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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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neptunes said:
After implementing a back-touch panel in the NGP, I could see SONY implementing some kind of touch in the Dual Shock 4. I could actually see all 3 of them do it.


Absolutely perfect for Madden games where your friend is always looking at what plays you're picking.


So Nintendo is going to come out with a next gen console that's better than the PS3 and 360 .. both of which aren't predicted to be replaced by new versions for a couple years?

Damn, go Nintendo.


Here's my measure Nintendo. If you can give me a system that can run the new unreal engine features and play Cry engine 3 at high settings and still have room to grow I'll take back my thoughts on you and possibly buy your console(assuming microsft or Sony only barely match or exceed it once they get around to announcing there's).


No more fucking delays for Zelda. It doesn't matter when Wii 2 comes out, they better release Skyward Sword by November. Or there are gonna be Zelda fanboy riots in the streets.
I cant believe so many people want zelda delayed a full year now cause of this ;;. let them make a zelda from the ground up that takes into account the quirks/gimmicks/innovations of the next console.


StuBurns said:
Based on what? I bet it's larger.

The Wii launched with 6 years+ old hardware didnt it? Assuming the next console uses relatively current tech or so it would only be about 2-3 years behind when the PS4/720 launch.

At least thats my thinking.


so is Pablo Belmonte going to release a leaked video he found in the bin just before E3 again?

the nintendo On one is still immensely enjoyable all these years later


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Jibber Hack said:
Are you new to Nintendo console transitions? I thought that the Gamecube was far done by the time the Wii hit the shelves. They are usually pretty poor at supporting their consoles that are on the way out.

I am not and it was. But they were abadoning the Gamecube, while I'm assuming they will be building on the success of the Wii with the next console. It seems by late 2012 the Wii will be nothing but an after thought.

Lack of support and Kinect/Move (somewhat) have put a dent into Nintendo's home console market.


X-Frame said:
So Nintendo is going to come out with a next gen console that's better than the PS3 and 360 .. both of which aren't predicted to be replaced by new versions for a couple years?

Damn, go Nintendo.
Next Xbox is prolly 2012 tho. Microsoft is getting pretty desperate about the DVD format size issue.
We'll need new megaton gifs made especially for E3 this year. I'll put something together for the occasion, I honestly didn't expect a next gen console to show this year. Gonna be awesome!

Bring it.


X-Frame said:
So Nintendo is going to come out with a next gen console that's better than the PS3 and 360 .. both of which aren't predicted to be replaced by new versions for a couple years?

Damn, go Nintendo.

I don't think anyone doubts that the PS3 and 360 are "old" now and people want moar-powa, just they're not so "old looking" that it's insulting to see new games on them yet. But it's kind of odd how people's expectations of nintendo is now, that they're shocked their machine to be possibly unveiled in 2011 is more powerful than the machines that were unveiled in what, 2005?


DoomXploder7 said:
I cant believe so many people want zelda delayed a full year now cause of this ;;. let them make a zelda from the ground up that takes into account the quirks/gimmicks/innovations of the next console.

I know, makes me angry.
Other than the incredibly unlikely rumor of a HD screen in a controller, everything else seems what you'd expect. Of course the next Nintendo console is going to be more powerful than the PS3, the cost of the components necessary to do it isn't going to be high at all in late 2012.
Gaf is on fire today, Wii 2 announcement and NPD results, and to think E3 will probably be even more crazy.

Thank god for that extension Neogaf Live Thread"


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
sullytao said:
I am glad that Nintendo are finally looking to embrace the hardcore crowd again. However the only way I will even consider buying another console from them is if they install a real online system like PSN/XBLA. Friend codes and shit is not acceptable in this day and age.

The 3DS's use of the new friend codes is quite good IMO. Something like that would be fine for the Wii2


Instro said:
The Wii launched with 6 years+ old hardware didnt it? Assuming the next console uses relatively current tech or so it would only be about 2-3 years behind when the PS4/720 launch.

At least thats my thinking.
Why would they do that though? They could but they won for the first time since the SNES days, and the other two are struggling, aping them seems a poor idea. Who knows though, you could be right.
Jonm1010 said:
Here's my measure Nintendo. If you can give me a system that can run the new unreal engine features and play Cry engine 3 at high settings and still have room to grow I'll take back my thoughts on you and possibly buy your console(assuming microsft or Sony only barely match or exceed it once they get around to announcing there's).

I suggest you stick with pc gaming.
Donnie said:
A lot of people didn't expect Nintendo's next console to be as powerful as PS3, never mind significantly more powerful. Also I don't remember anyone seriously saying that based on this info Nintendo will win the hardware race next gen.
I don't know how anyone could assume that their next system wouldn't be at least on par with hardware released in 2005/2006.

