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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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viciouskillersquirrel said:
Watching people fight with Amir0x gives me a headache. For goodness' sake, people, the man is entitled to his own opinions. Leave him be. You just pay more attention to him because his name is in red, because he is confrontational and because he claims his opinions as facts. It's you who are enabling the derailment of the thread by not ignoring him.

Also, where are people getting the blu-ray thing from? The thread moves fast but I haven't seen that written anywhere that might have something useful to say on the matter.
In bluray.com we trust!


Death Prophet
big_z said:
I imagine this news is fake. It seems like a fanboys wet dream, which is opposite to the nintendo that we have today.
Fanboy wet dream? What part?

It seems pretty plausible unless your talking about the screen controller which I personally don't think is true simply because I think it's kinda stupid.
Jive Turkey said:
I love how Nintendo lowballs their console specs for one generation and suddenly people start thinking thier next system will be made with a rock, some string, and a couple coconut halves.

and the souls of many, MANY pikmins


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fantastical said:
Fanboy wet dream? What part?

It seems pretty plausible unless your talking about the screen controller which I personally don't think is true simply because I think it's kinda stupid.

Stupid? If they only used it for Zelda's inventory screen it would be more than worthwhile. There are plenty of uses for this thing.
Jive Turkey said:
I love how Nintendo lowballs their console specs for one generation and suddenly people start thinking thier next system will be made with a rock, some string, and a couple coconut halves.
whoa whoa whoa thats some high tech shit you're talking about there, surely you mean dirt, spit and a few sticks or something.


Death Prophet
Plinko said:
Stupid? If they only used it for Zelda's inventory screen it would be more than worthwhile. There are plenty of uses for this thing.
Meh, I think it will be used for very gimmicky reasons and will just drive up the cost of the controller.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Watching people fight with Amir0x gives me a headache. For goodness' sake, people, the man is entitled to his own opinions. Leave him be. You just pay more attention to him because his name is in red, because he is confrontational and because he claims his opinions as facts. It's you who are enabling the derailment of the thread by not ignoring him.

Also, where are people getting the blu-ray thing from? The thread moves fast but I haven't seen that written anywhere that might have something useful to say on the matter.
Are you the guy who had the avatar of a squirrel in a suit? The first true casualty of the avatar rapture. :(

And yeah, people need to stop falling for the Comic Book Guy trap. Let Ami say "worst game ever" and call others fanboys and everyone will be OK.

On topic... What if the in-controller screen is 3D? I'm not sure, off-hand, what benefits a 3D screen on the controller could offer in conjunction with a 2D image on a HDTV, though.

On another note: Mmm, high-def Wave Race...


H_Prestige said:
One of the best systems ever made because of Melee. It had lightning fast loading too.

This, this, a million times this.

It also had a bunch of other fucking awesome games. I can't fathom how someone can hate the Gamecube.

Oh boy well this thing is off to a GREAT start: "Can't wait for HD Remakes!"

Have you seen the Dolphin thread?


Everything is tsundere to me
Still a rumor then? Alright, then I'll step out until we actually have something reasonable.

For all we know it could fart cinnamon buns and shit rainbows, so I'll wait until we have a visual source for our new cinnamon bun and rainbow producing machine.


AceBandage said:
I'm not familiar with that site at all so I'm personally not going to buy that. It would be nice to have blu-ray as the optical media format though. I'd hate for them to go with DVDs and force developers to the compress the shit out of video and stuff of that sort.

Jive Turkey said:
I love how Nintendo lowballs their console specs for one generation and suddenly people start thinking thier next system will be made with a rock, some string, and a couple coconut halves.
Made me laugh.

But seriously, a lot of people in this thread are pretty much just jumping to negative conclusions.
Jive Turkey said:
I love how Nintendo lowballs their console specs for one generation and suddenly people start thinking thier next system will be made with a rock, some string, and a couple coconut halves.

people thought Nintendo's next system would be an uncomfortable bra?


It's funny how this gen is almost over and we still don't have a release window for FF Versus XIII.

Last Nintendo console I bought was the SNES, believe it or not. The rest I borrowed or played with at a friend's house. Let's see if this console wins me back.


Anth0ny said:
This, this, a million times this.

It also had a bunch of other fucking awesome games. I can't fathom how someone can hate the Gamecube.

Have you seen the Dolphin thread?

Personally I loved the cube. To this day I'll never forget the first time I popped Luigi's mansion in and played that game.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fantastical said:
Meh, I think it will be used for very gimmicky reasons and will just drive up the cost of the controller.

I've wanted a touchscreen in a controller since the DS came out because of all the things that would work--drawing sports plays, using it as a map so you don't take up screen space, etc, etc. That said, we still have no clue if it is a touchscreen, so I won't get my hopes up yet.
Plinko said:
Stupid? If they only used it for Zelda's inventory screen it would be more than worthwhile. There are plenty of uses for this thing.

I just hope for at the least gamecube<-->gba type stuff if not even more worthwhile stuff. maybe street pass and coin system from 3ds as well.
Anth0ny said:
This, this, a million times this.

It also had a bunch of other fucking awesome games. I can't fathom how someone can hate the Gamecube.

Have you seen the Dolphin thread?

...but..but I was told on high school buses its for kids! Just look at its design!
Ninja Scooter said:
So Nintendo's next console will be better than 6 and 7 year old hardware and that is supposed to be exciting news?
Any new console is exciting news! Plus, if true, it'll force Sony and Microsoft's hands.


