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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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I just hope Nintendo realizes that they can't recapture the core audience by showing off Mario and Zelda... IN HD!

And, since both the Mario and Zelda team are working on projects already, I'm wondering if Nintendo's showcase title for the new system at e3 truly will be a new franchise.


Basileus777 said:
For a new console released in Fall 2012, PS3 graphics would be bad. It would take some incredibly cheap hardware not to surpass it.

I still don't see how Nintendo franchises with PS3(HD) quality next year is a "bad" thing. I don't see Sony or Microsoft offering new, more powerful, systems anytime soon.
Amir0x said:
No, I am completely serious when I say I won't lose it. I will be like "man this is going to be a good game" but at this point I am dead serious when i say Nintendo needs to start bringing their raw talent to new shit or they're going to really lose me.

It's not that I don't want Mario and Zelda, clearly I do, it's that I don't want them to the exclusion of every other legitimate hardcore effort. No, I don't just want a new genre with Mario placed in it. Fuck the Mushroom Kingdom at this point. No, I don't want to train Link with a crossbow. I want you to fucking invent new worlds, new characters, new gameplay with no fucking expectations based on built-in fanbases.

And that's not all. If they really want to bring the hardcore back, Iwata needs to go to Mark Rein's house, and FUCKING BEG him to bring Unreal Engine 3 to the next Wii. See, two generations ago, Nintendo had the console chops to play with the big boys, but devs didn't bite due to the decreased market. This generation, the exact opposite: the market is there, but devs didn't want to touch it due to the specs. Next generation, Nintendo will likely have the market due to the Wii 2's initial monster success, AND will have the specs. There's just one big problem that I don't know that their banking on: At least in the west, most developers plain and simply don't like Nintendo. They don't like their laissez-faire policy when creating their console's online infrastructure, they don't like their hands-off policy when it comes to their dev kits and game development, and they don't like their seeming inability to cultivate third-party relationships through marketing or otherwise. Sure, some may bite, but what about the industry's true heavyweights, like Bioware, Infinity Ward, Respawn, Bungie, Insomniac, Bethesda, Valve, and especially Epic Games? They've probably been so turned off by Nintendo's actions under Iwata that even the promise of free blowjobs wouldn't bring them back.


Amir0x said:
But in general, it was just grotesque. Awful graphics, awful framerate, terrible controller, like one game release every five thousand months, and only like 5 total games that stand the test of any non nostalgia-whore's eyes. It's truly the worst successful system of all time.
Games that stand up (just off the top of my head): Zelda: Ocarina of Time; Lylat Wars (or Star Fox 64); Super Mario 64; Super Smash Brothers; Rogue Squadron; F-Zero X; Banjo Kazooie; Mario Kart 64; 1080 Snowboarding; Blast Corps; Perfect Dark; Goldeneye 007. I'm sure that there will be people saying "Oh, you forgot XXX", but this really was off the top of my head.

Things like this are always going to be contested, but I seriously think you are going to far in arguing that the N64 library was shitty. I'm not an RPG guy, but I would probably agree with you that RPGs are thin on the ground.

Awful graphics? Sure, by today's standards, but they don't inhibit your enjoyment of a good game.

Awful framerate? Certainly in places, but it really depended on the game. F-Zero X ran at 60fps consistently with 30 vehicles on the screen. (This game was released in 1998. Looking at you PS3 developers).

Terrible controller? Subjective, but yes and no.

edit: Oh my God, I forgot Wetrix. I am truly sorry for my sins.


AniHawk said:
retro is nintendo. actually, these are the guys that should be allowed to do their own thing. i don't trust them with old franchises. i think they're too ready to accept any stupid suggestion from miyamoto and too afraid to challenge people in japan.

He means EAD: Aonuma, Koizumi, Eguchi, and etc.


wsippel said:
Xenoblade is as "outsourced" as any Retro or Intelligent Systems game: not at all.

I don't consider them Nintendo because they do not have the quality standards of Nintendo, and only recently joined the fold. To me, they have to prove to me they can rise their standards before I consider them really one of Nintendo.

I understand, however, that technically they really are now that Nintendo got them under their mitts. I just don't consider them qualified to be considered on par with a true Nintendo developed game.
Bentendo said:
I just hope Nintendo realizes that they can't recapture the core audience by showing off Mario and Zelda... IN HD!

