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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Krowley said:
That's kinda weird :/

That's exactly the same idea I came up with. ("came up with") Except the dual analogs are level.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I do love Plex's design, it's definitely possible Nintendo's taking feedback from uDraw. I just think it's most likely the Wiimote will always be on the right, like in BowieZ's mockup.

Speaking of, I don't believe Nintendo would only have an analog stick on the tablet portion. D-pad is at least a must.

NateDrake said:
Based on the podcast the IGN mockup from earlier sounds pretty likely how the controller will look. If it's like this then it isn't that bad.


Screen would need to be bigger though.


BMF said:
I think that 6" is probably a complete misreporting. A 3" screen I could see though.

But then what would that screen do? Just HUD and inventory stuff? I'm not a fan of idea of having a 6" screen in the middle of my controller but it does seem to offer more possibilities than a 3" screen would, like the screening of full games for example...


I'm pretty sure Nintendo will keep the modular design. Most of the mockups look like something made by the Nintendo that designed the n64 and the GC. While they're supposedly trying to get the "hardcore gamer" back, they will not do something to keep off the casuals.


BMF said:
I think that 6" is probably a complete misreporting. A 3" screen I could see though.

I don't know, the screen size seems to be one of the most consistent reports among all the different rumors.

Everybody says it's 6 inch, and the IGN podcast emphasized that they were hearing from developers that the screen was like an ipad on a controller, which to me seems to suggest a pretty big screen.
NGP has shown how it could work of course, just expand the screen from widescreen to 4:3 and it's heading towards 6 inches.

Just for fun, here's a vertical 5.5 inch screen footprint on top of a 3DS.



BMF said:
I think that 6" is probably a complete misreporting. A 3" screen I could see though.
Everyone says it's 6" and you're supposed to stream games to the display. Streaming HD games to a 3" display wouldn't work.


Thinking about this, especially the streaming stuff, this thing would not only compete with PS3 and 360 (and their successors), it would also directly compete with the NGP for lots of potential customers, especially outside of Japan - people who only play their handhelds at home. Why settle for a powerful handheld that emulates a console experience when you can have an even more powerful "handheld", with real console games and a bigger screen, possibly even at a lower price, that works just as well in your bedroom or on the toilet?


NateDrake said:
Based on the podcast the IGN mockup from earlier sounds pretty likely how the controller will look. If it's like this then it isn't that bad.

best non-comical design yet. I can see this but prettier actually happening now. And i would be down to fuck.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
wsippel said:
Thinking about this, especially the streaming stuff, this thing would not only compete with PS3 and 360 (and their successors), it would also directly compete with the NGP for lots of potential customers, especially outside of Japan - people who only play their handhelds at home. Why settle for a powerful handheld that emulates a console experience when you can have an even more powerful "handheld", with real console games and a bigger screen, possibly even at a lower price, that works just as well in your bedroom or on the toilet?

Yup. NGP is going to be in big trouble if it tries to be a PSP re-do with watered down console ports.


wsippel said:
Everyone says it's 6" and you're supposed to stream games to the display. Streaming HD games to a 3" display wouldn't work.

I think its most likely 6" diagonal of a 16:9 screen since that's the measurement people use most for screen sizes.
I'll definitely be disappointed if the controller takes the form of a traditional pad versus a Wiimote/'chuk set-up. The games will still be great, I'm sure. But it's a step backward, taken solely because of whining, obstinate hardly-cores.

I want a split controller with pointer functionality. More buttons would be great. I hope the screen isn't some excuse to "innovate" and give a reason for their return to a traditional pad. I hope the screen isn't way to avoid admitting that they felt the Wiimote wasn't okay for hardcore games.
wsippel said:
Everyone says it's 6" and you're supposed to stream games to the display. Streaming HD games to a 3" display wouldn't work.

Well Iphone4 is 4" with 960x640, surely can get 720p with 5"?
I still find 6 too big for handheld.


wsippel said:
Thinking about this, especially the streaming stuff, this thing would not only compete with PS3 and 360 (and their successors), it would also directly compete with the NGP for lots of potential customers, especially outside of Japan - people who only play their handhelds at home. Why settle for a powerful handheld that emulates a console experience when you can have an even more powerful "handheld", with real console games and a bigger screen, possibly even at a lower price, that works just as well in your bedroom or on the toilet?

But what kind of streaming are you talking about here? Like Onlive or like you need to be within 30 ft of the console in order to stream? Because if its like Onlive and your streaming via cloud then why is the console portion even necessary? Is it only for gaming at home on the hd tv and the tablet/controller does everything else on its own when you take it out of the house?
Freezie KO said:
I want a split controller with pointer functionality.

