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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Dabanton said:

The big problem is no company is going to take the risk of launching a FPS much less an already established one on a Nintendo platform.
Yep the best and most likely Nintendo can hope for are multi-platform releases like Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3 with them having the 'best version' because of the next gen system. That alone would be quite the shocker and they could potentially expand that with an exclusive GoldenEye HD or Red Steel 3 or something if they're willing to hand out money.


Unconfirmed Member
Zapages said:
Have you guys seen: uDraw


It might be the inspiration for the next wii's controller.
You can't be serious. Nintendo's next console is not inspired by a third party's astonishing idea of releasing a basic tablet peripheral.

...Was I just trolled? Surely that was a troll...

Dabanton said:

The big problem is no company is going to take the risk of launching a FPS much less an already established one on a Nintendo platform.
You mean exclusive to the platform, right?
so what haven't we heard rumors about yet?

- if it has a hard drive and how big?
- what kind of media does it use, blu-ray or DVD or something else?
- how is the online setup (I know someone said no friend codes)
- what this other 'major' feature is that isnt the touchscreen controller
schuelma said:
Assuming the speculation is reasonably correct, i.e a step up from current gen but not a full generation gap, I think one early key for Nintendo is how exactly 3rd party ports turn out and are positioned.

If 3rd parties literally just port over every current HD game and that is all the system gets for a year, I think Nintendo is really going to struggle in differentiating the new system from PS360. While I'm sure Nintendo thinks the ease of porting HD projects is a significant positive, there is a danger if that is all 3rd parties are providing- it could essentially permanently label the next system as part of *this* generation, and no more.

Now, if there is a mix of pure ports, upgraded ports, and some original stuff that demonstrably looks better, then I think Nintendo is in a good position.

Obviously, a killer game made by Nintendo that blows everything away would help as well.

I think Nintendo has to walk this tightrope very carefully.
That's a good point. What they need is a Zelda or Metroid game that looks better than any console game we've seen this generation. Nothing would get people back on board like a first-party title that is in a league of its own (at least on consoles) visually.


The_Darkest_Red said:
I guess it comes down to Nintendo asking the question, "which controller do we want to be the primary controller for this system?" If they want 3rd party support I think the wise answer is obvious.
Sad, but true. I really hope Nintendo can co-release a new Remote combo in a bundle with a new Sports game... If not a new "Wii Sports" then maybe Mario & Sonic at the 2012 Olympics? And I think I'm going to cry if the only motion version of PGA'13 is for Move.


Plinko said:
It has to be the best version of a FPS like BF3 or COD OR GTA 5 exclusivity AND top-notch online to draw them back.

I'm still puzzled as to how Nintendo is going to revamp their online system. I still have problems seeing the company that insisted on friend codes to protect children turning on a dime and offering an XBOX Live-esque system.

That's going to be the most important point to me how does a company who has shown a serious lack of care of their online experience suddenly change? Think how long it's taken MS to get Xbox Live to where it is and then look at Sony with PSN.

it's taken years and a lot of investment to get these services to even a decent standard.

If Nintendo is aiming for the 'hardcore' with a online system that is terrible, they'll be dead in the water before they even begin. This whole thing just doesn't make sense..


Krev said:
You can't be serious. Nintendo's next console is not inspired by a third party's astonishing idea of releasing a basic tablet peripheral.

...Was I just trolled? Surely that was a troll...

You mean exclusive to the platform, right?

I wasn't trying to troll. I saw a commercial the other day on the tv. I thought maybe that is what Nintendo might be going for with screen instead of just a pen type of apparel there. *shrugs*
boyshine said:
Sad, but true. I really hope Nintendo can co-release a new Remote combo in a bundle with a new Sports game... If not a new "Wii Sports" then maybe Mario & Sonic at the 2012 Olympics? And I think I'm going to cry if the only motion version of PGA'13 is for Move.
I guess they could release a new version of the Wiimote (for the new console) that works with all Wii games and has added capabilities for future titles. I just worry about fragmentation at some point when you are introducing so many different controllers.
Zapages said:
I wasn't trying to troll. I saw a commercial the other day on the tv. I thought maybe that is what Nintendo might be going for with screen instead of just a pen type of apparel there. *shrugs*
he doesn't see the bigger picture. I think they have learned a ,ot from the DS and from the the i-phone.