And, since both the Mario and Zelda team are working on projects already, I'm wondering if Nintendo's showcase title for the new system at e3 truly will be a new franchise.

hopefully the new- character ip Miyamoto was talking about .
also i really hope retro is doing there own thing with their next game.
To me the most important things for this rumored SuperWii are:

1) Non motion controller - I wouldn't want a controller with the biggest button in the world (GC) or with 3 handles and uncomfortable (N64), go back to the basics, the SNES and NES controllers were great.
2) Online - Nintendo really has a lot of work to do here, just to catch up with PSN, let alone XBL and Steam. I'm not too encouraged about this since IMO, the 3DS online solution is not all that modern either, especially compared to NGP (even when we don't even have all the details on the latter).


Here is what I think about this HD controller. It will pretty much be a 3DS minus the internals and maybe an extra analog thrown on and you can also just use your existing 3DS as a controller.

Just what I think about it anyways.
J-Rock said:
I still don't see how Nintendo franchises with PS3(HD) quality next year is a "bad" thing. I don't see Sony or Microsoft offering new, more powerful, systems anytime soon.

A console is meant to last 4-5 years. PS3 quality graphics won't cut it in 2016, especially since Microsoft and Sony will likely have their consoles out by the end of 2013.


justic.au said:
Games that stand up (just off the top of my head): Zelda: Ocarina of Time; Lylat Wars (or Star Fox 64); Super Mario 64; Super Smash Brothers; Rogue Squadron; F-Zero X; Banjo Kazooie; Mario Kart 64; 1080 Snowboarding; Blast Corps; Perfect Dark; Goldeneye 007. I'm sure that there will be people saying "Oh, you forgot XXX", but this really was off the top of my head.

Saying Goldeneye or Perfect Dark stand the test of time proves the lie to your list. Nostalgia talking.

There is no logical way you could defend such a position without being eviscerated; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been surpassed in every conceivable way by virtually every FPS release ever post-1999. Unless you hate FPS and have some bullshit glasses on about the "GOOD OL' DAYS", it's a farce to say they stand any fucking test but the test of nostalgia whorism


Bentendo said:
I just hope Nintendo realizes that they can't recapture the core audience by showing off Mario and Zelda... IN HD!
I don't think that is completely true. Mario and Zelda have a huge pull on people, and even though many people here feel that way, we do not represent the vast majority of gamers.


Holy Order Sol said:

All that meat makes me hungry.

ho ho ho

no i just mean it looks soooo rough visually and kinda simplistic gameplay-wise. Some low tier hack+slash with a grapple mechanic. I'm keeping an eye open but i'm not too hopeful about it

plus, it's never coming to America anyway
Amir0x said:
All outsourced.

But I do want Xenoblade and Last Story (Pandora's Tower looks gross).

True. Haven't seen any of Pandora's Tower. I've only heard it was announced.

I will admit, I'd like to see some major muscle behind new IPs from Nintendo, but I find their sequels less offensive than Sony's. Look at the God of War series: They've released six games for the franchise in five years, and apparently they intend to milk it further. And God of War sucked anyway. Thats some pretty blatant milking. Ratchet and Clank has 8 entries to the series over its nine year existence. I mean, shit even Nintendo isn't that bad in that regard.


Amir0x said:
Saying Goldeneye or Perfect Dark stand the test of time proves the lie to your list. Nostalgia talking.

There is no logical way you could defend such a position without being eviscerated; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been surpassed in every conceivable way by virtually every FPS release ever post-1999. Unless you hate FPS and have some bullshit glasses on about the "GOOD OL' DAYS", it's a farce to say they stand any fucking test but the test of nostalgia whorism
I shall politely disagree and go merrily on my way.


Amir0x said:
I don't consider them Nintendo because they do not have the quality standards of Nintendo, and only recently joined the fold. To me, they have to prove to me they can rise their standards before I consider them really one of Nintendo.

I understand, however, that technically they really are now that Nintendo got them under their mitts. I just don't consider them qualified to be considered on par with a true Nintendo developed game.
After playing through Soma Bringer and more than 50 hours in Xenoblade, I can't agree with that statement.
Amir0x said:
Saying Goldeneye or Perfect Dark stand the test of time proves the lie to your list. Nostalgia talking.

There is no logical way you could defend such a position without being eviscerated; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been surpassed in every conceivable way by virtually every FPS release ever post-1999. Unless you hate FPS and have some bullshit glasses on about the "GOOD OL' DAYS", it's a farce to say they stand any fucking test but the test of nostalgia whorism

Perfect dark remake does. Fun as hell. Perfect dark 64. Hell no. The 20FPS in that game was disgusting, It went far lower at times as well.


justin.au said:
I shall politely disagree and go merrily on my way.

well at least it was polite. If it wasn't polite I would have just proceeded to deconstruct the absurdity of Perfect Dark and Goldeneye standing the test of time. But you're cool, you're cool.


