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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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AceBandage said:
Way way way too many people only bought a Wii for WiiSports. It's a toxic name. They need to change it, regardless of their stance on who they're going for.

Keeping the wii name is going to catch "casuals" attention. Whether or not they buy again depends on the product and coolness factor, but keeping the wii name is a good start to dominating the competition again.
mattiewheels said:
Toxic? My god, the Wii name is one of the most enthusiastically recognized things in the world today, if not by message board people then by everyone else.

Yeah... it's recognized as the WiiSports/WiiPlay machine by most people...
Not as they "Hey, this thing can play Madworld, Call of Duty and Excite Trucks!" machine.


mattiewheels said:
Toxic? My god, the Wii name is one of the most enthusiastically recognized things in the world today, if not by message board people then by everyone else.

Its toxic to hardcore gamers and remember, they're the only people who are allowed to play games. Anyone else is subpar to them.
AceBandage said:
Way way way too many people only bought a Wii for WiiSports. It's a toxic name. They need to change it, regardless of their stance on who they're going for.
Nintendo makes system selling, industry changing software, obliterates the competition (even when the system is on a downturn)...So, this is what the kids are calling a "negative" these days?

I get the feeling you're just making stuff up, sir.
linkboy said:
Its toxic to hardcore gamers and remember, they're the only people who are allowed to play games. Anyone else is subpar to them.

Not at all what I'm saying.
If they want all games on the system to sell, they need to drop the Wii name.
It's just a good decision.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
This is what Rawmeatcowboy (from the Nintendo site that goes places) had to say about the Retro rumor.

RMC said:
I don't often back rumors with my own approval, but this time I'm more than willing to stick my neck out there. This one comes from long-time site reader/insider/all around good guy JBPG. I'm telling you, take this information a bit more seriously than any other Wii successor rumors out there.
AceBandage said:
It's possible.
They are releasing a second WiiPlay, after all.

Oh I had forgotten about that.

I was just thinking that there was still room for price cuts and no real reason to let the thing die completely, especially if we're to believe the rumor about shifting focus back to the hardcore audience. I figure it'd be relatively easy for them to keep catering to casuals by releasing Wii games, in order to have something for everyone. After all casuals were never really bothered by the lack of HD, and the current slump in sales is mostly due to a lack of content, nothing that a few releases and a price cut wouldn't rectify.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
CoffeeJanitor said:
Nintendo makes system selling, industry changing software, obliterates the competition (even when the system is on a downturn)...So, this is what the kids are calling a "negative" these days?

I get the feeling you're just making stuff up, sir.

But there is a serious problem. Only 3 games a year are selling and it is the same type of software from the same company. So while Nintendo is selling 10 million copies of Wii Sports, and New Super Mario Bros. The rest of their games are not selling well. Third party games are not selling well.

Without that core market on their side, they are failing to make profits in several important sectors of the video game consumer market.


Ridleyscott said:
Exactly, ALttP, but not in Zelda I & II. The puzzles actually were OK in ALttP, but there was still plenty of adventure and difficulty with the game though not so much as in I & II.

Puzzles are not what made Zelda popular, thus one of the major reasons the series is in decline and laughed at by most "core" gamers.

LoZ for NES sold ~6.5 million
OoT for N64 sold ~7.6 million

Puzzles are, in fact, more popular than adventure and difficulty!

Source: Nintendo at GDC, by way of rpgamer.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
AceBandage said:
Yeah... it's recognized as the WiiSports/WiiPlay machine by most people...
Not as they "Hey, this thing can play Madworld, Call of Duty and Excite Trucks!" machine.
Well, since Nintendo grabbed the world's attention with the Wii I can't see them leaving that behind. SuperWii!


Neo Member
Skiesofwonder said:
This is what Rawmeatcowboy (from the Nintendo site that goes places) had to say about the Retro rumor.

That's pretty interesting

(Yeah, I tried posting a link and it was wordfiltered. I'm new here, hahah... *ahem* )

Big One

If Retro rumors are true it's probably like Star Fox or a new IP. Pretty much the two things I've seen people request the most out of them, especially the later.
The Retro rumor isn't even that big a deal, honestly.

The time between Prime 3 and DKCR was an uncharacteristic lull brought on by loss of key staff.

Of course they're working on something. What it is beyond that is all just speculation.
ShockingAlberto said:
The day Zelda stops caring about puzzles is the day I stop caring about Zelda.

