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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Negator said:
Can you imagine the GAF meltdown when Nintendo has their conference at E3 with absolutely no mention of a new console?

This is what I'm kind of expecting. Nintendo will start with Wii stuff like Xenoblade, Last Story, new Kirby game etc. The bulk of their show will be about the 3ds with lots of surprises. Not much room for Super Wii and people will be sad.



I still don't see the point of having a screen on the controller, it makes little sense to defer from your Television set to a much smaller screen.


artwalknoon said:
This is what I'm kind of expecting. Nintendo will start with Wii stuff like Xenoblade, Last Story, new Kirby game etc. The bulk of their show will be about the 3ds with lots of surprises. Not much room for Super Wii and people will be sad.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this IS Nintendo we're talking about here.
With all this coming out at once, plus supposedly Nintendo will give out a PR statement later this month about it, all of this reeks of an NDA expiring. Nintendo is usually so secretive. Nothing seems to get out unless they intended for it to get out.
GregLombardi said:
Depends. First thing I will say to this is that after this generation, you can throw the historical perspective on controllers for gaming systems out the window. And that's not because Nintendo upended the tea table with motion, or because of Kinect, or Move. Its because several different hardware manufacturers were able to swap controllers in and out of the "center" of their systems without users becoming miffed at the cost proposition.

If a singular controller is no longer required for an entire generation of consoles, then it begs the question whether controllers are becoming more like software in that you could write a new piece and people would gobble it up. If you found a comfortable, standard "LAYOUT" for a controller, and you could change the layout on the fly via touch screens (for example, a screen on the wiimote where the A / B buttons are OR a screen on the nunchuk where certain buttons were, then you would have a proposition that could be swapped in and out, by GAME, and one which would be quite simple to implement: "punch", "kick", "jump", "walk", instead of A / B / X / Y / C. All it takes is the flip of a software switch.

We see it happening already in the phone market. But have we seen it in dedicated gaming systems? Sort of, but not all the way. If Nintendo has chosen a screen to be the center of their control mechanism, with Iwata as the head of their company, you best believe it was for a damn good reason.

Or all these rumors are crap.
Another thing though, do you think Nintendo is the type of company that would make such an integral part of the system something that can break pretty easily? Unless they are using gorilla glass but come on this is Nintendo. That's why I think it will be a small thing for notifications/small OS related inputs.


My hope in terms of graphics is that it can compete with whatevers next from microsoft and sony. I would love to only buy one console in this next generation and not 3 like I did with wii/360/ps3. And HD Pikmin at launch please!!!!


Unconfirmed Member
-Pyromaniac- said:
Another thing though, do you think Nintendo is the type of company that would make such an integral part of the system something that can break pretty easily? Unless they are using gorilla glass but come on this is Nintendo. That's why I think it will be a small thing for notifications/small OS related inputs.
And why wouldn't nintendo use gorilla glass?
-Pyromaniac- said:
Another thing though, do you think Nintendo is the type of company that would make such an integral part of the system something that can break pretty easily? Unless they are using gorilla glass but come on this is Nintendo. That's why I think it will be a small thing for notifications/small OS related inputs.
If they're adding it to their system with Iwata at the head of the company, it is for a very specific reason. Motion, 3D, etc. They always had a reason for doing things a certain way.

I think to go further in this discussion is futile conjecture though. We'll know within a week or two if the smoke means fire.


What does it say about me that the first thing I thought when I heard this rumor was: "Great. I can't wait to spend even more money on a controller!"


Still without luck
The thing I'm having trouble getting past it "why?".

Why would Nintendo change their marketing strategy so dramatically if they are still making more money then everyone else?

That's why I have a tough time believing all of this but I'm sure a lot of it is true. More powerful hardware then the 360 and PS3, HD capabilities, new and innovative controller, theses things are musts for us, but not for most people.


Gold Member
but for this to be true nintendo must have given western developers the kits before they announced the hardware. when did this ever happen before?
More broken controllers = more money for Nintendo.

I have broken more Wii controllers than any other system I've ever owned. I only have one functional controller currently, of the 6 I've bought.

Fun fact: Half of my broken controllers were due to Donkey Kong Country: Returns. Thank you Retro, you've costed me hundreds of dollars.

Another fun fact: Not a single one of the controller throws were accidental. I've actually never thrown a controller accidentally. All intentional. The most recent actually hit my window and the controller fell apart. Surprised the window didn't break. I threw it fucking hard. I then picked up the pieces and put the controller back together. I then grabbed the newly put back together controller and threw it at the hard wood of my pool table.

Works good as anger relief. Fuck you rocket barrel stages of Donkey Kong. FUCK YOU!

I never want to play that game again.


Lonely1 said:
Why do people want to ditch the pointer for dual analog? When we finally had some progress...

Touchpad alone is a definite downgrade from motion and pointer controls. That's why it will be a hybrid. Think of a tv remote with a touchpad.


Lonely1 said:
Why do people want to ditch the pointer for dual analog? When we finally had some progress...
Still lots of odd people. IGN has an update asking the editors what they think and one of them rants about how the wiimote sucks they need regular controllers etc
Lonely1 said:
Why do people want to ditch the pointer for dual analog? When we finally had some progress...

