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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
apana said:
The problem is I'm looking at a wii mote and I don't see where is the space to add a large screen.

The rumor states Nintendo isn't using the Wiimote. Which pretty much means they won't be using a remote. Most likely a next-gen controller. A true next-gen controller. They will probably stick a camera on the console for hands free operations / gaming as well.
Majine said:
Wonder if this will be the gen where Nintendo loose their minds after all the success, and creates their own "PS3".

Nintendo isn't going to sell a console at a loss, so there is little risk of them going that direction.


Branduil said:
Assuming this rumor is true, which seems questionable, I think what would happen is the screen would replace the buttons.

Wow that would not make me happy, how could it work. Is this thing gonna be like an iphone or something?


I'm here just to say I'm here and pumped. Was just thinking yesterday that after the rather ho-hum 3DS reveal and getting pinched on both ends of the console market, it's really time for Nintendo to make a move. Looks like my prayers were answered by Yamauchi-sama
Are the mods getting ahead of themselves here? The word "BREAKING" on the thread title makes it seem like it's confirmed and I'm not sure that it is. That plus the mod jumping the gun on the machine's supposed power despite conflicting reports about it (french website that leaked all NGP info says as powerful as a 360) is making me wonder.
Smeghead said:
Implement a decent online framework and i'm sold, takemymoneyalready.gif.

N64 remains my favourite console, i want Nintendo to bring back the glory days.
I agree. N64 is still my favorite console of all time. I attribute the lasting quality of the games to developer ingenuity and trying to handle the new 3D tech.
BlazingDarkness said:
What would be the purpose of adding a screen to the controller? I genuinely can't think of many uses for it

RTS games would benefit for sure. I can think of a few other minor uses like organising inventory screens and eliminating the on-screen HUD.


Cosmonaut X said:

hahaha perfect


apana said:
Wow that would not make me happy, how could it work. Is this thing gonna be like an iphone or something?
Well I guess you could use haptics or something to simulate the feel of real buttons. The whole HD screen in the controller thing just seems fake to me though.


If Nintendo launches this in 2012 with significantly beefy specs for its time, the Xbox 720 and PS4 will not be the generational leap Sony and MS want them to be.

Talk about a wrench in the cog.


Neo Member
Get excited guys, Quad core, Blu-ray, Wii 1 up scaling to 720P with a smooth mode such as you can pull off with the PS3, 1GB RAM, upgradable hard drive. A screen on every controller like the Dreamcast, but this is build in and un-removable. 1080P. One Friends code, 3DS connectivity support. Media content streaming as well.


Incendiary said:
It would be awesome if the controller was nothing but a huge touch screen that also had HD graphics on it. Like in-between an iPhone and an iPad size-wise, so it's comfortable two-handed. Then all the controls would be on the small screen and you wouldn't have anything clogging up the game on the television.

That's what I'm envisioning right now and will be disappointed in anything else.
Not really, but I'd no doubt be in line Day One if Nintendo did this.

That would be terrible gameplay wise. Your thumb rests on the buttons when not in use and also the physical buttons help you hit each button accurately without looking down at your hand. If everything was a flat surface you would be pressing the wrong button by mistake all game long and you couldnt rest your thumb on the control area.
At first I wasn't sure about a new Nintendo console already. I'm still okay with the Wii graphics and my backlog of games is... way too big.

After reading those rumors... I need new pants. :x



Shikamaru Ninja said:
The rumor states Nintendo isn't using the Wiimote. Which pretty much means they won't be using a remote. Most likely a next-gen controller. A true next-gen controller. They will probably stick a camera on the console for hands free operations / gaming as well.

I liked the Wii Mote, what will happen to motion and pointer controls?
I wouldn't focus on the 'HD' screen being officially certified DVB resolution or something. I think the main point to that rumour is the fact there's a screen in the controller.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Im going to assume the screen thing is just a red herring to throw everyone off the real feature the controller is hiding... Like how they kept the speaker in the Wiimote secret for so long.


Nuclear Muffin said:
It will without a shadow of a doubt. Nintendo are going to really struggle with HD development (they have no experience with modern shader hardware, outside of the 3DS and they're already lagging far behind everyone else there)

Their artists and programmers are 5-6 years behind the rest of the industry in terms of tech experience.

Retro and EAD Tokyo will make the transition easily, the rest won't.


Doorman said:
Perhaps you should stop drinking at work, for starters.

People claim that a Wii successor in 2012 would be instantly outclassed by Sony and Microsoft's heirs in 2013 from a power standpoint for third party support, but there's no proof of that being the case. The 360 got a year's head-start over the PS3, did it not? I wouldn't say they were abandoned by major third party games all that much, even if the tech was weaker. Nintendo can get away with releasing the weakest of the three next-gen systems if it remains profitable for them, they just have to make enough of a step over PS3/360 that they're not almost an entire generations'-worth behind again. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Or fall into the Dreamcast trap of not looking improved enough compared to what is on the near horizon after it. Which led to people not ready to jump onto a new gen yet.

And given Nintendo made it's impact by winning the casual market getting them to jump onto their next thing may be difficult to pull off again along with pulling away some of the 360/ps3 market if the other makers will most likely have the same features this time around plus better graphics.


Router said:
Im going to assume the screen thing is just a red herring to throw everyone off the real feature the controller is hiding... Like how they kept the speaker in the Wiimote secret for so long.

