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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Kansasdude2009 said:
Rumor Nuggets -- More stuff from a source that broke the GTA V rumors -- This is really starting to look more and more unrealistic.

-- Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits.
-- They each have at least one game in development for the Wii 2.
-- Expect games to be coming to this system that you would never expect on a Nintendo console.
-- Nintendo is kissing third party ****s with this console.
-- The new Nintendo controller sounds more ridiculous on paper. When you actually see the thing, it makes a lot more sense from a design standard.
-- Expect Nintendo to roll out the red carpet for third parties so their games don’t get overshadowed. Nintendo has been preaching to third parties that third parties won’t get screwed this time around, so if you’re expecting a ton of amazing first party games at launch…well…think again. Nintendo wants a launch that creates confidence in third parties again so expect very few first party games at launch similar to the 3DS.
-- Star Fox is coming. I can’t say when. Very good chance that it WONT be at E3. I am hearing Star Fox is coming for the new Nintendo system, but it is very early in development.
-- Nintendo solved every storage issue a third party could possibly have with the new console. I don’t know if it’s a harddrive or a different, cheaper way to store data.
-- Nintendo revamping their WiiWare and virtual console services. I don’t think it will be called WiiWare anymore.
-- Almost positive that we’ll be seeing Pikmin in some shape or form.
-- A first person shooter that people love will be ported to the 3DS. I can’t say what game, but it’s popular among FPS gamers.
-- Expect a crapload of 3DS love at this E3. The show will be wayyy more 3DS than Wii 2 (Project Cafe). 3DS stuff will be at least 60 percent of the E3 pre-show.
-- Don’t listen to anyone who says new Nintendo console will launch by end of 2011. They are idiots. This holiday season is all about the 3DS and Nintendo’s E3 show will focus on that.
-- Don’t expect many games to be shown at E3 for new Nintendo console, but expect all of the key features to be revealed.
-- Nintendo is thinking about launching Zelda: Skyward Sword around the same time as Wii 2 since Wii 2 is backwards compatible with Wii 1 games. They want to follow the same strategy when they launched Pokemon Black/White when 3DS was coming out.
-- I am 90 percent sure you will not see a Zelda: Skyward Sword port to the Wii 2. It will remain a Wii 1 game.
-- Nintendo approached Hideo Kojima about the new Nintendo console. Nintendo and Hideo Kojima have a good relationship with each other.
-- A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system. I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
-- Retrostudios started working on a Wii 2 game. It is NOT Metroid. Retro is done with Metroid.

Read more: http://gameolosophy.com/consoles/wii/more-project-cafe-rumors/#ixzz1K0FgUSxM

None of this sounds too crazy. I would hate for them to push back Zelda though.


Pyrokai said:
Edit: Uhhh.....the rumors I was referring to are the ones posted above me anyway :p
Yup, that's what I found! I recognised the blog, and apparently she's where the GTAV rumours came from as well, so that explains that. Obviously anyone could make this stuff up, but... well... we've got nothing else!

Now, we have to keep in mind that one rumour being ridiculous from the same blog doesn't preclude the rest from being true; claims to have several sources. Also, I'm not sure why she can share some info but not others? Maybe this is a controlled leak after all? Or maybe she's having us on. Either way, guessing is the fun part:

-- Stuff regarding 3rd parties is all in line with what I've grown to believe Nintendo are doing, so I'll take that as being likely.
-- Ridiculous on paper, but practical in reality? Sounds like Nintendo to me.
-- Star Fox & Pikmin in development? Sure, why not.
-- "Every possible issue" regarding storage? I think this means fast BD and a big HDD.
-- Revamping store services, we've already heard about this, so yeah.
-- Lots of 3DS stuff at the show, including popular FPS port. Very likely, 3DS will be focus.
-- ALL the key features shown at E3? Doubt it, but then who would know other than Ninty?
-- Launch next year? Yep. Skyward Sword at the same time? Nope.
-- Approach Hideo, RE in development, Retro making a game. All but certain.
Kansasdude2009 said:
Rumor Nuggets -- More stuff from a source that broke the GTA V rumors -- This is really starting to look more and more unrealistic.

-- Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits.
-- They each have at least one game in development for the Wii 2.
-- Expect games to be coming to this system that you would never expect on a Nintendo console.
-- Nintendo is kissing third party ****s with this console.
-- The new Nintendo controller sounds more ridiculous on paper. When you actually see the thing, it makes a lot more sense from a design standard.
-- Expect Nintendo to roll out the red carpet for third parties so their games don’t get overshadowed. Nintendo has been preaching to third parties that third parties won’t get screwed this time around, so if you’re expecting a ton of amazing first party games at launch…well…think again. Nintendo wants a launch that creates confidence in third parties again so expect very few first party games at launch similar to the 3DS.
-- Star Fox is coming. I can’t say when. Very good chance that it WONT be at E3. I am hearing Star Fox is coming for the new Nintendo system, but it is very early in development.
-- Nintendo solved every storage issue a third party could possibly have with the new console. I don’t know if it’s a harddrive or a different, cheaper way to store data.
-- Nintendo revamping their WiiWare and virtual console services. I don’t think it will be called WiiWare anymore.
-- Almost positive that we’ll be seeing Pikmin in some shape or form.
-- A first person shooter that people love will be ported to the 3DS. I can’t say what game, but it’s popular among FPS gamers.
-- Expect a crapload of 3DS love at this E3. The show will be wayyy more 3DS than Wii 2 (Project Cafe). 3DS stuff will be at least 60 percent of the E3 pre-show.
-- Don’t listen to anyone who says new Nintendo console will launch by end of 2011. They are idiots. This holiday season is all about the 3DS and Nintendo’s E3 show will focus on that.
-- Don’t expect many games to be shown at E3 for new Nintendo console, but expect all of the key features to be revealed.
-- Nintendo is thinking about launching Zelda: Skyward Sword around the same time as Wii 2 since Wii 2 is backwards compatible with Wii 1 games. They want to follow the same strategy when they launched Pokemon Black/White when 3DS was coming out.
-- I am 90 percent sure you will not see a Zelda: Skyward Sword port to the Wii 2. It will remain a Wii 1 game.
-- Nintendo approached Hideo Kojima about the new Nintendo console. Nintendo and Hideo Kojima have a good relationship with each other.
-- A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system. I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
-- Retrostudios started working on a Wii 2 game. It is NOT Metroid. Retro is done with Metroid.

Read more: http://gameolosophy.com/consoles/wii/more-project-cafe-rumors/#ixzz1K0FgUSxM

I guess the person is looking for some hits ;d


Sounds like the launch is going to be a lot like the 3DS, heavy on third parties.

Guess the rumors are kinda interesting, but remember that is all they are for now.


From The Dust said:
not sure if serious

Of course not. Treyarch put a lot of love into the Wii ports despite the "hurrr hardcore games don't sell on wii durrr" crap. The point is that anyone can make a lot of those points out of thin air and likely be right.
PushTheButtonMax said:
Just wanted to throw this tidbit into this massive thread: I was watching Destructoid's live stream of the Conduit 2 a few minutes ago. High Voltage got a question asking what they know about this console and he replied with a smug, "We can't talk about that." Seems like the rumor of devs getting kits early might have some truth to it.

Maybe The Grinder will finally be released.


From The Dust said:
Nintendo holding back games for third parties? fuck that shit (kinda, not completely)

yea, I buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games first.

A good game is a good game, no matter who made it.


Did launching Pokemon right before really work out that well for the 3DS? It seems like it just kind of overshadowed it.
Nintendo would be much better served by releasing Zelda this year and giving the Wii one more solid holiday season. (Unless of course, they actually need more development time)


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
It seems like people never learn when it comes to these fan mock-ups. They always end up looking so ridiculous in retrospect.


