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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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It's really hard to make the case that Nintendo needs more than PS3 level power. Even 3D Mario basically looks good right now. Zelda is the only one that really needs it and PS3 will be just right. Think about Last Guardian and God of War 3, the next Zelda needs to surpass that standard? A Rockstar studio or Sony first party, sure they can always use more power.


EmmanuelMunoz said:
I can see why most people wouldn't enjoy it. The vast amount of improvements to FPS games since its release is staggering. But to me the ability to enjoy goldeneye as its own entity without comparing it to modern games is still there.

PS: I just killed a huge spider

Well, at least you can admit that FPS everywhere have improved essentially a billion fold. None of that holocaust denial shit here.

if you can still play it despite the vastly increased standards in the genre today, that's cool, but let's try not to act like they stand the test of time. If a game like Goldeneye released today, everyone on Earth would die laughing. "what the hell man! It don't even have online! These maps are fucking TINY! LOLOL @ framerate! holy fuck at these graphics! This shit is considered level design? The Fuck?"
Doorman said:
It's probably been suggested somewhere in this monster of a topic (practically a new page every time I refresh the damn thing), but all this talk about a touch screen for a console makes a lot of sense to me as the most recent way for Nintendo to bridge their non-gamer efforts of the Wii into more traditional styles of play.

A large part of why the Wii worked to begin with was their thinking that nongamers were scared off by obtuse button layouts and complicated designs, and this would do away with a lot of those problems in a couple of ways. For one, a screen-controller would be fully customizable, meaning that you could generate as many or as few buttons as are needed to control the game. The control layout could shift as needed depending on what's going on in real time.

Maybe simpler in idea but more important in impact, is that screen-buttons would effectively eliminate one of the current barriers of assigning game actions to arbitrary buttons. You don't have to worry about trying to teach people controls in the sense of "press A to jump," then watch the person try and fish out where the A-button is...you'd just have a literal "Jump" button right on the controller. Demo kiosks often have card printouts that tell you button assignments, this would be like having that as an integrated part of the controller itself. You would never not know how to control a game, the only adjustment is figuring out how that action works within the context of the game world. It's a simple but nonetheless exciting proposition.
This is a brilliant post that requires more quoting.

If the controller can morph to "do" what the game requires, then there is absolutely no learning. I like it in theory, but your proposition is based entirely off of about 6 rumors that all came out today.


Amir0x said:
Well, at least you can admit that FPS everywhere have improved essentially a billion fold. None of that holocaust denial shit here.

if you can still play it despite the vastly increased standards in the genre today, that's cool, but let's try not to act like they stand the test of time. If a game like Goldeneye released today, everyone on Earth would die laughing. "what the hell man! It don't even have online! These maps are fucking TINY! LOLOL @ framerate! holy fuck at these graphics! This shit is considered level design? Fuck?"

No way it would stand up being release today. It is an old game with old problems that were improved on a million times over.


Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:
Well, at least you can admit that FPS everywhere have improved essentially a billion fold. None of that holocaust denial shit here.

if you can still play it despite the vastly increased standards in the genre today, that's cool, but let's try not to act like they stand the test of time. If a game like Goldeneye released today, everyone on Earth would die laughing. "what the hell man! It don't even have online! These maps are fucking TINY! LOLOL @ framerate! holy fuck at these graphics! This shit is considered level design? The Fuck?"
FPS might have improved a billion times, but i still find the original Doom more fun than many of current gen FPSes. (Never liked Golden Eye).


apana said:
It's really hard to make the case that Nintendo needs more than PS3 level power. Even 3D Mario basically looks good right now. Zelda is the only one that really needs it and PS3 will be just right. Think about Last Guardian and God of War 3, the next Zelda needs to surpass that standard? A Rockstar studio or Sony first party, sure they can always use more power.

make it run at a stable framerate then.
GregLombardi said:
This is a brilliant post that requires more quoting.

If the controller can morph to "do" what the game requires, then there is absolutely no learning. I like it in theory, but your proposition is based entirely off of about 6 rumors that all came out today.
It's one of those things that sounds magical until you actually think about it. You honestly think anyone can play an FPS well and comfortably with a touch screen controller? What about games that require shoulder buttons? These are just 2 examples but that idea is bogus dude, bogus. Unless they plan to include a fully functional modern style controller with it, but that just seems like too much.


I think if Nintendo does cheap out more than expected and we only get a marginal improvement on the PS3 then one area they will upgrade which will be very helpful is system ram.

There is no way they are gonna make a new system meant to reignite the hardcore passion and have it weaker than the PS3.
I think anyone with half a brain knew that the Wii successor would be out by 2012. If the price cut is true, I imagine the OG Wii can still get itself to 100 million.


