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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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linkboy said:
I'm only focusing on the 3D games (I should have clarified that earlier), the 2D games have remained consistent and the DS games introduced their own problems. The handheld games are great, but its the 3d games that catch everyone's attention.

To sum it up, I would like to see more of the elements of the 2d games make their way into the 3d games. Why do we have to have the same setup with a different scenario every time.
Well, Skyward Sword is being made by handheld Zelda veterans, so maybe you'll get your wish.


Pyrokai said:
Woah, this is crazy! First time I've seen what head tracking can do! That looks 3D!
Which would be its primary benefit on a console that doesn't support actual 3D televisions. The tilting your head thing would be cool for FPS dodging/peeking.

(Aside: I actually think this would have been a better way to go with the 3DS, too. Don't have to worry about the sweet spot, there can only be one person using the handheld at one time, everyone who uses it can see it unlike stereoscopic 3D, and it adds a great sense of depth. Plus, tilting a handheld back and forth to reveal the frame would have been a great mechanic. But they would need to figure out how to make it work via the camera tracking the position of your eyes to eliminate headgear.)


I'm sure others have brought this up, but... if third parties (with a handful of exceptions) couldn't use the Wiimote effectively, how on earth are they going to do anything worthwhile with this?

I'm looking forward to the reveal, but I don't think I'm going to be an early adopter this time.
jgkspsx said:
I'm sure others have brought this up, but... if third parties (with a handful of exceptions) couldn't use the Wiimote effectively, how on earth are they going to do anything worthwhile with this?

I'm looking forward to the reveal, but I don't think I'm going to be an early adopter this time.

Because this will have dual analog and traditional buttons that they can use.
They could ignore the screen all together (though, there's no need. Just slap a HUD or Map on it).
M74 said:
Which would be its primary benefit on a console that doesn't support actual 3D televisions. The tilting your head thing would be cool for FPS dodging/peeking.

(Aside: I actually think this would have been a better way to go with the 3DS, too. Don't have to worry about the sweet spot, there can only be one person using the handheld at one time, everyone who uses it can see it unlike stereoscopic 3D, and it adds a great sense of depth. Plus, tilting a handheld back and forth to reveal the frame would have been a great mechanic. But they would need to figure out how to make it work via the camera tracking the position of your eyes to eliminate headgear.)
The 3DS has a gyroscope inside it. Just use that instead

Big One

Ridleyscott said:
Not everyone, just most of the people who don't talk about games on the internet, like us. All the people who stopped playing Zelda... How many millions is that?
You might as well go into the negative numbers cause Zelda has just gotten more fans than lost fans
jgkspsx said:
I'm sure others have brought this up, but... if third parties (with a handful of exceptions) couldn't use the Wiimote effectively, how on earth are they going to do anything worthwhile with this?

I'm looking forward to the reveal, but I don't think I'm going to be an early adopter this time.
Supposedly this thing has dual analogs and necessary buttons so it's very possible they don't have to use it effectively.


linkboy said:
Why do we have to have the same setup with a different scenario every time.

I'm still not understanding what you mean. You phrase it in pretty vague terms.

Like, the set up is:

Intro - Dungeon(s) - Some kind of plot twist - Dungeon(s) - Final Boss.

What I see here is just the typical Anglo-Saxon Circular WYRD Story template thing for Heroic myths. Is the solution to put the Final Boss after then intro and then have the dungeons? That would be interesting I suppose... maybe.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Krowley said:
The video I just found on youtube looked pretty fucking amazing, and it didn't even use anything but the tech in the wiimote and sensor bar to make it happen. No 3d glasses or anything like that. The effect was pretty amazing and it would be worth the effort since it wouldn't be very expensive to create.
This looks much better in a video precisely because you can't judge depth in a video, in real life the 3D effect instantly breaks down.


Deguello said:
Well? How many?

You want the boss fight to go in between the levels and the plot points, or...?

