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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Will Eat Your Children
Amir0x said:
no it's gonna be BC with Wii titles so obviously motion control gaming remains.
What if you can only connect the Wii remote to the new system and it won't have motion controls by default?
Naked Prime said:
No matter how powerfull it is Epic will insist that it can't run the latest Unreal Engine & Ubi Soft will still bring the gameZ(s)...still hyped. Though new Nintedo hardware will draw attention & steam away from NGP as far as E3 coverage goes. So sounds like a double win.

In all honesty, I'd kill for a near-photo-realistic Nintendogs, or if Ubi actually provides (nah), a proper clone in Dogz, they really dropped the ball with Dogz on the Wii, and Nintendo left the door wide open. :/

Azure J

Angry Fork said:
Give me a real sequel to Mario 64 with some exploration and open levels and i'll be very interested. None of this linear SNES gameplay shit i'm tired of that with Galaxy.

And Starfox 64 sequel as a launch title.

Matter of fact just make a shitload of sequels and bring back stuff related to N64 since that was the high point imo for Nintendo.

And then people start bitching for new IPs from Nintendo. And then people start bitching for more of what they liked during their individual high points of Nintendo. And then people start bitching for new IPs from Nintendo. And then people start bitching for more of what they liked during their individual high points of Nintendo. And then people start bitching for new IPs from Nintendo. And then people start bitching for more of what they liked during their individual high points of Nintendo... This should be the third Nintendo Cycle image. :lol

Alternate post: Galaxy was a better 3D evolution of Mario's gameplay than 64 was and 64 was/is hot shit to me.

Agreed on StarFox though. ;)


hide your water-based mammals
I won't be buying into Nintendo again until I see more compelling SW but honestly all the 3rd party stuff I want on PS3 or PC. Nintendo can stick to making their games which unfortunately are becoming stagnant to me but I have to say, having better GFX does enhance the experience. Of course this thing should be at least as powerful as the current HW out there. PS4 and the next Xbox will be no different.


Teetris said:
What if you can only connect the Wii remote to the new system and it won't have motion controls by default?

come on. you really think Nintendo is gonna abandon motion controls? Come on. Come on.

I mean I would die laughing after all the Nintendo fans have to fall over themselves to act like they never liked motion controlled gaming but personally there's no chance of that imo. Motion control gaming will remain.


DeathbyVolcano said:
Go back to your nerd hole. Brawl was fucking fantastic.

Hell no it wasn't. After all the hype that game had a month after I bought I didn't give a shit about it anymore. If it's online didn't it probably would have been a slightly different story.

EDIT: Like I said before, I don't care about the WII's (haa...) graphics, I just want working online.


Quite exciting, but I really hope the specs won't be left in the dust too badly when the competition comes out ala Dreamcast vs. PS2, GCN and Xbox.

I also wonder if their piracy protection will surpass PS3's.


Error Macro said:
In fact, they had a team make an internal emu for the DS, for testing purposes; it was practically 100% emulated and cycle accurate within several months, AFAIK.

Yes, but it hasn't super mega 1080p enhanced like what Dolphin does. It was 100% original graphics.

Of course Nintendo can work on each game individually and enhance them like Dolphin does, but they are absolutely not going to do it. Too time consuming and complicated.

Wii2 will just play Wii games with better graphics, but it won't be a Dolphin-type of jump.


more money than God
Amir0x said:
maybe for you! For me? Biggest drop in quality ever. GCN was amazing. Wii was total shit.

I have a total of fucking three hardcore games I like from them so far this gen - Mario Galaxy titles (dunno if you want to count this as 1 or 2), Super Paper Mario and Metroid Prime III. And hell, Super Paper Mario was a GAMECUBE game that was ported to Wii because Nintendo are a bunch of lazy motherfuckers. So that's still GCN legacy talking. I guess actually if you count Sin & Punishment, that's four. I sorta liked Wario.

Here's a list of GAMECUBE Nintendo developed games I loved:

Metroid Prime 1/2
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Twilight Princess
F-Zero GX
Chibi Robo
Mario Sunshine
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Wave Race
Pikmin 1/2
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Fire Emblem (including the Wii game which was just a ported Gamecube title)

Also, nostalgia garbage off, GCN Nintendo decimated N64 Nintendo. Fuck N64. Worst successful system of all time.
Well, it's opinion, but I thought the quality of their "hardcore" games, as few as they may be, was great this gen.

I'm amazed at the low expectations of people, though. I would be shocked if the graphics weren't better than PS3 at this point.
antonz said:
Thats really I think the thing that is gonna be shittiest for Sony. Nintendo revealing their new console is going to be the news of E3. NGP will be overshadowed heavily.

PS3.5 would be a significant boost in power and far more likely to be what the next gen is overall for all parties involved. I anticipate we will see another PS2,GC,Xbox style power spread

Glad we are on the same page. Hopefully this time without an alienating disc format and with a structured online infrastructure.
CoffeeJanitor said:
Third parties haven't given Nintendo anything since the SNES.

I think this "return to the hardcore" bullshit has much more to do with the media coverage of this gen than anything. Not to mention hardcore doesn't even mean anything, but I digress.
"Hardcore" is calculated by taking the number of military FPS games on a console and dividing it by the number of petz games. If it is greater than 1 then your system is hardcore. Or something. I'm not sure.

Azure J

donkey show said:

Believe his lies? I can dig it.

Edit: Ami, listing Mario Kart:DD has to be because you were somewhat off put by MK:Wii and not because it's a slight against MK64, right?


