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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Refreshment.01 said:
So? When the clamshell is open it has 12 buttons, two thumbsticks plus a touch screen. When closed it has that tablet feeling and look, but you retain 4 triggers and 2 thumbsticks.
Sorry I misread the point of your post. Personally I'd prefer a one size fits all layout, maybe portrait to save space, but I'll wait and see how they intend to use it.
Krev said:
Just earlier today I was thinking that codename was entirely accurate.
Wii has revolutionised the game industry. Just not in the way fanboys were expecting back in 2005.
MisterHero said:
based on how it affected its competitors not really ;P

yea, that's pretty much where I was getting at. love it or hate it, Nintendo changed things.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
charlequin said:
Nope. You need to start priming third-party developers to work on your system well in advance; once they start getting kits and development contracts, leaks will come out; announcing early helps keep this stuff under control. Nintendo has visibly already waited too long to formally announce this system even if it's not due out until November 2012.

Consoles aren't the same thing as consumer electronic products like an iPad that require no new software development, no new third-party partners, and no other ramp-up process before their release, and they're not going to be announced the same way as such products.

Hype on the 3DS didn't die down because time passed, hype died down because people found out about the excessive price, low battery life, and poor first six months of software.

You can get dev kits out without having too many leaks. Microsoft and Sony (kinda) does that well. And if you do have leaks you can always just deny them. I'm not doubting that you make some good points, but it Still seems like a mistake to me to have a full unveiling on something and take almost a year to release it.

Because obviously what you said had an effect on the 3DS, but I also look at Kinect that had a full unveiling at E3 2010. Hype was built pretty high but then announcements of price, lack of sitting, and the launch line-up all was greeted with negative press. But I believe the
difference was the lack of time to dwell on such negative press and a holiday season release? Now obviously kinect's success is mostly driven by casual gamers, but the average consumer probably heard of kinect and the 3ds at the same time (June 2010) and while hype was high for both, kinect released 3 months later against move while the 3ds released 9 months later after the NGP was announced and the Ipad2 was released.

I have to believe timing of the announcement and release of the 3DS had some negative effect on it's sales, and if Kinect were to have switched release dates with 3DS..... I really don't see it having the momentum, sales numbers, and effect is has 6 months after release.
charlequin said:
Hype on the 3DS didn't die down because time passed, hype died down because people found out about the excessive price, low battery life, and poor first six months of software.

This is undoubtedly true for a decent number of gamers, but there are also a fair number (myself included) who were still hyped enough to buy the 3DS at launch despite those shortcomings.

IMO, the more potent criticism of skiesofwonder's post would be that it's always fallacious to discuss E3 hype as though it's relevant to consumers in general.
Veal said:
Oh god Monster Hunter would be GODLY on this thing! An always available and usable inventory/map/communications screen would make the choices with the controller completely worth it IMO. Add to that some nicely detailed graphics and (hopefully) true surround sound. I'd buy a dozen!
I was thinking more that each person having their own screen being a boon to Monhan's real strength and something that console MH has traditionally lacked; local co-op. What you mentioned could certainly be used for single or online mutiplayer though.
Skiesofwonder said:
You can get dev kits out without having too many leaks. Microsoft and Sony (kinda) does that well.

Err... what? We had a near-complete, accurate description of the NGP months and months before it was revealed

it Still seems like a mistake to me to have a full unveiling on something and take almost a year to release it.

Why? What do you lose? Products don't particularly wear on people's attention in the early stages after an announcement when there's not too much detail about them. In fact, such products often do well due to the ability to build up name recognition over a long period -- look at Assassin's Creed, which was announced two full years in advance.

I also look at Kinect that had a full unveiling at E3 2010.

And which went on to be wildly successful?

I honestly think you're reading a completely imaginary explanation into the 3DS' mediocre performance when there are well-understood, entirely concrete reasons to explain it (and, conversely, ignoring years and years of systems that have performed well after being released long after their announcement.)


Graphics Horse said:
Why would Ubisoft already have devkits if it's not releasing this year? semiserioustrollface.gif
Ubisoft is the third largest publisher overall and quite possibly the largest third party publisher on Nintendo's systems.

Their games may overwhelmingly be awful, but they're still one of Nintendo's most valuable partners.


From The Dust said:
well, I'm not one to get attached to codenames. because they are codenames :p

besides, looking back on it, would Revolution really have been a good idea? you'd be seeing posts about broken promises and shit
I love many Nintendo codenames... be it Dolphin, Atlantis, Nitro... But most of them are really codenames, they won't ever become anything else than a three letters codename at best, and many are unmarketable.
The only reason to not announce a successor system early is because either

A) You haven't nailed fundamental things down yet
B) You don't want to kill the current system's momentum

A is unlikely with devkits out.

