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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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The thing now is will Nintendo wait til 2th/26th to release the PR or will they feel the need to do a 1 am drop again sooner


I wouldn't mind if it didn't play GC games if they offered HD versions for download. I'd gladly pay for an HD Wind Waker or Mario Sunshine.


MadOdorMachine said:
As far as the mid-cycle thing goes, it could end up a wash. You have companies like Ubisoft who rely on new systems and Nintendo could rely more heavily on better multiplatform ports for the first half of their console cycle and then rely more on their first party titles when Sony and Microsoft release theirs. There's a lot of variables here though. It's more likely that they'll release in 2012 and Sony and Microsoft will follow in 2013 or 2014 at the latest.
A....a potential future of perpetual launch titles every 2-3 years.

I'm afraid. So very afraid.


Nose Master said:
You're trolling right? If not, I'd love to see the Dreamcast/Saturn emu for... well, anything.
Would Windows suffice? Because it's got 'em! Played through Shenmue 2 on an emulator when my Dreamcast was stolen. Stupid college. :(
I remember when everyone was convinced the Revolution would be a touch-screen controller.




It started because of a "sources tell us" rumor.


mattx5 said:
What about Virtual Console?

As it stands, game purchases are tied to the Wii, and if they have some kind of next-gen iteration of VC (which they undoubtedly will), people are going to have to rebuy all their games - I don't see any way around this and it's kind of upsetting to be honest.

Couldn't you download VC games to an SD card or something with the wii? Couldn't nintendo do a firmware update that allows people to irreversibly transfer VC games from the wii hard drive to an sd card, then carry that sd card to the Wii 2? Or something something...
I have no idea what I'm talking about.


No additional functions
Doorman said:
A....a potential future of perpetual launch titles every 2-3 years.

I'm afraid. So very afraid.
Not every launch game is bad. Besides, you'll have exclusives that take advantage of each system's strength.


Vanille said:
You don't need 3D to see things that "you don't see normally".

I'm not going to hold your hand and give you the ABC's of how to think of that as a possibility. Get an imaginiation. It's a thought about a possible gameplay mechanic. That is all.


Zebra said:
Couldn't you download VC games to an SD card or something with the wii? Couldn't nintendo do a firmware update that allows people to irreversibly transfer VC games from the wii hard drive to an sd card, then carry that sd card to the Wii 2? Or something something...
I have no idea what I'm talking about.

They still won't run off the SD in another Wii. They will probably allow you to transfer the games like they do from DS to 3DS.


Is it just me or are there not as many pieces of fanart being made nowadays? I remember having a blast looking at what people created for the Revolution, but for the life of me I can only recall encountering one for the 3DS.


Bentendo said:
Is it just me or are there not as many pieces of fanart being made nowadays? I remember having a blast looking at what people created for the Revolution, but for the life of me I can only recall encountering one for the 3DS.
The NGP had tons.


DarthWoo said:
As if controllers this gen didn't already cost enough!
Thats more because they know they can prison love you on the price. The controllers themselves dont cost more than 10 bucks in materials.


DarthWoo said:
As if controllers this gen didn't already cost enough!

Well it's a good thing I don't have any friends to play with. HAHAHA! Take that Nintendo!

I only have one Wii Remote and I've had it since launch. :(


Jealous Bastard
for some reason all i can think when i hear about the touch screen on the controller is using it to reach other and change my beam in a METROID game, and it gets me super excited for reasons i can't quite explain.


has nintendo gone bonkers?

the Kinect is eating it alive and they're going to put a hd touchscreen on the controller?

have they forgotten why the wii was successful in the first place?

The M.O.B

I'm sure this has been mentioned before but with the screen on the controller, this would all but do away with a HUD taking up the entire screen in games. Maybe only context sensitives buttons would appear, but otherwise glancing down for a sec to check your ammo/map shouldn't be hard at all.

No HUD future plz


Here's to hoping it really is a nice jump in power.

Xbox360 level of power is pointless, it wouldn't differentiate the system from the current gen and no one will care. Running the newest 360 games in true 1080p at 60FPS is still not enough of a leap.


Log4Girlz said:
Here's to hoping it really is a nice jump in power.

Xbox360 level of power is pointless, it wouldn't differentiate the system from the current gen and no one will care. Running the newest 360 games in true 1080p at 60FPS is still not enough of a leap.
Running 60 FPS at 1080P would be a considerable leap in power. The vast majority of this Gens biggest games arent even really HD
Faxanadu said:
They still won't run off the SD in another Wii. They will probably allow you to transfer the games like they do from DS to 3DS.
Agreed. As another postersaid, I am looking more forward to seeing the aesthetics and design of both console and controller than anything else.


The question isn't if it was going to be more powerful than the PS3/360 but rather how powerful and how powerful in comparison to the new offerings by Sony and Microsoft. All new consoles though absolutely need a blu-ray drive though.

The touch screen controller brings back memories of my Dreamcast. I wonder if the screen would be 3D. Would be a great way to tie the 3DS and Wii2.

Overall I need more details before I hype myself up. However I'm estastic that we're moving on from this generation. It's lasted long enough.


Kimosabae said:
*reads title*


*Would literally DIE of laughter if this turns out to be true*

i just can't wait for the next few months if it is

"dude what are you talking about graphics GREATLY enhance the games and their gameplay! I've totally always thought that!"


Amir0x said:
i just can't wait for the next few months if it is

"dude what are you talking about graphics GREATLY enhance the games and their gameplay! I've totally always thought that!"

The amount of people doing a 180 would be glorious.


Joey Fox said:
These people don't think the power is going to be much more than PS3-360 :(

PS3/360 level of power in 2012? What a joke. Nintendo will be right back where they are now with 3rd party support when the PS4/720 launches.


Faxanadu said:
I'm not going to hold your hand and give you the ABC's of how to think of that as a possibility. Get an imaginiation. It's a thought about a possible gameplay mechanic. That is all.

I have quite a vivid imagination, thanks. But I also have an understanding of how stereoscopic 3d works, which is why I'm baffled as to how it could possibly be a necessary part of this "gameplay mechanic".
Joey Fox said:
These people don't think the power is going to be much more than PS3-360 :(
If that is true, given Sony and Microsoft's comments that they're not in any major rush to release a new console, it could mean a good couple of years for Nintendo where their system is equal to the major players graphical powerhouses, and then give them enough time to develop an even better system.

Given the frequency of their incremental updates with the DS, it wouldn't surprise me if they start to go the Apple route of yearly (probably every third year at a minimum, more likely) product updates.
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