StevieP said:
Call of Duty. The Wii didn't have any of those, apparently.

The Wii (and DS actually) had a few of them.

If that is true about the FPS, I think it would be Goldeneye. That's a game that would get people's attention, not another Call of Duty.


supabrett said:
What shovelware? PS2 had games

So does the Wii. The PS2 had absolute assloads of shovelware. Much of it was ported to the Wii, FFS.


The Wii (and DS actually) had a few of them.

If that is true about the FPS, I think it would be Goldeneye. That's a game that would get people's attention, not another Call of Duty.

It was sarcasm. The CoD games on Wii were (generally) very good, controlle well, had decent online, and BLOPS was patchable even. The pointer controls were far superior to their dual-analog counterparts. The visuals, on the other hand...

As far as Goldeneye goes - the remake Eurocom did was great as is. One of the best single player campaigns across all consoles. Puts the CoDs/Crysis2s/etc to shame.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The_Darkest_Red said:
I just feel like it would be wise for Nintendo to avoid presenting the device as a "tablet." They would be setting consumers up for disappointment when they found out they couldn't even store their music on it or something. I think it should be marketed as more of an auxiliary device for the Wii 2, either as a special kind of controller or an alternate way to output useful information from the system.
It would be a local tablet for the console base server. How to market it as that I'm not sure, but you wouldn't need to store your music on it because you could stream from the console for example. Inter-connectivity would be the feature you would be pushing, the ability for everyone to participate in their own thing but also share it with others and for everyone to communally participate in things if they wanted.
An IR blaster with universal remote functionality would also be a great idea, allowing someone/everyone to control the TV, DVR, console, bluray player etc from the same device making the tablet/console central to the entire living room experience without having to stuff all that functionality into the console.
This last rumor mill is pure speculation. Some of the stuff make sense (and ought to be made up) but it is mostly becauase of the Nintendo information - no one knows (or can reveal) so many details about Nintendo's software plans.


supabrett said:
What shovelware? PS2 had games

And it had a lot of shovelware, as did the PS1, the SNES\Genesis and the NES. Its a fact that the top selling console gets a lot of shovelware.

The difference is that the top rated games cancel the shovelware out. That didn't happen with the Wii, which is why it got out of control like it did. When people look back at a system like the PS2, they only remember the good games, they don't remember the vast amount of crap that sat there on store shelfs.


Norwegian Wood said:
Nintendo kissing 3rd party ***?

Hell must have frozen over and no one bothered to tell the rest of the world

It's been party of their 3DS strategy. Makes sense to think they'd do something like it for the cafe.


Mario Galaxy alone cancels out all shovelware.

But the point is, market leaders always get shelves upon shelves full of it. History supports that.


Game-Biz said:
I'm going to take a wild guess and say they have absolutely no sources/connections and they pulled all those "rumors" out of their ass to get hits.

Pretty much what I thought reading through it.


The golden rule for Nintendo rumors seems to be:
- If they sound positive, they're total bullshit.
- If they sound negative but not trollish, they turn out true.
- The more rumors there are the higher is the percentage of bullshit.

