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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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apana said:


Actually No:

"Feeling experimental or just bored with the current crop of HTPC remotes? Have a look at the $149 GlideTV Navigator — a wireless, touchpad remote with media and smart navigation buttons that’s compatible with Windows Media Center, iTunes, Apple Front Row, Boxee, Hulu Desktop, and others applications. The remote is designed to be held in the palm of your hand and operated by just your thumb. GlideTV Navigator is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 3, as well as any set-top device that supports “standard [USB] mouse and keyboard HID devices.” And, if you plan on using the GlideTV Navigator with Windows, you can install custom GlideTV software that will provide your HTPC with an on-screen keyboard and a media search portal to your favorite sites on the Net".
This thread definitely needs more horsebag.
Hmm, I just really don't see how they're going to make these new controllers with screens on them, and still be motion sensor for BC. I mean, are they going to use a small ass screen to keep the controllers smaller, or a bigger screen making the controller like a GBA in size..? The more I think about it, the less sense it seems to make to include a screen on a controller that has wii-mote functions, but hell, what do I know.


Ickman3400 said:
Speak for yourself. Any chance to ditch that crap I hope Nintendo takes it (they won't). Or at least offer the option to play with a regular controller somehow, which they'll have to do if they're going to get ports of AAA 3rd party games.
Pointing controls are objectively better for FPS-type games than dual analog.
Branduil said:
Pointing controls are objectively better for FPS-type games than dual analog.

So is mouse and keyboard, and I'll take a controller over both any day of the year. As for motion, I'm not interested in waggling or moving any part of my body other than my fingers. Ever.


This screen in the controller was just the thing I needed to see to make me take a step back and not take any of this seriously. If anything is shown at E3 then great, but I'm certainly not expecting anything.

Dead Man

timetokill said:
I think he just means that it's a superior control method.
That depends on the implementation and the preference of the user, so it is not really 'objectively'. Can it be? Yep. Is it always? No.
Good news. Can't say I'm too excited about buying an HD Nintendo system, but this should force MS/Sony's hand and make them release their successors sooner rather than later.


Codeblue said:
This screen in the controller was just the thing I needed to see to make me take a step back and not take any of this seriously. If anything is shown at E3 then great, but I'm certainly not expecting anything.

...or maybe the screen IS the controller? o_O


ShockingAlberto said:
Wait, what

Not that I care to weigh in on this discussion, but the analog stick did not become standard until the PS2 generation. They were an N64 thing and optional (and not often used) controllers on the Playstation and Saturn. Most of the biggest games on either system did not support it.

"Overnight" isn't true unless time has become so compressed for you that several years is a snap of your fingers.

LOL @ PS1 dual analog/shock pads being "not often used". They were without question the most successful and "standardized" mid cycle peripherals ever. Post release, just about any game you cared about supported it and just about everybody had one.


Did someone (anyone?) already go over what each Nintendo team is involved in? Considering their two flagship teams are already involved in some heavy duty games (EAD Tokyo with Super Mario 3DS and EAD with Skyward Sword), plus Retro still making another Wii title, it just seems like if there is a blow out at this E3, it will be very light on actual content, as opposed to the 3DS unveiling.


Dead Man said:
People need to stop using 'objectively' when they actually mean 'I prefer'.
I don't.

Pointer controls are objectively better at pointing than an analog stick. It's not even debatable.

Ickman3400 said:
So is mouse and keyboard, and I'll take a controller over both any day of the year. As for motion, I'm not interested in waggling or moving any part of my body other than my fingers. Ever.
That's ok. Just don't ask everyone else to be forced to use inferior dual analog control schemes and we're fine.


Unconfirmed Member
Duderz said:
Did someone (anyone?) already go over what each Nintendo team is involved in? Considering their two flagship teams are already involved in some heavy duty games (EAD Tokyo with Super Mario 3DS and EAD with Skyward Sword), plus Retro still making another Wii title, it just seems like if there is a blow out at this E3, it will be very light on actual content, as opposed to the 3DS unveiling.
They just need to show BF3 running on it.


