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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Unconfirmed Member
Averon said:
PS3/360 level of power in 2012? What a joke. Nintendo will be right back where they are now with 3rd party support when the PS4/720 launches.
Because they know the actual power of the device, right?


Amir0x said:
maybe for you! For me? Biggest drop in quality ever. GCN was amazing. Wii was total shit.

I have a total of fucking three hardcore games I like from them so far this gen - Mario Galaxy titles (dunno if you want to count this as 1 or 2), Super Paper Mario and Metroid Prime III. And hell, Super Paper Mario was a GAMECUBE game that was ported to Wii because Nintendo are a bunch of lazy motherfuckers. So that's still GCN legacy talking. I guess actually if you count Sin & Punishment, that's four. I sorta liked Wario.

Here's a list of GAMECUBE Nintendo developed games I loved:

Metroid Prime 1/2
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Twilight Princess
F-Zero GX
Chibi Robo
Mario Sunshine
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Wave Race
Pikmin 1/2
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Fire Emblem (including the Wii game which was just a ported Gamecube title)

Also, nostalgia garbage off, GCN Nintendo decimated N64 Nintendo. Fuck N64. Worst successful system of all time.

Oh hell no. What are you guys smoking in here: N64>>>>Wii>Gamecube.


neptunes said:
from significantly more powerful - to on par? all in 24 hours

All from the original source


Actually Game Informer never gave an actual power level initially just HD resolution. Then other Sources came out and stated power levels. Now GI is saying their sources conflict on level


i just hope to god Nintendo takes this next gen as an opportunity to really invent some new hardcore IPs with big budgets and doesn't just reel all the nostalgia whores back in with OOOO MY GOD LOOK MARIO IN 1080P THIS IS SO INNOVATIVE LOOK AT HIS HEARTS ON THE HD SCREEN ON THE CONTROLLER!

Nintendo, please, do yourself a favor and bring some real shit to the table.

apana said:
Oh hell no. What are you guys smoking in here: N64>>>>Wii>Gamecube.

I became older than thirteen and realized the system had one of the worst libraries of all time. It was so genre deficient that literally if you liked RPGs at all you were almost entirely fucked. You know a system is bad when it gets almost no RPGs at all.

But in general, it was just grotesque. Awful graphics, awful framerate, terrible controller, like one game release every five thousand months, and only like 5 total games that stand the test of any non nostalgia-whore's eyes. It's truly the worst successful system of all time.
Amir0x said:
i just can't wait for the next few months if it is

"dude what are you talking about graphics GREATLY enhance the games and their gameplay! I've totally always thought that!"

sums up my thoughts completely. wish i could post a bunch of quotes from "experts", journalists, analysts, etc. all saying how nintendo is done competing with horse power, and how wii 2 is too little too late even if it has a new gimmick and better graphics than 360/PS3, etc. etc. etc.

also: if the controller really DOES have an embedded screen, couldn't Sony just release a feature that allows your NGP to replace your DS3? MS has kinect and unless nintendo is going to throw all of the current motion control gadgets into this thing... i just don't see it working.

didn't nintendo say that they always launch consoles profiting day one? and never take a loss? hmmm...


Amir0x said:
i just can't wait for the next few months if it is

"dude what are you talking about graphics GREATLY enhance the games and their gameplay! I've totally always thought that!"

Graphics are like the whipped-cream on top of chocolate Jell-O pudding. It's not necessary because the pudding is sweet enough, but who the hell says no to whipped-cream?

Can't wait for E3!


antonz said:
Running 60 FPS at 1080P would be a considerable leap in power. The vast majority of this Gens biggest games arent even really HD
Any of them could run 1080p 60FPS if they went with simpler graphics (Xbox 1 quality or lower).
Ridge Racer 7 basically looks like a 1080p PS2 game. Wipeout HD also looks great, but look more closely and polygon counts and some background textures aren't far removed from the previous gen.

The thing is that devs today love to squeeze in relatively subtle resource-draining effects.


Read up on your Nintendo history.

If Nintendo, before new console launches, doesn't announce the specs, then it will be less or as powerful as a PS360.

If they do, it will be more powerful.

Works every time.


Amir0x said:
i just hope to god Nintendo takes this next gen as an opportunity to really invent some new hardcore IPs with big budgets and doesn't just reel all the nostalgia whores back in with OOOO MY GOD LOOK MARIO IN 1080P THIS IS SO INNOVATIVE LOOK AT HIS HEARTS ON THE HD SCREEN ON THE CONTROLLER!

Nintendo, please, do yourself a favor and bring some real shit to the table.