AranhaHunter said:
To me the most important things for this rumored SuperWii are:

1) Non motion controller - I wouldn't want a controller with the biggest button in the world (GC) or with 3 handles and uncomfortable (N64), go back to the basics, the SNES and NES controllers were great.

Like this?


Amir0x said:
Saying Goldeneye or Perfect Dark stand the test of time proves the lie to your list. Nostalgia talking.

There is no logical way you could defend such a position without being eviscerated; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been surpassed in every conceivable way by virtually every FPS release ever post-1999. Unless you hate FPS and have some bullshit glasses on about the "GOOD OL' DAYS", it's a farce to say they stand any fucking test but the test of nostalgia whorism
*plays Perfect Dark XBLA*

Yep still fun :) (N64 version is unplayable to me now though)


wwm0nkey said:
*plays Perfect Dark XBLA*

Yep still fun :) (N64 version is unplayable to me now though)
HenryGale said:
Perfect dark remake does. Fun as hell. Perfect dark 64. Hell no. The 20FPS in that game was disgusting, It went far lower at times as well.

Perfect Dark remake was what proved to me the game in general doesn't stand the test. I tried playing it with all my friends, all of whom with PD fans, and all of us stopped playing after about two days.

We're like "Damn. What the FUCK. This is awful versus ANY fucking $2 FPS that I can download off XBLA." Garbage, empty level design; garbage objectives; fucking UGLY. The only thing that still stands ANY part of time is the creative weaponry.

Plus, guys, it's not really standing the test of time if you have to fix a billion aspects in a highly enhanced "port" in order to make the original even playable.


Commanche Raisin Toast said:
sums up my thoughts completely. wish i could post a bunch of quotes from "experts", journalists, analysts, etc. all saying how nintendo is done competing with horse power, and how wii 2 is too little too late even if it has a new gimmick and better graphics than 360/PS3, etc. etc. etc.

also: if the controller really DOES have an embedded screen, couldn't Sony just release a feature that allows your NGP to replace your DS3? MS has kinect and unless nintendo is going to throw all of the current motion control gadgets into this thing... i just don't see it working.

didn't nintendo say that they always launch consoles profiting day one? and never take a loss? hmmm...

They're going to get beat on specs once Sony and Microsoft gets around to revealing their stuff.

But the positioning will be important. It just needs to have enough power to be a generational leap from what came before. Wii certainly didn't do that beyond the controllers, and although some of the connectivity features were sort of interesting in 2006, the lack of power really hurt a lot of the concepts like Wii channels and Wii ware. In retrospect making Wii an overcloked GameCube was a mistake in the power department.

I've said many times since 2008 that this past gen, the ideal console was never made.

It would have been a console with a hardware budget of $300 launched at $250 that does SD/HD with a small HDD and launched in 2005.


Amir0x said:
well at least it was polite. If it wasn't polite I would have just proceeded to deconstruct the absurdity of Perfect Dark and Goldeneye standing the test of time. But you're cool, you're cool.

Perfect Dark remake was what proved to me the game in general doesn't stand the test. I tried playing it with all my friends, all of whom with PD fans, and all of us stopped playing after about two days.

We're like "Damn. What the FUCK. This is awful versus ANY fucking $2 FPS that I can download off XBLA."

Goldeneye is still fun to play from time to time. Is it as good as it was when it first came out? No
Can it still be fun? Yes
HenryGale said:
Perfect dark remake does. Fun as hell. Perfect dark 64. Hell no. The 20FPS in that game was disgusting, It went far lower at times as well.

Yeah the framerate in multi-player was some offensive shit.

Gotta love the crazy weapons though.


AniHawk said:
probably intsys too.

(intsys was the premier nintendo studio during the gamecube era)

Maybe during the second half of the system's life. But altogether they only released two memorable games on the Cube (possibly Cubivore as well, never actually played it). WarioWare GCN was such a waste.


EmmanuelMunoz said:
Goldeneye is still fun to play from time to time. Is it as good as it was when it first came out? No
Can it still be fun? Yes

i guess if i was stuck on a desert island and erased my memory of the five trillion improvements to the FPS genre since Goldeneye came out...

....hahahahaha who the fuck am I kidding. I'd kill myself before being forced to be stuck on a desert island with Goldeneye.
Amir0x said:
Let's be serious though

I don't know, that might be worth the hilarity, lulz. But once SUPER MARIO 64 HD and WIND WAKER HD and STARFOX 64 HD come out it will start not being funny.


