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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Woffls said:
We're pretty sure it's not going to be a standalone tablet, rather one that is built into the screen. Your comment implied that, either way, you'd forsake it for more power, hence my suggestion. If that's not accurate, then I offer my apologies. Though, you did exactly the same to another user in a subsequent update in your post.

Nope. I'm all for a controller with a built-in touch screen, with the caveat that this technology isn't extremely expensive. Ideally, I would like a Wiimote with an analog stick and a touchscreen covering the surface of the Wiimote, like some other users expressed. Completely against a standalone tablet that is button-starved.


brochiller said:
I think he meant to write "controller is not being positioned to replace Wiimote." That's what it says in the article anyway.

Maybe they mean that it's positioned to replace it as the mainline controller, not that it's replacing the Wiimote's functionality.


-Pyromaniac- said:
Doesn't sound like it's being positioned to replace the Wiimote if that second bold part is true.

Unless they mean as the primary controller. Wiimote + nunchuk would be looked at like the classic controller on this new system.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
apana said:
How does a giant touchscreen do anything for third parties?

The other part of the rumor is that the controller is more like a traditional pad like GameCube, PS3, etc. It's been called out for looking like a Dreamcast controller in particular.

This rumor and the one about there being a 6" touchscreen are the most consistently corroborated across reports. It's unlikely for these rumors to be the false ones; if anything it is probably the other way around.


StevieP said:
I don't want to sound like Amir0x here, but it's a fact that there are genres that play better with a pointer of some kind. Shooters are one of those genres.
I don't know it may be a little thing, but you can't play with a pointer sitting in just any ol' position. Dual analogue may not be the most ideal, but I think the pointer doesn't represent a necessarily perfect solution either.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Hiltz said:
More rumor news coming from Kotaku:

- more sources confirm a touchscreen, two analog sticks and a camera for the controller
- screen will measure 6.2 inches
- controller will also include eight buttons
- controller is being positioned as a replacement for the Wiimote
- console will support Wiimote/Nunchuk
- new games may be built around Wiimote/Nunchuk, or the Project Cafe controller, or both
- two players may be able to use different control options, one on Wiimote/Nunchuk and one on Project Cafe controller
- controller will receive data wirelessly from the console
- uses for the screen/streaming could be putting the player's inventory or map on the controller screen, and allow gamers to combine it with the controller's camera to snap photos that could be imported into a game
- controller screen may be used for a separate experience altogether


Hmm..... I hope they at least bundle a wiimote/nunchuck in with the system. So basically the controller is a gamer-tablet... and wiimote+ can be used with it? I'm down for that.

But I'm really surprised that Nintendo won't have a Kinect-like camera.


agrajag said:
Nope. I'm all for a controller with a built-in touch screen, with the caveat that this technology isn't extremely expensive. Ideally, I would like a Wiimote with an analog stick and a touchscreen covering the surface of the Wiimote, like some other users expressed. Completely against a standalone tablet that is button-starved.
Yup, I agree mostly. Touch screen only games are almost universally terrible in my experience, and there's nothing I despise more than the idea that we might be forsaking buttons for touch screen real estate. I think a removable tablet would be the best of both worlds, though, so you can use the operating system without the controller for things like browsing the web and using eShop.

I think it will be fused with the controller - fused is the terminology that IGN used, I think - because making it removable would require it t be powered separately and all kinds of crazy stuff.
If this controller idea turns out to be true, you can count me out.

Stick with the wii remote and nunchuk and refine that system instead. This LCD, Dual Analog fused shit is way too complicated.
So what's the cheapest that a controller with a 6" touchscreen could possibly be? That's the main reason why I'm skeptical that it'd be viable as the primary controller for the system.
here is a part of one of the patent images. its an upgraded sensor bar with led lights on the top part that display colors. sort of like that tv . This patent is where i think people mistake it for screens on the controllers.

I can post more images if people want (this can all be found at the uspto website.)



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Father_Brain said:
So what's the cheapest that a controller with a 6" touchscreen could possibly be? That's the main reason why I'm skeptical that it'd be viable as the primary controller for the system.

Probably around $70 if they go for a really crappy touchscreen.


swerve said:
I think he's giving us hints about the personal screens here, and their ability to interact with the machine even when the TV is doing something else. Easy, handheld style 'pick up and play' brought to the home machine.


Those Iwata comments are pretty revealing I think. Apparently streaming to the controller will be a major selling point. Also, it sounds like they are focused on trying to bring their handheld experience, probably including the dual screen gameplay aspect, to their next console.

I guess maybe they're trying to get all the DS people to buy a console.
Check this old article:

The DS handheld gaming console, released in 2004, is now the hottest-selling portable video game machine. Did the success of the DS influence your design decisions?