Oh come on, when you see Zelda that is built for hardware more powerful than the PS3 you're gonna lose it.


Why do some people act like PS3 graphics are suddenly bad? And it look's like the PS3 is going to be around for quite a while still.


Unconfirmed Member
J-Rock said:
They said "could be slightly above or slight below(PS3), who knows". No one knows for sure just yet.
I bet many will reefer "not quite current gen high end GPU" as "around Ps3 power". Even though an old low end 8600 gts already gave Xenos and RSX a fair beating. I can see the CPU not having as many flops as Cell, though. It doens't means is worse.


I have no idea if its even technically possible but for me the way i see a controller with a screen to be revolutionary if for magic buttons. Its squarish, but with finger placements on the back for the vitality sensor technology and then an analogue stick where each thumb is. In between the two side would be a big screen that is able to morph button shapes on its surface in any shape with any picture on. So a sword equip button would be a sword that was slightly raised off the surface. Or for a kids game a horse button to pet the horse it could also have a speaker. This way complicated games could have more smaller buttons but kid/casual friendly could have few big inviting buttons. Maybe it could sense a stylus to so you could draw on it.


apana said:
Oh come on, when you see Zelda that is built for hardware more powerful than the PS3 you're gonna lose it.

No, I am completely serious when I say I won't lose it. I will be like "man this is going to be a good game" but at this point I am dead serious when i say Nintendo needs to start bringing their raw talent to new shit or they're going to really lose me.

It's not that I don't want Mario and Zelda, clearly I do, it's that I don't want them to the exclusion of every other legitimate hardcore effort. No, I don't just want a new genre with Mario placed in it. Fuck the Mushroom Kingdom at this point. No, I don't want to train Link with a crossbow. I want you to fucking invent new worlds, new characters, new gameplay with no fucking expectations based on built-in fanbases.


From The Dust said:
The graphics doesnt need to get that much better I think. Just focus on stuff like physics and particles or whatever
Not to mention scale. MAG is a step in the right direction, but I still want to see an FPS or something with thousands of characters on-screen at once.


I think it'd be a good idea to wait until it's actually revealed to assume how powerful it will be.

The only thing we know right now is it will be HD.
I don't think power is the issue for most developers. Rather, I think it was the controller and wrapping their minds around it properly. It could be the same story next gen.


evilromero said:
I don't think power is the issue for most developers. Rather, I think it was the controller and wrapping their minds around it properly. It could be the same story next gen.

ooooooooooor the controller just sucks


yup still sucks ;)


maybe the "hd touchscreen" is really the wii vitality sensor built in into the controller...

like the treadmill handles where you have to squeeze to get your pulserate

that would make more sense

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
If you listen to the podcast, it doesn't really sound that good.

Graphics, "kind of in the same ballpark (as PS3-360)". "Tempered expectations". "Normally sources would be gushing about graphics capabilities and what they'll be able to do".
Amir0x said:
No, I am completely serious when I say I won't lose it. I will be like "man this is going to be a good game" but at this point I am dead serious when i say Nintendo needs to start bringing their raw talent to new shit or they're going to really lose me.

It's not that I don't want Mario and Zelda, clearly I do, it's that I don't want them to the exclusion of every other legitimate hardcore effort. No, I don't just want a new genre with Mario placed in it. Fuck the Mushroom Kingdom at this point. No, I don't want to train Link with a crossbow. I want you to fucking invent new worlds, new characters, new gameplay with no fucking expectations based on built-in fanbases.

They've had a lot of new IPs in the last year, its just that they aren't localizing them : (


Mortrialus said:
They've had a lot of new IPs in the last year, its just that they aren't localizing them : (

I'm talking internally developed. None of this outsourced crap. It's Nintendo with the talent and, er, maybe Retro.

I don't mean that to be too many "qualifications", it's just that it IS Nintendo who has the talent here. THEY are one of the greatest developers. Typically the quality of the games they make drop dramatically when they got some weird second party or third party to develop while they just publish. They are definitely not as good at picking partners as Sony is.

Plus, really, I don't think they've had a lot of new Ips in the last year. They've had a few, which also have not been localized.

Billychu said:
It was good enough 25 years ago, it's good enough now.

Don't know what you're talking about since clearly it wasn't good enough 25 years ago since controllers everywhere massacre those.

Rose glasses off


Amir0x said:
No, I am completely serious when I say I won't lose it. I will be like "man this is going to be a good game" but at this point I am dead serious when i say Nintendo needs to start bringing their raw talent to new shit or they're going to really lose me.

