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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Really hope these rumors are true! I will jump at this. It's perfect timing for Nintendo. Didn't see this coming at all. If it truly is way more powerful than a PS3/Xbox360 then I'm really, really excited. Imagining Zelda, Mario, Metroid etc. in HD with way better than PS3/Xbox360 graphical fidelity has me sold.

I've always been platform agnostic. I just care about games that I find fun and great looking. If Nintendo pulls this off, I'm there day one. I didn't like the Wii, I feel they cheated me on the 3DS by selling me several year old GPU tech. I have a threshold of graphics/physics etc. that needs to be met for me to enjoy a game. There were games like that on the Wii, but only cartoony or strongly stylized ones because that's all it could handle and still look good by today's standard. If they make a powerful HD console I am _there_. And I am sure a lot of other 3rd parties are going to be too.

So tech demos and some CGI renders this E3 and launch next year?


I can imagine the screen on the controller being a touch screen used for auxiliary inputs depending on the game. It'd basically be like, well, a DS I guess. Dunno if that's what they're going to go for though.

I highly doubt it's going to be something as extraordinarily silly as a full touch-screen controller though. That didn't work on the iPhone, it's not going to work here.


Eteric Rice said:
Actually, controllers are probably cheap for Nintendo to make. Even the Wii-mote.

Console makers like to overprice the shit out of their accessories.
Oh very much so. The 360 wireless remote was costing 11 bucks to make back in 2006


Lonely1 said:
Don't want to spent any time listening the thing. What did they said?

not word for word... but here are some gems I can remember....

"there hasn't been a comfortable Nintendo controllers since the SNES"

"only going to be as powerful as current gen or in the neighborhood... why would anyone buy it if they already have that now"

"motion controls don't work for core games... you don't need motion controllers"

"Killzone showed you can do motion controls better"

"the last original IP form Nintendo is Pokemon"

...crap like that


Amir0x said:
there's no way the controller is just a screen. No way Nintendo would be that dumb
Agreed, Nintendo is not this dumb. There is no way the would bring amazing graphics in to pull 3rd parties and hardcore fans and then gimp them again with the controller. The touch screen rumor on the controller is very off putting though. That shit better not get in the way of 2 analog sticks and 4 shoulder buttons.


Really all this means to me is how GHM can use the new controller.

The battery display will probably be featured on the controller instead of the TV and maybe they'll have video briefings with Sylvia this time.


So my thoughts about the HD screen thing:
- some sort of tablet for controller
- Nintendo wants to give a HD screen along with the hardware because of many people out there still havn't an expensive HD TV
- it's 2006 all over again, remember Nintendo Go?

Edit: Oh and:
- Last year E3 Skyward Sword official screenshots package was oversized for some Wii screenshots, one more time 2006 and TP again? :lol


Discomurf said:
not word for word... but here are some gems I can remember....

"there hasn't been a comfortable Nintendo controllers since the SNES"

"only going to be as powerful as current gen or in the neighborhood... why would anyone buy it if they already have that now"

"motion controls don't work for core games... you don't need motion controllers"

"Killzone showed you can do motion controls better"

"the last original IP form Nintendo is Pokemon"

...crap like that

If the DS ain't just a screen, there's no way their console controller is gonna be just a screen. 3DS added a slider, so let's assume that's the direction they're moving in.


Discomurf said:
not word for word... but here are some gems I can remember....

"there hasn't been a comfortable Nintendo controllers since the SNES"

"only going to be as powerful as current gen or in the neighborhood... why would anyone buy it if they already have that now"

"motion controls don't work for core games... you don't need motion controllers"

"Killzone showed you can do motion controls better"

"the last original IP form Nintendo is Pokemon"

...crap like that

Yeah that podcast was terrible. It was just a bunch of Nintendo bashing with no informed speculation beyond the first 5 minutes.


Eteric Rice said:
Think about some of the things they've done in the last 5 years.

What to revise that statement?

no i refuse to believe Nintendo would be that dumb. That would be the literal definition of "throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks." There is no argument someone could make that a touch screen only controller would be superior in any fashion to our current controllers. It wouldn't even be like Wii with the "it's good for some genres occasionally if you use the pointer", every single genre would be worse by a thousand fold. That'd be like if Nintendo suddenly just said "let's just be different for different sake" and didn't go past stage one of the design class :p

I am apprehensive about Nintendo post-DS, but I certainly don't believe they hate gamers that much.


apana said:

If they're truly going for a HD screen on a controller (by which I mean at least 720p) then this is the only thing that makes sense. Of course if the rumour originated from IGN I don't believe a word of it.


I honestly think everyone should show extreme dislike to not having some sort of regular controllers be a requirement for the system. Nintendo can still change plans this far ahead if they see everyone hates it.

I almost think this is what they are doing. This is definitely a forced leak from Nintendo and they never do this shit. They be trying to get reactions.

Eteric Rice said:
Think about some of the things they've done in the last 5 years.