Look at Majora's Mask compared to Wind Waker, Ocarina and Twilight Princess.

In Ocarina, we pretty much knew right from the start that Ganondorf was going to be the final boss, same with Wind Waker. Twilight Princess tried the same approach as a Link to the Past (Zant being the same as Agahnim, a pawn), but once Ganon was shown, it was a foregone conclusion who the final boss would be (whereas in Alttp, we really didn't start to find out about Ganon until later in the game, he was slowly revealed to us).

Now look at Majora's Mask. All through that game you were lead to believe that Skull Kid was behind everything. It wasn't until we got to the end that Majora revealed itself.

Majora's Mask just seemed like Skull Kid found a mask with powers and was using it to get back at his friends (the 4 Giants) who left. When actually the mask was using him to attempt to destroy Terminia. None of that was discovered until right until the end of the game before the final battle.

Had Nintendo took the approach they took with Majora's Mask when they made Twilight Princess, Ganon wouldn't have felt as tacked on as he did. I really think they revealed him to soon and Zant was weakened in the process.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not approaching this from a gameplay POV, but a storytelling POV.

I'm sorry if I'm not getting across what I'm trying to say, its been a long day and I'm dead tired (a 3 month old will do that to you).
From The Dust said:
So you done this yourself? Please share that with us
Hey, don't kill the messenger. I'm on my phone atm. Just saying in the videos I've seen, it makes it look like a 3D effect similar to 3DS when that is just not the case.
zethren said:
Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market?

Yes please.

yeah remember the hardcore games they showed at E3 for Wii? Project Hammer and Disaster Day of Crisis. Disaster never made it to America and Project Hammer never made it anywhere. Hopefully Nintendo follows through this time if thats the direction they claim to be heading.
perfectchaos007 said:
yeah remember the hardcore games they showed at E3 for Wii? Project Hammer and Disaster Day of Crisis. Disaster never made it to America and Project Hammer never made it anywhere. Hopefully Nintendo follows through this time if thats the direction they claim to be heading.
Are... you seriously using games from 2006 as example?
Instead of like games from last year?
I mean... come on...


AceBandage said:
Are... you seriously using games from 2006 as example?
Instead of like games from last year?
I mean... come on...
best hardcore games

disastuh!! and hammerz

shit's hardcore son
I always thought Johnny Lee's head-tracking was an awesome idea... I never understood why Nintendo didn't do something with that.

I know what the system is....

A 6" screen that is attached to a really goofy headstrap standing about a half-foot away from your eyes (like something you see a jeweler or dermatologist wear). It has motion tracking ability so that when you move your head around, you get the same effect as the Johnny Lee demonstration.
Krowley said:
The video I just found on youtube looked pretty fucking amazing, and it didn't even use anything but the tech in the wiimote and sensor bar to make it happen. No 3d glasses or anything like that. The effect was pretty amazing and it would be worth the effort since it wouldn't be very expensive to create.

this is also the second rumor posted in this thread about head tracking and a VR effect. There was another one very early on that was supposedly from an ubi employee. Everyone sort of dismissed it because it sounded to implausible and the source was kind of sketchy if I remember.

It would explain the "Sensor bar in the controller" rumor that was one of the initial ones. Not exactly head tracking, but controller tracking would be close enough for most.


Ridleyscott said:
I always thought Johnny Lee's head-tracking was an awesome idea... I never understood why Nintendo didn't do something with that.

I know what the system is....

A 6" screen that is attached to a really goofy headstrap standing about a half-foot away from your eyes (like something you see a jeweler or dermatologist wear). It has motion tracking ability so that when you move your head around, you get the same effect as the Johnny Lee demonstration.

If Nintendo are opposed to 3d glasses, why would they go for an even more awkward version of it?
linkboy said:
Majora's Mask just seemed like Skull Kid found a mask with powers and was using it to get back at his friends (the 4 Giants) who left. When actually the mask was using him to attempt to destroy Terminia. None of that was discovered until right until the end of the game before the final battle.