Ashida: The DS had a huge impact on the Wii's design. We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii. We thought about copying the DS's touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype. But then we rejected the idea, since the portable console and the living-room console would have been exactly the same.

Made me laugh a lot :D

Please read this. I think it makes sense to track controller for pointing with just one camera because it saves Nintendo a lot of money and the user, since it open the way to less expensive controllers.


Nolan. said:
This is just sounding a bit too ridiculous to me anyway I'll wait till E3 and see what happens.
at this point, i have no idea how the hell the thing is supposed to look, and dimensions being reported also make no sense.

basically what i picture in my mind now is somekind of fucking Kindle knockoff with two random analog sticks, a d-pad, triggers, a camera thrown in for fun, some wonky motion controls hidden in, and a few more random buttons thrown in just because. it can also combine with the traditional Wiimote to create The Shogun Megazord.

pretty much the thing will look like something created by the Borg.


majortom1981 said:
here is a part of one of the patent images. its an upgraded sensor bar with led lights on the top part that display colors. sort of like that tv . This patent is where i think people mistake it for screens on the controllers.
We've all seen this before. All that's going on in that patent is color projection on the wall behind the screen. It's like mood lighting. Big whoop. It has nothing to do with the controller, and no one is mistaking that patent for the controller, especially not developers who are actually working with the real deal.


No additional functions
StevieP said:
I don't want to sound like Amir0x here, but it's a fact that there are genres that play better with a pointer of some kind. Shooters are one of those genres.

Edit: And as has been mentioned before (by the same Amir0x, in fact), the Wiimote+Nunchuck combo can successfully be used for the overwhelming majority of genres out there, as is - aside from perhaps complex 2D fighers. Going backwards in time is a stupid move for them. It would be akin to Nintendo releasing the Wii with a 3-pronged single-analog controler.
I said Wii Sports and RE4 benefited from it. FPSs do not imo. Motion controls don't replace buttons. They are not as precise and not as quick. If going backwards in time is useless, then why does this new controller by Nintendo sound like a traditional controller with a touchscreen? Why would they release the classic controller and make the GC controller work with some of their games? Motion controls work fine for some types of games, but there's quite a bit of evolution that can occur to a traditional controller. It sounds like this is Nintendo's idea of what it should be. Personally, I've been waiting for a trackball to replace the right analog stick since last gen, but it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully it will next gen. Here's a prototype -



bidaum said:
I don't know it may be a little thing, but you can't play with a pointer sitting in just any ol' position. Dual analogue may not be the most ideal, but I think the pointer doesn't represent a necessarily perfect solution either.

It's not "perfect." But it doesn't have to be. It has to be better than dual analog, which it is. At least in my opinion.


majortom1981 said:
here is a part of one of the patent images. its an upgraded sensor bar with led lights on the top part that display colors. sort of like that tv . This patent is where i think people mistake it for screens on the controllers.

I can post more images if people want (this can all be found at the uspto website.)
Again, Nintendo also patented holographic displays, rumbling touchscreens, holographic storage modules, a beanbag controller for horse riding games and billions other things. The patents mean nothing. In fact, if they didn't ask the patent office to keep the patents confidential until launch, they most likely don't intend to use them.


The Amiga Brotherhood
MadOdorMachine said:
I said Wii Sports and RE4 benefited from it. FPSs do not imo. Motion controls don't replace buttons. They are not as precise and not as quick. If going backwards in time is useless, then why does this new controller by Nintendo sound like a traditional controller with a touchscreen? Why would they release the classic controller and make the GC controller work with some of their games? Motion controls work fine for some types of games, but there's quite a bit of evolution that can occur to a traditional controller. It sounds like this is Nintendo's idea of what it should be. Personally, I've been waiting for a trackball to replace the right analog stick since last gen, but it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully it will next gen. Here's a prototype -


I'd love to see the return of trackballs actually.
apana said:
Well I don't know what kind of discussions third parties and Nintendo have had on the topic but it always seemed like the Wii-Mote was never a huge issue, the issue was the power of the machine. The fact that Wii couldn't run any games.

I think you mean "be quickly and easily ported to." The Wii can run some pretty great games if you're willing to put the effort in.


Deguello said:
It's not "perfect." But it doesn't have to be. It has to be better than dual analog, which it is. At least in my opinion.
I prefer dual analogue to the pointer myself (even having come from a PC fps background), but if this thread is any indication I recognize I'm in the minority.


