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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Despera said:
I think you went a bit too far by trivializing the game's gimmick. It aint perfect, but it sure was fun. You didn't like it? Fine. But don't go judging other people who enjoyed it.

But I'll admit, the gameplay did take a back seat in ED.

How am I going too far? The sanity effect impacted almost nothing. In gameplay-terms, the "negative" impact of losing sanity was so minuscule and easily recovered from that it might as well not even existed at all. I literally walked through 90% of the game with the sanity as low as I could take it.


So, DVD/Blu-ray drive confirmed, if it can play Wii games

How is Nintendo going to handle 1080p graphics on DVD?

I think they have to be packing Blu-ray, game installs, or both.
Wait, Wind Waker is better because prettier graphics and a better framerate makes up for some of the shittiest dungeons in the series as well as the most frustrating overworld until Spirit Tracks?

I'll take the gameplay of OOT and Majora, which are leagues ahead of Wind Waker, any day. Sure, I'd love them with Wind Waker's graphics, though.
KAL2006 said:
N64 beats GameCube for one reason, it was fresh, it was the first 3D Nintendo system

oh you're one of those

It's worrying when you start thinking that "freshness" takes precedence over actual quality and polish. Good concepts which could be expanded upon and improved get the shaft entirely because people feel that things become stale after even a SINGLE installment or use of a particular mechanic or formula.


Gold Member
Ezalc said:
Clearly everybody here is missing the point. If this console really does ship in late 2012. It probably means that this is what the Mayans were referring to with their old ass calendar. How this console will be so shockingly brilliant that the entire world will implode on the day of its' launch.

Next console name leaked its the Nintendo
. :p


Why do you guys care if Amirox hates Eternal Darkness?

Great game, btw. Poor Maximillian Roivas, decaying in some asylum's shit-stained cell. :(

Really, as a person who loves Nintendo Charm (tm), I hope there's at least one IP revived for the big reveal. F-Zero, Wave Race, 1080 -- I just want to see new life breathed into an old franchise.

I think that's what made E3 2010 so amazing for me. I remember taking a moment from work to sneak a peek at the news coming out of Nintendo's conference that day, and was blown away to see "Pilotwings," "Kid Icarus," "Nintendogs," "Donkey Kong Country," etc.

Feels good, mang. Exciting time to be a gamer. :)


Why did you guys have to get Ami started with the N64 again?

Just when I start to think he is awesome, you always make him talk about the N64.

N64 rules. Also, I don't see why the next gen Nintendo cn't play GCN games if it can play Wii games, since they are both the same discs, just that the Wii one is bigger.


I think GameCube backwards compatibility can still happen, thats if the old consoles are actually emulated and not just running in hardware mode. If everything is properly emulated, the GameCube controls can work with wireless classic controller, and saves can be saved into the Wii2's hdd kind of like a virtual memory card (similar to how it works on PS3). If they go the emulating route the games can be upscaled to 1080p like Dolphin emulator. I think if the Wii 2 is mor epowerful than PS3, there is a high chance Wii/GameCube will be fully emulated in HD like Dolphin. Hell if hombrew coders can do it with powerful PCs, then Nintendo themselves could do it on a powerful system like Wii 2 (if it is as powerful as the rumors say).
Tenbatsu said:
Controller with LCD?

You could even take that screen with you!! If the thing has HD like displays on their controllers, I expect Sega to make use of it, since they know whats up.
How the hell did this thread turn into "we think Amir0x is wrong so lets goad him into an argument!"? Get back on topic people, you're better than this.
jercruz said:
Yeah, thats why i'm happy for nintendo to do whatever they want. They'll be hated anyway and companies will always have an excuse.