The Mask Salesman tells you early in the game that the mask itself means trouble though. That said finding out that it wasn't actually an inanimate object was a surprise, but it's more the visual wtf factor kind than a significant element in story-telling.

What Majora's Mask did really well in terms of storytelling and fleshing out the game world was to intertwin that with the gameplay through the sidequests. Due to how cohesive the world was, learning about the characters and what they were doing was as much necessary to complete the quests as it was its own reward in addition to whatever items you got. Yet because those were sidequests, you only knew as much as you were really interested in knowing, and it did not feel forced.

Now what I don't get is why the whole time loop/people having a life thing has not been expanded upon given how much it could benefit from the current technology.
-MB- said:
If Nintendo are opposed to 3d glasses, why would they go for an even more awkward version of it?
I agree with you, just think that they or someone else could have come up with a game to utilize it fairly easily. There are plenty of light-gun games on Wii, why couldn't that have been implemented somehow?

Also, its hard to say what kinds of games/gameplay people might like. Look at WiiFit or Just dance, there are tons of markets out there. Videogames are relatively young compared to other forms of entertainment.


From The Dust said:
The 3DS has a gyroscope inside it. Just use that instead
I don't want to get off topic here, but the headtracking 3D effect only works when it knows where your line of sight it. The more precise, the better. The gyroscope can't track where your eyes are.

Which is why I'm really hoping if any of these rumors are true about there being a bunch of cameras involved, that one of them can track where your head/eyes are to create the effect without the need for headgear.


poppabk said:
This looks much better in a video precisely because you can't judge depth in a video, in real life the 3D effect instantly breaks down.

But if you're aiming the controller at the television screen and the image of what's on the TV is appearing on the controller's screen via a camera on the other side you are looking at it in a video. Therefor the illusion will not break down.


GDGF said:
But if you're aiming the controller at the television screen and the image of what's on the TV is appearing on the controller's screen via a camera on the other side you are looking at it in a video. Therefor the illusion will not break down.

Oh weird... I just got what you've been talking about LOL..

Interesting idea, although it does sound a bit awkward IMO.


I hope nintendo realizes they've pretty much caused an internet wide meltdown with this. Thanks a lot, jackasses!

Waiting for press images to leak.


GDGF said:
But if you're aiming the controller at the television screen and the image of what's on the TV is appearing on the controller's screen via a camera on the other side you are looking at it in a video. Therefor the illusion will not break down.

You're right but that seems like a pretty bad way to do 3d. So sure I'm not wearing glasses but instead I'm looking at a 6" screen that I have to hold up to the tv instead of the wide screen HD tv!

Reading over the last pages of 3d discussion I hope Nintendo doesn't use 3d as the hook of the N6.I don't think its enough of a draw for consumers if there is some other screen or helmet involved.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Kansasdude2009 said:
Rumor Nuggets -- More stuff from a source that broke the GTA V rumors -- This is really starting to look more and more unrealistic.

-- Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits.
-- They each have at least one game in development for the Wii 2.
-- Expect games to be coming to this system that you would never expect on a Nintendo console.
-- Nintendo is kissing third party ****s with this console.
-- The new Nintendo controller sounds more ridiculous on paper. When you actually see the thing, it makes a lot more sense from a design standard.
-- Expect Nintendo to roll out the red carpet for third parties so their games don’t get overshadowed. Nintendo has been preaching to third parties that third parties won’t get screwed this time around, so if you’re expecting a ton of amazing first party games at launch…well…think again. Nintendo wants a launch that creates confidence in third parties again so expect very few first party games at launch similar to the 3DS.
-- Star Fox is coming. I can’t say when. Very good chance that it WONT be at E3. I am hearing Star Fox is coming for the new Nintendo system, but it is very early in development.
-- Nintendo solved every storage issue a third party could possibly have with the new console. I don’t know if it’s a harddrive or a different, cheaper way to store data.
-- Nintendo revamping their WiiWare and virtual console services. I don’t think it will be called WiiWare anymore.
-- Almost positive that we’ll be seeing Pikmin in some shape or form.
-- A first person shooter that people love will be ported to the 3DS. I can’t say what game, but it’s popular among FPS gamers.
-- Expect a crapload of 3DS love at this E3. The show will be wayyy more 3DS than Wii 2 (Project Cafe). 3DS stuff will be at least 60 percent of the E3 pre-show.
-- Don’t listen to anyone who says new Nintendo console will launch by end of 2011. They are idiots. This holiday season is all about the 3DS and Nintendo’s E3 show will focus on that.
-- Don’t expect many games to be shown at E3 for new Nintendo console, but expect all of the key features to be revealed.
-- Nintendo is thinking about launching Zelda: Skyward Sword around the same time as Wii 2 since Wii 2 is backwards compatible with Wii 1 games. They want to follow the same strategy when they launched Pokemon Black/White when 3DS was coming out.
-- I am 90 percent sure you will not see a Zelda: Skyward Sword port to the Wii 2. It will remain a Wii 1 game.
-- Nintendo approached Hideo Kojima about the new Nintendo console. Nintendo and Hideo Kojima have a good relationship with each other.
-- A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system. I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
-- Retrostudios started working on a Wii 2 game. It is NOT Metroid. Retro is done with Metroid.

Read more: http://gameolosophy.com/consoles/wii/more-project-cafe-rumors/#ixzz1K0FgUSxM

Sounds completely made up.

Fanboy dreams I said.


From a couple of recent Retro Studios job offerings (posted last week):

Retro is a state-of-the-art game development studio, working in conjunction with Nintendo to bring award-winning games to Nintendo's cutting-edge next-generation platforms.


ShockingAlberto said:
Nintendo should give Sin & Punishment another try

and they should keep trying until it works

basically I just want more Sin & Punishment games forever
Yes, yes, and yes... I still am bitter that the bought out of Treasure by Nintendo didn't go through during the GameCube era. Treasure should be one of Nintendo's star teams, making Sin & Punishments, Ikarugas till the end of times.
Some of the "rumors" seem so obvious... I mean Retro working on a project? What is next? Nintendo making a Mario game?


antonz said:
IGN is saying they are hearing AMD providing the processor etc though they may be scoping out Gaf ;)
It would make sense considering pretty much all current powerful PowerPCs are massively multithreaded (16 to 64 threads), which doesn't strike me as ideal for game development. Two to four cores are much easier to exploit. But it doesn't match the fact that IBM confirmed twice in the the last 20 months that their development division is currently working with Nintendo.


Gvaz said:
The controller has a 6" touchscreen? That description sounds fucking stupid
The Kindle has a 6" screen - a controller roughly the size of a Kindle doesn't really sound all that stupid, actually.


wsippel said:
It would make sense considering pretty much all current powerful PowerPCs are massively multithreaded (16 to 64 threads), which doesn't strike me as ideal for game development. Two to four cores are much easier to exploit. But it doesn't match the fact that IBM confirmed twice in the the last 20 months that their development division is currently working with Nintendo.
Depends on whats really being done,. The Joint Development deal IBM-AMD has expires this year unless extended.

Nintendo was working with Nvidia on the 3DS until they decided Nvidia failed to meet the goals setout.

IBMs comments back in 2010 kinda suggest the idea ofcell integration being used


wsippel said:
The Kindle has a 6" screen - a controller roughly the size of a Kindle doesn't really sound all that stupid, actually.
Have you held a kindle? Go hold a Nook or something, it's about the same size then try to tell me that would be a good controller.

I have to actually SEE what they're explaining, but until then that just sounds awkward as hell and yet another gimmick like the wii.