As for B, well...


ShockingAlberto said:
The only reason to not announce a successor system early is because either

A) You haven't nailed fundamental things down yet
B) You don't want to kill the current system's momentum

A is unlikely with devkits out.

As for B, well...
The Wii's momentum is all but gone, Holiday 2011 is the perfect time to release the system with a reveal at E3 and marketing steadily building up to the holiday season. That combined with mediocre 3DS and falling Wii sales means they'll need something to boost them up.
Koren said:
I love many Nintendo codenames... be it Dolphin, Atlantis, Nitro... But most of them are really codenames, they won't ever become anything else than a three letters codename at best, and many are unmarketable.

Dolphin? Nintedo is releasing a Seaworld console?
Nitro? since when was Nintendo EXTREME?
Revolution? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING (the only one marketable)
Cafe? I guess Nintendo is making coffee machines now

you seem to be right
Mr_Brit said:
The Wii's momentum is all but gone, Holiday 2011 is the perfect time to release the system with a reveal at E3 and marketing steadily building up to the holiday season. That combined with mediocre 3DS and falling Wii sales means they'll need something to boost them up.

Nintendo is releasing a new console -approximately- every 5 years.

Holiday 2011 is the perfect timing.

NES - 1985
SNES - 1991
N64 - 1996
GC - 2001
Wii - 2006
Cafe - 2011
2011 feels kinda soon. yea, it would be perfect, but there was no build up. the current rumor is that they are showing mostly videos and tech demos at E3 (whether that is true or not is another thing). that tells me that companies aren't very far ahead with development.


A few days ago in an episode of The Oddcast from 1Up, Sam Kennedy said that “there won’t be friend codes on the new console,” amidst a discussion of the next Wii. When asked “is that for sure?” Sam responded with a confident “Yes.” He goes onto say that “I think Nintendo has learnt their lesson there,” in reference to the online system


“Not just like a new controller,” implying that there’s something more to the system than simply a new input device.
It’ll have a “Wii vibe” and high definition graphics, ”plus something,” meaning another feature we’re unaware of.
Apparently Nintendo fans will be like “wow.”



Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
charlequin said:
Err... what? We had a near-complete, accurate description of the NGP months and months before it was revealed

Why? What do you lose? Products don't particularly wear on people's attention in the early stages after an announcement when there's not too much detail about them. In fact, such products often do well due to the ability to build up name recognition over a long period -- look at Assassin's Creed, which was announced two full years in advance.

And which went on to be wildly successful?

I honestly think you're reading a completely imaginary explanation into the 3DS' mediocre performance when there are well-understood, entirely concrete reasons to explain it (and, conversely, ignoring years and years of systems that have performed well after being released long after their announcement.)

I'm not trying to to say that the 3DS's mediocre performance was solely because of this (the main problem is imo that average consumers still view 3d as a novelty) but I do believe it if was released last holiday season or if nintendo had had it's full unveiling say last November at a spaceworld and released it in march.... Then yes I do believe it would of faired better. We are in a world today when apple announces a product and releases it two-three months later. It has been proven that it can and does work and if this generation has shown us anything it is that we shouldn't assume what worked last generation or the gens before it will automatically work now. Today is today and not yesterday or three years ago. Microsoft wonderfully created a three month time-span to fully unveil and hype kinect before it was released. Microsoft could barely keep them on the shelves. But yet kinect had a poor launch line-up, recent negative press, and higher price then expected.

And I don't buy anymore that the average consumer doesn't at least hear reports about what is shown at E3. Fox, CNN, time, radios, etc. All had articles and even tv segments about last years E3, with kinect and the 3ds being the main draws. He'll I didn't even now the iPad2 was revealed until I heard over 10 reports on the radio the morning after. The press and average consumer is becoming very in the know when it comes to electronics (at least compared to t
Even 5 years ago).

But nowadays you just can't expect a product to remain in the limelight for over 9 months. Something else comes along and overshadows it. Microsoft IMO had the perfect pre-launch plan for kinect. It was very apple like. I really think nintendo should do the same, and I expect them to with a holiday 2012 release for cafe'.

