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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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antonz said:
Kinda think the NGP was expected to be the Huge thing that until this announcement would likely be true. NGP/3DS would have been the talk of the event. New Home Console though is gonna destroy everything
Outside of revealing it's name and showing of an early console prototype? Do you really think Nintendo is going to show-off this new console this e3? I think it'll be akin to e3 2005

All Iwata did was mention that they were working on a console code-named revolution and brought out a console that looked like a cable modem. It wasn't event slated to release for almost year and a half later.



reptilescorpio said:
Can you put this in one of the FAQs? So many heated arguments would cease when everyone accepts that the majority of what is said is opinion.

i would love to put something like that and also a "troll clause" into the FAQ. The troll clause would be something like "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TROLL MEANS SHUT THE FUCK UP."
ColonelColon said:
It will cost $300 at most imo.

Yeah, knowing Nintendo, they're going for the cheapest yet most powerful (and reliable) tech available.

Then again.... They DO have the resources to go all out so to speak.


neptunes said:
Outside of revealing it's name and showing of an early prototype? Do you really think Nintendo is going to show-off this new console this e3? I think it'll be akin to e3 2005

All Iwata did was mention that they were working on a console code-named revolution and brought out a console that looked like a cable modem.
I dont think they can really take as casual as an approach this time. If they are indeed doing a press release this month to hype up E3 and the console they have to show stuff


i just want to say man things are getting expensive again in the game hardware front. NGP, 3DS, Wii HD. If Wii HD is coming, surely 360 next and PS4 are around the corner.


Amir0x said:
i would love to put something like that and also a "troll clause" into the FAQ. The troll clause would be something like "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TROLL MEANS SHUT THE FUCK UP."
I fully support this. A person going to a thread about Mario games and stating their problems with Mario games is not ALWAYS a troll. People have opinions and they don't have to affect yours


not hard to be more powerful than ps3. lol, in july 2008, i bought 9600gt for my mom pc and it is already beat ps3 specs.


Amir0x said:
No way. Wii HD will probably not be that much more powerful than PS360, and therefore I doubt if they are going for 1080p regularly they'd be able to get much better framerate standard then we have now. It's a shame, really :(

Yep, definitely some pie in the sky stuff, unfortunately.

RedSwirl said:
Not this shit again. I guarantee you the 8th gen consoles will all have their fare share of 30fps games, sacrificing framerate for extra eye candy.

60fps might be better technically, and pretty important for certain genres, but not every game actually needs to have the most responsive controls.

At one point I found myself arguing with people who were trying to tell me that SotC running at <30 FPS represents a superior, more cinematic, more "weighty" version than were it running at 60 FPS. I'm referring mostly to stuff like that, with people literally trying to argue that 30 FPS > 60 FPS keeping all other things equal.

Having to choose between a high framerate and visual fidelity is a basic reality of modern consoles, but I'm also hoping the next ones make that more manageable. At some point your visuals are good enough that responsiveness and smoothness should be more important. A lot of people also like to pretend that framerate doesn't have an impact on visual quality, but it's a huge factor.
True that. $250 for a 3DS, now $300 for a Nintendo console...crazy times we live in! Atleast the games will look great on my 720p TV since PS3 games already do. :)


MadOdorMachine said:
Well this all depends on how powerful Nintendo's next system is. I have to admit, I'm not exactly against an idea of Nintendo releasing a system mid cycle like this that's slightly more powerful than the competition. I don't know many gamers that only have one system anymore, so it may just work out well if system launches are staggered. Nintendo seems to be the only one that can really pull it off though.
In a sense, sure, but isn't this exactly the sort of situation that Nintendo wants to avoid as it pertains to third party relations? If we assume that the PS4/Xbox 720 will at least be technologically comparable enough that they can receive multiplatform games, then Nintendo becoming a mid-cycle release would doom them to lackluster third party support for the rest of that strategy's existence. The blockbuster publishers want to get their product onto as many platforms as they can manage, and I have no doubt that MS and Sony would be the "half-gen" to receive the big-backed Western games that Nintendo claims to be wanting to court early in this topic. N6, like the Wii before it, would end up with poor downgrades and the results of the publishers' B-teams.

If the early quotes are to be believed, Nintendo doesn't want to be the home of the B-tier games exclusively anymore. If they want those A-tier games, they're going to have to be at least somewhat close to their competition's tech.