(note, I actually own a wii but hate the motion controls because of the limitations of the sensor bar and a small range of movement)


antonz said:
Depends on whats really being done,. The Joint Development deal IBM-AMD has expires this year unless extended
Right, didn't think about that. I guess it's possible that IBM and AMD are working on this together, using AMD cores. Maybe they'll also do something odd like coupling amd64 cores with SPUs or PPC4xx cores, similar to how many Blue Gene systems are designed. Four Bulldozer cores with eight PowerXCell SPUs each for example would be as amazing as it would be unlikely, though. :)


Gvaz said:
Have you held a kindle? Go hold a Nook or something, it's about the same size then try to tell me that would be a good controller.

I have to actually SEE what they're explaining, but until then that just sounds awkward as hell and yet another gimmick like the wii.
As I posted in mock-up form on a previous page, the touchscreen could form part of the 'nunchuk' half of a two-piece controller set-up, considering that that half is generally held stationary and not used for waggling about and pointing, and also because right-handed people generally hold tablets with the left hand and use their right hand for touching the screen.

The motion controller could then continue being either a Wii Remote/Plus or a Wii 2 Remote With Second Analog Stick.
maeda said:
Yes, yes, and yes... I still am bitter that the bought out of Treasure by Nintendo didn't go through during the GameCube era. Treasure should be one of Nintendo's star teams, making Sin & Punishments, Ikarugas till the end of times.
Some of the "rumors" seem so obvious... I mean Retro working on a project? What is next? Nintendo making a Mario game?

Nintendo buying Treasure would be a dream come true for me. It's be nice if Treasure didn't have to make licensed anime games to survive. If they really want to get the hardcore gamer, Treasure is your studio. Treasure is more conventionally "hardcore" than an FPS studio, but that also means they mesh better with Nintendo's design philosophies.


Gvaz said:
Have you held a kindle? Go hold a Nook or something, it's about the same size then try to tell me that would be a good controller.

I have to actually SEE what they're explaining, but until then that just sounds awkward as hell and yet another gimmick like the wii.

(note, I actually own a wii but hate the motion controls because of the limitations of the sensor bar and a small range of movement)
I have one right next to me, actually. The size doesn't seem problematic at all, the ergonomics of the device itself are a problem. With some nice handles at a comfortable angle it could be pretty good I guess.

I also don't agree that it sounds like a gimmick. I could see many potentially great applications even for traditional games. The examples mentioned in the IGN podcast for example sound rather convincing.
Kevin said:
I think I get what you're getting at with this. Though I do question how well this would work. I'm going to assume that if you turned your head to look around, wouldn't it go bonkers like trying to control FPS games with the Wiimote at times? I mean you can only turn your head a little bit or else you're no longer looking at the tv. So I would assume you would need to turn slightly to have the character fully turn 360 degrees. I could see that getting messy. Unless you have another idea?

Use the dual analog to control camera position and movement and the tracking to change your view within that field? To use that picture frame example that was used in that video, the frame itself is static in it's placement (useless you physically move it), but you can change what you're able to see through it some by moving your position relative to it. For an example of how to employ it in a game, it could be used to add lean into a FPS, or the ability to look around a corner or quickly scan a room for threats in a stealth game like Metal Gear. Think of it this way, your eyes allow a greater view through their movement independent of your head movement. Much like that, this technology could be used in conjunction with dual analog for an unprecedented level of control of FoV.


The people on the IGN podcast said that devs are literaly telling them that the controller looks like somebody slapped an IPAD in the middle of a dreamcast controller. So some of the posted concepts are probably pretty close


Krowley said:
The people on the IGN podcast said that devs are literaly telling them that the controller looks like somebody slapped an IPAD in the middle of a dreamcast controller. So some of the posted concepts are probably pretty close
God this sounds horrible and bulky...


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Krowley said:
The people on the IGN podcast said that devs are literaly telling them that the controller looks like somebody slapped an IPAD in the middle of a dreamcast controller. So some of the posted concepts are probably pretty close



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