There's several hundred million out there for you to choose from.
And as for pointer functionality, the controller could be binoculars to the wii remote's telescope, if you get me.
Remember that the GBA Devkits had a SNES controller wired to it for controls. The "Ipad with stuff on the edges" could just be based on an alpha devkit build and/or not reflective on what future N6 system will be controlled with beyond that it will have those buttons/sticks/abilities. The design is likely made for cost and functionality, rather than to be a 1:1 example of the finished design.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
nephilimdj said:
Well Iphone4 is 4" with 960x640, surely can get 720p with 5"?
I still find 6 too big for handheld.

Games will have to be downres'd for it, I highly doubt even at 6" it would have 1080p.


Lonewolf_92 said:
Remember that the GBA Devkits had a SNES controller wired to it for controls. The "Ipad with stuff on the edges" could just be based on an alpha devkit build and/or not reflective on what future N6 system will be controlled with beyond that it will have those buttons/sticks/abilities. The design is likely made for cost and functionality, rather than to be a 1:1 example of the finished design.

good point.

The final design may look very different than what they're messing with now.

Also, the other big point the IGN podcast made was that devs were saying the machine was all about getting back hardcore gamers, with visual power and all that jazz. I had taken that stuff with a grain of salt before, but it sounds like it's integral to this machine.

They even speculated that they might market the wii as a seperate brand for casual gamers, while this thing was aimed more at core gamers.

makes me wonder if there will even be a wii-style motion controller bundled with the machine at all. I had previously assumed that there would be.Maybe this new machine has more modest functionality in that regard with a tilt sensor or something


Andrex said:
Games will have to be downres'd for it, I highly doubt even at 6" it would have 1080p.

Well the french site as already said the screen is sub-HD and just thinking about it, the 6" screen probably isn't going to be 1080p, because that would be expensive and people wouldn't be able to tell anyway. All it needs to be is high density like itouches and stuff.


artwalknoon said:
But what kind of streaming are you talking about here? Like Onlive or like you need to be within 30 ft of the console in order to stream? Because if its like Onlive and your streaming via cloud then why is the console portion even necessary? Is it only for gaming at home on the hd tv and the tablet/controller does everything else on its own when you take it out of the house?
Streaming for Wii2 hasn't been explained yet but figure it'll be similar to the PS3/PSP Remote Play type stuff. The screen on the controller will act as a "mini" TV and let you play the game. Nothing else is known but it won't be like a portable system and let you take it anywhere.


NateDrake said:
Streaming for Wii2 hasn't been explained yet but figure it'll be similar to the PS3/PSP Remote Play type stuff. The screen on the controller will act as a "mini" TV and let you play the game. Nothing else is known but it won't be like a portable system and let you take it anywhere.

That's what I thought so I don't get why some people were talking about it threatening the NGP, a real portable (that can be taken anywhere) versus whatever this turns out to be.
Graphics Horse said:
There's several hundred million out there for you to choose from.
And as for pointer functionality, the controller could be binoculars to the wii remote's telescope, if you get me.

It's pretty clear that I meant I wanted it as the main, standard controller. Which actually encourages devs to use it.

And you're right that the pointer camera could be just attached to the front of a classic controller, but it's just easier to point with a one-handed device.


artwalknoon said:
That's what I thought so I don't get why some people were talking about it threatening the NGP, a real portable (that can be taken anywhere) versus whatever this turns out to be.
Because if you can play CoD: Modern Warfare 3 with all the bells and whistles while taking a shit as it streams from the Wii2, why buy the NGP version of the game? You can buy this one console version and play on your TV or while sitting on the toilet without the need for a portable system or secondary copy. Offers the best of both worlds but with obvious travel limitations.
Weirdly, the only way I can see a multipurpose screen that supports straight rebroadcast of the TV signal is by having a vertical screen.

Press the 'No TV' button and your sub-screen content shrinks down to cover only the bottom half, and your widescreen TV picture appears at the top. And don't tell me two screens arranged vertically is a terrible idea, lol. Even so, I'd be surprised if they did that.


NateDrake said:
Because if you can play CoD: Modern Warfare 3 with all the bells and whistles while taking a shit as it streams from the Wii2, why buy the NGP version of the game? You can buy this one console version and play on your TV or while sitting on the toilet without the need for a portable system or secondary copy. Offers the best of both worlds but with obvious travel limitations.

lol I suppose you have a point, but that's also saying that portables are mainly played at home, which is true. But the importance of a portable is also that it can be played anywhere, like on a train in japan or the bus or at work, school, a cafe a friend's house etc.


artwalknoon said:
But what kind of streaming are you talking about here? Like Onlive or like you need to be within 30 ft of the console in order to stream? Because if its like Onlive and your streaming via cloud then why is the console portion even necessary? Is it only for gaming at home on the hd tv and the tablet/controller does everything else on its own when you take it out of the house?
Supposedly, it's like Onlive, but there's no cloud. It's not streaming over the Internet, it's streaming from the console in your living room - probably using WLAN, so we should be looking at 30m, not 30ft. It obviously won't work when you leave your house, but like I said, many (most?) handheld owners only play at home, anyway.


