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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Mrs. Harvey
Not that hard to imagine given GPUs for both system were outdated even by standards when they were released.

Something they (particularly Sorny) can never get right is the amount of ram. Stop skimping on that.
well, i wake up to this. interesting "news". i'll not bate my breath just yet, most of it is perfectly plausible but something about "HD screens in the controller" reminds me of the revolution shooting 3D laser holograms from the drive slot.


Amir0x said:
Yup. Gonna repost amazing days


I wanted to contribute.


KAL2006 said:
Amirox you left out
Eternal Darkness
Tales of Symphonia
Mario Kart Double dash
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Smash Bros Melee

And RE4, which was exclusive, at least for some time. But yeah, GC was awesome. I still play more cube games than Wii these days.
Amir0x said:
And thus it did. It was heralding people to buy a Wii for its imitation edition, and all who purchased a Wii were inevitably doomed.

Mario galaxy 1/2 alone show that this was never the case. Worth owning a wii just for them.


Igor Antunov said:
Mario galaxy 1/2 alone show that this was never the case. Worth owning a wii just for them.

no system is ever worth owning for just one game, or even four. If a system only has four or five great games, or even ten, it's a shit system

-Eddman- said:
And RE4, which was exclusive, at least for some time. But yeah, GC was awesome. I still play more cube games than Wii these days.

I did not forget to list these lols. I told you they're in different posts in this topic ;)


Amir0x said:
no system is ever worth owning for just one game, or even four. If a system only has four or five great games, or even ten, it's a shit system

Geese, my PS3 is a waste of money then (wii as well I suppose).


From The Dust said:
I will cry tears of joy if they bring back carts. I can only wonder how many people will blow on the cart before inserting

Bro I don't want to buy N64 games for 125 bucks anymore :(


Hey guys, I just go here, what's goi-OHMYBUTT!

I so totally hope this is true. I said last year that the best strategy for Nintendo would be to release a new, high-powered console in the next year or two, making it the only super "hardcore" console available on the market, essentially having no competition. Then, when Microsoft and Sony inevitably release their own consoles 2 or 3 years later, with certainly even better specs, Nintendo drastically cuts the price of their console, and "Wiis it up" again, providing a console for hundreds of dollars less than the competitors, again, being the only real competitor in that "mainstream" market, where the parent just wants to buy the cheapest, most family-friendly console.

It would be the most brilliant move, if I do say so myself. Good thinkin', Miyamoto! ... Be my father?


codswallop said:
No! No Optical discs! SSD for the OS and patches, and solid state flash memory (SD card, Compact Flash, probably modified) for the games. You can store up to 128GB on current flash memory no problems and loading is significantly faster.

Why anyone would want to continue with optical discs (beside price) is beyond me. They're slow, they're damaged easily, they're loud, they're power-hungry.

Yeah, I was thinking qHD at most.

There you go, you really think 128GB solid state flash memoy for games is going to be happening. It's going to be Bluray or another disk format with high capacity, if the drive is not fast enough, part of the game will install to a HDD.


Ecotic said:
I'm going to be very blunt; I hope Nintendo's strategy with the Wii successor is a complete 180 from how they handled the Wii. The Wii left such a horrible taste in my mouth, from the way they cobbled together ancient technology and sold it as new, to the lousy software emphasis (Wii Sports, Wii Music, Wii Fit) and especially Nintendo's continued use of extremely played-out core franchises (as usual, it's Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid for all eternity).

Nintendo has felt like America Online of the 90's for the past 6 years, making truckloads of money by fooling the lowest common denominator and presenting the mirage of earned success. I remember walking into a Gamestop in 2009 and seeing mountains of New Super Mario Bros. Wii copies ready to be sold for Christmas and thinking of just how bad Nintendo's penny-penching corporate culture had become. That game was literally like the cheapest, least imaginative, and most cost-effective way of making lots money with very little investment - just take the successful DS game, use the same established artwork and everything, make some new levels, and then watch the millions come in.

Nintendo has never not done this. Remember Game Boy? That thing wasn't very advanced spec-wise when it came out but the ideas in it were fantastic and just worked - handheld gaming that you could do with friends.