So I'm cautious.
-- Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits.
-- They each have at least one game in development for the Wii 2.
no shit
-- Expect games to be coming to this system that you would never expect on a Nintendo console.
ehhhhh, I guess
-- Nintendo is kissing third party ****s with this console.
that was the motive behind the power of the 3DS, so I don't doubt it
-- The new Nintendo controller sounds more ridiculous on paper. When you actually see the thing, it makes a lot more sense from a design standard.
it's the Nintendo way
-- Expect Nintendo to roll out the red carpet for third parties so their games don’t get overshadowed. Nintendo has been preaching to third parties that third parties won’t get screwed this time around, so if you’re expecting a ton of amazing first party games at launch…well…think again. Nintendo wants a launch that creates confidence in third parties again so expect very few first party games at launch similar to the 3DS.
I guess
-- Star Fox is coming. I can’t say when. Very good chance that it WONT be at E3. I am hearing Star Fox is coming for the new Nintendo system, but it is very early in development.
most likely speculation
-- Nintendo solved every storage issue a third party could possibly have with the new console. I don’t know if it’s a harddrive or a different, cheaper way to store data.
wonder why they didn't with the 3DS. to keep costs down?
-- Nintendo revamping their WiiWare and virtual console services. I don’t think it will be called WiiWare anymore
they did say something like this in the past
-- Almost positive that we’ll be seeing Pikmin in some shape or form.
that was a previous rumor
-- A first person shooter that people love will be ported to the 3DS. I can’t say what game, but it’s popular among FPS gamers.
who the fuck knows
-- Expect a crapload of 3DS love at this E3. The show will be wayyy more 3DS than Wii 2 (Project Cafe). 3DS stuff will be at least 60 percent of the E3 pre-show.
no shit
-- Don’t listen to anyone who says new Nintendo console will launch by end of 2011. They are idiots. This holiday season is all about the 3DS and Nintendo’s E3 show will focus on that.
no shit
-- Don’t expect many games to be shown at E3 for new Nintendo console, but expect all of the key features to be revealed.
all key features? eh, few games? obvious, I think
-- Nintendo is thinking about launching Zelda: Skyward Sword around the same time as Wii 2 since Wii 2 is backwards compatible with Wii 1 games. They want to follow the same strategy when they launched Pokemon Black/White when 3DS was coming out.
-- I am 90 percent sure you will not see a Zelda: Skyward Sword port to the Wii 2. It will remain a Wii 1 game.
-- Nintendo approached Hideo Kojima about the new Nintendo console. Nintendo and Hideo Kojima have a good relationship with each other.
I don't doubt that at all
-- A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system. I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
no shit
-- Retrostudios started working on a Wii 2 game. It is NOT Metroid. Retro is done with Metroid.
most likely speculation

a lot of this stuff is just shit that will happen eventually. in other words, non-info


Kansasdude2009 said:
-- A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system. I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
Resident Evil 2 HD Remake, BELIEVE!!! *wishful dreaming*
Hate shitty lists like this. Waters down any decent truth aspect to what we know.

Shitty lists from no name sites with no accredited source/links should be banned on this here awesome forum.
So say I


From The Dust said:

no shit

ehhhhh, I guess

that was the motive behind the power of the 3DS, so I don't doubt it

it's the Nintendo way

I guess

most likely speculation

wonder why they didn't with the 3DS. to keep costs down?
they did say something like this in the past

that was a previous rumor
who the fuck knows

no shit

no shit

all key features? eh, few games? obvious, I think



I don't doubt that at all

no shit

most likely speculation

a lot of this stuff is just shit that will happen eventually. in other words, non-info

Yeah that's basically what I thought as well. A big list of rumors but nothing to start a discussion here.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
ksamedi said:
Yeah that's basically what I thought as well. A big list of rumors but nothing to start a discussion here.
I think we can discount the Rockstar GTAV stuff as pure speculation as well.


poppabk said:
I think we can discount the Rockstar GTAV stuff as pure speculation as well.
GTAV stuff has been confirmed by a much more reliable site than that one.

Nothing thats listed in the above long list is overly absurd and is mostly no shit stuff so can go either way. The dev list is almost guaranteed to be true


Capcom mentioned that it is working on Resident Evil 6 and has plans to make it different while still using features from classic RE and RE 5.


Junior Member
I still don't understand this. Someone please enlighten me.

If the rumor about performance is true, how does Nintendo really expect to sell this thing? "A notch above 360 performance". I mean, anything below 1.5 to 2x better than currentgen is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Particularly because, say they release in 2012, u know that 2 years later you will have the next xbox and PS which will be many times stronger than their current incarnation, and then they are left once again as the lower powered console.