It's not that I don't want Mario and Zelda, clearly I do, it's that I don't want them to the exclusion of every other legitimate hardcore effort. No, I don't just want a new genre with Mario placed in it. Fuck the Mushroom Kingdom at this point. No, I don't want to train Link with a crossbow. I want you to fucking invent new worlds, new characters, new gameplay with no fucking expectations based on built-in fanbases.

it's probably what the wii sports team is doing right now. i'm guessing it'll be less wii sportsy and more pikminy.

personally, i'd like to see what aonuma could bring as a producer for a brand new franchise. i fucking love the zelda series, but maybe they should let some other team handle it (like ead tokyo) while they make something brand new. it's not like 3d mario sells double digits anyway, and it'd give both teams a chance to do something different.

also, it'd be great if those first party games they fund don't, y'know, stay stuck in japan forever. i still can't believe we ever got sin & punishment and a sequel to it.


Amir0x said:
truly the worst successful system of all time.

As much as you may have just raped my childhood; I've been thinking recently about the system some recently and you're probably right.


The dearth of releases has a certain appeal to me today, however. Today, the market is just so saturated with games, not only is it a dilemma just considering what to play - it's hard to get the most out of the games you do buy, because the next hotly anticipated is right around the corner.

At least, that's my experience. As a result, I mostly just ignore everything outside fighting games now.
J-Rock said:
Why do some people act like PS3 graphics are suddenly bad? And it look's like the PS3 is going to be around for quite a while still.

For a new console released in Fall 2012, PS3 graphics would be bad. It would take some incredibly cheap hardware not to surpass it.
Amir0x said:
i just hope to god Nintendo takes this next gen as an opportunity to really invent some new hardcore IPs with big budgets and doesn't just reel all the nostalgia whores back in with OOOO MY GOD LOOK MARIO IN 1080P THIS IS SO INNOVATIVE LOOK AT HIS HEARTS ON THE HD SCREEN ON THE CONTROLLER!
word to this, my hopes exactly. I have severe doubt for some reason. I hope they don't treat "HD" like it's new.


The definition of front-butt.
Zeliard said:
PS3 is on some old, old ass hardware.

We've gotten to the point where the specs don't matter. As long as it's close to what the hd consoles can do the majority of people will be fine with it. High-tier PS3 games look great.


Kimosabae said:
As much as you may have just raped my childhood; I've been thinking recently about the system some recently and you're probably right.


The dearth of releases has a certain appeal to me today, however. Today, the market is just so saturated with games, not only is it a dilemma just considering what to play - it's hard to get the most out of the games you do buy, because the next hotly anticipated is right around the corner.

At least, that's my experience. As a result, mostly just ignore everything outside fighting games now.

The less releases, the less variety, the less chance you'll find something that appeals to your individual niche. If you liked lots of generic platformers trying (and failing) to emulate Mario 64 and if you liked RARE's really terrible output of games (sans Blast Corps, that was awesome) then maybe combined with Nintendo's own offerings you could find the system redeemable.

But for me, it was truly an embarrassing system. Coming off SNES I was ridiculously hyped for N64. What I experienced was my first taste of reality: No, this company ain't perfect. No, they do fuck up. Yes, it's time to expand my options. Then I purchased a PSOne.

-Pyromaniac- said:
word to this, my hopes exactly. I have severe doubt for some reason. I hope they don't treat "HD" like it's new.

Let's be serious though

Amir0x said:
I'm talking internally developed. None of this outsourced crap. It's Nintendo with the talent and, er, maybe Retro.

I don't mean that to be too many "qualifications", it's just that it IS Nintendo who has the talent here. THEY are one of the greatest developers. Typically the quality of the games they make drop dramatically when they got some weird second party or third party to develop while they just publish. They are definitely not as good at picking partners as Sony is.

Plus, really, I don't think they've had a lot of new Ips in the last year. They've had a few, which also have not been localized.

Don't know what you're talking about since clearly it wasn't good enough 25 years ago since controllers everywhere massacre those.

Rose glasses off
Four just off the top of my head: Pandora's Tower (Upcoming), Xenobade, Last Story and Zangeki no REGINLEIV.


ReyVGM said:
Read up on your Nintendo history.

If Nintendo, before new console launches, doesn't announce the specs, then it will be less or as powerful as a PS360.

If they do, it will be more powerful.

Works every time.
Well, except that Xbox was more powerful, but they did beat PS2 overall at least.


