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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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SlipperySlope said:
More broken controllers = more money for Nintendo.

I have broken more Wii controllers than any other system I've ever owned. I only have one functional controller currently, of the 6 I've bought.

Fun fact: Half of my broken controllers were due to Donkey Kong Country: Returns. Thank you Retro, you've costed me hundreds of dollars.

Another fun fact: Not a single one of the controller throws were accidental. I've actually never thrown a controller accidentally. All intentional. The most recent actually hit my window and the controller fell apart. Surprised the window didn't break. I threw it fucking hard. I then picked up the pieces and put the controller back together. I then grabbed the newly put back together controller and threw it at the hard wood of my pool table.

Works good as anger relief. Fuck you rocket barrel stages of Donkey Kong. FUCK YOU!

I never want to play that game again.

Throwing controllers is not a smart thing to do. I just punch my bed/couch to let steam out.
XiaNaphryz said:
Didn't care for the Dreamcast VMUs?

Lol, the VMUs were fuckin' awesome. I was so young, though, that I didn't know how to find out what games used it back then, so only got to use it on like 2 games.


carlo6529 said:
Throwing controllers is not a smart thing to do. I just punch my bed/couch to let steam out.

but actually good advice, it is stupid to break controllers


Still without luck
If this thing is coming out in 2012 and it's more or less PS3/360 level tech, Nintendo isn't really changing anything then. They'll just think of some other gimmick/innovation to get people that don't play games to sort of but not really play games again.

And if the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 3 are to be coming out two years or less after that and that gimmick/innovation isn't good enough...

apana said:


Finally the HORSEBAG has arrived ! :D

Man I was so ahead of the game with my Dreamcast and GC/GBA linked Pac-Man and Wind Waker gaming.

I think Skyward Sword is one of the last Wii games I'll buy, since most dev time will go to this and 3DS I'm guessing.


Makes perfect sense. Nintendo don't have any big games scheduled after Skyward Sword. Do we have any idea when to expect Dragon Quest X? In terms of specs I'm guessing above PS3 and 360 but not a huge leap beyond. I think we're definitely going to see the vitality sensor in there somewhere and seems like there might be a Wii remote style controller in addition to the one with a screen.
ChuckNoLuck said:
If this thing is coming out in 2006 and it's more or less Gamecube/Xbox level tech, Nintendo isn't really changing anything then. They'll just think of some gimmick/innovation to get people that don't play games to sort of but not really play games.

And if the PlayStation 3 and 360 are to be coming out before it and the gimmick/innovation isn't good enough...

.in all fairness i'm feeling ya ....kinda ,but i think what you're saying is kinda extreme considering history.


ChuckNoLuck said:
If this thing is coming out in 2012 and it's more or less PS3/360 level tech, Nintendo isn't really changing anything then. They'll just think of some other gimmick/innovation to get people that don't play games to sort of but not really play games again.

And if the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 3 are to be coming out two years or less after that and that gimmick/innovation isn't good enough...

This is really my biggest worry. I don't want Nintendo to make a stop-gap console to compete with the 360 and PS3 I want them to define the NEXT generation. If not I'll just stick to what I already have.


artwalknoon said:
This is really my biggest worry. I don't want Nintendo to make a stop-gap console to compete with the 360 and PS3 I want them to define the NEXT generation. If not I'll just stick to what I already have.

I have a feeling that It might not necessarily be Next Gen defining graphics, but it could possibly be something involving the system its self or its controls. You also have to remember that Nintendo is not abandoning the casual base it has established, it is simply moving it forward. So to them a small step ahead of ps3/360 is miles ahead of what they currently have


ChuckNoLuck said:
If this thing is coming out in 2012 and it's more or less PS3/360 level tech, Nintendo isn't really changing anything then. They'll just think of some other gimmick/innovation to get people that don't play games to sort of but not really play games again.

And if the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 3 are to be coming out two years or less after that and that gimmick/innovation isn't good enough...

Are you implying Nintendo's going to go third-party?
Kjellson said:
I'm kinda looking forward to E3 now.
So much for a longer generation. Sony and MS is unquestionably going to announce their next consoles after nintendo. And honesty im happy about it. I know alot of you want this gen to last longer, but i want to play games in native 1080p60, real time ray tracing, tessilation and whatever other graphic technique you can come up with. Theres so much room for improvement.

PC will outclass them all that same year anyway

Dr. Malik

wwm0nkey said:
Blu-Ray.com apparently caught wind that blu-ray will be used in this new console

Is this true? Cause then I'm so ready for E3.
I never bought a Wii because it never appealed to me but this new console is sounding more and more up my alley.


Polari said:
Makes perfect sense. Nintendo don't have any big games scheduled after Skyward Sword. Do we have any idea when to expect Dragon Quest X? In terms of specs I'm guessing above PS3 and 360 but not a huge leap beyond. I think we're definitely going to see the vitality sensor in there somewhere and seems like there might be a Wii remote style controller in addition to the one with a screen.

My guess would be holidays 2011 for Japan.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Marius_ said:
Is this true? Cause then I'm so ready for E3.
I never bought a Wii because it never appealed to me but this new console is sounding more and more up my alley.

