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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Implement a decent online framework and i'm sold, takemymoneyalready.gif.

N64 remains my favourite console, i want Nintendo to bring back the glory days.
Router said:
A small HD Display. Its not like the controller will be a flatscreen TV or anything.

A screen in a controller isn't going to have a higher resolution than the NGP or Iphone 4. If it's that small, there's even less reason for it to be that high of a resolution. The HD part of the rumor is clearly nonsense.


I have a feeling the difference in power between Wii 2 and PS3/720 will be like PS2 was to Xbox or like DC was to PS2. Basically it will be much weaker than the competition, but not weak enough to miss out on the multiplatform games like Wii did.

Of all companies I think Microsoft have the best chance to differentiate themselves from the competition, they can include an imroved Kinect that is a HD camera and has more accurate tracking, if every console has Kinect built in there console will stand out the most. PS4 would just be a more powerful Wii 2.
Branduil said:
HD screen in the controller? That sounds incredibly bizarre.

It would be awesome if the controller was nothing but a huge touch screen that also had HD graphics on it. Like in-between an iPhone and an iPad size-wise, so it's comfortable two-handed. Then all the controls would be on the small screen and you wouldn't have anything clogging up the game on the television.

That's what I'm envisioning right now and will be disappointed in anything else.
Not really, but I'd no doubt be in line Day One if Nintendo did this.
From The Dust said:
that itself isn't surprising. hell, Nintendo was looking into the Cell processor shortly after launch of the Wii. not to mention holographic storage
Wii2 launching with a Cell processor inside would be absolutetly hilarious. With all the talk of a WiiHD we'd actually be getting a PS3 SuperHD.
Clott said:
So this is not being reported as a rumor, but actual information?

It's a controlled leak, as others have already surmised. Apple is the king of this. They let slip bits and pieces of information, the entire press core reports on it over the span of a day or two. Builds hype for the actual unveiling, come time.

They sorta kinda did this with the 3DS.


demonturkey said:
Just got home from work. I'm slightly drunk.

Perhaps you should stop drinking at work, for starters.

People claim that a Wii successor in 2012 would be instantly outclassed by Sony and Microsoft's heirs in 2013 from a power standpoint for third party support, but there's no proof of that being the case. The 360 got a year's head-start over the PS3, did it not? I wouldn't say they were abandoned by major third party games all that much, even if the tech was weaker. Nintendo can get away with releasing the weakest of the three next-gen systems if it remains profitable for them, they just have to make enough of a step over PS3/360 that they're not almost an entire generations'-worth behind again. It shouldn't be that difficult.


Has anyone talked about the possibility of this thing upscaling Wii/GC games? Those Dolphin screenshots look fantastic, I'd love to play them on my TV.
There is no fucking way they will put a HD screen in the fucking controller. First off that would make the console itself including one controller prohibitvely expensive enough, but then what about additional controllers for the system, wouldn't they cost $100 at the very least? Also, wouldn't they be quite fragile? Nintendo has always seemed to manufacture very sturdy components that could take a good amount of wear and tear.


thefro said:
If there's a screen in the controller, surely it's going to be rechargable out of the box.

Maybe it is OLED and will mainly display as much as black as possible, so for example if there are any menus on the screen they will be black to conserve battery life.


Saint Gregory said:
Wii2 launching with a Cell processor inside would be absolutetly hilarious. With all the talk of a WiiHD we'd actually be getting a PS3 SuperHD.

Cell is honestly the only logical choice is they stick with IBM as the tech has been more or less implemented into IBMs overall techline.


On one hand, I don't know if I'm ready for next gen yet.

On the other hand, this is going to make E3 soooooooooooo much more entertaining/interesting.

Also, they need to make sure Cammy stays off the stage like last year. Keep her "would only if paperbagged" face online like last year.
Nuclear Muffin said:
It will without a shadow of a doubt. Nintendo are going to really struggle with HD development (they have no experience with modern shader hardware, outside of the 3DS and they're already lagging far behind everyone else there)

Their artists and programmers are 5-6 years behind the rest of the industry in terms of tech experience.
I don't think Nintendo will need shaders to make many of their games look that much better. Mostly just higher resolution textures and more polygons.

I mean, Galaxy looks amazing with no shaders... Even the 3DS Mario and Paper Mario are looking great.

Of course, many games will have a huge benefit from shaders. But time will tell...
Y2Kev said:
Hd screen in the Controller is an obvious lie. How much would the continued cost?