The definition of front-butt.
Basileus777 said:
Nonsense. There's still vast room for improvement over what the HD consoles currently give us.
That doesn't matter.
Will they look great in 2012 when this console releases? How about in 2016? Hell, PS3/360 graphics already look dated compared to what you can see on the PC.
See, you say this, but are they really that dated? Maybe to a hardcore graphics junkie, but for everybody else? Nah. And this opinion will become more and more the majority with each successive generation.


Eh, listening the Game Informer podcast is pointless. They just talk about the rumors for the first 5 minutes then speculate aimlessly about what it will have for the rest of the show. Edit: actually they sound a lot like GAF making wild guesses and bashing the wii a bit just for fun.
Branduil said:
I think one of the problems we're going to run into is diminishing returns. Modern PC games can certainly look much better than the 360/PS3 versions, but not to the degree that 360 games look better than Wii games. So even if the new system does have a lot more power, most people may not noticed a huge leap.

That's because no one does games that really uses modern PC specs.
When next gen comes around your going to be able to tell rather easy .


i bought a year of xbl, which goes so against what i stand for as far as online gaming and how much i should pay for it (anything), just so i could play perfect dark xbla.

would have been a complete waste, but it did allow me to reach working-with-god-tier-people on tf2. damn i played that game so much.
Amir0x said:
Saying Goldeneye or Perfect Dark stand the test of time proves the lie to your list. Nostalgia talking.

There is no logical way you could defend such a position without being eviscerated; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have been surpassed in every conceivable way by virtually every FPS release ever post-1999. Unless you hate FPS and have some bullshit glasses on about the "GOOD OL' DAYS", it's a farce to say they stand any fucking test but the test of nostalgia whorism
I'd take Perfect Dark's single player over almost any other FPS this gen save for Bioshock, Bulletstorm, and maybe a few others, provided that its the Xbox 360 version with dual analog controls.


Far Away all that says is everyone can feel fairly safe to ignore your FPS opinions. I mean you're entitled to it but since almost every FPS everywhere is an improvement over Perfect Dark and Goldeneye I cannot support that level of disconnect with reality. Literally every aspect of FPS have improved, from gunplay, to competitive play, to level design, to physics, to open-endedness, to visuals and framerate.

Hell, about the only aspect that I could conceivably see complaining about these days vs. the old days is the lack of splitscreen in so many games. But really, who the fuck wants to split screen anymore.

*cough* sorry the three of you back there


Bentendo said:
Maybe during the second half of the system's life. But altogether they only released two memorable games on the Cube (possibly Cubivore as well, never actually played it). WarioWare GCN was such a waste.

well not just for the console. they had three fire emblems, two advance wars, and one paper mario. ead had the wind waker, four swords adventure, and two pikmins.


gundamkyoukai said:
That's because no one does games that really uses modern PC specs.
When next gen comes around your going to be able to tell rather easy .
Well, of course.

But if Nintendo is taking ports from PS3/360 the same thing will be true.
AniHawk said:
i bought a year of xbl, which goes so against what i stand for as far as online gaming and how much i should pay for it (anything), just so i could play perfect dark xbla.

would have been a complete waste, but it did allow me to reach working-with-god-tier-people on tf2. damn i played that game so much.
I forgot that you played Team Fortress Pre-Alpha and never upgraded.


I don't know about the rest of you but Mario \ Mario Kart games with Uncharted \ Gran Turismo 5 Graphics can get my money.

throw in some Donkey Kong Country HD & I'm good

, this is the chance for the People that love Nintendo games but hated the Graphics of the Wii to enjoy some Nintendo games again.


AniHawk said:
well not just for the console. they had three fire emblems, two advance wars, and one paper mario. ead had the wind waker, four swords adventure, and two pikmins.

I didn't realize we were also taking into consideration the GBA. In that case, yes they were probably Nintendo's best studio during that time period. Don't forget they also made Mario Kart GBA and WarioWare.


I still go back and play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark all the time....to me the only other FPS that compares is TF2. I'm not just talking about multiplayer either, I love the mission structure and objective-based gameplay that Goldeneye and PD's singleplayer has. EA's Bond games and even Timesplitters haven't quite nailed that since.


Amir0x said:
i guess if i was stuck on a desert island and erased my memory of the five trillion improvements to the FPS genre since Goldeneye came out...
....hahahahaha who the fuck am I kidding. I'd kill myself before being forced to be stuck on a desert island with Goldeneye.

I can see why most people wouldn't enjoy it. The vast amount of improvements to FPS games since its release is staggering. But to me the ability to enjoy goldeneye as its own entity without comparing it to modern games is still there.

PS: I just killed a huge spider
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