If Nintendo is pouring money into leapfrogging PS3/360 graphically I don't expect it to be on an "orders of magnitude" level. People always overhype the advancements before we see them and I have no doubt it's the same here. Nintendo has two things in mind when they make hardware: It needs to be profitable and it needs to be different. A Wii in HD with a VMU is not a revolutionary idea so there will be something more to it, I'm sure. And they will still make a "New Super Mario Bros." for it and it will still make boatloads of money.


ryan-ts said:
Geese, my PS3 is a waste of money then (wii as well I suppose).

You didn't hear it from me. *whistle*

Holy Order Sol said:
Depends how much you actually pay overall for the system/games.

True. If I paid $60 for Wii, I'd think I didn't waste my money. If that's what it came out for. But certainly, it would still be a sub-par platform.


Will QA for food.
Skiesofwonder said:
Someone hates Eternal Darkness? YOU hate Eternal Darkness?

WTF is wrong with GAF today?

Overblown hype on skeptical information, and list wars in every thread? Usual business.


Enough derailing-


I don't understand the point of the additional screen on the Controller itself. I'm sure you can have some fun with it, but I just see it as a really expensive addition. However, I'm thinking small term. I'm sure in a few years the cost of LCD / OLED/ LED screens that can fit into a clamshell device will be sold as chump change.

Especially if they are mass produced in the way Nintendo wants them to.

Which begs me to ask the real question-

How expensive will this system be?

If your planning to throw in Waggle, a high end GPU, a LCD Screen controller, and the kitchen sink- AND make profit Day 1; do you people honestly think your going to pay $399 for it?


Luckyman said:
Nintendo going after the hardcore is just a loosing battle. They need a new gimmick get burned big


While most gamers on here think the next Wii will just be more powerful hardware with better online and enhanced controls, I think it will be at least semi- revolutionary somehow. They are definitely going to have to wow people if they aim to surpass the Wii in sales. Otherwise it will fail miserably. I think Nintendo understands now that differentiation + innovation = success.

And BTW, for those who think it will have LCD/touch controllers... that is such a bad idea.
Amir0x said:
no system is ever worth owning for just one game, or even four. If a system only has four or five great games, or even ten, it's a shit system

My PS3 is worth it just for the Backwards compatibility with PS1 and PS2 games, and Netflix and movies. I missed those consoles when they were contemporary.


Holy shit I just read this, great news!!! I can't for the E3 now, super hyped for Nintendo's conference.

This is the perfect chance for Nintendo to come back full force appealing the hardcore gamer.

Win me back Nintendo! :(


Ami's right, Goldeneye (and Perfect Dark too) are pretty bad today, mostly thanks to the controls and fugly graphics.
But I still think many of the games hold up well today gameplay-wise and N64 gave me more fun over the years. I also prefer Wave Race 64 to Blue Storm, but F-Zero GX absolutely obliterates X.
thuway said:
If your planning to throw in Waggle, a high end GPU, a LCD Screen controller, and the kitchen sink; do you people honestly think your going to pay $299 for it?

Who said anything about a high-end GPU and the kitchen sink? A GPU that outperforms what's in the 360/PS3 will be cheap in late 2012.


Skiesofwonder said:
Someone hates Eternal Darkness? YOU hate Eternal Darkness?

WTF is wrong with GAF today?

Hilarious hijacking and subsequent molestation of the themes of classic Lovecraft with fucking atrocious writing; absolutely miserable gameplay with not a single aspect of it being fun to play; comically predictable sanity system in which not a single moment was able to surprise me or even add tension.

Game inevitably ended up like: "oh let me let my sanity run down so I can see what HI-LARIOUS prank they'll play on me next! Omg like lol how funny is that my tv volume is pretending to go down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

People who found Eternal Darkness entertaining are probably the same ones who find Face Raiders and StreetPass litany of carnival side tricks "fun" - you're really just in it for the gimmick, gameplay be motherfuckin' damned.


formerly sane
Jonnyram said:
It's hard to believe a company that has made a significant amount of cash over the last few years selling low spec machines at a massive profit, would suddenly turn around and make a machine with higher spec than any of its competitors and take a bath on the price of the hardware. I have no doubt at all that Nintendo will release an HD console this year or next, but I really can't see it being a huge jump over the competition.