Unconfirmed Member
Ninja Scooter said:
So Nintendo's next console will be better than 6 and 7 year old hardware and that is supposed to be exciting news?
New hardware is always exciting. Plus this is about we start talking about the (real) next gen.


I think the Gamecube would have been just as good as the N64 if it had Rare as well.

Assuming Rare finished their games during the Gamecube gen, I mean.
After Iwata's speech at GDC I guess it isn't all that surprising that Nintendo is chasing the core audiences right now. I think they understand that the casual audiences will always be dominated by the iOS's of the world these days and going forward and what's the main way to offer experiences that people can't get elsewhere, and that would be 1080p, large games that only work with complex/unique controllers (like 360 controller/DS3/gamecube controller/etc...). Although I'm not saying certain games can't be replicated on smaller platforms I do think it's the best bet to differentiate from casual games.

In the end Kaz HURRRRRRai was right. Core audience will support you forever if you keep catering to them, casual audiences are fickle whores. Who knows what they'll do next, nobody does. Ok, I through the word whore in there, not that there is anything wrong with being "casual", whatever that means. Now if they really want to get serious about differentiating their products from the iOS's they need a robust online system that these HD games can take advantage of.


Basileus777 said:
Other than the controller, what sounds expensive? Making a system more powerful than the PS3 in late 2012 will be cheap.
Not to mention, Nintendo did just launch a $250 portable with $40 games. Company can't run on air!


codswallop said:
Any new console is exciting news! Plus, if true, it'll force Sony and Microsoft's hands.
Exactly the way I feel. I don't about you but I think that 360's gettin' mighty old. I'd like to see Microsoft move on (even though it's not looking like they need to at the moment).
codswallop said:
Any new console is exciting news! Plus, if true, it'll force Sony and Microsoft's hands.

I get that, but outside of the screen on a controller thing, the emphasis seems to be on "MORE POWERFUL THAN XBOX360/PS3!!!" as if that wasn't to be expected? At this point I would have been offended if Nintendo tried to trot out a system that wasn't a LOT more powerful than Xbox360/PS3. By the time this system comes out, the 360 will be older than the Gamecube was when Wii came out.
I'm honestly not that interested in a new console unless it's a fucking powerhouse, not just "better than PS3 and 360", but a monster upgrade worth me buying another console as opposed to just saving a couple hundred more for a PC that I can upgrade continuously.

I was willing to wait till 2014 to get this. I didn't really think it would be that long but I had hoped. Still kinda taken back by this rumor, everything is moving just a little bit faster than I want it to. If the consoles are launching in 2012 and 2013, I can't muster up the interest honestly. Just getting 1080p and 60fps isn't enough for me.


No additional functions
So I guess this is the start of next gen. I'm not really ready, but I do think Nintendo needed to put out a new console. If it's only as powerful as PS3/360 or slightly more powerful, they may as well not bother though. They need legs to compete with the next Xbox and Playstation or else they'll find themselves in the exact same situation. After the 3DS I'm skeptical that it will even be as powerful as PS3. From what I've seen on the 3DS, the PSP has better looking games and it's over six years old!


For the Wii HD.....

I predict Nintendo is going to use mobile components for the Wii HD/Wii 2. Nintendo have a great working relationship with ARM since the GBA days - plus it allows them to make something that's tiny and radiates little heat or noise. My guess powered by a multi-core (4 Cores?) Arm Cortex scaled up to run 1080p and at 2.5GHz. Coupled with an Nvidia or ATI SOC GPU and up to 1 gig of RAM.

That's reasonable power for HD in 3D. The Arm chip could mean some compatibility with the DS line. Power PC chips have size and heat issues. They're not small efficient chips (draw alot of power) and they run hot which is why Apple dropped them. And why they're not a good fit for Nintendo either.

The AMD Bobcat/Krishna might be another option. So a 4 core AMD CPU/GPU might be in the mix as the other option.


I truly believe anybody saying Gamecube was better than Wii is trolling. I have more, and in my opinion better, games for Wii. Better Nintendo games and a better range of third party exclusives. Yes Wii had Wii Sports and Wii Fit, but it also had Punchout!!, Sin and Punishment 2 and excellent sequels to just about all of their other major franchises except for Starfox, F-zero and Pikmin


Unconfirmed Member
MadOdorMachine said:
So I guess this is the start of next gen. I'm not really ready, but I do think Nintendo needed to put out a new console. If it's only as powerful as PS3/360 or slightly more powerful, they may as well not bother though. They need legs to compete with the next Xbox and Playstation or else they'll find themselves in the exact same situation. After the 3DS I'm skeptical that it will even be as powerful as PS3. From what I've seen on the 3DS, the PSP has better looking games and it's over six years old!
So, you are saying that the PSP is more powerful than the 3DS? :roll
1080p on consoles.... it's about time! It's funny how we were promised that the majority of games would run at 1080p on the PS3 way back near launch and how there is barely anything running in 1080p(GT5) let alone full 1920 by 1080 resolution(Wipeout HD). Bring on the higher resolutions!!!
Blueblur1 said:
Exactly the way I feel. I don't about you but I think that 360's gettin' mighty old. I'd like to see Microsoft move on (even though it's not looking like they need to at the moment).
Yeah I think Microsoft's console is getting a bit on in age. The PS3 I think has a couple more years left, but if the others move Sony will probably have to.

Ninja Scooter said:
At this point I would have been offended if Nintendo tried to trot out a system that wasn't a LOT more powerful than Xbox360/PS3.
So get excited by the fact a new Nintendo console is coming out, rather than getting hung up on the specs?
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