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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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devildog820 said:
But then they can't re-sell you games at a ridiculous price. It also doesn't make a lot of business sense. Supporting hardware from two generations is not worth the investment. What percentage would use it? I would guess a very small userbase would want to take advantage.

they will support Wii hardware which they need to do to get Wii buyers to upgrade but have there games still work, just like 3DS supports Ds. GameCube automatically gets supported too because GameCube and Wii are basically the same hardware. And many people would want to play Windwaker (and many other GC games) in HD. Just look at Dolphine emulator it emulated both Wii and GC.


Amir0x said:
Yup. Gonna repost amazing days
gamecube had overall better support, but nintendo's stuff on the wii has been way better. only series that were made considerably worse on the wii were paper mario and donkey kong platformer. and lack of pikmin. lack of f-zero makes up for it though.


scitek said:
Probably more like a 6850.
This is actually pretty plausible. The 360 uses a derivative of ATi's then-recent X1900 series, and the PS3 uses something like a 7800 GTX, both of which were no more than a year old when their respective systems launched.


It would be a very pleasant surprise. I would love to see nintendo system that is both hardcore and casual, now that they dominated the casual with the wii.


LovingSteam said:
There is no way it will be below the 360 in terms of power. None. The 360 tech itself is 6 years old or so. Nintendo isn't going to be using 7 or 8 year old technology for the next 5 or 6 years. It will be more powerful than both the 360 and PS3 which still isn't saying much but its a start.
I would love to be wrong, but thats how i see nintendo. Then again a notch or two below 360 is not bad. Its still good.


Basileus777 said:
If Sony releases a console in 2013 and uses the razor-blade model

I highly doubt they will do that again. Why would they want to lose money on the NGP and PS4 after the disastrous results from the PS3?


Utako said:
So, DVD/Blu-ray drive confirmed, if it can play Wii games

How is Nintendo going to handle 1080p graphics on DVD?

I think they have to be packing Blu-ray, game installs, or both.
Uhh... Same way 360 games handle 1080p games?

The next Nintendo console will probably use something other than DVD, but 1080p visuals would not be the issue for the different storage medium. Hell, they have nothing to do with each other.
jercruz said:
I would love to be wrong, but thats how i see nintendo. Then again a notch or two below 360 is not bad. Its still good.

So were you asleep/not born yet for every gen that wasn't this one?
Nintendo has always made beastly machines. The Wii being the only exception.
It'll be well above the 360/PS3.
Despera said:
Doubt it. Other than the screen on the controller thing we have nothing to discuss.

you'd be surprised. you say that as if we knew anything about 3ds besides it having 3d and being next gen.
in reality the real 10000+ post megathread will be the announcement later this month thread though.


DoomXploder7 said:
you'd be surprised. you say that as if we knew anything about 3ds besides it having 3d and being next gen.
in reality the real 10000+ post megathread will be the announcement later this month thread though.

I remember the original 3DS thread being the more memorable one though.
H_Prestige said:
You mean from a technical standpoint? It's possible, I don't know if blu ray drives can read mini discs or not.

No I just meant they wouldn't put the effort into it, too much money to spend on something hardly anyone would use. Gamecube emulation and games via Virtual Console, now that they would definitely do.
Are people really surprised that a console coming out in 2012 is more powerful than 6 year old hardware? I find the headlines amusing that all are some derivative of "WII SUCCESSOR MORE POWERFUL THAN XBOX 360 AND PS3"
MisterAnderson said:
Are people really surprised that a console coming out in 2012 is more powerful than 6 year old hardware? I find the headlines amusing that all are some derivative of "WII SUCCESSOR MORE POWERFUL THAN XBOX 360 AND PS3"
It's just the hype train in full effect. Everyone gets a turn. When PS4 comes out headlines will read WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS REAL LIFE, IT DOES 2160p, 999 US DOLLARS.
jercruz said:
I would love to be wrong, but thats how i see nintendo. Then again a notch or two below 360 is not bad. Its still good.

Not in 2012-2017 it isn't. Do you realize that you're arguing that Nintendo will be using 12 year old technology in the 5th year of their upcoming console? Just not happening. They will have to have the parts to continue selling those consoles in 2017. The parts will simply not be available.

JordanLMiller said:
Exclusive leaked video of Wii 2's controller!


Really dude? I know you were trying to be funny but really?


You know, we could always wind up with something organically weird for the GPU. Maybe an evolved Gecko/Broadway? Maybe something like Intel's "tons and tons of x86 cores" approach? As long as it supports most of the same technologies as the PS3 and 360's, I don't think we have anything to worry about.


Neiteio said:
Hmm, I guess the next console was inevitable, but I wonder how wise it is to distract from their shiny new portable this early in the game. I mean, sure, let the devs know what's up, but the rest of us?

Oh who am I kidding, I'm pumped.