Dabanton said:

The big problem is no company is going to take the risk of launching a FPS much less an already established one on a Nintendo platform.

Plus they wouldn't even have to. If it's using similar architecture to the 360 for ease of ports, they can just up the framerates/resolution/AA for free. They're not going to redo anything, but this massive enhancement is purely a product of rendering power. As evidenced by the PC, there's nothing wrong with the game engines this gen. They look great. It's just that 360/PS3 don't have the necessary power to sprinkle the sugar on.

Am0rix saying it couldn't do BF 3 @ 1080P/60 fps because it's still vastly inferior to the needed specs on PC is outrageous. The 360/PS3 suck horribly compared to PCs and they'll pull of 720P and 30 fps. Apples and oranges. Consoles don't need the power of PCs.

*This all assumes rumors are correct. But at least there's a perverse logic to why Nintendo would go this route.

They really wouldn't need exclusives. They just need to make it easy enough and powerful enough to pull off "The Definitive Edition" status for the next couple years.
agrajag said:
Yeah, at that price point, it should be well above PS3 in capabilities.

*Should* be, but perception is everything. It can have specs that blow it away, but if there's a price premium consumers are going to want to *see* a big difference - whether that's graphics or a revolutionary control method.
Graphics Horse said:
Having an alternate controller bundle available at launch seems like a crazy thing to do, but the new controller still might involve two 'halves' out of the box.
I think they'll have a Wii Play style bundle, but not a WSR one.

IIRC, it goes against the design philosophy that Nintendo employs (or at least employed when they released the Wii). They went with the Wiimote as the main control for the Wii so that it would be used as the main control method for the games released for the system. Packing in two different control methods means that they would end up splitting games, this one is using motion/pointer control, this one uses traditional dual analog/touchscreen control. It would also make it harder, if not impossible, for developers to use options present on one controller that are absent on the other in their games, which stifles creativity rather than promotes it. That seems like a very anti-Nintendo kind of thing to me and is one of the reasons I doubt Nintendo would employ a traditionally shaped controller for Project Cafe.


Unconfirmed Member
Zapages said:
I wasn't trying to troll. I saw a commercial the other day on the tv. I thought maybe that is what Nintendo might be going for with screen instead of just a pen type of apparel there. *shrugs*
Fair enough, sorry I was going a bit overboard back there. All I'm saying is that the uDraw was an incredibly simple, obvious idea. Basically the natural evolution of Mario Paint. Nintendo spend hundreds of millions of dollars on R&D. They wouldn't base the entire system around a recent third party casual game.
As Always-honest says, it's more likely that they've been looking closely at the near instant success with casuals of touch based iDevice games, as well as their own DS line.


Wolves Evolve said:
I need more rumours.

I'm a rumour vampire.

I need to feed.
So if I make a shitty mock up and take some blurry, off-screen photos and shop it around as legit, would that be enough?
Lonewolf_92 said:
IIRC, it goes against the design philosophy that Nintendo employs (or at least employed when they released the Wii). They went with the Wiimote as the main control for the Wii so that it would be used as the main control method for the games released for the system. Packing in two different control methods means that they would end up splitting games, this one is using motion/pointer control, this one uses traditional dual analog/touchscreen control. It would also make it harder, if not impossible, for developers to use options present on one controller that are absent on the other in their games, which stifles creativity rather than promotes it. That seems like a very anti-Nintendo kind of thing to me and is one of the reasons I doubt Nintendo would employ a traditionally shaped controller for Project Cafe.
And that's why none of these rumors make sense. Seems like a game forumer's wet dream.


megashock5 said:
*Should* be, but perception is everything. It can have specs that blow it away, but if there's a price premium consumers are going to want to *see* a big difference - whether that's graphics or a revolutionary control method.