AniHawk said:
make it run at a stable framerate then.

I hope they make a Mario and Zelda crossover game in 1080p @ 60fps.

Mario would play out crazy platforming segments to unlock certain puzzles in Link's dimension and Link would solve various puzzles to unlock certain platforming environments to Mario. And at certain points their paths intersect and you have to switch between Mario and Link as they progressively help each other pass obstacles.
Some people are actually arguing Goldeneye and PD aged well? Have you guys played a shooter this gen? Or last gen??

Great games for their time, but holy hell have they aged terribly like most other games from that generation.


Ok instead of talking about FPS we like and or hate I made a mock up of a controller.


Took me a whole 2 minutes in Photoshop :lol


Amir0x said:
I hope they make a Mario and Zelda crossover game in 1080p @ 60fps.

Mario would play out crazy platforming segments to unlock certain puzzles in Link's dimension and Link would solve various puzzles to unlock certain platforming environments to Mario. And at certain points their paths intersect and you have to switch between Mario and Link as they progressively help each other pass obstacles.

this is kinda similar to a zelda game involving time travel that i always wanted.

prequel to ocarina of time (lol): link is not the main character (since before skyward sword, he was the first). that way you can work in voice acting without people raising a fit, just to see if/how it would work. temple of time something gives you a device that lets you momentarily travel back and forth in time while in dungeons seen in previous zelda games, helping the links of those eras solve their puzzles. also, it's set during the pre-oot war. i think i'd call it billy and the clonasaurus.


Amir0x said:
I hope they make a Mario and Zelda crossover game in 1080p @ 60fps.

Mario would play out crazy platforming segments to unlock certain puzzles in Link's dimension and Link would solve various puzzles to unlock certain platforming environments to Mario. And at certain points their paths intersect and you have to switch between Mario and Link as they progressively help each other pass obstacles.
I feel like you just described a dream I once had.
Amir0x said:
I hope they make a Mario and Zelda crossover game in 1080p @ 60fps.

Mario would play out crazy platforming segments to unlock certain puzzles in Link's dimension and Link would solve various puzzles to unlock certain platforming environments to Mario. And at certain points their paths intersect and you have to switch between Mario and Link as they progressively help each other pass obstacles.
I hope they just give Link a jump button already because it is 2011


-Pyromaniac- said:
It's one of those things that sounds magical until you actually think about it. You honestly think anyone can play an FPS well and comfortably with a touch screen controller? What about games that require shoulder buttons? These are just 2 examples but that idea is bogus dude, bogus. Unless they plan to include a fully functional modern style controller with it, but that just seems like too much.

Yes. There's no way the screen would be implemented that intensively. I'm sure it will be a standard controller (meaning, physical buttons), that just happens to have a screen on it that can be used for other purposes. Could the screen be used as a button/buttons? sure. But as the primary gameplay buttons? I seriously doubt it.


I really enjoyed the Wii mote and if it dies in favor of some mutant iphone controller I will cry. I'm also sad that Nintendo's research on controllers connected to the brain hasn't produced much yet:



badcrumble said:
I hope they just give Link a jump button already because it is 2011
I was going to tell you why he should not be able to jump but I have no real argument for it besides THAT IS HOW IT HAS BEEN AND SHOULD BE. And that is not a good argument
Boards of Canada said:
Does anyone not find it odd that these rumours came out on the same day from multiple websites? Me thinks Nintendo themselves are dishing the dirt.
It was only one place at first, and then the flood gates opened. One person leaks it then everyone splurges because they figure they might as well.


Boards of Canada said:
Does anyone not find it odd that these rumours came out on the same day from multiple websites? Me thinks Nintendo themselves are dishing the dirt.
I was thinking more of a flood gate type thing. One developer says one thing and a bunch more want to jump in


Boards of Canada said:
Does anyone not find it odd that these rumours came out on the same day from multiple websites? Me thinks Nintendo themselves are dishing the dirt.
probably. Due to the sheer amount of these stories from separate sources it seems like Nintendo asked developers to spill the beans.
No one likes GoldenEye/Perfect Dark on this board? Those games had great single player; with good challenge, no regenerating health, and additional mission objectives on harder difficulties. Plus, the 360 version of Perfect Dark is 60FPS and can be played on a dual analog controller. It ain't perfect, but playing those games on 007/Perfect Agent was a great experience.