And i dont expect much for the next console. High prob its HD now and will prob be below 360 power. Whatever their main gimmick is anyone's guess. Also pachter must bw patting himself right now lol

Its going to be an interesting e3 :)

There is no way it will be below the 360 in terms of power. None. The 360 tech itself is 6 years old or so. Nintendo isn't going to be using 7 or 8 year old technology for the next 5 or 6 years. It will be more powerful than both the 360 and PS3 which still isn't saying much but its a start.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Hilarious hijacking and subsequent molestation of the themes of classic Lovecraft with fucking atrocious writing; absolutely miserable gameplay with not a single aspect of it being fun to play; comically predictable sanity system in which not a single moment was able to surprise me or even add tension.

Game inevitably ended up like: "oh let me let my sanity run down so I can see what HI-LARIOUS prank they'll play on me next! Omg like lol how funny is that my tv volume is pretending to go down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

People who found Eternal Darkness entertaining are probably the same ones who find Face Raiders and StreetPass litany of carnival side tricks "fun" - you're really just in it for the gimmick, gameplay be motherfuckin' damned.

Ah ok lol.

Well I personally found that the game was scary as shit, gameplay on the level of original RE imo, I actually liked the characters, and I also thought the sanity effect was cool AND surprising. Wasn't a big fan of the story (still a ton better then the laughable Resident Evil story) but hey it's gaming what's new? Sometimes I put control and even gameplay aside for certain titles/genres and horror happens to be that. Fatal Frame, Condemned, RE, Clock Tower, Eternal Darkness, etc. Just so happens that I didn't expect good gameplay in a horror game until AFTER RE4... which happened to be fun as hell but nottttt so scary.

Meh..... Face Raiders is a cool little tech demo played for the laughs and StreetPass is a neat feature that has some neat uses but nothing more of a novelity. They never promised to be anything else though. Just cool little "tricks" that I (and may others) happen to like. Doesn't mean I'm in it for the gimmick, I jus happen to like gimmicks sometimes. :)
AzureNightmare said:
How the hell did this thread turn into "we think Amir0x is wrong so lets goad him into an argument!"? Get back on topic people, you're better than this.

It's usually what happens when Amirox posts his opinions, anyways... Lol


I'm betting on 2 things with this console.
  1. It's all true and will start another shortage in the market for a Nintendo console.
  2. That THIS system will be the console that receives the much anticipated Legend of Zelda Anniversary game.


Jtyettis said:
Fall 2012 pretty much what I figured. May push up the new Xbox to Fall 2013 we shall see.
I kind of think the next xbpx was always slated for 2013, I don't think either Sony or MS would have actually waited until 2014/


StickSoldier said:
It's usually what happens when Amirox posts his opinions, anyways... Lol

and to think all I did was make a post filled with the pure transcendent superiority of the GCN and people still want to nit my picks.

I told you, people LIKE arguing with me. They act like they don't, but they do. They will always find a way.


Rush2thestart said:
With the Wii selling at an abysmally low 290k, Wii 2 needs to come out THIS fall.
Oh Nintendo what have you done to this generation. 290K is not abysmal in the bigger picture. Just terrible in the Wii window of time
KAL2006 said:
I think GameCube backwards compatibility can still happen, thats if the old consoles are actually emulated and not just running in hardware mode. If everything is properly emulated, the GameCube controls can work with wireless classic controller, and saves can be saved into the Wii2's hdd kind of like a virtual memory card (similar to how it works on PS3). If they go the emulating route the games can be upscaled to 1080p like Dolphin emulator. I think if the Wii 2 is mor epowerful than PS3, there is a high chance Wii/GameCube will be fully emulated in HD like Dolphin. Hell if hombrew coders can do it with powerful PCs, then Nintendo themselves could do it on a powerful system like Wii 2 (if it is as powerful as the rumors say).

But then they can't re-sell you games at a ridiculous price. It also doesn't make a lot of business sense. Supporting hardware from two generations is not worth the investment. What percentage would use it? I would guess a very small userbase would want to take advantage.


Utako said:
So, DVD/Blu-ray drive confirmed, if it can play Wii games

How is Nintendo going to handle 1080p graphics on DVD?