Thats fine, cause when Zelda finally ditches the puzzle-quest it will pick up millions of new gamers to make up for it.

To whoever said AoL was linear... In way way it was but it doesn't feel like it when you play it.

also, Fairy spell was far from gimmick... you can get past any gate, save your ass if you fall off a ledge, escape from harms way, short-cuts , etc.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
But there is a serious problem. Only 3 games a year are selling and it is the same type of software from the same company. So while Nintendo is selling 10 million copies of Wii Sports, and New Super Mario Bros. The rest of their games are not selling well. Third party games are not selling well.

Without that core market on their side, they are failing to make profits in several important sectors of the video game consumer market.
Again, there is no such thing as a core market. All those demographics are made up marketing buzz words.

The reason third party games aren't selling has been obvious since the moment the system hit the market. I don't think you can name one game that was made by a third party with the A team and was actually marketed heavily outside of MH3. Which did well.

Nintendo (as always) has put out consistently good software throughout the Wii's lifecycle. Third parties, using their B/C level teams, have consistently put out ass-level games for the system (or didn't support the good ones they did make), especially during the formative year or two of the system's release. This is kind of beating a dead horse here but it's true.

Self fulfilling prophecy FTL


Would be a waste if Retro is making Star Fox. Considering what kind of game people want from a new Star Fox Treasure would be better suited.


He's getting a lot of heat all of a sudden, but I have AceBandage's back on this one. Wii worked for them, there's no doubt about it. But even with that success, I agree that it would be in their best interest to brand their new console something else assuming the rumors that they're serious about courting the "hardcore" gamer and getting a piece of the multiplatform pie are true. This is working under the thinking that Nintendo now feels confident in their ability to pick up the nongamer (as they've already done that with two completely new brands), and is setting their sights on drawing from the people that right now prefer PS3 or Xbox. The people that dismissed Wii from day one because they thought the name sounded dumb, or that were maybe interested but left it behind because it didn't snag many AAA third-party games. The dudebro crowd, if I want to use a quick and imprecise abbreviation for it.

The DS to 3DS transition is a different beast, I don't like that comparison. The DS was THE main handheld platform for consumers and developers alike (aside from, most notably, some Square Enix stuff and Monster Hunter). It hasn't had the same problem with picking up serious third-party support like the Wii has, and I don't think that those with the entrenched and anti-casual mindset dismissed DS like they did Wii. To these people, Wii is synonymous with casuals, and that's not the sort of thing that they want to be immediately associated with.

It's bullshit reasoning. But it's reasoning that is being used, and right now it's one of the factors keeping Nintendo away from *cough* complete global saturation.


Ridleyscott said:
Thats fine, cause when Zelda finally ditches the puzzle-quest it will pick up millions of new gamers to make up for it.

Puzzles have always been a part of Zelda. All the way back to the originals.

Do you want a DMC style Zelda?


I asked this last page but nobody answered: what exactly is the credibility level of this source? What is this exactly?


Forgive my ignorance, but I'm unaware of The Kyoto Report. I just want to know how reliable this is.

Edit: Also, I wasn't trying to get on AceBandage's back or give him heat. I've usually been on his side every time I read one of his posts :p . But I'm just really apprehensive of him being so sure about them getting rid of the Wii name. It truly is a powerful brand right now, and rebranding is never an easy task.

What do you guys think of them keeping the Wii name alive through games? Perhaps making more games in the "Wii" game series for use on the next console, which is not called Wii?

Big One

Ridleyscott said:
Thats fine, cause when Zelda finally ditches the puzzle-quest it will pick up millions of new gamers to make up for it.
If Zelda ditches puzzles than Zelda is nothing and basically becomes this really, really bad hack and slash game with some exploration elements. You can't really translate Zelda into modern gaming if you drop puzzles. If you find puzzles tedious, you just don't care for Zelda. There's no point in complaining if you don't really care in the first place.
Ridleyscott said:
To whoever said AoL was linear... In way way it was but it doesn't feel like it when you play it.
Yeah okay, whatever. Pretty sure it felt linear cause for the map structure in itself with paths that are directly linear...hell the map is even segmented unnecessarily. Not really up for exploration and definitely feels more linear than any Zelda game ever. Really you need to stop listening to Malstrom and his shit
Ridleyscott said:
also, Fairy spell was far from gimmick... you can get past any gate, save your ass if you fall off a ledge, escape from harms way, short-cuts , etc.
That's pretty much an unnecessary gimmick by any means and an excuse to make the game easier than it needs to be.