Skiesofwonder said:
Hmm..... I hope they at least bundle a wiimote/nunchuck in with the system.
I doubt they will, given how many Wiimotes are out there already. Most core gamers who buy it wont want Wiimotes [except the ones that probably have Wii already], and casual gamers who buy it will likely have compatible Wiimotes already. This also reflects the idea that Nintendo used Wii as a gateway to more traditional console experiences. I would be very surprised if they bundled the Wiimote with this at all, given that there must be over 120m Wiimotes out there.


Trackball is a terrible idea for an analog stick replacement. You can't hold it down in a particular direction and continue travel in that direction with one simple move. You would have to repeatedly push/pull the trackball to get where you want to go. Ridiculous.

If this idea ever crossed the desks at Nintendo, it was surely pitched in the trash seconds later.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
Check this old article:

The DS handheld gaming console, released in 2004, is now the hottest-selling portable video game machine. Did the success of the DS influence your design decisions?

Ashida: The DS had a huge impact on the Wii's design. We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii. We thought about copying the DS's touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype. But then we rejected the idea, since the portable console and the living-room console would have been exactly the same.

Made me laugh a lot :D

Please read this. I think it makes sense to track controller for pointing with just one camera because it saves Nintendo a lot of money and the user, since it open the way to less expensive controllers.

Good find.

Yeah Nintendo weren't (aren't) going to blur the console/handheld experience, they will try and make each as compelling as possible. And the Wii's pointer was clearly a way of adapting touch from the DS to the console environment.


never left the stone age
Deguello said:
It's not "perfect." But it doesn't have to be. It has to be better than dual analog, which it is. At least in my opinion.
The thing about pointer controls is that they are, in my opinion, fun. They're nowhere as good as a mouse, nowhere as horrible as joystick aiming (I can't handle it at all).

Actually pointing and shooting instead of just moving the camera/reticule makes it way more immersive.


I'm kind of on the fence about this possible touch screen being used in the controller given Nintendo's track record with gimmicky hardware features and how some were more used than others. The Wii remote speaker was of low-quality and felt tacked-on. It didn't really offer anything worthwhile. Nintendo's also conintued to offer gimmicky peripherals like the craptacular Wii Speak.

A touch screen would most likely play a bigger role but I remain skeptical. I'm concerned that it may be treated similarly to the DS in how the touch screen was used to show off underwhelming things like the ability to display maps to draw on. Not sure what to make of the streaming content stuff yet.

Old habits die hard when it comes Nintendo's love for gimmicky hardware. I hope it has learned from some of its mistakes.


agrajag said:
Why not use the NES --> SNES evolution as an example of building on something that works, making it better and as a result reaping enormous financial gains?

The SNES was less successful than the NES.
Analog sticks should be like the retarded kid's second option for this new console. They also add way to much complexity to the controller if that is supposed to be the new replacement.

If they are going to implement an LCD screen, it should be a very small addition to the existing remote - one that does not change the dimensions of that controller whatsoever.
Hiltz said:
More rumor news coming from Kotaku:

- more sources confirm a touchscreen, two analog sticks and a camera for the controller
- screen will measure 6.2 inches
- controller will also include eight buttons
- controller is being positioned as a replacement for the Wiimote
- console will support Wiimote/Nunchuk
- new games may be built around Wiimote/Nunchuk, or the Project Cafe controller, or both
- two players may be able to use different control options, one on Wiimote/Nunchuk and one on Project Cafe controller
- controller will receive data wirelessly from the console
- uses for the screen/streaming could be putting the player's inventory or map on the controller screen, and allow gamers to combine it with the controller's camera to snap photos that could be imported into a game
- controller screen may be used for a separate experience altogether

This is way too much of a clusterfuck to be true. Plus it's kotaku.
Anth0ny said:
8 buttons? a b x y L1 L2 R1 R2? Does start and/or select count as a button?

I think so...

CoffeeJanitor said:
This is way too much of a clusterfuck to be true. Plus it's kotaku.
That's what I'm thinking. Unless the Wii 2 comes with both controllers, it would really suck for consumers to have to buy both controllers for certain games. I don't want one game to be customized to just the Wii mote, and then another game customized for the traditional controller (well if you could call it that). Maybe in practice it will be better, but just from the rumors it sounds impractical.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
So basically (after reading that Kotaku article) The control will have dual analogs, 6" screen, camera, and eight buttons. System will also come with an updated Wiimote/nunchuck and/or support the old ones.

Camera can be used to bring pictures into the game and ( likely) AR uses. Tablet-controller will also have motion tech in the system, similar to the 3DS. Touch screen can be used for Co-Op experiences, multi-player, inventory, etc.

Basically you have the choice of Motion, Traditional, Touch Screen, and/or a mixture of all.

Sounds like they are trying to cover all bases. Hopefully the tablet controller will be used to create an Ipad-like experience for your home console.