Duderz said:
Did someone (anyone?) already go over what each Nintendo team is involved in? Considering their two flagship teams are already involved in some heavy duty games (EAD Tokyo with Super Mario 3DS and EAD with Skyward Sword), plus Retro still making another Wii title, it just seems like if there is a blow out at this E3, it will be very light on actual content, as opposed to the 3DS unveiling.

EAD Tokyo expanded to 2 teams. Considering SMG2 was said by Nintendo to be done in 2009 but sat on because of NSMBW whichever team made it would be comfortably along in development for whatever they took up next.

Retro I dont think we can say what they are doing. Even if they were put on the Wii2 right away Nintendo would never confirm it and just say another title.


+1 for staying away from dual analog (for some genres). They make it a chore to play console shooters. Not that there's much of a reason to play them in the first place. :p

My brother bought a Move and Killzone 3 and brought it over a couple weeks ago. While there is definitely a learning curve to aiming and moving around with it (particularly the latter), and there is a fatigue element that sets in, I still prefer it to dual analog because I don't feel nearly as hampered.

Obviously, mouse/kb still rules everything by a large margin in genres like RTS and FPS, but I don't see consoles getting unrestricted access to those any time soon. In the mean time, give me increasingly precise motion control tools over the inherently limited dual analog scheme.


Lonely1 said:
They just need to show BF3 running on it.

I literally came back in here to type out that I only hope this thing is powerful enough to run Frostbite 2.0 or Crysis at full settings. I would be shocked if that happened.

antonz said:
EAD Tokyo expanded to 2 teams. Considering SMG2 was said by Nintendo to be done in 2009 but sat on because of NSMBW whichever team made it would be comfortably along in development for whatever they took up next.

Retro I dont think we can say what they are doing. Even if they were put on the Wii2 right away Nintendo would never confirm it and just say another title.

I thought the second EAD Tokyo team was extremely small? Wasn't their first title a DSi downloadable app? I'm sure someone else can shed some light on here. As far as Retro, I remember reading at the beginning of this year some job postings that made it clear they were working on a Wii title.


Unconfirmed Member
Duderz said:
I literally came back in here to type out that I only hope this thing is powerful enough to run Frostbite 2.0 or Crysis at full settings. I would be shocked if that happened.
Crysis Compilation: Warhead and Crysis as launch title!

boiled goose

good with gravy
some kind of touch interface makes sense i think. ( smart phones and tablets are the big thing right now and it is the interface ppl will be comfortable with )

I would like to have a controller that is as much of a hybrid as possible. motion, touch screen, two sticks, pointer, maybe even vitality sensor. (dont know where everything will fit haha) there might be a base controller with addons like the nunchuck or something.

it needs to be considerably more powerful than current gen consoles. if not, nintendo will lose out on multiplatform titles again. multiplatform development is more important, than before as we have seen this gen given the increased dev costs.

if it is a marginal upgrade over current consoles i will have very little reason to upgrade from a wii for a long long time.


Whoa... I hate to bash but Game Informer has to have one of the worst gaming podcasts I've ever heard. What's with the constant Nintendo bashing and negative connotations? What a bunch of close minded PS360 fanboys.


Unconfirmed Member
Discomurf said:
Whoa... I hate to bash but Game Informer has to have one of the worst gaming podcasts I've ever heard. What's with the constant Nintendo bashing and negative connotations? What a bunch of close minded PS360 fanboys.
Don't want to spent any time listening the thing. What did they said?


Discomurf said:
Whoa... I hate to bash but Game Informer has to have one of the worst gaming podcasts I've ever heard. What's with the constant Nintendo bashing and negative connotations? What a bunch of close minded PS360 fanboys.

i didn't listen to it and they are totally awful but hey it's easy to bash Nintendo when they've done virtually everything wrong non-stop this past gen

if this is a return to form for Nintendo it'll pass. Trust me, we hate because we love.
Branduil said:
That's ok. Just don't ask everyone else to be forced to use inferior dual analog control schemes and we're fine.

