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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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DECK'ARD said:
Yeah, I'm of that opinion as well.

I think it's all been born out of people taking Iwata's comments in January too literally, 3DS connectivity, and wishful thinking about what could be possible without actually thinking about the difficulties of implementation or the logical problems that come with it.

None of it fits together in a compelling way, and the Wii 2's angle will be compelling. That's what Iwata was talking about in January, making the console experience as compelling as possible. He even defined the console experience at the end as people looking at the same television sharing the experience. Making that experience distinctive, unique and accessible enough to draw people away from other forms of entertainment will be their aim.

They threw out a touchscreen controller with the Wii because it diluted that experience, and made it too similar to a handheld one. They aren't going to do it this time round either.

Specially the streaming part.... sounds dumb... where is the fun of having a portable hooked to a home console without using th TV?


The Amiga Brotherhood
ReyVGM said:
Only 3 days left until no info is announced! I can't wait!

That too!

"We can confirm that we will be launching a new console in the next financial year, but have nothing further to say about it at the moment".

Expectation set to low, but if they do reveal anything it will be more than the 3DS press-release. As the media will be all over an official announcement and they'd want them to go with concrete details not regurgitate all these rumours as fact which will happen otherwise.

They have a history of announcing and showing new things at the Investor's Meetings, but games rather than systems. So there's a chance, but more chance of GAF crying.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Starchasing said:
Specially the streaming part.... sounds dumb... where is the fun of having a portable hooked to a home console without using th TV?

Even dumber when it's your first HD console which needs a television for the benefits.

And especially dumb when the controller and screen is taking money away from the guts of that console. Which will be crucial when it comes to getting 3rd parties on board and to stay on board, and Nintendo are well aware of the need to do that. Especially with them launching first. Most of this thread is applying a Sony mindset to Nintendo, throw everything and the kitchen sink in there, that will be cool! That's the complete opposite of how Nintendo works.

The rumours are a whole host of downsides and logical failings just to blur the boundaries between handheld and console without the strengths of either. Nintendo will remain distinctive in both areas, and make each experience as compelling as possible.
Neiteio said:
What the hell is that Megazord made from? A rhino, a bull, a black bird, an octorok, a lion...?

Back in my day, we had dino Zords, son.

Burn that witch!!!! BURN HIM!!!

Also, one of them is a Panther, not Octorok.
DECK'ARD said:
Even dumber when it's your first HD console which needs a television for the benefits.

And especially dumb when the controller and screen is taking money away from the guts of that console. Which will be crucial when it comes to getting 3rd parties on board and to stay on board, and Nintendo are well aware of the need to do that. Especially with them launching first. Most of this thread is applying a Sony mindset to Nintendo, throw everything and the kitchen sink in there, that will be cool! That's the complete opposite of how Nintendo works.

The rumours are a whole host of downsides and logical failings just to blur the boundaries between handheld and console without the strengths of either. Nintendo will remain distinctive in both areas, and make each experience as compelling as possible.

Exactly, also people are forgetting that Nintendo wants to make a controller that is FUN ... everything else is secondary


I'm not expecting anything from Tuesday, and I don't take the leaks as fact or even close to it, but I don't share Deck'ard's confidence that there is no reason that Nintendo would want a controller with a screen.

When it is announced, I will not be surprised to see the screen-in-the-controller feature, and although streaming the exact TV image is of little interest to me, streaming alternative data is of *great* interest and I would be enthusiastically in favor of exploring the potential for that.
swerve said:
I'm not expecting anything from Tuesday, and I don't take the leaks as fact or even close to it, but I don't share Deck'ard's confidence that there is no reason that Nintendo would want a controller with a screen.

When it is announced, I will not be surprised to see the screen-in-the-controller feature, and although streaming the exact TV image is of little interest to me, streaming alternative data is of *great* interest and I would be enthusiastically in favor of exploring the potential for that.

streaming data is a good idea... but expect a small screen with not lot of resolution


Starchasing said:
streaming data is a good idea... but expect a small screen with not lot of resolution

The trick is, don't *expect* anything. Just think about the possibilities and then see what you get.
Starchasing said:
streaming data is a good idea... but expect a small screen with not lot of resolution

Agreed, if only because I expect the data to mostly be in numerical or map form. Things like inventories, etc.

Streaming games could work for older console titles, though, given that they aren't as resolution needy. It could also really work if that older Game Boy games on Virtual Console rumor ever turns out to be true. But that's supposing there was any weight behind that rumor in the first place.


If the info is even remotely right 6" 800x480 is very likely the screen. Its a very common size with touch screen built in for a number of electronic devices.


The Amiga Brotherhood
swerve said:
I'm not expecting anything from Tuesday, and I don't take the leaks as fact or even close to it, but I don't share Deck'ard's confidence that there is no reason that Nintendo would want a controller with a screen.