AniHawk said:
the interesting thing to me is that if nintendo essentially abandons what they were doing for the last five years, skyward sword will be the only zelda of its kind. no room for improvements in a sequel.

also, zelda hd is guaranteed to be five thousand times worse than anything that could possibly happen in skyward sword if the touch screen plays a bigger role than it should (inventory/map stuff and nothing else).

Just for that an alternate shadow world will exist on the 6 inch screen, and you must balance between playing on your TV set, and playing in the shadow world in your controller.


Anth0ny said:
8 buttons? a b x y L1 L2 R1 R2? Does start and/or select count as a button?

Since the rumors started I envisioned the start, select, and home button as on the bottom of the touchscreen. No need to have those as actual buttons.
I know we don't have any solid info, but based on the speculation I'm more concerned about the cost than I am actually being able to use it.
You know what I'd like to see return? The dial, AKA the Paddle Controller.

It would even work pretty well if it were similar to a volume dial on the side of the controller. Great for selecting a weapon or something.

ut it'll have to be full rotation, with no stops.


Easy_D said:
The thing about pointer controls is that they are, in my opinion, fun. They're nowhere as good as a mouse, nowhere as horrible as joystick aiming (I can't handle it at all).

Actually pointing and shooting instead of just moving the camera/reticule makes it way more immersive.

Yeah, it even makes sense naturally. If you take the moving camera as the in-game character literally moving their head along with the sight of their gun, it's actually kinda silly. Pointer controls allow you to just kinda point at it and shoot.

Pick up a pen and aim at your screen. Then aim something on your desk or table, a coke can or a box or a... whatever. Did you shift your eyes first and then aim? Or did you hold your hand out parallel to your head and move your head and arm in synchronous motin like a turret? I would say that you did the former.
Refreshment.01 said:
Check this old article:

The DS handheld gaming console, released in 2004, is now the hottest-selling portable video game machine. Did the success of the DS influence your design decisions?

Ashida: The DS had a huge impact on the Wii's design. We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii. We thought about copying the DS's touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype. But then we rejected the idea, since the portable console and the living-room console would have been exactly the same.

Made me laugh a lot :D

Please read this. I think it makes sense to track controller for pointing with just one camera because it saves Nintendo a lot of money and the user, since it open the way to less expensive controllers.
Very Interesting. Makes you want to mine old Nintendo interviews for ideas for future consoles
Skiesofwonder said:
Hmm..... I hope they at least bundle a wiimote/nunchuck in with the system.
I'd be very disappointed to not see a new and improved version of wiimote/nunchuk. If they don't, our next best hope would be Move 2. @_@


Zeal said:
at this point, i have no idea how the hell the thing is supposed to look, and dimensions being reported also make no sense.

basically what i picture in my mind now is somekind of fucking Kindle knockoff with two random analog sticks, a d-pad, triggers, a camera thrown in for fun, some wonky motion controls hidden in, and a few more random buttons thrown in just because. it can also combine with the traditional Wiimote to create The Shogun Megazord.

pretty much the thing will look like something created by the Borg.

Some of it just sounds too awkward and drastic and i'm hoping that some of these rumours are just exaggerated.


JoshuaJSlone said:
I'd be very disappointed to not see a new and improved version of wiimote/nunchuk. If they don't, our next best hope would be Move 2. @_@

So you want this thing to come with 3-4 controllers out of the box? It's not going to happen.


I really hope you can use the Frankenstick/Wiimote combo for FPS games. I'm sure Retro will have that as an option for their launch title, but here's hoping the third parties follow suit. Frankenstick would make a pretty badass nunchuk replacement.


majortom1981 said:
here is a part of one of the patent images. its an upgraded sensor bar with led lights on the top part that display colors. sort of like that tv . This patent is where i think people mistake it for screens on the controllers.

I think a bunch of game journalists coming out and saying the same thing at the same time is more than a guy finding a patent picture and misunderstanding it.

MadOdorMachine said:
Motion controls don't replace buttons. They are not as precise and not as quick.

In most cases of motion controls, you'd be right, but the pointer is very quick and precise. I can understand why it might not be some people's thing; it can be tough to find the perfect setup to use it both comfortably and effectively, holding your hand steady for extended periods of time at the risk of the screen freaking out might get tiring, and if you're already comfortable and happy with dual analog then going back to square one to learn a brand new control scheme might not be very appealing.

But if we're just judging based on the technical capabilities of the input device, then I'd say the pointer easily beats out an analog stick in speed and precision.

Personally, I've been waiting for a trackball to replace the right analog stick since last gen, but it hasn't happened yet.

Depending on how precise it is, the touch screen could be used for pretty much this exact thing. It's just flat instead of a ball.
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