I was under the assumption we all wanted third party support on the next Nintendo console? Because that's the only way they have a chance at getting it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
i didn't listen to it and they are totally awful but hey it's easy to bash Nintendo when they've done virtually everything wrong non-stop this past gen

Aside from all that "making money" stuff. :p

As a gamer though... I feel you.
Duderz said:
Did someone (anyone?) already go over what each Nintendo team is involved in? Considering their two flagship teams are already involved in some heavy duty games (EAD Tokyo with Super Mario 3DS and EAD with Skyward Sword), plus Retro still making another Wii title, it just seems like if there is a blow out at this E3, it will be very light on actual content, as opposed to the 3DS unveiling.

they will probably just focus on showing it and the controller, saying a name and showing third parties are on board .


Amir0x said:
i didn't listen to it and they are totally awful but hey it's easy to bash Nintendo when they've done virtually everything wrong non-stop this past gen

if this is a return to form for Nintendo it'll pass. Trust me, we hate because we love.
It was mostly just them rambling the same stuff over and over about how if Nintendo is gonna go HD they need to bring more to the table than just that. Repeat that 50 times over 20 minutes and you gettheir podcast.

It was just a duh moment. Even Nintendo has said since 2006 that when they jump to HD they have to have more to it than just that


BocoDragon said:
Aside from all that "making money" stuff. :p

yeah, once again, gamer here, not stock holder. I don't care if they make one penny or a trillion. I only care that they stop holding back gaming progress and they get back to making games for the people who got them here.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
yeah, once again, gamer here, not stock holder. I don't care if they make one penny or a million. I only care that they stop holding back gaming progress and they get back to making games for the people who got them here.
Yeah I edited above.. I agree.


Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:
yeah, once again, gamer here, not stock holder. I don't care if they make one penny or a trillion. I only care that they stop holding back gaming progress and they get back to making games for the people who got them here.
You mean more excersgames? :p


yeah Lonely1 gaming history goes back before 2008 dude. Nintendo didn't materialize OR become successful with fitness games. preeeeetty sure :p
The rumors of the Wii succesor are interesting. If Nintendo is planning on making a system quite a bit more powerful than the Xbox 360 and the PS3 I hope it isn't to big and is well built. Nintendo's systems are usually really well built and smaller than other system makers. all the nintendo systems I've ever gotten from the nes to the Wii are still working except my gameboy color which died a tragic death by chocolate milk.

The new controller with the screen in it sounds interesting and ridiculous at the same time. It sounds interesting because I loved the dreamcast vmu's especially for sports games like NFL2K or the NBA 2K series where you could call plays out on the vmu. It might work well with a pokemon game. the ridiculous part is a wiimote already cost more than current Nintendo Wii games cost how much will this one cost with a a hd screen in the controller cost? I wonder can Nintendo get third party support to jump on board especially when both Sony and Microsofts next gen consoles will probably eclipse it in power when they are released? If Nintendo shows their next gen system off this year it will be interesting to see Sony and Microsoft's responses. This years E3 and next years should be really entertaining.


woxel1 said:

So... possible control scheme?

This is the worst possible scenario. I would prefer buttons and some sort of pointer, but I would take dual analog over that.


I care about game companies' well being because if they die, we lose their games :p . I want the industry to be healthy, so I like it when companies are responsible and turn a profit instead of going bankrupt.

Poor *insert newly-defunct studio from this gen here* :(

Eteric Rice

Jmanunknown said:
The rumors of the Wii succesor are interesting. If Nintendo is planning on making a system quite a bit more powerful than the Xbox 360 and the PS3 I hope it isn't to big and is well built. Nintendo's systems are usually really well built and smaller than other system makers. all the nintendo systems I've ever gotten from the nes to the Wii are still working except my gameboy color which died a tragic death by chocolate milk.

The new controller with the screen in it sounds interesting and ridiculous at the same time. It sounds interesting because I loved the dreamcast vmu's especially for sports games like NFL2K or the NBA 2K series where you could call plays out on the vmu. It might work well with a pokemon game. the ridiculous part is a wiimote already cost more than current Nintendo Wii games cost how much will this one cost with a a hd screen in the controller cost? I wonder can Nintendo get third party support to jump on board especially when both Sony and Microsofts next gen consoles will probably eclipse it in power when they are released? If Nintendo shows their next gen system off this year it will be interesting to see Sony and Microsoft's responses. This years E3 and next years should be really entertaining.

Actually, controllers are probably cheap for Nintendo to make. Even the Wii-mote.

Console makers like to overprice the shit out of their accessories.
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