When it is announced, I will not be surprised to see the screen-in-the-controller feature, and although streaming the exact TV image is of little interest to me, streaming alternative data is of *great* interest and I would be enthusiastically in favor of exploring the potential for that.

Nintendo explored it with the Wii, even having a prototype controller with a screen in and touch functionality.

They threw it out because it made the console experience too close to a handheld one. Iwata in January says they want to make the console experience as compelling as possible, to pull people away from other forms of entertainment and back to the television. At the end he defined console experience as people looking at the same screen sharing the experience.

Miyamoto also wouldn't state they have been doing connectivity things with the 3DS and their new console if that functionality could be duplicated with its standard controller.

I will happily eat crow if I'm wrong, but so far nothing in any of these rumours fits together in a way that makes sense or is feasible without significant downsides. They also fly against Nintendo's track record and the little things Nintendo have said.
swerve said:
The trick is, don't *expect* anything. Just think about the possibilities and then see what you get.

Bingo. I remember MEGATON and all the hypetrains, yet I've been most pleased when I wasn't expecting much (like the Wii announcement).
Luigison said:
I meant to say in that post that the Wiimotes could be inserted either way to accommodate righty and lefties; as well as, to use together like a classic controller playing a game on the screen. I also considered removing the part on the top and bottom of each side to make it better to use with a single or no Wiimote which would be better for single handed or separate handed play.

As a lefty who's been forced to adapt to the oppression of a right-handed world, it wouldn't matter that much. haha

Based on the idea I mentioned earlier I wouldn't get rid of the top and bottom parts if I understand you correctly. You would need the bottoms to connect the controller and the top (or some variation) to maintain Wiimote stability once they are attached to the screen shell. I would assume there would be some kind of sensor(s) in the screen shell to accommodate the top possibly covering the Wiimote pointer.
DECK'ARD said:
Nintendo explored it with the Wii, even having a prototype controller with a screen in and touch functionality.

They threw it out because it made the console experience too close to a handheld one.
Which was finalised before the DS was even out, and proven to be a HUGE success? I'm not about to start claiming an unannounced system will succeed or fail, but I'm open to the idea of it existing...
Cow Mengde said:
Am I the only one hoping none of this comes true? I'd love to see some epic E3 meltdowns.

Even if they didn't announce a new system at E3, we still have lots of good 3DS goodness and other surprises that will probably surface.
Cow Mengde said:
Am I the only one hoping none of this comes true? I'd love to see some epic E3 meltdowns.
I'm ready for Nintendo to kick ass again (in more than sales numbers). So I hope it's a good one. However, I won't be disappointed at the meltdowns if nothing happens.
AceBandage said:
Even if they didn't announce a new system at E3, we still have lots of good 3DS goodness and other surprises that will probably surface.

Well yeah, but with the way rumors have been going, people are almost positive this thing would show up during E3.

That said, it would be amazing if they actually showed off a game on it while announcing the system. This has never happened before, and some are claiming games will be shown.
Cow Mengde said:
Well yeah, but with the way rumors have been going, people are almost positive this thing would show up during E3.

That said, it would be amazing if they actually showed off a game on it while announcing the system. This has never happened before, and some are claiming games will be shown.

Gonna be SSB. Can't wait to see how realistic the denim in Mario's overalls will look this time.
Cow Mengde said:
Well yeah, but with the way rumors have been going, people are almost positive this thing would show up during E3.

That said, it would be amazing if they actually showed off a game on it while announcing the system. This has never happened before, and some are claiming games will be shown.

But NIntendo is announcing games 2 month prior, and the 3ds was announced 9 months before its original expected release date


The Amiga Brotherhood
Graphics Horse said:
Which was finalised before the DS was even out, and proven to be a HUGE success? I'm not about to start claiming an unannounced system will succeed or fail, but I'm open to the idea of it existing...

No, the DS influenced the Wii greatly.

The prototype controller with a touchscreen was being looked at the same time as the remote. The pointer functionality was then touch adapted for a console environment where what you want to touch is too far away.

Everything being talked about with this new controller Nintendo have already explored and thrown out, and they wouldn't be exploring the very same thing with the 3DS for a few applications if the console could already do it by default.
DECK'ARD said:
Nintendo explored it with the Wii, even having a prototype controller with a screen in and touch functionality.

They threw it out because it made the console experience too close to a handheld one.
Graphics Horse said:
Which was finalised before the DS was even out, and proven to be a HUGE success?
It's not like the Wii didn't follow suit in becoming a HUGE success. If I'm in their position, I'd rather have my two main product lines covering a wider array of the possible, rather than lessening uniqueness. Easier to sell people both WarioWare Touched and WarioWare Smooth Moves, than both WarioWare Touched Portable and WarioWare Touched Home.