EmmanuelMunoz said:
Still has great looking games. Killzone 3 just came out recently and is one of the best looking games I have ever seen
I think one of the problems we're going to run into is diminishing returns. Modern PC games can certainly look much better than the 360/PS3 versions, but not to the degree that 360 games look better than Wii games. So even if the new system does have a lot more power, most people may not noticed a huge leap.
Amir0x said:
i just hope to god Nintendo takes this next gen as an opportunity to really invent some new hardcore IPs with big budgets and doesn't just reel all the nostalgia whores back in with OOOO MY GOD LOOK MARIO IN 1080P THIS IS SO INNOVATIVE LOOK AT HIS HEARTS ON THE HD SCREEN ON THE CONTROLLER!

Nintendo, please, do yourself a favor and bring some real shit to the table.

I became older than thirteen and realized the system had one of the worst libraries of all time. It was so genre deficient that literally if you liked RPGs at all you were almost entirely fucked. You know a system is bad when it gets almost no RPGs at all.

But in general, it was just grotesque. Awful graphics, awful framerate, terrible controller, like one game release every five thousand months, and only like 5 total games that stand the test of any non nostalgia-whore's eyes. It's truly the worst successful system of all time.
N64 had better graphics than ps1, that's not debatable.
It got left behind because it couldn't really hold the games they were making on sony's ps1, (FMV's, clear audio, etc) it was much more expensive to burn the carts vs a cheap disc, you basically had to sell MORE games on the LESS popular system to make your money back, or you could sell LESS games on the MORE popular system, much easier.
I'm no wizard, but that math makes things pretty clear why you would avoid n64.


Mortrialus said:
Four just off the top of my head: Pandora's Tower (Upcoming), Xenobade, Last Story and Zangeki no REGINLEIV.

All outsourced.

But I do want Xenoblade and Last Story (Pandora's Tower looks gross).

slopeslider said:
N64 had better graphics than ps1, that's not debatable.
It got left behind because it couldn't really hold the games they were making on sony's ps1, (FMV's, clear audio, etc) it was much more expensive to burn the carts vs a cheap disc, you basically had to sell MORE games on the LESS popular system to make your money back, or you could sell LESS games on the MORE popular system, much easier.
I'm no wizard, but that math makes things pretty clear why you would avoid n64.

right well I was definitely not a huge fan of PSone either due to its graphics, even back then.

But it had all these amazing 2D games so it worked out
Amir0x said:
i would love to put something like that and also a "troll clause" into the FAQ. The troll clause would be something like "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TROLL MEANS SHUT THE FUCK UP."

well duh.

Troll: noun, verb.

1. Lives under a bridge, eats billygoats.
2. A person whose opinion differs from your own.

1. To express a differing opinion.
superbank said:
We've gotten to the point where the specs don't matter.
Nonsense. There's still vast room for improvement over what the HD consoles currently give us.
As long as it's close to what the hd consoles can do the majority of people will be fine with it. High-tier PS3 games look great.
Will they look great in 2012 when this console releases? How about in 2016? Hell, PS3/360 graphics already look dated compared to what you can see on the PC.


Branduil said:
I think one of the problems we're going to run into is diminishing returns. Modern PC games can certainly look much better than the 360/PS3 versions, but not to the degree that 360 games look better than Wii games. So even if the new system does have a lot more power, most people may not noticed a huge leap.
I think that a huge percentage of those gamers that the Wii created, still only have the Wii as their main system. To them an upgrade from Wii to >PS3/360 would be very noticable. To PC gamers maybe not so much


Amir0x said:
I'm talking internally developed. None of this outsourced crap. It's Nintendo with the talent and, er, maybe Retro.
retro is nintendo. actually, these are the guys that should be allowed to do their own thing. i don't trust them with old franchises. i think they're too ready to accept any stupid suggestion from miyamoto and too afraid to challenge people in japan.


Vanille said:
I have quite a vivid imagination, thanks. But I also have an understanding of how stereoscopic 3d works, which is why I'm baffled as to how it could possibly be a necessary part of this "gameplay mechanic".

Try harder then, sir. You might also want to apply the same kind of time it took you to learn about 3D stereoscopic displays to socialization skills. Add something to the conversation instead of acting like a jerk when you're baffled.

Back on topic:

Maybe in ways for a HUD. Or using the display as night vision type things. Or the seeing eye type of effect from The Conduit games.

Things that sound stupid now but might be cool in practice. It's Nintendo after all.
Amir0x said:

Let's be serious though


yep we're already off to a bad start in encouraging nintendo to make new ips when all the fans can say is "delay ss, bring it on wii hd/2" and "Wind waker remake believe".
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