls at the top of the controller like the high end Logitech remotes. But WTF at HD. . . How big would the touchscreen have to be to have a rated HD resolution?

HD doesn't necessarily means big screens.
gofreak said:
I wasn't paying much heed to these rumours, but this is starting to sound more solid.

Not sure what the strategy is here though, unless it blows PS3/360 out of the water graphically or has some new 'trick' up its sleeve (but it doesn't really sound like it from one of the sources they quote?).

If it's just PS3/360-ballpark graphics...umm...nice, but I'd have preferred this in Wii, Nintendo. I feel like I'd be buying two systems to get the single lifecycle I wanted.

I'm not buying this until I see it--they have no need to recapture the HC market.

Although buying 2 systems would fit the business side of things.
oh come on how can it have an HD screen on a controller :/

small touch screens would be nice you get your own secret stats screen for local multiplayer games like Mario Party HD

but an HD Screen? What is the controller an NGP?


Parmesan et Romano
Shiggy said:
So did this DS dev kit(which was no fake!):

A friend tried making a replica of that thing once. Of course, it didn't do shit but it was cool to look at.


Smiles and Cries said:
oh come on how can it have an HD screen on a controller :/

small touch screens would be nice you get your own secret stats screen for local multiplayer games like Mario Party HD

but an HD Screen? What is the controller an NGP?
the biggest bomb drop at e3! sony and nintendo partnering


Predicted touchscreen also, I'm on a roll. I'm also the only one keeping count lol. Anyways what I thought was that you would put your thumb on the screen and it would be able to sense your pulse and different vibrations in your body.


A screen on the controller sounds so retarded (and expensive).

Then again, we all thought the same thing when we first saw the Wii remote, so whatever.

Just give us Gamecube controller ports Nintendo, please ; _ ;


just thought of something

what if the whole controller itself, instead of being made of plastic, it is made of haptic touch screen, this way you will feel crazy senses of touch, for example when you touch a dog with the WiiMote you actually feel fur on your hand

video on haptic touch


This is mental. I think the controller will be modular so you can take off ridiculous things like touch screens and replace them with another analogue stick. I dunno, anything could happen, it's Nintendo.


KAL2006 said:
just thought of something

what if the whole controller itself, instead of being made of plastic, it is made of haptic touch screen, this way you will feel crazy senses of touch, for example when you touch a dog with the WiiMote you actually feel fur on your hand
Porn possibilities are amazing.
KAL2006 said:
More power = more gameplay experience

imagine a Mario Platformer that is more open world like Mario 64
, so you have huge open areas with tons of detail and obstacles and tons of enemies on screen at once with HD graphics and a killer draw distance.

what about a Smash Bros that actually has decent online, because of the power you could have crazy 4v4 team battles with tons of shit going on at once.

it is exciting to finally have Nintendo games that can use some power
sounds awful to me.
I have no doubt that if this happens and a fall 2012 release is announced, then we will see Sony and Microsoft both revealing new consoles at next years E3 / TGS. It will force their hand.

I also think that if this happens it could put Nintendo at a disadvantage for everything except price, and won't give them a massive lead to boot. However there will be alot of people clamouring for Nintendo games in HD who also want a taste at the kind of visuals 'next gen systems' will be offering, so I imagine Wii 2 will do very well out the gate.
I'm starting to imagine that this Super Wii will not have new games that use the old Wii Remote, but it will be possible to connect the Wii Remote to the Super Wii via Bluetooth.

AceBandage said:
The 3DS exists for them, along with downloadable services.
Sure, but why hold those developers back to the 3DS? I want my comfy couch, big screen games. :(

btkadams said:
a screen on the damn controller? i'm sorry but that just sounds like a dumb idea. i'm interested to see that.
It sounds dumb to be an HD screen, but I don't think it's dumb at all.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
A screen on the controller does kinda make sense for Nintendo. I mean look at Pac-Man VS, Four Sword Adventures, and Crystal Chronicles.

They really could make some fun and unique games with it. It also could be used to get rid of HUD cluttering the screen, make having inventories a LOT easier, and they wouldn't need for you to pause the action or to bring up a seperate screen. Touch screen control would be a must.

Still not buying into it yet. And Nintendo better not exclude motion control.
Appollowexx said:
I have no doubt that if this happens and a fall 2012 release is announced, then we will see Sony and Microsoft both revealing new consoles at next years E3 / TGS. It will force their hand.

I also think that if this happens it could put Nintendo at a disadvantage for everything except price, and won't give them a massive lead to boot. However there will be alot of people clamouring for Nintendo games in HD who also want a taste at the kind of visuals 'next gen systems' will be offering, so I imagine Wii 2 will do very well out the gate.

The gap between the Wii 2 and the PS4/720 will be much much smaller than the gap between the Wii and the PS3/360, though.


flintstryker said:
sounds awful to me.

I do prefer Mario Galaxy linear games, however I don't mind a change, I don't see why we can't get both, make a game like Mario 64 that is more open world, then for the next game more like Mario Galaxy that is linear. I like variety it keeps things fresh


Gold Member
I wonder how Nintendo will handle the backwards compability with Wii.

Running 480p or will they let the users have the new console run and render the Wii games in 720p or ever 1080p ?


Big Papa Husker said:
Damn! I go to work and get home and see this news. Lets hope Nintendo takes a hint from the Dolphin Emulator and allows for 1080p GCN/Wii games! ;D

Not gonna happen. That emulator doesn't just make games look 1080p automatically. They have to be tweaked, one by one, to look like that. And not to mention that it also breaks a lot of other stuff in game that constantly needs fixing.

Will GC/Wii games look better on Wii2? Sure. But not like Dolphin makes them look.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Power sounds great. I'd perfer a return to a more traditional controler though. I doubt that will happen. Cant upset the casuals.

Nice to see Nintendo spending all that Wii money on "US" now lol.
the screen alone isn't the crazy part( ok it is still crazy, but then its nintendo), especially if it was a touch screen of some sort. An HD screen is the crazy part. though a screen and motion controls seems like it would interfere with each other, unless they plan to have 2 controllers.
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