Boards of Canada said:
The whole thing smells fishy to me. I don't buy any of it. I hope you guys aren't setting yourselves up for disappointment.
Think alot of places will find themselves on a gaf banlist if they are screwing around. That said people with very good track records have dished details


To Far Away Times said:
All the Golden Eye/Perfect Dark hate is depressing. Those games had great single player; with good challenge, no regenerating health, and additional mission objectives on harder difficulties. Plus, the 360 version of Perfect Dark is 60FPS and can be played on a dual analog controller. It ain't perfect, but playing those games on 007/Perfect Agent was a great experience.

I can accept that they might have ONCE been great for people (although I thought they were terrible even when they just came out. *shrug* I had a PC). It's just they don't stand the test of time. At all. Which is the conversation.


Boards of Canada said:
Does anyone not find it odd that these rumours came out on the same day from multiple websites? Me thinks Nintendo themselves are dishing the dirt.
They came out the same day as NPD too, so it's likely that a number of people saw the NPDs, went to Nintendo and said "what the fuck is going on?" So that's probably why it's happened today of all days.


If the controller screen is supplementary and not replacing any buttons, that would be great. I've been wanting to see that for the next generation controllers. Now for my wish for a next-generation analog stick to come true...


Likely today is the day the dev kits went out to developers.

Most gaming rags have sources there and it would be pretty hard to keep it a secret when you have many people working on those kits.

So the timed leak is a way to control the news.
wwm0nkey said:
probably. Due to the sheer amount of these stories from separate sources it seems like Nintendo asked developers to spill the beans.

Now for the real question. Which developers? Seems to be Western, given the sources of the sites.

If it's Western developers dishing out the news this early, then Nintendo has been courting Western developers far before launch. A good thing. Meaning Reggie might actually be doing something?
Amir0x said:
I hope they make a Mario and Zelda crossover game in 1080p @ 60fps.

Mario would play out crazy platforming segments to unlock certain puzzles in Link's dimension and Link would solve various puzzles to unlock certain platforming environments to Mario. And at certain points their paths intersect and you have to switch between Mario and Link as they progressively help each other pass obstacles.

I always wanted a Metroid/Star fox crossover. Fight as Fox in the skies and Samus on the ground. Sega could help and have them become romantically involved.


Eteric Rice said:
You know, I'm willing to bet that Pikmin 3 was moved to this thing. Didn't Miyamoto say that Pikmin would benefit from HD?

if it's moving there and it would have hit this year, it's going to be a finished project for a long, long time. not to mention eat up resources for a new nsmb.
Negator said:
Can you imagine the GAF meltdown when Nintendo has their conference at E3 with absolutely no mention of a new console?

that'll be fun.

I expect some of this rumor to be true, some to be red herring, and a whole lot held back for now.


apana said:
It's really hard to make the case that Nintendo needs more than PS3 level power. Even 3D Mario basically looks good right now. Zelda is the only one that really needs it and PS3 will be just right. Think about Last Guardian and God of War 3, the next Zelda needs to surpass that standard? A Rockstar studio or Sony first party, sure they can always use more power.

The point of them using more power is that a year after this thing launches, Sony and MS will bring out machines that will most likely be bleeding edge, and they don't want it to be like the Wii all over again with developers black balling their console from the big AAA titles because it's on underpowered/inferior hardware.
-Pyromaniac- said:
It's one of those things that sounds magical until you actually think about it. You honestly think anyone can play an FPS well and comfortably with a touch screen controller? What about games that require shoulder buttons? These are just 2 examples but that idea is bogus dude, bogus. Unless they plan to include a fully functional modern style controller with it, but that just seems like too much.
Depends. First thing I will say to this is that after this generation, you can throw the historical perspective on controllers for gaming systems out the window. And that's not because Nintendo upended the tea table with motion, or because of Kinect, or Move. Its because several different hardware manufacturers were able to swap controllers in and out of the "center" of their systems without users becoming miffed at the cost proposition.

If a singular controller is no longer required for an entire generation of consoles, then it begs the question whether controllers are becoming more like software in that you could write a new piece and people would gobble it up. If you found a comfortable, standard "LAYOUT" for a controller, and you could change the layout on the fly via touch screens (for example, a screen on the wiimote where the A / B buttons are OR a screen on the nunchuk where certain buttons were, then you would have a proposition that could be swapped in and out, by GAME, and one which would be quite simple to implement: "punch", "kick", "jump", "walk", instead of A / B / X / Y / C. All it takes is the flip of a software switch.

We see it happening already in the phone market. But have we seen it in dedicated gaming systems? Sort of, but not all the way. If Nintendo has chosen a screen to be the center of their control mechanism, with Iwata as the head of their company, you best believe it was for a damn good reason.

Or all these rumors are crap.
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