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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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That thing about controllers with HD screens sounds like complete bullshit to me.

Anyway, i can't fucking wait to see what Retro Studios will be able to do with a powerful, HD hardware.
They're gonna kick so many asses, it'll be glorious...


so basically nintendo is going to kill the competition again, but does this mean the wii wont reach 150 million?

anyhow PS3 is way to far because there are still big games coming out in 2012 so an announcement in 2012 would be release in 2013 a full year behind nintendo.
this is going to suck for sony AGAIN!!


AceBandage said:
The N64 and the Cube were both better than Sony's offerings.
Revisionist history in part of the person you where replying too. Common amongst these parts. Or selective amnesia.


neptunes said:
Either Nintendo ditched their philosophy of providing affordable hardware for the masses
They found a way to get hardware that is "SIGNIFICANTLY" better than PS3/360 and is affordable to the masses.

Something's not adding up, either it wont end up being as mega-power as the rumors claim, or it will be and cost +$350
I think it's that Nintendo found a frugal path to some pretty powerful hardware now, while Sony and Microsoft would have to dig themselves a pretty deep financial hole to one-up them by a large margin.


"significantly' can mean a lot and anything... 2x can be 'significantly' more powerful but what does it really mean?

im hoping it means at least 3-5x which can still be very affordable in 2012. $299 for a HD Wii 2 console! do it Ninty!
Sayer said:
Well there are 2 zelda teams and one has nothing assigned to them since we found out the OoT port was outsourced.
Yeah, that was a shocker.

Maybe something will come of this?
I don't think they would go through all that just to make it "HD". I would expect better models+Textures and such ON TOP OF w/e the Wii2 hook is (like how they shoe-horned motion controls into TP Wii ... but IR pointer was actually a step up).

So I'm hoping the other Zelda guys are helping make a HD version that takes advantage of VS in some way. There, thats enough to warrant a HD version IMO.
lazybones18 said:
Bring it on Nintendo

The Wii drought is ridiculous

Yeah they could release all of those games that are in Japan that haven't headed west yet, but no. I haven't played the Wii since January and the last game I played on it was Flingsmash. I've been thinking about importing Reginleiv lately. >.>;

If all of these game websites are reporting this shit, it must be a little bit true. However, might I remind everyone of the controller with a touchscreen for the Wii...

Why do I have to wait until Fall 2012, release it in Spring!


neptunes said:
Either Nintendo ditched their philosophy of providing affordable hardware for the masses
They found a way to get hardware that is "SIGNIFICANTLY" better than PS3/360 and is affordable to the masses.

Something's not adding up, either it wont end up being as mega-power as the rumors claim, or it will be and cost +$350

Easy to get cheap ass GPU that can outdo the ones in the PS3 or 360. I'm guessing the next nintendo system will be able to do 1080p but it will be lacking in terms of cpu power, ram and/or media (maybe still use dvd). They will cut a lot of corners. I'd love to be wrong though.


Boney said:
wait what's the controller supposed to be?

apart from the screen
The screen stuff is just a bunch of weird patents that have been around for a while. We know there's backwards compatibility with the Wii. That's about it.
I can honestly say this comes as a surprise and far sooner than expected. If true (!).

BUT, I won't let myself get carried away. I remember reports about the Revolution being also significantly more powerful than the then-current hardware (PS2, xbox, gamecube), and we ended up with a slightly more powerful console that doesn't look more powerful because the leap isn't big enough and developers don't push the hardware. I'm perfectly content with PS3-like graphics anyway, but I'm not expecting some powerful monster in the Wii2.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Sayer said:
Well there are 2 zelda teams and one has nothing assigned to them since we found out the OoT port was outsourced.

Keep in mind that just because Grezzo Games may be involved, EAD Group No.3 is still a co-developer and may be supplying noticeable staff on the project. Truthfully maybe the second Zelda team lots its programmers to go work on another EAD project. Hence Miyamoto asking Grezzo to assist. We know Aonuma is producing, and we know Yokota is involved with the music somehow.