Edit: sorry for my poor grammar. I'm typing from an Ipad and typing/making corrections is super frustrating lol


From The Dust said:
2011 feels kinda soon. yea, it would be perfect, but there was no build up. the current rumor is that they are showing mostly videos and tech demos at E3 (whether that is true or not is another thing). that tells me that companies aren't very far ahead with development.
Well it doesn't make any sense to start hyping a system 2 years from its release. They did that with revolution because the GameCube was already dead for a year or so. The 360 hype machine didn't start untill 2005(and that kinda forced Sony's hand) and the 3DS hype machine didn't start untill they released an official confirmation to beat the rumors months before the originally slated release(fall 2010). If Nintendo can make fall 2011 they'll release it because they're not going to sit on supply of $350 consoles for no good reason.
Veal said:
Oh god Monster Hunter would be GODLY on this thing! An always available and usable inventory/map/communications screen would make the choices with the controller completely worth it IMO. Add to that some nicely detailed graphics and (hopefully) true surround sound. I'd buy a dozen!
Nononononono. First we support Monster Hunter on 3DS, then WiiHD.

Don't make me snatch you MonHan card.


Lately Nintendo likes to announce games in the same year they come out, so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the same held true for a console.


ShockingAlberto said:
Holiday 2011 would be fine if not for all the reasons it would be terrible.
I can't think of any reason that would make it terrible especially with half of EAD missing in action for the past 2 years.
Ichor said:
Lately Nintendo likes to announce games in the same year they come out, so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the same held true for a console.
Well, the only "lately" scenario that would involve Nintendo hardware that's not a revision is the 3DS.

Which was announced March of 2010 and released March of 2011.

So...kind of? But not really.


I wonder what kind of issues this next home console will have.

The Wii had the inconvenient friend costs, weak third-party support,

I think Jonathan Holmes said it best that Nintendo expected too much from third-parties when it came to thinking outside of the box for developing games with motion control. They just weren't up to the challenge.
Skiesofwonder said:
if was released last holiday season

It would have benefited from the holiday season.

or if nintendo had had it's full unveiling say last November at a spaceworld and released it in march....

It wouldn't have had time to build any hype in the first place since they would've had to reveal the price right away.

We are in a world today when apple announces a product and releases it two-three months later.

I have to confess I am unsurprised that this ultimately boils down to another "every company should do everything the way Apple does and ignore every valid contextual reason that some things work for Apple's business but not everyone's" argument. :-/

But nowadays you just can't expect a product to remain in the limelight for over 9 months.

The purpose of a product announcement is not to put the product "in the limelight." For gaming hardware, your optimal strategy is almost always going to involve a slow ramp-up of hype over a long window with a crescendo within a short range before the actual release.


Sammy Samusu said:
Nononononono. First we support Monster Hunter on 3DS, then WiiHD.

Don't make me snatch you MonHan card.
There needs to be a MH4 before there's a MHP4. :p

MH3G on Wii2 would make sense too.
Hiltz said:
I think Jonathan Holmes said it best that Nintendo expected too much from third-parties when it came to thinking outside of the box for developing games with motion control. They just weren't up to the challenge.

And Nintendo played their part by allowing horseshit to flood the console.
1-D_FTW said:

I have no idea what I'm looking at.


Watch this, please:

Graphics Horse said:
Sorry I misread the point of your post. Personally I'd prefer a one size fits all layout, maybe portrait to save space, but I'll wait and see how they intend to use it.
You see this IGN mock up i modified to illustrate the concept?


A 6'' screen at 16:9 format has an area of 2.94'' x 5.23''. That's similar to the area of a Xbox360 pad or a half of a DSi and we are talking screen alone. If they set the screen in the panoramic format, like the IGN mock up above, the controller becomes quite wide and big. A clamshell approach prevents the control for being too wide and in its minimalistic mode (like fig. A) its very small.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Hiltz said:
I wonder what kind of issues this next home console will have.

The Wii had the inconvenient friend costs, weak third-party support,

I think Jonathan Holmes said it best that Nintendo expected too much from third-parties when it came to thinking outside of the box for developing games with motion control. They just weren't up to the challenge.
Mostly true, but Konami was with PES, and gamers were not ready to trade great graphics for better controls.


Hiltz said:
I wonder what kind of issues this next home console will have.

The Wii had the inconvenient friend costs, weak third-party support,

I think Jonathan Holmes said it best that Nintendo expected too much from third-parties when it came to thinking outside of the box for developing games with motion control. They just weren't up to the challenge.
Same as before. Terrible online with friend codes, which will lead to low 3rd party sales, which will lead to low 3rd party support.
[Nintex] said:
Well it doesn't make any sense to start hyping a system 2 years from its release. They did that with revolution because the GameCube was already dead for a year or so. The 360 hype machine didn't start untill 2005(and that kinda forced Sony's hand) and the 3DS hype machine didn't start untill they released an official confirmation to beat the rumors months before the originally slated release(fall 2010). If Nintendo can make fall 2011 they'll release it because they're not going to sit on supply of $350 consoles for no good reason.
after all these years of "announce one year, release the next," my mind accepted that as standard. I have to get used to this new method

wsippel said:
Different target audience? Just a wild guess of course.
I just can't see that. while they may have different team leaders, both consoles would be developed with a common view point. I find that really odd.