The higher spec is generation relative. The fact most think this is norm of nintendo in the console is befuddling. Considering what is out there I'm surprised these kinds of statement are still out there. Nintendo has since nes been making competitive tech products when it comes to consoles the Wii is the only exception to this. Iwata has already mentioned that power wise they aren't settling in the way they did with Wii.
JCRedeems said:

While most gamers on here think the next Wii will just be more powerful hardware with better online and enhanced controls, I think it will be at least semi- revolutionary somehow. They are definitely going to have to wow people if they aim to surpass the Wii in sales. Otherwise it will fail miserably. I think Nintendo understands now that differentiation + innovation = success.

Obviously they will have some new "gimmick" but it won't be one aimed at getting the WiiSports crowd again.
That market is too saturated as it is.
Pretty fun day on GAF, glad to see some spirited GAFfiness return.

Any rumors of new news coming soon? Not going to be fun to deal with uninformed speculation for 2 months (as opposed to poorly-informed speculation) otherwise.


Amir0x said:
no system is ever worth owning for just one game, or even four. If a system only has four or five great games, or even ten, it's a shit system)

I've always had the 6-7 titles as my standard, being, 6-7 "must have exclusives, that I like". But yeah, I kind of get what you're saying.

Azure J

I just hope that this system is going to settle in around the 250 - 2999 mark. I believe it will happen though since these folks are responsible for the cube which is a shining example of "optimized as fuck & cheap as hell".

If I can make random wishes again, (Ultimate) Marvel VS. Capcom 3 please? :D

Link Man

Haven't read through the whole thread, but with the rumors of a screen on the controller, I'm wondering if it'll be like the ticker screen on the Samsung Continuum. I can't imagine a screen on the controller being too big and still being viable for console gameplay.


DBebm5 said:
Pretty fun day on GAF, glad to see some spirited GAFfiness return.

Any rumors of new news coming soon? Not going to be fun to deal with uninformed speculation for 2 months (as opposed to poorly-informed speculation) otherwise.

One of the rumors says they will be making an announcement about the new system this month I think?
DBebm5 said:
Pretty fun day on GAF, glad to see some spirited GAFfiness return.

Any rumors of new news coming soon? Not going to be fun to deal with uninformed speculation for 2 months (as opposed to poorly-informed speculation) otherwise.

Supposedly we'll hear something at Nintendo's retailer/investor meeting on the 25th.
Criminal Upper said:
Wooooow...at all the hate and hyperbole in here over the Wii.

I don't know who's being hyperbolic, a lot of people think it was a crap system in every way. From the weak hardware, to the weak software and extreme over-reliance on the same old properties (not really a wii only problem for Nintendo though), to the awful online, to the motion control crap it spawned.

I too would love to see them take a more gamecube approach to their next console, fix all the mistakes they made with Wii for gamers.


Error Macro said:
The way the hype is building on this new Nintendo console, if it delivers, it will shame Sony and Microsoft so hard they won't even release new consoles. They will close down their gaming divisions and go back to just making A/V equipment and operating systems.
Damn :0

So I'm reading about a controller with an LCD screen, they're probably moving away from waggle? I know it'll be backwards compatible so the Wiimote will work. But Nintendo's going back to a more traditional controller it seems?
So this has been one of the best days of gaming news in a very long time. All that I can say is I AM EXCITED. The 3DS has turned me back on to Nintendo. I understand that for many the 3DS has been a let down, whether it was the hardware, software, whatever. For me its been revelatory. I CANNOT wait to see what Nintendo has up its sleeve for the next console.

The PS3 has been my console of choice this generation and while I don't see myself leaving Sony next gen I definitely expect to jump aboard Nintendo's console day 1. The Wii has been my least favorite console of all time (going back to the Atari for goodness sake). Its been utter crap. The hardware, the controller, and most importantly the games. If Nintendo can grab some 3rd party support back and include an option for just old school controllers or at least motion controls that aren't from the devil himself, I am so there.