And again, I'm not saying that new hardware news isn't exciting, or that early tidbits shouldn't be viewed positively. But some people assumed that they're really swinging for the fences this go around. Others pessimistically were viewing this news with a skeptical view of "this kind of high-end tech doesn't sound like Nintendo's wheelhouse." And I just didn't understand the surprise -- at this point -- of the announced tech. Better (perhaps significantly, whatever that means) than PS3? Capable of 1080 P? I mean, the aiming at the hardcore piqued my interest, but the rest? At this point, it's anyone's guess. It might be out-of-this-world great. It might be completely underwhelming. The news trickling in tells us very, very little.

Mind you, that doesn't mean that it's not interesting or exciting all the same.


Junior Member
Is it assumed this is using something bigger than DVD? Searched the first page for relevant terms and didn't find anything.


J-Rzez said:
I don't think anyone doubts that the PS3 and 360 are "old" now and people want moar-powa, just they're not so "old looking" that it's insulting to see new games on them yet. But it's kind of odd how people's expectations of nintendo is now, that they're shocked their machine to be possibly unveiled in 2011 is more powerful than the machines that were unveiled in what, 2005?

I agree. I am not shocked whatsoever and I also think they are old. Given at how much farther ahead PC's are, it's amazing how MS/Sony thought these consoles would be competitive this long. 512 mb RAM for the PS3? The PS4 better have like 32 GB or RAM. Lol.

I know Sony said the PS3 is going to have a 10 year life-cycle, but I think many people also twist those words into thinking a new PS4 won't come out until 2015 or something.

Who knows, maybe they'll all be announced at E3 and then it's just a race to see who's first to market again.


Majine said:
Next Xbox is prolly 2012 tho. Microsoft is getting pretty desperate about the DVD format size issue.
If I were Microsoft(or Sony) I would try and pull an Apple and Let the competition build up their hype and then, say next E3, just come in and absolutely blow Nintendo out the water by matching them and then succeeding them in areas like graphics and finish the conference with a release date that is right around the same time, maybe earlier with almost the same price.


YYZ said:
Is it assumed this is using something bigger than DVD? Searched the first page for relevant terms and didn't find anything.
I don't think there's any concrete info on the medium right now, but wouldn't Blu-Ray be the most logical choice? I can't think of anything else that would be viable.


Bring on the new console! Day 1 here no matter what. Super Smash Bros HD. Here we gooooooo.

Also, it better look better than the ps3/xbox 360, the graphics are starting to look very dated. I realized this after recently upgrading my pc.


I think people are taking the "HD" comment too literally. It could just be someone trying to say that the screen has a very high DPI.


dvolovets said:
I don't think there's any concrete info on the medium right now, but wouldn't Blu-Ray be the most logical choice? I can't think of anything else that would be viable.
Nintendo will either make their own version of blu ray or do something with that holographic storage patent finally
apana said:
I think it's just you. lol

No it happened to me too, I think they were temporarily disabled to speed up loading. Evilore said in the new avatar rules thread that the load on the servers was a ton higher with the new system in place
X-Frame said:
I know Sony said the PS3 is going to have a 10 year life-cycle, but I think many people also twist those words into thinking a new PS4 won't come out until 2015 or something.

Yeah that Sony PR line basically means - ''we'll support it for 10 years'' ala PS2, not ''we'll hold off launching our next console for an entire decade''. That would be insane.


Synth_floyd said:
Nice so if Nintendo launches in 2012, then Sony/MS launch in 2013 at the latest. Let the next gen begin!!

That's what I'm assuming as well.

The PS3 specifically will probably lurk around a little long, but that won't stop Sony from showing off something new, especially if MS and nintendo decide to show off some wares. MS needs to get the ball rolling as hardware is starting to hold them back, aka media storage.

There's a couple "big" titles yet in the works for say the PS3 that are hitting in the next year or so, but that would give their devs enough time to transition over and hopefully for once have a killer launch line up. One can only hope.


Ickman3400 said:
No it happened to me too, I think they were temporarily disabled to speed up loading. Evilore said in the new avatar rules thread that the load on the servers was a ton higher with the new system in place

Sorry the lol was to indicate I was joking. Yeah my avatar is gone also.
apana said:
No more fucking delays for Zelda. It doesn't matter when Wii 2 comes out, they better release Skyward Sword by November. Or there are gonna be Zelda fanboy riots in the streets.
Seriously. I can't believe we've gone this long without a console Zelda. It's getting to be as long as the wait from Link to the Past to Ocarina of Time...

I hope the new system's graphics won't make Nintendo games take even longer to be made...
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