What he said is true, but we don't know if that particular piece of information is true.


eh... the HD screen in a controller theory sounds kind of ridiculous. I mean... how much is each controller going to cost? $100?! They JUST released their next-gen handheld with 800x240 and 320x240 screens. None of which come close to HD resolutions, and we're thinking their next CONTROLLER will have an HD screen?! I don't even...


artwalknoon said:
This is really my biggest worry. I don't want Nintendo to make a stop-gap console to compete with the 360 and PS3 I want them to define the NEXT generation. If not I'll just stick to what I already have.

Doubt you'll get that. When was the last time that Nintendo defined a generation by means of power? They've stayed a step behind since the N64, whether it be the power of the console, or the media used.


Marius_ said:
Is this true? Cause then I'm so ready for E3.
I never bought a Wii because it never appealed to me but this new console is sounding more and more up my alley.
That is what Blu-ray.com is reporting that Nintendo has expressed the desire to use it.

Basically Todays Rumors are

Power: Minimum PS3 level but most reporting a significant upgrade.
Format: Blu Ray
Controls: All new control interface that includes a Touchscreen on the controller

defferoo said:
eh... the HD screen in a controller theory sounds kind of ridiculous. I mean... how much is each controller going to cost? $100?! They JUST released their next-gen handheld with 800x240 and 320x240 screens. None of which come close to HD resolutions, and we're thinking their next CONTROLLER will have an HD screen?! I don't even...
High Density Screen is what is likely meant by HD. Many Cell phones use High Denisty screens and they are advertised as HD


EmmanuelMunoz said:
I have a feeling that It might not necessarily be Next Gen defining graphics, but it could possibly be something involving the system its self or its controls. You also have to remember that Nintendo is not abandoning the casual base it has established, it is simply moving it forward. So to them a small step ahead of ps3/360 is miles ahead of what they currently have

It doesn't have to be mind blowing in graphics, and it will be a huge leap over the wii no matter what. But if they want the hardcore back it needs to be able to handle the 3rd party AAA titles that will be released for the next couple years minimum.

Other than that, I'm sure graphics won't be its main draw, which is good because I love the uniqueness of Nintendo's recent hardware (ds, wii, 3ds).
I can not wait for the ultimate bitch fest that will come after this thing is unveiled. Anything Nintendo adds to the controller that isn't traditional is almost certain to be met with the most ludicrous criticism about how it can't play tradition games. Predictions of doom and anti-fandemonium will be tear worthy, and of course, they will also be horrifyingly wrong exactly as they were with near every other prediction that attempts to get nailed on Nintendo.

E3 can not come soon enough. I would literally pay for this years stream if I had to, both for the awesomeness and the aftermath lol
i like how all of y'all are so desperate to think this won't have motion controls or at least that the new controller won't and are avoiding doing a wii remote like mockup.


I wonder if they will just ship it with a wiimote type controller, and a normal controller. Seems like the best solution if they want to keep pursuing motion controls, as well as the core market.


Still without luck
DoomXploder7 said:
.in all fairness i'm feeling ya ....kinda ,but i think what you're saying is kinda extreme considering history.

Yeah it might be a little extreme seeing how much Sega effed up before the Dreamcast. Crazier things have happened though and Nintendo's future is such a mystery. I mean, remember when people used to care about Japanese games?

XiaNaphryz said:
Are you implying Nintendo's going to go third-party?


Standard controller or bust. The Wiimote was kind of nice (not really) for a while but eventually I found myself using the Classic Controller whenever possible.

You can do better Nintendo, I have faith in you.


DoomXploder7 said:
i like how all of y'all areso desperate to think this won't have motion controls and are avoiding doing a wii remote like mockup.

For me motion controller is clearly the natural evolution of controllers. Touch screen can be added but the Wii mote in some form needs to stay.


Hm. It doesn't make any sense for Nintendo to discard the Wiimote completely. I'm having a hard time imagining that Nintendo goes back to a traditional controller... Whatever it is, I really doubt that they are going to use a classic-style controller. It's going to be... something else. Whatever that "something" might be.
ChuckNoLuck said:
Yeah it might be a little extreme seeing how much Sega effed up before the Dreamcast. Crazier things have happened though and Nintendo's future is such a mystery. I mean, remember when people used to care about Japanese games?


eh going from first(despite core gamers refusing to remember this) to third party seems iffy.

Dead Man

apana said:
For me motion controller is clearly the natural evolution of controllers. Touch screen can be added but the Wii mote in some form needs to stay.
I think if it was clearly the natural evolution, uptake would have been more dramatic in traditional genres. It's not like it's analogue sticks, which became the standard almost overnight.


Honestly I just want traditional input methods to be done with and Nintendo to usher in the era of virtual reality.

Too ambitious, maybe?

The Wii 3, perhaps?
all i'd say is i want better support for a traditional controller, alongside the inevitable motion control endeavors, though i think motion controls will be what touch screen is on 3ds right now.....just there.


ChuckNoLuck said:
Yeah it might be a little extreme seeing how much Sega effed up before the Dreamcast. Crazier things have happened though and Nintendo's future is such a mystery. I mean, remember when people used to care about Japanese games?

Can somebody post the Nintendo profit graph?
Dead Man said:
I think if it was clearly the natural evolution, uptake would have been more dramatic in traditional genres. It's not like it's analogue sticks, which became the standard almost overnight.
Wait, what

Not that I care to weigh in on this discussion, but the analog stick did not become standard until the PS2 generation. They were an N64 thing and optional (and not often used) controllers on the Playstation and Saturn. Most of the biggest games on either system did not support it.

"Overnight" isn't true unless time has become so compressed for you that several years is a snap of your fingers.
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