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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Fourth Storm said:
But yes, all this 3D, head tracking, vitality sensor, etc talk is ridiculous and contradicts the report that Wii 2 is not a gimmick. Nobody seems to think video chat is a possibility, but if there is anything at all to these rumors I'd bet a ban on it.
I don't think it's ever been clearly said that it's not a gimmick. Or rather, that there isn't some sort of gimmick to the system. All that's been implied so far is that Nintendo's also taking greater steps to make sure that more traditional game styles are also easy to do. Otherwise what do you think all of that "secret feature" talk would be alluding to?

I do kind of like the videoconferencing idea, but I'm not convinced that Nintendo would do it. The probability of a wang ending up on some little kid's Cafe controller seems too great, and that's not the type of PR Nintendo wants no matter what groups they're trying to sell to.


If Majora's Mask showed that it was a sucky game because it had lower sales than before, is that true of Zelda II, which sold less than Zelda I?

Or if Majora's Mask sold less because people secretly hated OoT and wish to show their displeasure... does that mean people secretly hated Zelda 1?

Which of the original games sucked?

Complaints about Zelda like the ones I see in this thread make me really feel bad for the developers. We have two guys who are essentially claiming two mutually exclusive things, that the series has changed too much from its roots and that the series has not changed at all in 20 years. If Nintendo makes any game at all, he will shit in one person's Cheerios.

(BTW Hi I'm Deguello, longtime lurker, probably third time poster.)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fourth Storm said:
Are you so asocial that the sight of another human being has no effect on you?

It's pointless. It takes up screen space. It adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay. I can't imagine anybody thinking, "Gee, I wonder what that guy's face looked like!" while playing a FPS or fighting game. It's a useless feature.

You're actually taking focus away from the game you're playing.
wsippel said:
Nintendo has lots of divisions nobody ever heard of: NSD (Network Service Development), SDSG (Software Development Support Group), SDD (Software Design & Development), SRD (Systems Research & Development), BTD (Business Technology Development)...

yea, I was just looking those up. wonder what other secrets they have under their skirts
I look at people all the time during local multiplayer

We talk, we laugh, we go "DID YOU SEE THAT BULLSHIT" really loudly.

I don't think someone's face on a controller can do that same thing, though.
Plinko said:
It's pointless. It takes up screen space. It adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay. I can't imagine anybody thinking, "Gee, I wonder what that guy's face looked like!" while playing a FPS or fighting game. It's a useless feature.

You're actually taking focus away from the game you're playing.

Who said the picture would be on the tv? There's a screen on the controller that could be perfect for such a feature.

Nintendo would never do this though for fear of inappropriate content.


Deguello said:
If Majora's Mask showed that it was a sucky game because it had lower sales than before, is that true of Zelda II, which sold less than Zelda I?

Or if Majora's Mask sold less because people secretly hated OoT and wish to show their displeasure... does that mean people secretly hated Zelda 1?

Which of the original games sucked?

Complaints about Zelda like the ones I see in this thread make me really feel bad for the developers. We have two guys who are essentially claiming two mutually exclusive things, that the series has changed too much from its roots and that the series has not changed at all in 20 years. If Nintendo makes any game at all, he will shit in one person's Cheerios.

(BTW Hi I'm Deguello, longtime lurker, probably third time poster.)

If you're refering to me as the guy who said it hasn't changed in 20 years, let me explain.

I'm not talking about the gameplay, that has changed. I'm just talking about the pacing. The whole 3 dungeon, plot point, more dungeon, boss fight formula they've used since A Link to the Past.

I would like to see Nintendo change the way the story progresses and make an actual overworld. Keep the gameplay the way it is (that means the puzzles stay).
linkboy said:
If you're refering to me as the guy who said it hasn't changed in 20 years, let me explain.

I'm not talking about the gameplay, that has changed. I'm just talking about the pacing. The whole 3 dungeon, plot point, more dungeon, boss fight formula they've used since A Link to the Past.

Why are you not counting MM?

I don't get why that particular structure bothers people though. I don't care one way or the other when it comes to that.
Plinko said:
It's pointless. It takes up screen space. It adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay. I can't imagine anybody thinking, "Gee, I wonder what that guy's face looked like!" while playing a FPS or fighting game. It's a useless feature.

You're actually taking focus away from the game you're playing.
It replicates the in-person experience. And maybe you're not looking at your opponent in the heat of battle but in between rounds and during slower paced co-op it would be cool. Nintendo have been blatantly taking cues from Apple and Facetime is damn popular. It doesn't matter that you wouldn't care for it. Most people would see it as awesome.

And the person's face wouldn't take up screen space on the tv. It would be on the presumed 6" screen. I thought that was fairly obvious.

Don't think Nintendo would risk it? The feature is already present in Pokemon B/W! That's as "kiddy" as they come so eat that!


linkboy said:
I'm just talking about the pacing. The whole 3 dungeon, plot point, more dungeon, boss fight formula they've used since A Link to the Past.