HD might be a bit of a misnomer.
It could just be a really clear good looking screen that doesn't even display in 480p.
ReyVGM said:
Not gonna happen. That emulator doesn't just make games look 1080p automatically. They have to be tweaked, one by one, to look like that. And not to mention that it also breaks a lot of other stuff in game that constantly needs fixing.

Will GC/Wii games look better on Wii2? Sure. But not like Dolphin makes them look.
Emulation is different than BC. It's why the DS cant emulate most SNES games for crap but can play FAR more complex 60fps 3d ds games. It takes FAR, FAR more power to emulate a system than to actually run it.
Think of it like this. It's easier and quicker for me to write in my handwriting than for you to try to write in my handwriting perfectly. The wii2 has the wii's vhands built in, your PC doesnt. So it has to dedicate all it's power imitating it, which is why CPU power is the deciding factor most of the time, not gpu power when it comes to emulation on pc. You're card can easily dislplay the polygons but the cpu is trying its hardest to imitate a wii, which it is not.
KAL2006 said:
Maybe it is OLED and will mainly display as much as black as possible, so for example if there are any menus on the screen they will be black to conserve battery life.

That seems prohibitively expensive for a controller, especially if Nintendo wants to keep a focus on split screen co-op and party games.


AceBandage said:
HD might be a bit of a misnomer.
It could just be a really clear good looking screen that doesn't even display in 480p.
Yep in fact there are a ton of phones that say they are HD Screens when they do not have an actual HD resolution.


AceBandage said:
HD might be a bit of a misnomer.
It could just be a really clear good looking screen that doesn't even display in 480p.

The problem is I'm looking at a wii mote and I don't see where is the space to add a large screen.
So, I guess the question is how much more powerful will this be than the current consoles?

It will be awesome if it's a super beast. $599!

But realistically I expect it to be a modest upgrade, ala 3DS over PSP.
Can nintendo make the "screen on a controller" concept work? The reason the dreamcast one failed is because nobody wants to look at the controller while they're playing a game.
DoctorWho said:
He had us put them all on his servers and then stole them like he's gonna steal our souls.



Synth_floyd said:
Can nintendo make the "screen on a controller" concept work? The reason the dreamcast one failed is because nobody wants to look at the controller while they're playing a game.
Really would depend on what they had in mind. Would it be a touch screen with extra virtual buttons or would it be an actual display for something etc


apana said:
The problem is I'm looking at a wii mote and I don't see where is the space to add a large screen.
Assuming this rumor is true, which seems questionable, I think what would happen is the screen would replace the buttons.
DeathbyVolcano said:
It's a controlled leak, as others have already surmised. Apple is the king of this. They let slip bits and pieces of information, the entire press core reports on it over the span of a day or two. Builds hype for the actual unveiling, come time.

They sorta kinda did this with the 3DS.
That's obvious. Everyone leaking at the same time says that Nintendo just gave evryone permission to start whispering about it. The fact that they chose today of all days to start the whisper campaign makes me wonder if this isn't partly about distracting from the meh Wii/3DS numbers too.


mj1108 said:
On one hand, I don't know if I'm ready for next gen yet.

On the other hand, this is going to make E3 soooooooooooo much more entertaining/interesting.

Also, they need to make sure Cammy stays off the stage like last year. Keep her "would only if paperbagged" face online like last year.

did you just buy a system this year or last?

the systems themselves are really old by any console generation standard. launches in late 2012 is definitely a good place to start. heck, I would want ALL THREE to lanch in 2012, but Nintendo might be the only one.

edit: also Cammy left Nintendo almost a year ago. keep up :)


mj1108 said:
On one hand, I don't know if I'm ready for next gen yet.

On the other hand, this is going to make E3 soooooooooooo much more entertaining/interesting.

Also, they need to make sure Cammy stays off the stage like last year. Keep her "would only if paperbagged" face online like last year
Yeaaahh...we really don't need that sort of talk here.


Basileus777 said:
Other than the incredibly unlikely rumor of a HD screen in a controller, everything else seems what you'd expect. Of course the next Nintendo console is going to be more powerful than the PS3, the cost of the components necessary to do it isn't going to be high at all in late 2012.

Keep in mind "HD" for portable tech doesn't mean 1080p. It means more like the "Retina" display on the iPhone 4.
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