CoffeeJanitor said:
Again, there is no such thing as a core market. All those demographics are made up marketing buzz words.

The reason third party games aren't selling has been obvious since the moment the system hit the market. I don't think you can name one game that was made by a third party with the A team and was actually marketed heavily outside of MH3. Which did well.

Nintendo (as always) has put out consistently good software throughout the Wii's lifecycle. Third parties, using their B/C level teams, have consistently put out ass-level games for the system (or didn't support the good ones they did make), especially during the formative year or two of the system's release. This is kind of beating a dead horse here but it's true.

Self fulfilling prophecy FTL
Why do people scoff at the concept of the core gamer? It's not a buzz word or marketing gimmick or anything like that, it's just the way it is. There are three types of gamers: casual, core and hardcore.
ShockingAlberto said:
The day Zelda stops caring about puzzles is the day I stop caring about Zelda.

Lose a fan; gain a fan. If they drop all the puzzle filler, I'll jump into the series. Make Zelda HD the Resident Evil 4 of the series. Reboot with a combat-focused game, and I'm there.
Freezie KO said:
Lose a fan; gain a fan. If they drop all the puzzle filler, I'll jump into the series. Make Zelda HD the Resident Evil 4 of the series. Reboot with a combat-focused game, and I'm there.

I don't understand people who don't just want to get to play games that appeal to them and whose satisfaction requires an established fanbase to be fucked over.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So without having to dig through all of these pages, do we have any new, substantial rumours that hold any weight?

Or are we still in the "pull everything out of your arse" phase?


Neo Member
Holy Order Sol said:
...Who's Maelstrom?

He's a blogger that successfully predicted the success of the Wii before its debut. Since then, he's been pretty hard on Nintendo, citing the fact that they're focusing too much on "3d visuals" rather than the core values of their franchises.
Holy Order Sol said:
I don't understand people who don't just want to get to play games that appeal to them and whose satisfaction requires an established fanbase to be fucked over.

I just want to play more internally-developed Nintendo games. Would they make a new action IP? Probably not. Might they integrate that into an existing franchise? Better possibility. It has nothing to do with schadenfreude.

Anyway, I'm sure tons of RE:Code Veronica fans scoffed at an "action-based" Resident Evil. Then RE4 came out and it blew away everyone's expectations and rejuvenated the series.

Even Zelda fans are asking for "something new." It's just a suggestion. Not that I think Zelda is going to become RE4, as awesome as that would be.


JasonMCG said:
Why do people scoff at the concept of the core gamer? It's not a buzz word or marketing gimmick or anything like that, it's just the way it is. There are three types of gamers: casual, core and hardcore.
Actually a lot of that is just marketing buzzword fare, but just because that's the case doesn't mean it's not impactful. As they say, "perception is reality," and it's not uncommon for someone to sell a product based on the feeling of exclusivity that it gives to their consumers. The games themselves are neutral, they're just there to be played by whoever chooses to play them, but the way that game is framed to the public has a lot of say in who ultimately takes that financial plunge.
EatChildren said:
So without having to dig through all of these pages, do we have any new, substantial rumours that hold any weight?

Or are we still in the "pull everything out of your arse" phase?

It looks like Nintendo Technology Development, the Seattle based hardware group under Howard Cheng, has been quite busy researching and developing several of the technologies being used in Project Cafe. One of the more interesting features is their work on tracking systems and head-mounted stereoscopic displays along with CPU and GPU research and evaluation.

For those wondering what direction the system might take from a purely geometrical calculation standpoint. Some of the new team members at Nintendo Technology Development include one of the head engineers responsible for the PS3's Cell CPU and RSX GPU.

via Shikamaru Ninja
EatChildren said:
So without having to dig through all of these pages, do we have any new, substantial rumours that hold any weight?

Or are we still in the "pull everything out of your arse" phase?

Retro working on a Cafe game we all want.
PS3 engineer working on Cafe.


Freezie KO said:
I just want to play more internally-developed Nintendo games. Would they make a new action IP? Probably not. Might they integrate that into an existing franchise? Better possibility. It has nothing to do with schadenfreude.
I don't recall off the top of my head if it's actually internally-developed or not, but you might want to keep an eye on Tower of Pandora.
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