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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
This may be a long shot, but what if the front-facing camera is coupled with eye-tracking software? Is it technically possible to allow players to select icons on the touchscreen this way? (I doubt it). One big problem with the touchscreen on controller is that to even use the thing you'd have to pull your hands away from one side of the controls. Eye tracking control might solve that problem.


bgassassin said:
doI'm referring to Miyamoto stating how Ninten's console line goes.

NES - Revolution
SNES - Evolution
N64 - Revolution
GC - Evolution
Wii - Revolution
N6 - Evolution
NES - Revolution
SNES - Evolution
N64 - Revolution
GC - Evolution
Wii - Revolution
N6 - Mutation ??


bgassassin said:
I'm referring to Miyamoto stating how Nintendo's console line goes.

NES - Revolution
SNES - Evolution
N64 - Revolution
GC - Evolution
Wii - Revolution
N6 - Evolution

Sure but with Iwata at the helm of the company, things have changed.. Nintendo have seen the success they had with the Wii and DS systems and surely they want to replicate that success. N6 won't be as much a revolution as the Wii but I don't think it'll be as simple an upgrade as the GameCube or Super Nintendo were.


Zeliard said:
It may not be entirely necessary when you can center the camera with a button (in NGB I just re-center all the time), but having another analog stick there is still nice for minute control of the camera in platformers and other games.
camara should work itself out, i shouldn't be worried about it.

Play Other M and admire that work of art camara. The best in the business, and it's only 15 bucks now!
Gahiggidy said:
NES - Revolution
SNES - Evolution
N64 - Revolution
GC - Evolution
Wii - Revolution
N6 - Mutation ??

Or an Abomination listening to how some feel about the rumor.

GregLombardi said:
Miyamoto said this explicitly?

Is an evolution the best business move though? I am not convinced of this anymore in this age of new, crazy tech.

Yep. And I think it can be a very good move because as the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Just make necessary improvements on it and keep it going for now. Especially since they could be causing a staggered launch time frame.

Caramello said:
Sure but with Iwata at the helm of the company, things have changed.. Nintendo have seen the success they had with the Wii and DS systems and surely they want to replicate that success. N6 won't be as much a revolution as the Wii but I don't think it'll be as simple an upgrade as the GameCube or Super Nintendo were.

Miyamoto said this well after Iwata took over though. I don't think it will be just a simple upgrade either, but I don't think the additions they make would be "out there" enough to obscure it from being an Evolution.


Boney said:
camara should work itself out, i shouldn't be worried about it.

Play Other M and admire that work of art camara. The best in the business, and it's only 15 bucks now!

Haven't played Other M yet but even with something like the Galaxy games, and their wonderful cameras, I still find myself wishing for analog control over them whenever I do manually move them.

Switching angles with the d-pad is fine especially since the cameras in those games already work very well, but it's still no substitute for the control an analog input gives you over the environment, even if it's for something just as trivial as staging cool shots.

The second analog can still have its place; the issue with it comes with any sort of precise aiming in a 3D environment. It's been vaguely passable till now but it's really just crap when it comes to that. The pointer isn't a perfect mechanic but it's a good step up. Mouse is a leap upwards but we're not likely to see at least the next consoles and their games come with unrestricted mouse support, so that's out.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
The second analog is sort of pointless at this point and really makes learning games harder for nongamers.

If that is even a little true then it's really really sad. That hard to control a camera huh
Ickman3400 said:
If that is even a little true then it's really really sad. That hard to control a camera huh

Maybe I'm wrong, but my dad and nongamer friends always struggle with the third layer of complexity in the camera control being added on.


crazy monkey said:
why do we have two threads? It is hard to caught up.

Because there is two new consoles one will be the Wii 2 & the other one will be the Super Duper Nintendo 64 hundred Cube TS.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
The second analog is sort of pointless at this point and really makes learning games harder for nongamers.

I agree with the second part, I have a lot of non-gamer friends who can't do two sticks at the same time whether for fps or 3rd person camera controls. It is just too complicated to control two sticks for a lot of people.
This one looks nice

A "cousin of the udraw tablet"



I find it hard to comprehend a second analog being hard to control, because it's second nature to me. However my dad stopped playing games altogether, because of the second analog. Before that he loved gaming.