N64 beats GameCube for one reason, it was fresh, it was the first 3D Nintendo system, I don't think I have ever got that feeling from when I played Mario 64 and Zelda OoT for the first time. I also had a ton of fun with Mario Kart 64. And the birth of the Smash Bros franchise was pretty good. Those 4 games alone destroy GameCube lineup, yes Windwaker and Melee may have proved on their old predessors from N64, but it was never as mindblowing and new like when Mario 64 and OoT first came out. Also games like Pikmin did not impress me, Mario Sunshine was good, but did not excite me as much as Mario 64 did. However there is one game on GameCube that was new and mindblowing for me, and that game was Metroid Prime.
Amir0x said:
no system is ever worth owning for just one game, or even four. If a system only has four or five great games, or even ten, it's a shit system

I would say the threshold is much lower than ten games. I think five-six is enough games for a system to be worth owning.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
This is what I've been waiting for.

Every time I get hyped for a Wii game I immediately lose interest when I remember that its going to look awful on my plasma. Hopefully GC games will work with it too.


This generation is so weird. 2 of the 3 consoles launched at more than $300, one is still at the $300 mark, the market leader is shuned by third parties, has only had one price drop in 4 years, and is launching their next console before the competition (or at least announcing it, but seriously, with the recent boost in sales, the 360 is doing fantastic. Microsoft has no need to rush into the next gen. Sony is doing ok once you take worldwide sales into account, and could probably last as long as MS this gen if they wanted).

The Wii2 (or whatever they end up calling it), is in a weirdly unique position. While it's launching on time going by historical upgrade schedules, Nintendo's competitors are content to wait longer than usual before launching their next console. I'm curious to see what Nintendo does to combat the problem of their console turning back into the Wii comparatively-power-level-wise when the next Xbox and PS launch a year or two after it. Launching a console more powerful than the PS3 doesn't do any good if both your competitors launch consoles a generation past yours in a year.


Yeah, thats why i'm happy for nintendo to do whatever they want. They'll be hated anyway and companies will always have an excuse.

And i dont expect much for the next console. High prob its HD now and will prob be below 360 power. Whatever their main gimmick is anyone's guess. Also pachter must bw patting himself right now lol

Its going to be an interesting e3 :)


Amir0x said:
Hilarious hijacking and subsequent molestation of the themes of classic Lovecraft with fucking atrocious writing; absolutely miserable gameplay with not a single aspect of it being fun to play; comically predictable sanity system in which not a single moment was able to surprise me or even add tension.

Game inevitably ended up like: "oh let me let my sanity run down so I can see what HI-LARIOUS prank they'll play on me next! Omg like lol how funny is that my tv volume is pretending to go down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

People who found Eternal Darkness entertaining are probably the same ones who find Face Raiders and StreetPass litany of carnival side tricks "fun" - you're really just in it for the gimmick, gameplay be motherfuckin' damned.
I think you went a bit too far by trivializing the game's gimmick. It aint perfect, but it sure was fun. You didn't like it? Fine. But don't go judging other people who enjoyed it.

But I'll admit, gameplay did take a back seat in ED.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Amir0x said:
Hilarious hijacking and subsequent molestation of the themes of classic Lovecraft with fucking atrocious writing; absolutely miserable gameplay with not a single aspect of it being fun to play; comically predictable sanity system in which not a single moment was able to surprise me or even add tension.

Game inevitably ended up like: "oh let me let my sanity run down so I can see what HI-LARIOUS prank they'll play on me next! Omg like lol how funny is that my tv volume is pretending to go down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

People who found Eternal Darkness entertaining are probably the same ones who find Face Raiders and StreetPass litany of carnival side tricks "fun" - you're really just in it for the gimmick, gameplay be motherfuckin' damned.

Well that settles it. I gotta play ED.
jercruz said:
Yeah, thats why i'm happy for nintendo to do whatever they want. They'll be hated anyway and companies will always have an excuse.

And i dont expect much for the next console. High prob its HD now and will prob be below 360 power. Whatever their main gimmick is anyone's guess. Also pachter must bw patting himself right now lol

Its going to be an interesting e3 :)

No, it'll be above the 360 in power.
No reason it wouldn't be.
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