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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Just to back up conspiracy theory of 3ds as a controller, 3ds has an ir port in it that nobody really has any idea right now what it's doing there.

I wouldn't read much into that - it's likely there to perform the same function as the IR cart that slotted into the DS for stuff like the pedometer.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It shouldn't be surprising to see Nintendo trying to invest in the HD consoles. The casual market has shrunk quite a bit compared to what it was, and they could still make it back up when they cut the price on a 3DS.

The thing is, they can't get that same mainstream appeal with a HD motion control deal. Because the reason the Wii did so well with the non-'gamer' market was because it was something they'd never played with before. Playing with the remote wouldn't bring anything new to that crowd, and the 'core' group is more likely to want a controller. If they want, I'm sure they'll introduce a Wiimote like peripheral.


Router said:
I agree with you.

Nintendo's name alone was more than enough to get be to buy Wii and Gamecube day 1. Now though? Its going to take alot more to sway me. Even the big Nintendo makes are not enough for me at the moment. I need the AAA 3rd party support.

You say that now, but once you see a next gen Mario, Metroid, Zelda and etc you will say WOW. Remember we haven't had a leap in tech for Nintendo games since the GameCube games, Wii Nintendo games were just more GameCube games with motion controls, but we haven't actually seen these franchises running on cutting edge tech.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Ezduo said:
Oh God yes, the time in between a product being announced or at least heavily rumored and its full reveal. It's the 3DS all over again. I love this industry. E3 can't possibly come soon enough.

Only didn't Nintendo announce that a year out from revealing it? At least this time the madness wont be so long until the reveal lol.


Why are people surprised at the system's graphical abilities? Up until the Gamecube, Nintendo pursued powerful tech. The Wii was an abberation in regards to their philosophy on console hardware.
Kaizer said:
What the hell, this is TOO MUCH FOR MY MIND.
That one frame with they pokeymanz cat really makes this gif.


I think that as long as i give a shit about this medium, i'l have a nintendo system in my house. So yeah, bring it on :)

Just dont delay Zelda, Kirby or any upcoming Wii games because of it
A screen on the controller? Will I be able to take it out of the controller and play a mini-game?

In all seriousness, while I could see some use out of having a second screen available (Stats, commands, and a map) on the controller, that rumor sounds more like some late April Fools' joke due to the added controller cost and the questions of size and battery life.


Majine said:
Street Pass - The return of the Gamecube handle.
this time, the system is shaped like a gun, so americans won't be afraid to carry it around in public. also, streetpass is played by shooting bullets at people.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
KAL2006 said:
You say that now, but once you see a next gen Mario, Metroid, Zelda and etc you will say WOW. Remember we haven't had a leap in tech for Nintendo games since the GameCube games, Wii Nintendo games were just more GameCube games with motion controls, but we haven't actually seen these franchises running on cutting edge tech.

True. There is still that magic and of course, the magic of unboxing new nintendo hardware. I'll wait and see. E3 will be FUN. FUN. FUN.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
yoopoo said:

I would laugh my ass off if Super Wii somehow was released this Holiday season just so all realists on the forum could freak out because it's "unhealthy" and "Economic suicide" to release in the same year as the 3DS. Honestly, when I see the Wii and DS sell a million each during the Holiday season, I could easily see a console and handheld holding it's own this Christmas.

That said, I do believe Q1-Q2 sounds best. Give the Third Parties sometime to create some titles and let Skyward Sword, Kirby, Wii Play:Motion, (and whatever else you got coming) keep the Wii floating because we all know it will still sell gangbusters this Holiday Season at $150 with an extra title bundled.


This will be a thread to watch. Looking forward to some details in the future. Maybe this time the console will have something I'm interested in.


entrement said:
Why are people surprised at the system's graphical abilities? Up until the Gamecube, Nintendo pursued powerful tech. The Wii was an abberation in regards to their philosophy on console hardware.

Most people find history boring.


AniHawk said:
this time, the system is shaped like a gun, so americans won't be afraid to carry it around in public. also, streetpass is played by shooting bullets at people.
Guns are illegal in Japan tho, I think :p


I'm thinking if this thing is only "comparable" in power to the 360 or PS3, Sony and MS just stays quiet. IF this thing turns out to be some kind of super-beast, they'll have their hand pushed for this E3. Hype for E3 rising dramatically.
Majine said:
There might be a decreasing amount tho. No animated avatars anymore, remember?

What if EvilLore removed animated avatar for this very reason? Maybe he knew about the leak and wanted to start his new policies a few days before GAF would be flooded by this news!


Ono said that you should be able to connect SSFIV 3D to another console but they won't let him comment on that topic and we had to wait untio E3 to see it. I guess thIs is it.

Lack of first party Wii games this year and 3ds ports/remakes makes me think that maybe they've been working on something else and you should be able to connect to HD versions of those games (question is what for)

HD ocarina of time... Yeah one can dream
Is this thread taking down GAF or is it just server problems?

Also I would love a new Nintendo console, traded my Wii in a while back so it would be great to play Wii games in the new system as well as some new generation titles. Also as a lover of the Dreamcast any controller that has a screen is a friend of mine.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I CALLED IT (except for the late 2012--I thought it would be Spring/Summer).

I was extremely close with my guess about the controller, too--I thought it would be a touchscreen.

And people laughed at me for the suggestion :(

Edit: Now rumors are stating Q1 2012. I may have been dead on with this one.


awesome, cycle is starting all over again very soon... but i feel that Wii HD will be very underpowered when PS4/720 comes out.

guess nintendo wants to get a jump... ala 360.
Nintendo making the first move was not something I expected

I just hope it's not some ridiculous price I can't afford. Anything more than 300 and I have to sit the generation out.


AranhaHunter said:
I'm thinking the mods here have some inside info on this, there's no way they wouldn't be treating this as a rumor otherwise.
There are certainly people who have connections and several of the people giving hints are well trusted individuals.


Chao said:
Ono said that you should be able to connect SSFIV 3D to another console but they won't let him comment on that topic and we had to wait untio E3 to see it. I guess thIs is it.

Lack of first party Wii games this year and 3ds ports/remakes makes me think that maybe they've been working on something else and you should be able to connect to HD versions of those games (question is what for)

HD ocarina of time... Yeah one can dream

Yep, I always thought he was hinting at NGP to PS3, but what a plot twist


Shikamaru Ninja said:
The rumor states Nintendo isn't using the Wiimote. Which pretty much means they won't be using a remote. Most likely a next-gen controller. A true next-gen controller. They will probably stick a camera on the console for hands free operations / gaming as well.
See, this is what confuses me about the way people treat the Wii remote. If you were to optimize the thing to decrease latency, put a much more acccurate IR pointer on it, and throw on a few extra face buttons, you would have a beast of a controller. When done properly, aiming with an IR pointer is easily as good as a mouse, and lightyears ahead of an analog stick.
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