Recently my little brother has been getting him to play PS3 though and he is showing signs of improvement, so there is hope.
Ickman3400 said:
If that is even a little true then it's really really sad. That hard to control a camera huh

You're REALLY underestimating how many things rotate through a gamer's "multitasking queue." Controlling a 3D camera is a huge problem for non-gamers. Add in all the other possible variables that might be occurring on screen, and you have a recipe for confusion.
it's weird (yet funny) to see non gaming people be so bad at dual analogs when it seemed like i picked it up so naturally when i first used a dual analog controller.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Anth0ny said:
Why not? If Nintendo is seriously going after the hardcores, online is probably the most important damn thing to get done correctly.

I'd rather have a Nintendo console with online that rivals/surpasses XBL, but has current gen graphics than next gen graphics with shitty online.
I'd prefer a Nintendo console without online play at all but next gen graphics over a Nintendo console with nearly next gen graphics, but unrivalled online play. And that's despite not caring about graphics all too much. It's just I never never never play online ^^.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
The second analog is sort of pointless at this point

It really isn't. There still isn't a better way to control the camera in a third-person game. A very smart auto-camera is preferable, but there will always be times where you want the camera to be somewhere else. Games have tried using the touch screen and motion controls for the camera, but this doesn't work well at all.

Games these days are pretty much designed around the second stick. Neither the PSP nor Wii had second sticks, and both suffered from it.

ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
and really makes learning games harder for nongamers.

Sure. But I'm sure one analog stick is too much for some people. As are four buttons, and shoulder buttons. Some people probably wish games were still controlled with the NES pad, or an Atari joystick with one button.

I guess this leaves two solutions:

- Cater to the people who want more buttons, at the risk of potentially alienating those who fear buttons.


- Cater to the people who want fewer buttons, at the expense of almost certainly alienating those who are used to a certain amount of control in their games.

In the first option, there's still a possibility of getting the people you're scaring away. You can show them, hey, this game only uses a stick and one button, just ignore the rest of those. Or with this Stream, they could say, hey, look at this big touch screen. Yeah, I know it's surrounded by scary buttons, ignore those. There's a big touch screen, that's your control interface. Then there's the possibility that, after grabbing the casual gamers with the simple interface, they may venture into games outside their comfort zone and try a game that uses a button, or even games that use buttons.

In option 2, though? If a game asks for a certain amount of control, and the control scheme can't provide it, then the game's just screwed. We've seen it happen time and time again. I again refer to the Wii and PSP. Sometimes we get lucky and we wind up with something like RE4 Wii, but that's extremely rare. Far more often, we wind up with crappy cameras and poor controls. Wii games that use 1, 2, and the d-pad as action buttons. PSP games that make you hold a direction on the d-pad then press another button to do other stuff.

I think it's vastly preferable to have more controls than necessary than fewer than necessary.


Ickman3400 said:
If that is even a little true then it's really really sad. That hard to control a camera huh
You only have one right thumb, which is also tasked for pressing face buttons. Camera control on the right analog has never been an optimal design because of this flaw.


rpmurphy said:
You only have one right thumb, which is also tasked for pressing face buttons. Camera control on the right analog has never been an optimal design because of this flaw.

This is why Dual Analogue has always felt like a hack to me.
rpmurphy said:
You only have one right thumb, which is also tasked for pressing face buttons. Camera control on the right analog has never been an optimal design because of this flaw.
Pretty much. I can see wanting some form of camera control, but generally speaking, you should not have to constantly adjust it to suit the gameplay situation. Design the shit right with new, modern ideas and tech, not with the same bullshit we've been using for years. Quit shoehorning old controls into new games, leave whats bad or outdated in the past, and give us a nicely crafted piece of work.


Triton55 said:
I haven't listened to it myself, but the quotes are here

Sam Kennedy said that “there won’t be friend codes on the new console,” amidst a discussion of the next Wii. When asked “is that for sure?” Sam responded with a confident “Yes.” He goes onto say that “I think Nintendo has learnt their lesson there,” in reference to the online system.

it’s implied multiple times that Kennedy knows more about the next Wii than he’s willing to share via the podcast. Here’s a few snippets of what he did say:

■“Not just like a new controller,” implying that there’s something more to the system than simply a new input device.
■It’ll have a “Wii vibe” and high definition graphics, ”plus something,” meaning another feature we’re unaware of.
■Apparently Nintendo fans will be like “wow.”