You say that as if the speaker in the Wii-mote was the main feature....?


Anyway, if Nintendo really wants to knock some socks off they should show F-Zero and a new Retro game at E3. Stuff that will look really fucking nice, and shows off the capabilities. Pikmin would also be amazing on a powerful console.


X-Frame said:

Then I have no idea whatsoever.
Well the 3DS is portable, and I'm sure this would only work with a plugged in console in the area. I must admit it would be pretty awesome to be able to use a console while someone else is using the television for something else.


LCfiner said:
did you just buy a system this year or last?

the systems themselves are really old by any console generation standard. launches in late 2012 is definitely a good place to start. heck, I would want ALL THREE to lanch in 2012, but Nintendo might be the only one.

edit: also Cammy left Nintendo almost a year ago. keep up :)

The PS3 isn't even that affordable (still £200), I just bought mine a year and a half ago (before that I owned a 360 which I sold), my family have the Wii but barely play, it I sometimes play on it when a big game comes out like Donkey Kong. I feel it is definitely time for a new console for Nintendo, but the other 2 companies not so much, especially PS3.

However if the console play out like this I wouldn't mind
Oct 2012 - Wii 2
Oct 2013 - 360
Nov 2013 - PS4

I think there is plenty of life in 360/PS3, Microsoft just expanded the capacity on their disks by 1GB and have Kinect, Sony has a crazy pace of games coming out, have Move and NGP. Both PS3 and 360 can also get crazy bundle price cuts with Move and Kinect bundled in for extra cheap to extend the life of those consoles. Also Microsoft don't have to worry about folks switching consoles because they have peole tied to their console with their Live account, who would want to leave their COD mates, who would want to leave there acheivements, who would want to ditch an account that has digital games tied to it. Microsoft can take their time and are in no rush to make a new console, they are selling the most software after all.
does anyone see this as too little too late? i mean i know we don't know any concrete details if this is even true at all, but MS and Sony could just turn around and announce their machines next E3 that will obviously be much more powerful. gives them time to counter whatever new gimmick nintendo brings to the table. (no kutaragi this time to make any laughable sixaxis moves)


Router said:
Im going to assume the screen thing is just a red herring to throw everyone off the real feature the controller is hiding... Like how they kept the speaker in the Wiimote secret for so long.

You could be right. Get Microsoft and Sony developing a controller with an HD screen on it and bam, introduce something completely different at E3 2012.


brazen editing lynx
Solid details on a Wii successor?
Portal 2 possibly releasing tomorrow?
I learned a month's worth of linear algebra in a day?

Damn this is a good week.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I just had a fucking dream about this, haha.

Why did they have to set this information free two months away from E3? Jesus...



I don't know. I used to be an absolute batshit crazy Nintendo fanboy, but recently with how Nintendo has handled the tail end of the Wii's lifespan and the shitty 3DS launch...

...look. It's going to take a lot more than Zelda, Mario and Metroid to pull me in again. Most of my enjoyment with their consoles, comes oddly enough, from 3rd parties. I need to see some undeniable prrof that the following things are fixed:

3rd party support - AAA teams working on simultaneous releases of blockbuster hits with ALL features present and accounted for (don't give EPIC the excuse to say yet again, "This platform isn't powerful enough for Unreal Engine".

Online infrastructure that at the very least, matches Live and PSN on features (even if it's not as polished) and wont hinder 3rd parties from pushing extra content as easily as they do with other platforms.

A controller that, while still allowing for some innovative concepts to flourish, doesn't completely alienate 3rd party developers when it comes to the first point I made above.

Really, the most important thing by far is support. Support, support, support! I have no qualms playing the wii in all it's visually crippled, shitastic-online glory so long as I actually have compelling software (more importantly, NEW software) to play on it.

The way things are; with what's been announced atm for their motion controlled wonder box, I can't see very many people caring anymore about a new console from them in 2012/2013. Not when the dedicated PS3 and 360 fanbase will most assuredly have their own successors to look forward to as well.


/If old...then delete other post.

Update: Neowin has received additional information from insider sources regarding the launch date of Nintendo's new console. The source has pointed out that a "major developer" is currently preparing games for the new console, and is planning to ship them in Q1 2012. They state that Nintendo may try for a Q4 2011 launch, but Q1 2012 is more likely. However, Nintendo may be willing to push the launch date a few months later to Q2 2012 and skip Q1, as they are not too thrilled with the lackluster sales coming from the 3DS's Q1 launch.
Jonm1010 said:
Or fall into the Dreamcast trap of not looking improved enough compared to what is on the near horizon after it. Which led to people not ready to jump onto a new gen yet.

And given Nintendo made it's impact by winning the casual market getting them to jump onto their next thing may be difficult to pull off again along with pulling away some of the 360/ps3 market if the other makers will most likely have the same features this time around plus better graphics.

Whether or not Nintendo's next console will be outclassed is dependent on whether or not Microsoft/Sony stick with the razor blade model. Sony won't make another PS3, but the NGP suggests that they haven't completely abandoned that model, and Microsoft isn't going to want to be outclassed either.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
abstract alien said:
I'm putting him in Face Raiders as we speak...
I laughed far too hard at that than I should have.

If the Wii successor is backwards-compatible, would it also be compatible with GameCube discs, or is that merely a pipe dream?
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