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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Eteric Rice

You know, if I were making a game console, I'd put an LCD screen on the controller. One about the size of the bottom DS screen. I'd let players use that to manage inventory, options, etc, without ever having to pause the game and what not.

I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet.
Bread said:
Well the 3DS is portable, and I'm sure this would only work with a plugged in console in the area. I must admit it would be pretty awesome to be able to use a console while someone else is using the television for something else.
This is no doubt the direction Sony will go on in the future (already dabbled with remote play on PSP, and now NGP ability to support PS3 calibre titles) the portable/console will converge to one system I believe
thuway said:
If Nintendo launches this in 2012 with significantly beefy specs for its time, the Xbox 720 and PS4 will not be the generational leap Sony and MS want them to be.

Talk about a wrench in the cog.

I would bet $100 that Xbox 3 and PS4 will be 2-3 times more powerful than this Wii 2 if it turns out to be beefier than the 360/PS3.

Nintendo may make a more powerful console than PS3/360, but they won't push the envelope like Microsoft and Sony will.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The way some posters talk, Nintendo should never release a console ever again since they apparently are screwed whenever they do it.


polyh3dron said:
There is no fucking way they will put a HD screen in the fucking controller. First off that would make the console itself including one controller prohibitvely expensive enough, but then what about additional controllers for the system, wouldn't they cost $100 at the very least? Also, wouldn't they be quite fragile? Nintendo has always seemed to manufacture very sturdy components that could take a good amount of wear and tear.
My thoughts exactly. Yes at screen in controller, good chance of it being touch, definite no at HD in the controller. Nintendo know that the main audience of videogames consoles are kids...


Wii 2 differentiator: Not motion controls this time but Emotion controls (with vitality sensor packed in the controller). Believe!


Junior Member
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they can get third party developers to go lead SKU on their machine and then port up to the next Xbox and PS4 - effectively making theirs the standard for that generation.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
kinggroin said:

...look. It's going to take a lot more than Zelda, Mario and Metroid to pull me in again. Most of my enjoyment with their consoles, comes oddly enough, from 3rd parties. I need to see some undeniable prrof that the following things are fixed:

3rd party support - AAA teams working on simultaneous releases of blockbuster hits with ALL features present and accounted for (don't give EPIC the excuse to say yet again, "This platform isn't powerful enough for Unreal Engine".

Online infrastructure that at the very least, matches Live and PSN on features (even if it's not as polished) and wont hinder 3rd parties from pushing extra content as easily as they do with other platforms.

I agree with you.

Nintendo's name alone was more than enough to get be to buy Wii and Gamecube day 1. Now though? Its going to take alot more to sway me. Even the big Nintendo makes are not enough for me at the moment. I need the AAA 3rd party support.
RedSwirl said:
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they can get third party developers to go lead SKU on their machine and then port up to the next Xbox and PS4 - effectively making theirs the standard for that generation.

That hasn't happened in 20 years, what makes you think it will change?
vincero said:
Wii 2 differentiator: Not motion controls this time but Emotion controls (with vitality sensor packed in the controller). Believe!

the HD screen is to show your vitals,current mood, etc. the controller grip has updated vitality sensor tech so it reads simply by you holding the controller right.
I would be massively disappointed to have the 3DS as a controller. I love the analog nunchuck controller and hope they resort to something similar.

My main hope is Retro has something that will drop our pants when the system is announced.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
The rumor states Nintendo isn't using the Wiimote. Which pretty much means they won't be using a remote. Most likely a next-gen controller. A true next-gen controller. They will probably stick a camera on the console for hands free operations / gaming as well.

That rumour is bunk. No way will they give up the Wiimote, this will be a "super" generation after all.

They'll use an enhanced version of the Wiimote for sure (better speakers, a touch screen, more internal memory and a built in vitality sensor most likely) Having a Kinect style camera and Wii Speak inside the sensor bar sounds pretty likely too.

Personally, I'd love to see the new Wiimote have the B button (and the Nunchuck's Z button) get replaced with an analog trigger that has that digital click from the GCN controller back again!


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I hope it supports some sort of achievement or trophy system.


RedSwirl said:
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they can get third party developers to go lead SKU on their machine and then port up to the next Xbox and PS4 - effectively making theirs the standard for that generation.

Yeah, good luck with that.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I do enjoy watching how these things evolve through the gaming news sites though. Start with an obvious Nintendo authorized leak and watch the madness grow.


antonz said:
The french site was speculating on March 2012 Launch. I just dont see Nintendo doing a Non Holiday launch again

They should have shot for 2011 and had BF 3 be there flagship title. If you're after the hardcore market, it would have done wonders if their port could have did 1080P and 60fps. That would have generated buzz.
RedSwirl said:
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they can get third party developers to go lead SKU on their machine and then port up to the next Xbox and PS4 - effectively making theirs the standard for that generation.
I'll see it when I believe it
Their machine could also be the awkward stop gap between ps3/360 -> ps4/720 Not receiving the benefit up up port from this gen, and not becoming the standard next gen
Graphics Horse said:
I did mull over the idea of it being an alternative controller, but it's kind of expensive as the main one o_O

I dunno.
A basic model with a cheap screen could work. It obviously won't display in 3D or be able to play any 3DS games.
Nintendo needs to get the next Call of Duty as one of their launch titles for this system, complete with exclusive content. Lock down the biggest franchise from the start and show the commitment to 3rd parties.


apana said:
I liked the Wii Mote, what will happen to motion and pointer controls?

They will probably stick pointing and gyroscope in the middle of a controller that looks a bit more like this...


And build in Kinect like functionality to completely replace the remote.


RedSwirl said:
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they can get third party developers to go lead SKU on their machine and then port up to the next Xbox and PS4 - effectively making theirs the standard for that generation.

You're going to need scrooge mcduck's moneybin full of pennies and a rather large wishing well for that to happen. People thought all the big franchises and such would surely go to the Wii considering how much of a sales lead it had, and even that wasn't enough to get the games there. They just blamed hardware, and nintendo's gamer demographic. But if ninty does throw all in on the tech this time, maybe-maybe they'll give them more than some crumbs from the crust of the pizza.

I just hope that the other two console devs don't go overboard with this "innovative controller" stuff. Give me a traditional controller, that's made to competition spec.
I feel like this is too soon. I don't understand why they aren't supporting the Wii better in the first 2 quarters. E3 may have more surprises but this first part of the year sucks big time.


Junior Member
Ickman3400 said:
That hasn't happened in 20 years, what makes you think it will change?

If they can somehow their new massive Wii userbase just as entranced with the Wii 2 while also keeping the hardware just powerful enough to handle the same engines as PS4 games I think they can do it with what will probably be a 12+ month head start.


Just to back up conspiracy theory of 3ds as a controller, 3ds has an ir port in it that nobody really has any idea right now what it's doing there.
Probably just means a sort of connectivity, if anything Wii 2 related at all.

But on a second thought, maybe Ono wasn't talking about NGP and PS3 connectivity after all... humm.


Oh God yes, the time in between a product being announced or at least heavily rumored and its full reveal. It's the 3DS all over again. I love this industry. E3 can't possibly come soon enough.
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