I don't think there is a third Zelda project at this point. But maybe Aonuma's group finally gets to work on an original game?


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Woah now people are going too factual with this information. Hopefully a mod or something has some inside info to confirm the info in the OP and the title because otherwise I would look at the graphics and HD screens being rumors still considering the conflicting reports on both.
Pimpbaa said:
Easy to get cheap ass GPU that can outdo the ones in the PS3 or 360. I'm guessing the next nintendo system will be able to do 1080p but it will be lacking in terms of cpu power, ram and/or media (maybe still use dvd). They will cut a lot of corners. I'd love to be wrong though.

more than likely they will go back to a proprietary media format. one that has more storage than dvd .
Majine said:
Wait, I got it. Twii

I'm betting on them dropping the Wii name.
The market associated with that is too polluted and toxic.

Skiesofwonder said:
Woah now people are going too factual with this information. Hopefully a mod or something has some inside info to confirm the info in the OP and the title because otherwise I would look at the graphics and HD screens being rumors still considering the conflicting reports on both.

Graphics above PS3/360 is pretty much a given. HD screen in the controller is easily possible, since it wouldn't be actual HD (just a marketing name for high quality screens).


ryan-ts said:
I leave for a couple hours and come back to this amazing news. Now the graphic whores can stop their whining.

Why would they?

As long as Ubisoft and the rest of the shovelware publishers are around, there will be plenty of material to complain with.


As someone who missed out on a lot of games this generation, I'd actually be tickled pink to get motion control enhanced re-releases of the PS360 era's greatest hits.
Skiesofwonder said:
Woah now people are going too factual with this information. Hopefully a mod or something has some inside info to confirm the info in the OP and the title because otherwise I would look at the graphics and HD screens being rumors still considering the conflicting reports on both.
Completely agree. There's nothing that points to this actually being true.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Hi Guys. Wow 18 pages in a little over 5 hours.

This HD screen in the controller business sounds pretty damn cool I admit. Reveal at E3 even cooler.

Hope GAF servers are ready for E3 this year sounds like it will be HUGE. :)

mr stroke

FTH said:
Do you guys think Nintendo knew exactly what they were doing here?

That is, going from "trailing" behind the competition in technology, but using the Wii remote to explode the waggle market, causing the other two to follow their strategy?

And then releasing an HD console that leaves the other two manufacturers trailing them, unable to release a new product in time?

no chance

unless Reggie is Nostradamus


ryan-ts said:
I leave for a couple hours and come back to this amazing news. Now the graphic whores can stop their whining.

Until it gets surpassed by the next gen PS and Xbox... but we'll have a year of peace. right?

AceBandage said:
I'm betting on them dropping the Wii name.
The market associated with that is too polluted and toxic

Are we talking about the same system? Toxic? Wii is name that every family knows.


DoomXploder7 said:
more than likely they will go back to a proprietary media format. one that has more storage than dvd .
Doubtful. Their only real options are DVD18 and Blu-Ray. HVD is in its infancy and they are not going to use flash memory.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
So now we can look forward to more Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Star Fox, Pilotwings, Metroid, etc. games with 3D..I mean Wii2 on the end of their names right? I wish these franchises stayed in my childhood. New IPs over new tech please, Nintendo.


Man, but looking at this news, I realize how much I regret my Wii purchase. Nintendo pulling this shit on me reminds me of the dwindling GC years where software support started to dwindle and the last remaining GC gems were ported for the Wii and either delayed or cancelled for the GC. Hopefully they don't pull that shit with Skyward Sword or else I will literally destroy my Wii.


Just what I have been saying for years now, Nintendo would launched first with a powerful console. Since everyone will have waggle hook, having weak graphics won't work again.


worldrevolution said:
So now we can look forward to more Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Star Fox, Pilotwings, Metroid, etc. games with 3D..I mean Wii2 on the end of their names right? I wish these franchises stayed in my childhood.
I wish I was too mature to enjoy good video games like you are. :(
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