If they can't really shock and awe us at E3 with visuals, they will be relegated to playing catch up to current gen consoles. Thats basically what they would be doing, hitting a reset button and playing catchup to the other two consoles, if infact it is only marginally more powerful than the 360.


FunkyPajamas said:
I will take lives if this is true.

Totally true, beat it again a few months back. Will probably be a while before I want to go through it again. Super Metroid though, I'm considering a replay of that soon.
Vestal said:
I still don't understand this. Someone please enlighten me.

If the rumor about performance is true, how does Nintendo really expect to sell this thing? "A notch above 360 performance". I mean, anything below 1.5 to 2x better than currentgen is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Particularly because, say they release in 2012, u know that 2 years later you will have the next xbox and PS which will be many times stronger than their current incarnation, and then they are left once again as the lower powered console.

If they can't really shock and awe us at E3 with visuals, they will be relegated to playing catch up to current gen consoles. Thats basically what they would be doing, hitting a reset button and playing catchup to the other two consoles, if infact it is only marginally more powerful than the 360.

i gues they are hoping that the next jump in graphics will be much less noticiable
Vestal said:
I still don't understand this. Someone please enlighten me.

If the rumor about performance is true, how does Nintendo really expect to sell this thing? "A notch above 360 performance". I mean, anything below 1.5 to 2x better than currentgen is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Particularly because, say they release in 2012, u know that 2 years later you will have the next xbox and PS which will be many times stronger than their current incarnation, and then they are left once again as the lower powered console.

If they can't really shock and awe us at E3 with visuals, they will be relegated to playing catch up to current gen consoles. Thats basically what they would be doing, hitting a reset button and playing catchup to the other two consoles, if infact it is only marginally more powerful than the 360.

A "notch" could be anything.
At worst, is the R700 rumor, which is two generations above the 360. Which means it would curb stomp the 360.
But I think they'll go with something newer that's faster, cheaper and consumes less power (in the 5xxx family).
Starchasing said:
i gues they are hoping that the next jump in graphics will be much less noticiable

It will really depend on the game. A game like... Call of Duty will easily be able to hang on Xbox 360/PS3 level hardware against their next generation counterparts. A next generation Assassin's Creed with bigger draw distance, more AI characters and a smoother framerate? Not so much.


I'm still going with 2011 for this thing. There's no other hardware coming out while the next Xbox is most likely coming in 2012. Having two console launches in the same season would be incredible but suck all the dollars out of the market. Nintendo is going with an early release for this thing. The Wii holiday launch was a nearly perfect storm, they're going to want to repeat that and won't launch a $299/$349 system outside of the holiday season in the US and Europe.

Sega would've ported Sonic Generations to Wii no matter what if the Wii 2 wasn't coming. Their stock price started to tank because there was no 'Nintendo version' yet.
[Nintex] said:
I'm still going with 2011 for this thing. There's no other hardware coming out while the next Xbox is most likely coming in 2012. Having two console launches in the same season would be incredible but suck all the dollars out of the market. Nintendo is going with an early release for this thing. The Wii holiday launch was a nearly perfect storm, they're going to want to repeat that and won't launch a $299/$349 system outside of the holiday season in the US and Europe.

Sega would've ported Sonic Generations to Wii no matter what if the Wii 2 wasn't coming. Their stock price started to tank because there was no 'Nintendo version' yet.

That's in interesting point, actually.
Sonic always does best on Nintendo systems, and not announcing Generations for the Wii was just weird.
But yeah, if the Wii 2 is coming out sooner, rather than later, then it that would explain it.
It would also explain why retailers are dropping the Wii's price to $170 just a month before the $150 price drop.
infinityBCRT said:
It will really depend on the game. A game like... Call of Duty will easily be able to hang on Xbox 360/PS3 level hardware against their next generation counterparts. A next generation Assassin's Creed with bigger draw distance, more AI characters and a smoother framerate? Not so much.

diminishing returns and all that !!
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