Don't narrative or story or quest-based games typically have levels and then plot points and then more levels and then bosses? I feel like I understand your concern, but I don't think you are articulating it well enough.
From The Dust said:
but Majora's Mask was better.
I still don't understand how they made such a game turn out so great. Seriously, how the hell do you even come up with a concept like that and actually pull it off?

*sigh* Back on topic...
Lets just go ahead and say, hypothetically of course, that this thing is indeed a Wii with the power of a 360 with a screen, camera and motion in the controller(or tablet)...they will need a game that pushes the controller forward and shows how to use it. Very intuitively, I might add. Something that simply wouldn't be possible without it. What sort of design could they come up with?

I'm no expert, but I'm having a hard time thinking of anything intuitive at all that can't be done on the DS/3DS right now. I guess the streaming aspect would be nice, but I can only think of niche ideas and nothing really as intuitive or ground breaking as Wii Sports, Mario 64, or mario bros...then again, I guess it will be the gamecube/snes of the bunch and be an evolution, not a real revolution. I trust in nintendo though. There has to be more to the thing than graphics and a second screen to view a map...

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
From The Dust said:
Malon/Maron > Saria >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>child Zelda > adult Zelda


"You've got to be kidding!"
wsippel said:
Nintendo has lots of divisions nobody ever heard of: NSD (Network Service Development), SDSG (Software Development Support Group), SDD (Software Design & Development), SRD (Systems Research & Development), BTD (Business Technology Development)...
These guys have the most relaxed job in the industry.


Kevin said:
I think I get what you're getting at with this. Though I do question how well this would work. I'm going to assume that if you turned your head to look around, wouldn't it go bonkers like trying to control FPS games with the Wiimote at times? I mean you can only turn your head a little bit or else you're no longer looking at the tv. So I would assume you would need to turn slightly to have the character fully turn 360 degrees. I could see that getting messy. Unless you have another idea?

In the video I saw, it was a very slight affect, but very powerful.. Basically it's like you could reach into the tv if you wanted to. The head movments only slightly changed the screen position, but it was profoundly noticeable.

Here's another video of what it does with just very slight head movements.

Again, with the new system, this could possibly be done with the controller instead of being attached to the head. It's not so much a gameplay issue as a way to add a huge amount of visual pizazz and make things more immersive. Basically 3d TV without actually having to buy a new TV. Being able to peak around corners and such would also be a lot of fun in FP games.
From The Dust said:
anomally cause by statistical noise

OoA/OoS are built like LA so they don't match ALTTP either. TMC doesn't fit (5 or 6 dungeons and I don't remember a particular breaking point in the middle), PH and SS have this central dungeon thing that breaks down the structure differently. I think the issue is overblown.


Krowley said:
In the video I saw, it was a very slight affect, but very powerful.. Basically it's like you could reach into the tv if you wanted to. The head movments only slightly changed the screen position, but it was profoundly noticeable.

Here's another video of what it does with just very slight head movements.

Again, with the new system, this could possibly be done with the controller instead of being attached to the head. It's not so much a gameplay issue as a way to add a huge amount of visual pizazz and make things more immersive. Basically 3d TV without actually having to buy a new TV. Being able to peak around corners and such would also be a lot of fun in FP games.
Here's another example.

Outside of FPS/1st person games, I can't see this adding much in terms of gameplay without falling into gimmick territory. Still cool, though.
abstract alien said:
These guys have the most relaxed job in the industry.

lol, Well if it covers what you think it does, i doubt it had very many people to do anything meaningful until recently. most likely, it has to do with the company wide server network and shit.


Krowley said:
In the video I saw, it was a very slight affect, but very powerful.. Basically it's like you could reach into the tv if you wanted to. The head movments only slightly changed the screen position, but it was profoundly noticeable.

Here's another video of what it does with just very slight head movements.

Again, with the new system, this could possibly be done with the controller instead of being attached to the head. It's not so much a gameplay issue as a way to add a huge amount of visual pizazz and make things more immersive. Basically 3d TV without actually having to buy a new TV. Being able to peak around corners and such would also be a lot of fun in FP games.

I have the one demo with the targets on my ipod. I think it was a freebie. Still I personally can't find any real world uses for this. Would this really be the "big new feature"? I mean I would like to hope that Nintendo could come up with something better then simple headtracking.
Boney said:
*backs away*
I'm sorry haha. It just annoys me that there is such an adverse reaction to legit progress. If seeing the person you're playing with over a distance isn't worth crap, what the hell is? Communication is so much more than just voice...


Kevin said:
I have the one demo with the targets on my ipod. I think it was a freebie. Still I personally can't find any real world uses for this. Would this really be the "big new feature"? I mean I would like to hope that Nintendo could come up with something better then simple headtracking.
If Headtracking were to be the big secret it would mean Nintendo found compelling enough reasons to include it.


joedick said:
No, RMC was saying that he trusts this particular writer.