Right? *nervous twitch*


majortom1981 said:
Its not a screen on the controller. the patent shows a picture that its a light thing on the sensor bar. like those tvs it will show light on the wall behind the tv that the devs can control. I will post back with the patent number.

Its a case of the site not reading the patent application right. the patent has pictures showing what i am stating
Can anyone else figure out what this post is actually trying to say?
I know people are guessing Skyward Sword will pull a TP, but in all honesty, I'd MUCH rather Kirby took that route.

Have it actually release on the Wii (after SO LONG...), but also in HD, no need to even TOUCH the graphics, they looked just fine in the trailer! Just make the HUD in high-res for it, and there ya go!

Because I've seen a few think it'd be all glorious to play Wii games in HD! But they'd just be upscaled, I have the VDigi one so I've seen the difference. It's definitely clearer, but the jaggies are still there. It's no Dolphin.


neptunes said:
Yes I do find it unbelieve that they could find a hardware configuration that is superior to the ps3 and yet offer it less than $399


Nintendo have always been able to make their dollar go further. The GCN was a master work of low cost, high power system.

I think they'd have no trouble outpacing the PS3 for $300. Whether they want to do that and work on thinner profit margins, is an entirely different discussion.

neptunes said:
Do you consider PS3.5 as "significantly" more powerful than PS3? to me that seems marginal,

What would you liken to?
Wii -> Xbox
360 -> Xbox

Well, I'm thinking of a realistic scenario rather than sensationalist media reports.

Something like the DC -> PS2.



lol I just realized if the rumors of a screen on the controller are true, prepare for the advent of the CONTROLLER SCREEN PROTECTOR MARKET.


Branduil said:
Can anyone else figure out what this post is actually trying to say?
I think he is referring to that Wii Light patent that was shown last week. for some kind of light control game.
Can Dolphin emulator GAF shed some light on the possibilities of upscaled regular Wii games? Is it technically possible on the new system?

I love the build up to new consoles, it's always so exciting. :)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
A new controller with full hardware support for Wii devices makes sense. It's what Nintendo did for NGC > Wii compatibility.

Of course, before folks get too far wrapped up in Wind Waker 1080p... I think it's unlikely NGC support will remain.

Nintendo has been dropping legacy formats that are one generation removed.

GBA: supports Gameboy

DS: supports GBA

DSi/3DS: supports DS

Wii: supports Gamecube

Nintendo HD Turbo Whirlygog: supports Wii

... Gamecube support with its required four controller ports and two memory card slots is probably going away...
If it is truly "significantly more powerful" than 360 and PS3, this will be the first Nintendo system I buy since SNES. I have my doubts about the power because there were erroneous rumor reports about the 3DS being much more powerful than it turned it out be, but if it is? Holy crap, imagine next-gen Mario.


SoulPlaya said:
Well, it's opinion, but I thought the quality of their "hardcore" games, as few as they may be, was great this gen.

I'm amazed at the low expectations of people, though. I would be shocked if the graphics weren't better than PS3 at this point.

I think they will be slightly better, it's the SIGNIFICANTLY better that's putting people off. "Significantly" is, well, significant and that's what people are responding to. If Nintendo's jumping back into the tech arms race it'd be amazing.

Also, those few Wii games I liked from them were REALLY amazing - Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 in particular being some of the greatest games of all time - but compared to GCN, in my opinion, no contest.

Of those GCN games I listed, literally six of them are on my all time top twenty. GCN destroyed N64, it destroyed Wii.

It didn't destroy SNES, no, but honestly that's a little tough.


I like how so many reports make the Wii sound like a 'failure' by saying Nintendo finally going to 'get it right' with the new system, when the Wii is one of the best selling systems ever and expand the industry by a whole lot.
I don't get it ; I mean I thought everyone just assumed Nintendo would put more effort into the graphics tech with the Wii 2. What will be a big deal is if Wii 2 outshines the next platforms from Sony and Microsoft (which seems unlikely given Wii 2 will be the first to market by some margin.)
legend166 said:

Nintendo have always been able to make their dollar go further. The GCN was a master work of low cost, high power system.

I think they'd have no trouble outpacing the PS3 for $300. Whether they want to do that and work on thinner profit margins, is an entirely different discussion.

Do you consider PS3.5 as "significantly" more powerful than PS3? to me that seems marginal,

What would you liken to?
Wii -> Xbox
360 -> Xbox

Well, I'm thinking of a realistic scenario rather than sensationalist media reports.

Something like the DC -> PS2.

No. This only happened once (GCN).

But the new Wii should have no problem beating the ps3 while being cheap.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Dan said:
Backwards compatibility would strike me as really hard to have with significantly changing controllers... Wait, unless you can just use Wii controllers for that purpose. Probably that.

I'd bet my left testicle that Wiimotes will work with the system.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
H_Prestige said:
The new system doesn't have to use a wiimote. All legacy Wii accessories will have no problem interfacing with Wii2 for BC titles. The wiimote itself is nothing like a gamecube controller, is it?

To me it sounds like the new controller might be a traditional style gamepad but with a display in the middle. Like the DC.

If Nintendo did this and didn't include a camera or Wiimotionplus in the box to make this thing motion gaming-capable out the box........... yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh everything they have been preaching for the last five years is bulljunk and honestly they would lose a fan in me.

They built motion control gaming up, they are the one that's suppose to perfect it and make some great core games alongside it (besides Zelda). So if so, they could go say bye bye and leave me with my Kinect and Microsoft's new console.

But of course that won't happen. :)


The console will be the controller and the controller will be the TV. The TV will be the memory card.

I like the way Nintendo thinks.
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