- Attract third parties - the power of the 3DS and the Cafe is this
- Fix online - single friend code for 3DS, no friend codes for Cafe

if you could jump the Grand Canyon easy, why only go halfway the first attempt?
[Nintex] said:
I can't think of any reason that would make it terrible especially with half of EAD missing in action for the past 2 years.
Not having the software from third parties kneecaps the system out of the gate. Launching without third party software that is comparable or better than the Nintendo games kneecaps it for them. Not allowing the 3DS a single Christmas by making Nintendo compete for its own dollars kneecaps their handheld.

Basically a lot of broken kneecaps.


Skiesofwonder said:
Anybody else think that in this day and age is is silly (and ignorant) to announce a console, handheld, software, etc. a YEAR (or longer) before it's release? Today you see twice as many advertisements and have twice the amount of companies fighting for your attention and money. Why reveal your product and have the hype through the roof, but yet you fail to capitalize with releasing said product almost a year later?

Take the 3DS for example. Hype for that thing was at unbelievable levels when E3 2010 was over. Almost every single gamer you talked to wanted it, and hype continued to build for a sizable time. But then the Holiday season came, Kinect/Move was released along with tons of compelling software for each system, and support continued to grow for Apple's handheld products. People want to spend money on big products at the holiday time, and those people who would of most likely bought a 3DS, spent it on something else.

Nintendo announcing Wii 2 at this E3 and NOT releasing it this Holiday season would be a mistake (imo). If they don't have the software or finished hardware to release within that time frame, then don't announce it.

Nintendo surely fucked up with the 3DS launch, but they are banking on the software and this Summer and Holiday season to revive it. That said, if they announce Wii2 at E3 and DON'T release Wii 2 by this Holiday season then they have really put themselves in an awkward position. Releasing another console outside of Thanksgiving/Christmas isn't a smart thing to do as seen with 3DS

But then again by releasing this Holiday they are kind of competing with 3DS, BUT if they wait until Holiday 2012, Wii sales HW and SW would have dried so bad people may have lost faith in Nintendo and momentum and hype for the system will have long since died by then

I agree that Nintendo is really in a sticky situation with Wii2


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
ShockingAlberto said:
Well, the only "lately" scenario that would involve Nintendo hardware that's not a revision is the 3DS.

Which was announced March of 2010 and released March of 2011.

So...kind of? But not really.

But we have had numerous reports that Nintendo wanted to (and was planning to) release the 3DS holiday season 2010 but I believe they didn't have enough systems produced to have a successful launch (in their opinion).

If rumors from IGN are to be believed, it seems Nintendo is not going to make that same mistake by at least having the option for a holiday 2011 release.
Nirolak said:
Ubisoft is the third largest publisher overall and quite possibly the largest third party publisher on Nintendo's systems.

Their games may overwhelmingly be awful, but they're still one of Nintendo's most valuable partners.

I knowww... but still, with a typically port filled line up, and an easy to port to system, it's not out of the question for them to squirt a few games out in the space of a year and put a Rabbid inside a tablet.

Refreshment.01 said:
A 6'' screen at 16:9 format has an area of 2.94'' x 5.23''. That's similar to the area of a Xbox360 pad or a half of a DSi and we are talking screen alone. If they set the screen in the panoramic format, like the IGN mock up above, the controller becomes quite wide and big. A clamshell approach prevents the control for being too wide and in its minimalistic mode (like fig. A) its very small.

I know man, I've made more mockups than is healthly, all with ~6" screens. But the speculation about the rough form factor is pretty much over, and I'm not going to start telling them how to redesign it before we've seen it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
ShockingAlberto said:
Not having the software from third parties kneecaps the system out of the gate. Launching without third party software that is comparable or better than the Nintendo games kneecaps it for them. Not allowing the 3DS a single Christmas by making Nintendo compete for its own dollars kneecaps their handheld.

Basically a lot of broken kneecaps.

There is absolutely no evidence either way right now. If the rumors about third parties having dev kits for several months is true, it's completely feasible that third-party games could be available at launch.
Graphics Horse said:
I knowww... but still, with a typically port filled line up, and an easy to port to system, it's not out of the question for them to squirt a few games out in the space of a year and put a Rabbid inside a tablet.
I wouldn't mind a decent port of Assassin's Creed. but then again, I have a PC. and since all of Ubi's major games comes out on PC, there isn't much they can do to attract me other than good, Nintendo exclusive games. and we know what their Nintendo games are like


I sure hope Nintendo has more foresight than to make a classic controller with a 6" screen. That looks fucking stupid and awkward.
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