The Amiga Brotherhood
JoshuaJSlone said:
It's not like the Wii didn't follow suit in becoming a HUGE success. If I'm in their position, I'd rather have my two main product lines covering a wider array of the possible, rather than lessening uniqueness. Easier to sell people both WarioWare Touched and WarioWare Smooth Moves, than both WarioWare Touched Portable and WarioWare Touched Home.


Nintendo want you to buy a 3DS for its unique experience, and a Wii 2 for its unique experience. Copying functionality diminishes the uniqueness and appeal of both. And you make the console experience less compelling, because its not playing to the strengths of a system connected to a television.

Which is what Nintendo already found when they explored it while designing the Wii.
JoshuaJSlone said:
It's not like the Wii didn't follow suit in becoming a HUGE success. If I'm in their position, I'd rather have my two main product lines covering a wider array of the possible, rather than lessening uniqueness. Easier to sell people both WarioWare Touched and WarioWare Smooth Moves, than both WarioWare Touched Portable and WarioWare Touched Home.
Better tell them so they can remove the gyros and accellerometers from the 3DS. (not a bad idea thanks to the sweet spot)
Graphics Horse said:
Better tell them so they can remove the gyros and accellerometers from the 3DS. (not a bad idea thanks to the sweet spot)

You are lloking at things from a strictly tech view point...

yes both wii and 3ds share gyros... but their implemention and use is qute different
Graphics Horse said:
Better tell them so they can remove the gyros and accellerometers from the 3DS. (not a bad idea thanks to the sweet spot)
There's no drawback to those. Cheap and unobtrusive. But if their inclusion meant somehow having to decrease touch functionality from DS to 3DS, they'd have been crazy to make that decision.

It's possible the rumors are spot-on, but in that case either there's some important information missing or I find it hard to agree it's the right move. It's closer to what I expected from a post-N64 controller.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Graphics Horse said:
Better tell them so they can remove the gyros and accellerometers from the 3DS. (not a bad idea thanks to the sweet spot)

Treating a handheld device as a window on a world is just a tad different to waving one around like a tennis racket.

With Nintendo it's how the technology is applied which is key, not the technology itself. The technology in the new controller will most likely not be used to duplicate the existing functionality of their own device.

Or they wouldn't be connecting a 3DS wirelessly to their new console to explore that. This fact is one of the true facts we have about the new console remember, unlike all these rumours.


No additional functions
I think what's just as important as the controllers is third party support. They need to get UE3, CE3 and IT5 on there asap. It'll be interesting come E3 to find out if these engines are running on it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
manueldelalas said:
What if the secret feature is that the screen is a 3D screen? (Nintendo trolling Sony and their glasses once again!)

Let's just bundle a 3DS with every Wii 2 and be done with it.
Starchasing said:
You are lloking at things from a strictly tech view point...

yes both wii and 3ds share gyros... but their implemention and use is qute different
I have no reason to think a screen in a controller won't be quite different again, that's the joke.


Time Traveler
MadOdorMachine said:
I think what's just as important as the controllers is third party support. They need to get UE3, CE3 and IT5 on there asap. It'll be interesting come E3 to find out if these engines are running on it.
Yes but developers can port engines to the console. If it has the hardware architecture of a 360 2, then there would be no problem. It's not like they have to suck EPIC's dick (no pun intended) to get third party support.
NihonTiger90 said:
Agreed, if only because I expect the data to mostly be in numerical or map form. Things like inventories, etc.

Streaming games could work for older console titles, though, given that they aren't as resolution needy. It could also really work if that older Game Boy games on Virtual Console rumor ever turns out to be true. But that's supposing there was any weight behind that rumor in the first place.


IGN never said that actual Cafe games would be playable on the controller, just "games", for all we know it could just be for N64 and below, MAYBE GC and Wii if we're lucky, and I'd imagine the res being 640x480; native for GC and Wii, double-res for all lower consoles (or even 3x-4x for SNES and NES, which ever so it's not a blurry kind of blowing up.
I hope the controller is good, a solid controller is extremely important.
Can't help but wish Nintendo and Sony would just swallow their pride and copy this controller design.


Fix the dpad and call it a day.


I doubt the controller will have much processing capabilities.

If the core concept is streaming games to it, then the console will do all the heavy lifting. It makes little sense to have GPU in a controller. There may be an ARM CPU to do wireless and some minor functions, but the core idea of this console based on what is published is to untether gameplay from the TV with the option of playing right on the controller.

If there's a portability element to the controller, it will be something like holding game programs on suspend as you bring it to a friends house and share the game with them and the games that support that feature will likely be 3DSware level.

I have suggested maybe it will have the computational power of the DS.

One aspect Nintendo certainly can enhance is to allow their games as broad a reach as possible.

The delay in eshop and the timing of this new console lends some credence that we'll finally get a unified store system from them, and you could potentially play some 3DSware store games on your Wii2 controller while both will have 'exclusive' content or content that works better in one format or another.
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