C'mon man, it's Nintendo. If not revolutionary, at the very least something quirky is almost a guarantee.
do you guys consider the wii controller + motion plus good enough to extend its live for another generation (with the Nintendo Stream). How it is comparing kinect and move?
Was just thinking, if it's going to be BC with Wii, there will have to be some eDRAM on the GPU. 360 has 10 MB. What would be a good amount for "Steam?" 24 MB?
I can see Nintendo pulling a Classic and releasing an updated version of the Wiimote +. Not too different in internals but an updated shell and a tad more functionality


Fourth Storm said:
Was just thinking, if it's going to be BC with Wii, there will have to be some eDRAM on the GPU. 360 has 10 MB. What would be a good amount for "Steam?" 24 MB?
Depending on how they plan to achieve BC, they might not need any eDRAM at all.
JimWood27 said:
so what haven't we heard rumors about yet?

- if it has a hard drive and how big?
- what kind of media does it use, blu-ray or DVD or something else?
- how is the online setup (I know someone said no friend codes)
- what this other 'major' feature is that isnt the touchscreen controller
-900 TB
-Blu-ray with reinforced antecedal coating for faster information processing
-No friend codes, but friend "pass codewords" are rumored to be implemented. Think Bejeweled mixed with SC2.
-We've come to the conclusion that it is actually a sound receptor attached to the back of the console itself. This receptor will most likely be used in platformers and other such games.

Just the info I've found

for real


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
CoffeeJanitor said:
-900 TB
-Blu-ray with reinforced antecedal coating for faster information processing
-No friend codes, but friend "pass codewords" are rumored to be implemented. Think Bejeweled mixed with SC2.
-We've come to the conclusion that it is actually a sound receptor attached to the back of the console itself. This receptor will most likely be used in platformers and other such games.

Just the info I've found

for real

T-minus 10 until you're banned... :p


The_Darkest_Red said:
I'm sure it will at least support Wii controllers. Some new games may even have options that allow them to be played that way.

The console is BC with Wii games so in that sense it has to have some basis of motion control built into/around it. Also, with Skyward Sword going to it, I'm sure it will have motion controls of some sort. The traditional controller is probably for games that just could not play with motion controls, i.e. Arkham City/GTAV but who knows. Maybe it will be a 2-in-1 kinda thing


Bidermaier said:
do you guys consider the wii controller + motion plus good enough to extend its live for another generation (with the Nintendo Stream). How it is comparing kinect and move?
MS and Sony have failed at positioning Kinect and Move as main control methods for their systems. Kinect is pretty much dead already and Sony is desperately pushing out rushjobs like Move Heroes and the over priced Sharp Shooter shell gun. Noone bought Move for Killzone, noone is buying it for Socom. If Nintendo doesn't continue their support for it, noone will, and we lose the greatest control innovation since the analog stick. Personally I would love for it to continue, and having first day releases of games like Call of Duty and Pro Evo with full pointer control and the best graphics would be awesome.
This has probably been addressed in the 300+ pages of this thread already, but I didn't see it in the OP or the last few pages:

When they say you can "stream games to the device" that sounds like they mean you can play games on it without a TV by streaming from the console when in range. But what do we think about taking the controller on the go with you? It would seem odd given that they've just released the 3DS, but when you have a controller with a decent screen on it doesn't that scream portable gaming machine? And with the focus on social portable experiences like StreetPass on 3DS, doesn't it seem almost obvious that they'd try to incorporate that tech as well?

Is it possible we'd see the controllers with an SD Card slot and the ability to play some WiiWare/VC games on the go and some (possibly limited) WiFi capability to connect to others via StreetPass? Or maybe you'd remove the touchscreen and have a portable touch gaming device? They have to be thinking of ways to get Angry Birds on this thing, right?