Speak for yourself. Any chance to ditch that crap I hope Nintendo takes it (they won't). Or at least offer the option to play with a regular controller somehow, which they'll have to do if they're going to get ports of AAA 3rd party games.
ChuckNoLuck said:
The thing I'm having trouble getting past it "why?".

Why would Nintendo change their marketing strategy so dramatically if they are still making more money then everyone else?

That's why I have a tough time believing all of this but I'm sure a lot of it is true. More powerful hardware then the 360 and PS3, HD capabilities, new and innovative controller, theses things are musts for us, but not for most people.

Because they can do these things without it being expensive to build? I mean it's been said before but the ps3/360 tech is 5/6 years old. and certainly it's not us who want a new and innovative controller.And beyond that if you look at the 3ds strategy and apply it to this, then it's obvious they are pandering to the third parties and what to at least have the multiplat games the ps4/720 will get next gen along side their first party efforts.


To Far Away Times said:
The hell is that thing? Do you put your butt cheeks on it?



Actually No:

"Feeling experimental or just bored with the current crop of HTPC remotes? Have a look at the $149 GlideTV Navigator — a wireless, touchpad remote with media and smart navigation buttons that’s compatible with Windows Media Center, iTunes, Apple Front Row, Boxee, Hulu Desktop, and others applications. The remote is designed to be held in the palm of your hand and operated by just your thumb. GlideTV Navigator is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 3, as well as any set-top device that supports “standard [USB] mouse and keyboard HID devices.” And, if you plan on using the GlideTV Navigator with Windows, you can install custom GlideTV software that will provide your HTPC with an on-screen keyboard and a media search portal to your favorite sites on the Net".


ChuckNoLuck said:
The thing I'm having trouble getting past it "why?".

Why would Nintendo change their marketing strategy so dramatically if they are still making more money then everyone else?

That's why I have a tough time believing all of this but I'm sure a lot of it is true. More powerful hardware then the 360 and PS3, HD capabilities, new and innovative controller, theses things are musts for us, but not for most people.

Nintendo needs steady third party support to fill-in the gaps so their console doesn't have the infamous droughts that have been persistent post-SNES.


neptunes said:
I still don't see the point of having a screen on the controller, it makes little sense to defer from your Television set to a much smaller screen.
Didn't care for the Dreamcast VMUs?


DoomXploder7 said:
why are you saying touch pad instead of touch screen?

I think I like touch pad better, but yeah you are right, it will most likely be a touch screen if the rumors are true.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Negator said:
Can you imagine the GAF meltdown when Nintendo has their conference at E3 with absolutely no mention of a new console?
Any personal disappointment I would have would be completely counterbalanced (and then some!) by all the drama that would follow.


ChuckNoLuck said:
The thing I'm having trouble getting past it "why?".

Why would Nintendo change their marketing strategy so dramatically if they are still making more money then everyone else?

That's why I have a tough time believing all of this but I'm sure a lot of it is true. More powerful hardware then the 360 and PS3, HD capabilities, new and innovative controller, theses things are musts for us, but not for most people.

Because these are all side notes to some secret mass-appeal gimmick Nintendo has for their next system?
Nintendo must have a robust and free online. I find it difficult to believe that any next gen consul will not have pay to play MP, especially since MS making so much money from it :(


ChuckNoLuck said:
The thing I'm having trouble getting past it "why?".

Why would Nintendo change their marketing strategy so dramatically if they are still making more money then everyone else?

That's why I have a tough time believing all of this but I'm sure a lot of it is true. More powerful hardware then the 360 and PS3, HD capabilities, new and innovative controller, theses things are musts for us, but not for most people.

Lots of time has passed since those consoles. It wouldn't be hard at all to be more powerful than them.
GregLombardi said:
This is a brilliant post that requires more quoting.
Doorman said:
It's probably been suggested somewhere in this monster of a topic (practically a new page every time I refresh the damn thing), but all this talk about a touch screen for a console makes a lot of sense to me as the most recent way for Nintendo to bridge their non-gamer efforts of the Wii into more traditional styles of play.

A large part of why the Wii worked to begin with was their thinking that nongamers were scared off by obtuse button layouts and complicated designs, and this would do away with a lot of those problems in a couple of ways. For one, a screen-controller would be fully customizable, meaning that you could generate as many or as few buttons as are needed to control the game. The control layout could shift as needed depending on what's going on in real time.

Maybe simpler in idea but more important in impact, is that screen-buttons would effectively eliminate one of the current barriers of assigning game actions to arbitrary buttons. You don't have to worry about trying to teach people controls in the sense of "press A to jump," then watch the person try and fish out where the A-button is...you'd just have a literal "Jump" button right on the controller. Demo kiosks often have card printouts that tell you button assignments, this would be like having that as an integrated part of the controller itself. You would never not know how to control a game, the only adjustment is figuring out how that action works within the context of the game world. It's a simple but nonetheless exciting proposition.

If the controller can morph to "do" what the game requires, then there is absolutely no learning. I like it in theory, but your proposition is based entirely off of about 6 rumors that all came out today.

What he's suggesting is basically like the new Razers Switchblade, without the physical buttons, just a screen. If you haven't see it look it up, it's a pretty awesome idea.

EDIT: So good to have avatars back, don't think I can see Gaf without them again.


MattyGrovesOrMe said:

$100 says the controller looks like this...
I expected someone to photoshop the GB to look like a VMU plugged into a DC style controller. C'mon, don't be lazy! :p
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