Interesting and weird.


Zeliard said:
I think there have been 16k+ posts of reading too much into a few things. :p

Yeah sure, you're just saying that to throw us off the trail. Who are you working for huh?!

Dascu said:
That particular quote struck me as odd, is all.

In what way? Its not like he said only Nintendo fans will be excited. Seems like a pretty standard get hype type statement to me.


TekkenMaster said:
the "surprise" is probably the vitality sensor.
If its put to good use I'd be cool with that. Still we don't even know how the 6" screen will be used yet so I'm sure there will be plenty of surprises with that too.


Gaf will implode into a million starquakes if stream releases this year with zelda skyward sword getting the twilight treatment. Make it happen nintendo. :)
Wait what, a new Nintendo console possibly this year??! That's hard to believe. Has any company in the past few generations announced a console and released it in the same year?


Naked Snake said:
Wait what, a new Nintendo console possibly this year??! That's hard to believe.
everything is just pointing to a sooner to be release console. thats all, I see next to shit coming for the wii before the end of the year and having a new console sooner just makes sense to me. :/


ari said:
everything is just pointing to a sooner to be release console. thats all, I see next to shit coming for the wii before the end of the year and having a new console sooner just makes sense to me. :/

I think it makes sense that Nintendo wants to get the system on the market sooner rather than later especially to start building the install base. Launching in time for the holidays pretty much ensures a couple million units if they have the stock.

But the price better be right. The economy still isn't great and I'm not sure parents will shell out $350 plus games on their kids this year. Also it better not be a "soft launch" like the 3ds where all the system features aren't even in place yet and the launch line up sucks. If the price is too high and the launch line up isn't good I think even a lot of Nintendo fans and the "hardcore" gamers Nintendo is rumored to be trying to "capture" will hold off on a purchase.
Naked Snake said:
Wait what, a new Nintendo console possibly this year??! That's hard to believe. Has any company in the past few generations announced a console and released it in the same year?

XBOX 360 was unveiled March 2005 right? I don't remember how much talk there was before that, looks like things got leaky around 8 months earlier, but that's Microsoft.
Edit, sorry May 2005, with an ARG 2 months earlier. So that's 6 months from announcement to launch, has Nintendo been taking notes?


Gold Member
ari said:
Gaf will implode into a million starquakes if stream releases this year with zelda skyward sword getting the twilight treatment. Make it happen nintendo. :)

I'd say that's a save bet, because we have sen what a Nintendo made Wii game looks like running in Dolphin without any enhancements. Now think what it could look like after enhancements.
The question is though would Nintendo do that, I mean who would want the Wii version if the Wii2 version is in 1080p and looks so much nicer?


Naked Snake said:
Wait what, a new Nintendo console possibly this year??! That's hard to believe. Has any company in the past few generations announced a console and released it in the same year?

Like some said, the Xbox. And the wii has long outstayed it's welcome. Unlike the other current systems it was never designed to last 7 years and sales are showing it, especially in Japan.


No one cares about the no friend codes rumor? Understandable I guess since it's more a lack of a negative thing than a positive thing, but an improvement is an improvement.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Mithos said:
I'd say that's a save bet, because we have sen what a Nintendo made Wii game looks like running in Dolphin without any enhancements. Now think what it could look like after enhancements.
The question is though would Nintendo do that, I mean who would want the Wii version if the Wii2 version is in 1080p and looks so much nicer?
We don't have to wonder what Zelda SS would look at 1080p, since Nintendo did release some screenshots at that resolution: http://www.abload.de/img/legend-of-zelda-skywarkuhq.jpg


Triton55 said:
No one cares about the no friend codes rumor? Understandable I guess since it's more a lack of a negative thing than a positive thing, but an improvement is an improvement.

I will care when it's confirmed. The 3DS still has friend codes for fuck sakes.
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