CoffeeJanitor said:
I bet if I claimed to be good friends with someone at a big publisher that those "facts" would start popping up in rumor mills over the next few days.

So you're saying those are actual things that could be true?

Also, did the other thread die already? :p


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
boyshine said:
MS and Sony have failed at positioning Kinect and Move as main control methods for their systems. Kinect is pretty much dead already and Sony is desperately pushing out rushjobs like Move Heroes and the over priced Sharp Shooter shell gun. Noone bought Move for Killzone, noone is buying it for Socom. If Nintendo doesn't continue their support for it, noone will, and we lose the greatest control innovation since the analog stick. Personally I would love for it to continue, and having first day releases of games like Call of Duty and Pro Evo with full pointer control and the best graphics would be awesome.

Yeah, no. It has sold a ton and this E3 will be a Kinect game blowout. It's not even close to being "dead." In fact, MS is rumored to be internally considering it their "new" console.


Plinko said:
Yeah, no. It has sold a ton and this E3 will be a Kinect game blowout. It's not even close to being "dead." In fact, MS is rumored to be internally considering it their "new" console.
I don't know how it's been doing in the US this year, but it's been sitting dead on shelves since january in Europe. Adding support to Forza or other traditional games will not change that. It was a typical holiday fad, and I can't see how they can change that. Giving it away for free still wouldn't help as you need people buying the games, and they simply don't.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Plinko said:
It has to be the best version of a FPS like BF3 or COD OR GTA 5 exclusivity AND top-notch online to draw them back.

I'm still puzzled as to how Nintendo is going to revamp their online system. I still have problems seeing the company that insisted on friend codes to protect children turning on a dime and offering an XBOX Live-esque system.
It wouldn't be enough. How many people are going to switch to a new console for non-exclusive online-intensive games when all of their friends are playing the same game on another platform?


Plinko said:
Yeah, no. It has sold a ton and this E3 will be a Kinect game blowout. It's not even close to being "dead." In fact, MS is rumored to be internally considering it their "new" console.

I don't think Kinect interest will last, at least not among the consumers. However if there are enough compelling experiences on Kinect then the people will be swayed, but if the games are just reiterations of Wii games, no dice.
agrajag said:
C'mon man, it's Nintendo. If not revolutionary, at the very least something quirky is almost a guarantee.

I'm not saying it won' be. I'm just saying IF people see a $399 N6 next to a $199 PS3 (and I'm not saying EITHER of those will happen), then consumers would need to see some sort of big difference between them. Whatever that may be.

Price wasn't the only factor that led to Wii's success, but it WAS a factor.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dash Kappei said:
It wouldn't be enough. How many people are going to switch to a new console for non-exclusive online-intensive games when all of their friends are playing the same game on another platform?

I'm not sure. If the "hardcore" gamers are truly as obsessive about graphics as they seem to be, having the best graphics on the market could help. Also, having a 1 to 2 year advantage on the competition would probably help as well.

In your mind, what exactly would it take for Nintendo to bring this type of gamer back?


megashock5 said:
I'm not saying it won' be. I'm just saying IF people see a $399 N6 next to a $199 PS3 (and I'm not saying EITHER of those will happen), then consumers would need to see some sort of big difference between them. Whatever that may be.

Price wasn't the only factor that led to Wii's success, but it WAS a factor.

Yeah, but most people realize that PS3 has been out for five years while N6 is a brand new console. $199 for a five year old console is still DAMN expensive.


Dash Kappei said:
It wouldn't be enough. How many people are going to switch to a new console for non-exclusive online-intensive games when all of their friends are playing the same game on another platform?
Full Facebook/Twitter integration (optional) would make it easier.


Isn't Blu-ray mostly owned by Sony? Why would Nintendo touch anything related to Sony considering their huge scuffle 15 years ago and Sony constantly ripping off Nintendo's ideas?

I figure Nintendo will have their own properiety disc for its next console mainly to help fight piracy.


boyshine said:
Full Facebook/Twitter integration (optional) would make it easier.