I don't know if I trust the writer, myself. He mentioned back in December that Koji Igarashi was making a Castlevania game for the 3DS, yet it was recently revealed that MercurySteam made a prototype Castlevania project for 3DS.

He could be right, but I think I'd only be moved to believe so if someone posted something that we know as truth that came from him in the past.
Holy Order Sol said:
OoA/OoS are built like LA so they don't match ALTTP either. TMC doesn't fit (5 or 6 dungeons and I don't remember a particular breaking point in the middle), PH and SS have this central dungeon thing that breaks down the structure differently. I think the issue is overblown.

I'm just quoting shit fromt the Sonic thread


Kevin said:
I have the one demo with the targets on my ipod. I think it was a freebie. Still I personally can't find any real world uses for this. Would this really be the "big new feature"? I mean I would like to hope that Nintendo could come up with something better then simple headtracking.

Well, I mean the big new feature is probably more related directly to the touch screen on the controller. That's going to bring a lot of new gameplay possibilities right there if it's true. Add to that motion control that's already available for the wii, a camera that might enable advanced augmented reality effects among other things, and a huge graphical jump.

This could be the "secret" feature alluded to in the OP. A little extra feature.

It would just be another thing on top of a long list of cool additions IMO. Like a small gimmick on top of all the gameplay advancing stuff they're already putting in.


Fourth Storm said:
I'm sorry haha. It just annoys me that there is such an adverse reaction to legit progress. If seeing the person you're playing with over a distance isn't worth crap, what the hell is? Communication is so much more than just voice...
nono i was talking about weird green dude

not tingle


abstract alien said:
These guys have the most relaxed job in the industry.
Network Service Development is actually a new team, established in 2008. Prior to that, the division was called Special Planning & Development, responsible for stuff like the e-Reader, Pokémon Mini, DS pedometer and such - mostly integrated hardware and software development. Some time in 2008, the team seemingly stopped developing games and became NSD. I assume they work on the 3DS and Project Café online systems now.
You seem to be going against the gaf consensus just for the hell of it...not that I care about the gaf consesus, but the arguments you're making about Final Fantasy, Zelda, etc are off topic.
Its on topic, we were discussing what we would like to see on the next Nintendo Platform and theorizing on what Retro was working on. Particularly why what we would like to see if Retro made New Legend of Zelda.

snesfreak said:
Everyone...hated...Ocarina of Time?
Uh....sorry no.
That's just...WOW...I can't even...

Not everyone, just most of the people who don't talk about games on the internet, like us. All the people who stopped playing Zelda... How many millions is that?


Deguello said:
Don't narrative or story or quest-based games typically have levels and then plot points and then more levels and then bosses? I feel like I understand your concern, but I don't think you are articulating it well enough.

Yes, they do, but its more the way Nintendo has set it up. Its the exact same for every game. The scenario is different, but it follows the exact same forumla.

I just want Nintendo to mix it up a bit, like they did with Majora's Mask. It still used the same type of setup, but they mixed things around a bit .

I just think there is a lot more Nintendo could do with the story for Zelda and they aren't doing it, they're just content with the setup (which is a good setup, don't get me wrong) that they have now.

As for the gameplay, I miss the openness of the 2d games. I miss having an overworld full of items to find.

We've gone from A Link to the Past with tons of hidden things to rupees and pieces of heart.


Ridleyscott said:
All the people who stopped playing Zelda... How many millions is that?

Well? How many?

linkboy said:
Yes, they do, but its more the way Nintendo has set it up. Its the exact same for every game. The scenario is different, but it follows the exact same forumla.

You want the boss fight to go in between the levels and the plot points, or...?
Pyrokai said:
Woah, this is crazy! First time I've seen what head tracking can do! That looks 3D!
Yes it is kinda cool, but just so you know, it does not look as 3D in person. That's some weird byproduct of the video capture.


Ridleyscott said:
Not everyone, just most of the people who don't talk about games on the internet, like us. All the people who stopped playing Zelda... How many millions is that?
Keep posting, it's entertaining watching you make a fool out of yourself.


Man, this head tracking stuff has possibilities. Combine it with motion akin to Move and a controller with a touch screen and I'm picturing some real game changers as to how games can be played....


Holy Order Sol said:
OoA/OoS are built like LA so they don't match ALTTP either. TMC doesn't fit (5 or 6 dungeons and I don't remember a particular breaking point in the middle), PH and SS have this central dungeon thing that breaks down the structure differently. I think the issue is overblown.

I'm only focusing on the 3D games (I should have clarified that earlier), the 2D games have remained consistent and the DS games introduced their own problems. The handheld games are great, but its the 3d games that catch everyone's attention.

To sum it up, I would like to see more of the elements of the 2d games make their way into the 3d games. Why do we have to have the same setup with a different scenario every time.


Fourth Storm said:
Yes it is kinda cool, but just so you know, it does not look as 3D in person. That's some weird byproduct of the video capture.
The videos do the effect justice, but it wouldn't appear that way to others watching. At least, that's how I understand it.
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