Graphics Horse said:
Weirdly, the only way I can see a multipurpose screen that supports straight rebroadcast of the TV signal is having a vertical screen.

Press the 'No TV' button and your sub-screen content shrinks down to cover only the bottom half, and your widescreen TV picture appears at the top. And don't tell me two screens arranged vertically is a terrible idea, lol.

That's interesting too. I hadn't considered that possibility...

Basically it would function exactly like a DS when in streaming mode, and it would offer touch screen controls or other interface elements in normal play. That way it can do both at the same time.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Ok, so I wanted to share some thoughts about all this..

At first, Nintendo seems to be in a kind of "awkward" postion. Mobile gaming is starting, to some extentent, affecting or intruding into their dominance in the portable space and this for obvious reasons. A phone is something you always bring with you, a portable gaming device is something you have to make a conscious choice of bringing or not.

Secondly, the console market.
As I see it, it really does not matter if Nintendo releases the most impressive hardware ever, tech specs wise (obviously, they will not sell a machine at loss now, they basically never have). The problem with Nintendo, which has always been the case, is image. (yeah I know, people have been hearing this before).. but there are reasons why some of the most popular games of this generation, the CoDs, the assassins creed etc, have not been released on a ninty console (in some variation) or if it has, it has been a lackluster success.

The problem is that, as I see it again, it really does not matter if Nintendo invites all of the 3rd parties, if Nintendo themselves do not bring out these kind of "mature" games (like a CoD or assassins creed made by NIntendo 1st party), then nothing will ever change and Sony and MS will still house these kinds of IPs, IPs that do affect image, hardware and software sales etc.

(Side note, Wii won many points with its motion controller but what is the next step? Bio metric-input data? Motion sensing like Kinect seems to be where the money will be at, more advanced tech, coupled with above metioned biometric-data (pulse, cold, heat from body etc).

Anyways, my point is that for Nintendo, they have to change from within, in order to see changes from outside. Yes, Ninty is like the disney of consoles, which is not a bad thing, but the disney of console would never release something like an Inception, Black swan, True grit or any other blockbuster movies that has been releases recently.

As always, it will be interesting to see what Nintendo brings to the table, perhaps they can repeat the success from the Wii but I think, even though after the massive success of Wii and DS, Ninty is in an even more thigther spot. More companies are battling now, Apple and Android devices are also competing for our time.

And what will Sony and MS counter with? MS will have an even more advanced Kinect (built in hopefully) and Sony with a tech specs heavy monster?

And what about onlive kind of services?

So to sum up, my point is that Ninty "most likely" will be hurting more this coming gen because they never change "image" wise. It is always the same. Nintendo have to start releasing the "CoDs" and the likes, in order to compete with the rest, in the console space because this time, they will not have a gimmick or their gimmick will not be as different as the rest.

OTOH, Nintendo somehow always manages... :)


Graphics Horse said:
Weirdly, the only way I can see a multipurpose screen that supports straight rebroadcast of the TV signal is by having a vertical screen.

Press the 'No TV' button and your sub-screen content shrinks down to cover only the bottom half, and your widescreen TV picture appears at the top. And don't tell me two screens arranged vertically is a terrible idea, lol. Even so, I'd be surprised if they did that.

that's actually a pretty good point. i hadn't thought of the need to have part of needing to remain a touch screen considering it could be used for game content. the screen is starting to get awfully small at this point though. if it was vertical and using a 4:3 aspect ratio, then the widescreen would come out to something similar to a psp screen if i did the math right (and i probably didn't since a lot of this is new to me).


This thing still seems damn fishy to me from a cost stand point.

What if you have four people playing the game?

You easily looking at 100 quid per controller, not feasible. And how is wiimote pointing/chuck controls going to work.

Having used a DS3 and a move controller I've seen how unwieldy that kind of setup is.


Maximilian E. said:
Anyways, my point is that for Nintendo, they have to change from within, in order to see changes from outside. Yes, Ninty is like the disney of consoles, which is not a bad thing, but the disney of console would never release something like an Inception, Black swan, True grit or any other blockbuster movies that has been releases recently.

Maybe Nintendo should buy Grasshopper (The Silver Case, Michigan: Report from Hell, Killer 7, NMH series) and Platinum Games (MadWorld, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Anarchy Reigns) and let them put out whatever they can exclusively for their systems. Perhaps then Nintendo won't be seen as "kiddy" by some.
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