I think.
This...isn't the first time that Nintendo's going to have relatively new handheld and console systems on the market at the same time. I think people are overblowing this part of the timing discussion.

Nintendo had been dropping at least some hints about Revolution by the time that the DS was launched. The two systems came out with a year's difference between them. Depending on when their sixth console came out, as long as it's in 2012 then there will be at least a year between these two systems coming out, most likely even longer than that if they save it for the fall or holiday period.


JordanLMiller said:
Exclusive leaked video of Wii 2's controller!


Fake! Here's the real deal:

Leaked pictures of the new wireless (Bluetooth) controller with 3.5" HD touch screen and L/R shoulder buttons. Source will not show the actual console nor say the name. And to quote the source about the graphics: "Awesome!"


AceBandage said:
Only because of that stupid DSiWare game...

heh gaf sure knows how to discuss the same thing for dozens of pages, "so this is the ds2 not another ds iteration?","maybe the 3d will be like this game", "I bet there's no graphical update just 3d, fucking nintendo",


ReyVGM said:
Man, a lot of people here don't know their Nintendo history!
I know my Nintendo history quite well.

2006: Graphics don't matter, gameplay does.
2011: Fuck, son, cutting edge graphics!!!
MisterAnderson said:
Are people really surprised that a console coming out in 2012 is more powerful than 6 year old hardware? I find the headlines amusing that all are some derivative of "WII SUCCESSOR MORE POWERFUL THAN XBOX 360 AND PS3"

The same thing happened with the 3DS. When news first leaked, everyone hyped the shit out of its graphics, and then the NGP was unveiled and killed all hype for the 3DS hardware. The same story will happen with this console once we start getting news of Microsoft/Sony's efforts.


What? WHAT? Just reading this thread after getting home. Been so long since I've played Nintendo franchises. God bless HD. God bless Mario and Zelda in HD. God bless the United States of America.


Aw, missed all the fun. Put me in the Gamecube > Wii crowd though!

Not sure how I feel about this screen controller thing. I loved the Dreamcast, but the VMU certainly wasn't one of the reasons. It could be interesting, but it could also be another feature that's abused and shoehorned more than necessary like waggle was for the Wii. Here's hoping that's not the case.


Gamecube was definitely better than N64, it's a horribly underrated system and it's really a shame it sold so poorly. The only thing N64 has on GC is OoT, MM, and SM64.

Anyway, I'm still skeptical on the whole 'recapturing the hardcore' deal, but hopefully I'm proven wrong.

Yes Boss!

Man, I'm just so happy the new systems have started releasing...3DS, NGP, new Nintendo console then likely The other two will follow.

If the new Nintendo console has an LCD screen I'm betting the screens wil be 3D and positional relative to other controllers with cameras. This will help remove the gameplay the shackle of the TV and open up the gamespace to the living room, while keeping local gameplay alive and well. It could also work as a 3D proxy for the image on the TV with some very interesting AR possibilities...like looking into another layer of what appears on the screen.
Basileus777 said:
The same thing happened with the 3DS. When news first leaked, everyone hyped the shit out of its graphics, and then the NGP was unveiled and killed all hype for the 3DS hardware. The same story will happen with this console once we start getting news of Microsoft/Sony's efforts.

And like the 3DS->NGP, the N6->PS4/720 gap won't be huge like last gen.


I imagine this news is fake. It seems like a fanboys wet dream, which is opposite to the nintendo that we have today.
Watching people fight with Amir0x gives me a headache. For goodness' sake, people, the man is entitled to his own opinions. Leave him be. You just pay more attention to him because his name is in red, because he is confrontational and because he claims his opinions as facts. It's you who are enabling the derailment of the thread by not ignoring him.

Also, where are people getting the blu-ray thing from? The thread moves fast but I haven't seen that written anywhere that might have something useful to say on the matter.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Watching people fight with Amir0x gives me a headache. For goodness' sake, people, the man is entitled to his own opinions. Leave him be. You just pay more attention to him because his name is in red, because he is confrontational and because he claims his opinions as facts. It's you who are enabling the derailment of the thread by not ignoring him.

Also, where are people getting the blu-ray thing from? The thread moves fast but I haven't seen that written anywhere that might have something useful to say on the matter.

TUROK said:
This is probably Nintendo's way of saying "my bad, we fucked up".

Anyways, a new Nintendo console that actually feels worth the money would be nice. Not trying to flamebait, but I could never convince myself to purchase a Wii.

Wait, how did the fuck up? I am positive neither they nor their investors believe that sentiment. I think they will release a system with marginally more power than the ps3 and it will be just like this generation. For this reason it is very smart of nintendo to strike first not imperative but smart.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
I love how Nintendo lowballs their console specs for one generation and suddenly people start thinking thier next system will be made with a rock, some string, and a couple coconut halves.
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