You think? Those things seem like afterthoughts on the other consoles already. Regardless, the DSi has Facebook interaction, so they're not opposed to it.

JCRedeems said:
Isn't Blu-ray mostly owned by Sony? Why would Nintendo touch anything related to Sony considering their huge scuffle 15 years ago and Sony constantly ripping off Nintendo's ideas?

I figure Nintendo will have their own properiety disc for its next console mainly to help fight piracy.

I believe it was just developed or co-developed by Sony. I don't think they own any specific rights to the format, otherwise the only company making Blu-Ray players would be Sony, which isn't the case.
megashock5 said:
I'm not saying it won' be. I'm just saying IF people see a $399 N6 next to a $199 PS3 (and I'm not saying EITHER of those will happen), then consumers would need to see some sort of big difference between them. Whatever that may be.

Price wasn't the only factor that led to Wii's success, but it WAS a factor.

That's a good point. Being early to market at a higher price point while the competitor's systems are healthy, popular, and have a robust library is Nintendo taking a bit of a risk. Of course, the Xbox 360 launched while the PS2 was still pretty strong, so it's not certainly not "unheard of."

JCRedeems said:
Isn't Blu-ray mostly owned by Sony? Why would Nintendo touch anything related to Sony considering their huge scuffle 15 years ago and Sony constantly ripping off Nintendo's ideas?

I figure Nintendo will have their own properiety disc for its next console mainly to help fight piracy.

This is a popular misunderstanding. Sony doesn't own (or mostly own) Blu-ray, it's owned by the Blu-ray Disc Association, which is made up of several entertainment tech companies like Philips and Panasonic. Sony just really wanted it to succeed (and they probably had a lot invested in it, too), hence its usage in the PS3.


JCRedeems said:
Isn't Blu-ray mostly owned by Sony? Why would Nintendo touch anything related to Sony considering their huge scuffle 15 years ago and Sony constantly ripping off Nintendo's ideas?

I figure Nintendo will have their own properiety disc for its next console mainly to help fight piracy.

Last I heard Nintendo was investing in this new technology using holographic data storage. Don't be surprised if the rumors turn out to be true in 2 months



edit: Nintendo has been spending a shit-ton of money in R&D over the last 4 years. Wouldn't surprised me if they have been working on ways to bring this tech to the market. It could also curb piracy. The only reason they went with DVD this generation was because mini DVDs had too many limitations in data storage that ended up really hurting the GameCube and at the time of Wii's launch holographic data storage was still under-developed and unproven.


Dash Kappei said:
It wouldn't be enough. How many people are going to switch to a new console for non-exclusive online-intensive games when all of their friends are playing the same game on another platform?

It seems like a fairly intractable problem. Nintendo's best shot is the fact that there's overlap between the set of players embedded in the network effects of Xbox Live and PSN, and the set of players that buy Nintendo consoles for their first party software. With a combination of aggressive pursuit of third party support and a few early first party games that hit really well, it's just this side of plausible that a decent chunk of the people who buy for first party stuff will start getting their multiplat online games for their new Nintendo console. If they can preserve and grow this segment, network effects will eventually start kicking in for the Nintendo online userbase.

They have to do it fast, early, and well, however. The 3DS approach of "let's leave some room for 3rd parties at launch" is not going to cut it. It'll be far easier to lose players participating in the network than to gain them at first, so any major errors or droughts could cripple the initiative before it really gets going.
Bizzyb said:
I don't think Kinect interest will last, at least not among the consumers. However if there are enough compelling experiences on Kinect then the people will be swayed, but if the games are just reiterations of Wii games, no dice.

I think you're dead wrong. I am really interested in more Kinect games. I just wish the dev support was there day one. Can't wait for E3. I think Kinect is the best motion controller of this genii, the most unique and the most fun. Wasn't big on move, and the Wii just frustrated me, and never felt like it added much, most of the time I just would rather use a standard controller.
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