Mrbob said:
Sony opting to go first this year, interesting. Must be fairly confident in their E3 showing.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? The company which is more confident is OK to go last as they don't need to go first to make some announcements from third party seems exclusive or having the first trailers to these games (like what happened to Metal Gear Rising).


illadelph said:
This is the most hype I've been for E3 in years.......I will surely be dissappointed
It is E3, so yeah you will be.

The M.O.B said:
So are we in agreement that the touchscreen on the controller will allow people to play 3DS games on TV?
How did we agree on that?


Averon said:
We know Sony's presser is on June 6 at 5 p.m. PST


Feep said:
Not specifically, but traditionally:

Microsoft Press Conference: Monday, 10 AM PST
Nintendo Press Conference: Tuesday, 9 AM PST
Sony Press Conference: Tuesday, 12 PM PST

I'm expecting similar times. Everything was really smooth last year; Sony had plenty of buses to get everyone from the Nokia Theater (Nintendo) down to Sony's at the Orpheum.

Edit: All right, never mind, Sony's has apparently been moved to late Monday, which is traditionally EA's time.

Thanks for the responses, guys.


neptunes said:
Outside of revealing it's name and showing of an early console prototype? Do you really think Nintendo is going to show-off this new console this e3? I think it'll be akin to e3 2005

All Iwata did was mention that they were working on a console code-named revolution and brought out a console that looked like a cable modem. It wasn't event slated to release for almost year and a half later.


We'll get more than that for sure... remember they were supposedly going to announce the details we're getting leaked info on in a couple weeks.

I wouldn't expect all the secrets, but I suspect we'll get some CG target trailers and announcements of 3rd party support.

Unlike the Wii launch, they're going to want to show that this thing is powerful and that's an asset to the console.


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Holy moly. Wow, that's practically tomorrow then. Really hope this isn't all just hype building towards an announcement that isn't coming at all or is about something else entirely :l

Why exactly do you think tomorrow?
The M.O.B said:
So are we in agreement that the touchscreen on the controller will allow people to play 3DS games on TV?

I doubt that the ability to play low-res 3DS games on a TV is why Nintendo put a touchscreen on a controller.
But people are just assuming the size of this HD screen. It could be tiny as fuck only used to display small information. I'm thinking it will be around 2.4 inches AT THE MOST. Anything bigger just seems weird. Maybe I'm not using my imagination enough. That can't add a whole lot to the price.


-Pyromaniac- said:
But people are just assuming the size of this HD screen. It could be tiny as fuck only used to display small information. I'm thinking it will be around 2.4 inches AT THE MOST. That can't add a whole lot to the price.

Just made me instantly think of the Dreamcast controller when I first heard about this. That's how I've been picturing it.


Amir0x said:
i just want to say man things are getting expensive again in the game hardware front. NGP, 3DS, Wii HD. If Wii HD is coming, surely 360 next and PS4 are around the corner.
If they weren't before, they are now. With all this recent talk about the HD twins and motion control being used to extend the lifespans of their hardware, it would be interesting to see how they react to this if Nintendo catches them with their pants down and they achieve another runaway success.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
when is e3 again? sony has ngp, nintedno has wii2, ms in trouble?
ombz said:
It doesn't seem like an hd screen would fit on a controller with a size that warrants the resolution.

Don't buy into the HD part of the rumor. Plenty of mobile stuff is marketed as HD when it's not really a HD resolution. There's no way a controller screen will have an HD capable screen.


-Pyromaniac- said:
But people are just assuming the size of this HD screen. It could be tiny as fuck only used to display small information. I'm thinking it will be around 2.4 inches AT THE MOST. Anything bigger just seems weird. Maybe I'm not using my imagination enough. That can't add a whole lot to the price.
People are also assuming HD is High Def when its far more likely High Density.
Amir0x said:
i just want to say man things are getting expensive again in the game hardware front. NGP, 3DS, Wii HD. If Wii HD is coming, surely 360 next and PS4 are around the corner.

This , want to get a NGP this year , will get a Wii HD next and then a PS4.
Just hope Sony or MS don't also bring out there consoles next year .


Junior Member
EmmanuelMunoz said:
Battlefield 3 (PC,Xbox 360, PS3.....Wii2?)

I was thinking that too. I will laugh my ass off if there ends up being a Wii2 version with the graphics and features of the PC version.

I will laugh myself to death if there is a Wii2 version of The Witcher 2.
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