I think they have to be packing Blu-ray, game installs, or both.

Probably both. Bluray.com says it's doing bluray according so one of their sources. No reason for them (or the next xbox) not to use blu ray at this point.

Also, you guys are silly. Not expecting them to be more powerful than 360? We already have word that it's going to be more powerful than ps3 by a lot.

Then I hear "oh, but PS4 and 720 will blow it out of the water". I highly doubt this. At the very worst, it would be PS2 compared to Xbox and Gamecube. Slightly worse graphics/loading times perhaps, but it would still receive damn near the same COD, Fifa, or any other multiplatform game that PS4 and 720 gets (unlike the Wii, of course).

People are underestimating this thing hardcore.

Also, judging from Ono's words regarding SF4 for 3DS, I think we can expect a new version of Street Fighter IV for this console. And since it's a "last gen" game, we can expect a damn near lagless online experience =D


AzureNightmare said:
Ignore him if you don't agree with him, its not that hard.

Hmm, I guess the next console was inevitable, but I wonder how wise it is to distract from their shiny new portable this early in the game. I mean, sure, let the devs know what's up, but the rest of us?

Oh who am I kidding, I'm pumped.

I think.
shaowebb said:
I'm betting on 2 things with this console.
  1. It's all true and will start another shortage in the market for a Nintendo console.
  2. That THIS system will be the console that receives the much anticipated Legend of Zelda Anniversary game.
A zelda anniversary launch title of just too much good to even remotely happen, sorry.


StickSoldier said:
You could even take that screen with you!! If the thing has HD like displays on their controllers, I expect Sega to make use of it, since they know whats up.

3DS is the controller.
devildog820 said:
But then they can't re-sell you games at a ridiculous price. It also doesn't make a lot of business sense. Supporting hardware from two generations is not worth the investment. What percentage would use it? I would guess a very small userbase would want to take advantage.

Yes they can. Virtual Console.
Anth0ny said:
At the very worst, it would be PS2 compared to Xbox and Gamecube. Slightly worse graphics/loading times perhaps

How could you possibly know this? If Sony releases a console in 2013 and uses the razor-blade model they are still using with the NGP, it will be a much larger gap than that.
Willy105 said:
Also, I don't see why the next gen Nintendo cn't play GCN games if it can play Wii games, since they are both the same discs, just that the Wii one is bigger.
Controller ports, card slots.. there could be workarounds, but it's simpler to give it the chop.
Negator said:
What are the odds of me being able to transfer my Wii ware and virtual console games?

Hopefully chances are good, considering you can transfer your dsiware stuff to the 3ds. However that hasn't actually happened yet either...


hide your water-based mammals
Negator said:
What are the odds of me being able to transfer my Wii ware and virtual console games?
One of the very reasons why I wish Nintendo had proper DRM. I can likely go from PS3 or 360 right into their next respective units. Probably even take my games with me and play them on the newer system as well. Nintendo, well I have no clue.


Will this new Nintendo console magically make the Donkey Kong Country trilogy NOT look like a shit-stain when played on an HDTV?

As it stands I keep the PS3 hooked up to the HDTV and the Wii hooked up to the SDTV just because the SDTV is the only place where my precious, precious DKC2 looks correct.

Graphics Horse said:
Controller ports, card slots.. there could be workarounds, but it's simpler to give it the chop.

Memory cards can be virtualized like the ps3 does it.

Several workarounds for the controller if it doesn't have ports.


Basileus777 said:
How could you possibly know this? If Sony releases a console in 2013 and uses the razor-blade model they are still using with the NGP, it will be a much larger gap than that.

Yeah, maybe the gap will be similar to the Dreamcast and the X... OH SHI...
Basileus777 said:
How could you possibly know this? If Sony releases a console in 2013 and uses the razor-blade model they are still using with the NGP, it will be a much larger gap than that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter how much stronger the PS4 will be. Multiplatform development will be the norm, and no system will be left out.
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