What to revise that statement?
Iwata: *Pops head out of vast pool of money and spits fountain of gold coins out of mouth*
The console wars have begun. Oh god. It is 2005/2006 all over again. No! You can't make me go back! NO MORE RUMORS AND POORLY DONE CONCEPT RENDERS! My sanity can't it.


Unconfirmed Member
Well Amirox, there are hundred of Apple faithful that swear that their iPads play better than current consoles. Just saying.

Eteric Rice

Amir0x said:
no i refuse to believe Nintendo would be that dumb. That would be the literal definition of "throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks." There is no argument someone could make that a touch screen only controller would be superior in any fashion to our current controllers. It wouldn't even be like Wii with the "it's good for some genres occasionally if you use the pointer", every single genre would be worse by a thousand fold. That'd be like if Nintendo suddenly just said "let's just be different for different sake" and didn't go past stage one of the design class :p

I am apprehensive about Nintendo post-DS, but I certainly don't believe they hate gamers that much.

I don't think they'll do it, but it wouldn't shock me at this point.

I wouldn't be surprised if they used sliders instead of sticks, either.


Lonely1 said:
Well, there are hundred of Apple faithful that swear that their iPads play better than current consoles. Just saying.

And as we all know, Apple fans are retards. Case closed.

Eteric Rice said:
I don't think they'll do it, but it wouldn't shock me at this point.

I wouldn't be surprised if they used sliders instead of sticks, either.

Eh, I just think it'll be a motion controller with some sort of sliding screen (think cellphone) that expands a bit. It'd almost be like a flip phone controller; the screen wouldn't have to be utilized and could click back in place and not unbalance the controller for games that don't make major use of it.


My guess is it will basically be a Wiimote+ with a touchscreen in the middle. And it will come with a classic controller attachment for it to slide into, as well as a wireless nunchuk.
Eteric Rice said:
Actually, controllers are probably cheap for Nintendo to make. Even the Wii-mote.

Console makers like to overprice the shit out of their accessories.

Yeah I pretty much figured that. They must make a lot of money off accessories. That makes me wonder if they include a hard drive in their new system will it be proprietary like microsofts hard drives were?


Looking at how 'powerful' the DS, the 3DS and the Wii is I don't know how anyone can expect this to be anything less then underwhelming GPU wise in the end.


Unconfirmed Member
Branduil said:
My guess is it will basically be a Wiimote+ with a touchscreen in the middle. And it will come with a classic controller attachment for it to slide into, as well as a wireless nunchuk.
I would be fine with this. Wiimote biggest (only) disadvantage was the lack of proper third person camera control, which the touch pad can take care of.


Lonely1 said:
I was actually expecting this earlier. There's no way that Nintendo planned for the Wii to have more than 5 years of life.
Nintendo probably planned 6 year life cycles for both DS and Wii.

DS: 2004 --> 2010
Wii: 2006 --> 2012

3DS's release was originally planned for Q4 2010.


Kosma said:
Looking at how 'powerful' the DS, the 3DS and the Wii is I don't know how anyone can expect this to be anything less then underwhelming GPU wise in the end.
Both the DS and 3DS were a full generation ahead of their predecessor, if not a bit more. Wii is literally the only time they have not made a huge leap processor-wise.

Eteric Rice

Amir0x said:
And as we all know, Apple fans are retards. Case closed.

Eh, I just think it'll be a motion controller with some sort of sliding screen (think cellphone) that expands a bit. It'd almost be like a flip phone controller; the screen wouldn't have to be utilized and could click back in place and not unbalance the controller for games that don't make major use of it.

I'm thinking it'll be like the bottom half of the DS, but with analog sticks.
Amir0x said:
yeah, once again, gamer here, not stock holder. I don't care if they make one penny or a trillion. I only care that they stop holding back gaming progress and they get back to making games for the people who got them here.

How is Nintendo "holding back" gaming progress as a whole? Developers didn't have to (and indeed often didn't) make software for their platforms.
ant1532 said:
I honestly think everyone should show extreme dislike to not having some sort of regular controllers be a requirement for the system. Nintendo can still change plans this far ahead if they see everyone hates it.

I almost think this is what they are doing. This is definitely a forced leak from Nintendo and they never do this shit. They be trying to get reactions.


you are living in this sad little world where you think you're the majority and nintendo is in third place for abandoning the hardcore aren't you?
I certainly don't agree with everything nintendo has done the past years, but come on motion controls are here to stay. All you can hope for is traditional control support to be an option in every game.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kinda wondering what the format would be... Maybe DVD?

And hopefully, it ain't region locked.


Discomurf said:
not word for word... but here are some gems I can remember....

"only going to be as powerful as current gen or in the neighborhood... why would anyone buy it if they already have that now"

This in particular is funny because Nintendo went toe to toe with the 360 and PS3 with the Wii and wrecked them. There is very little chance the gap will be that big again, but even if it was, it has been proven again and again, every generation that power takes takes a back seat to games.

Why are people making it sound like Nintendo is rebounding off some colossal failure?

Thank God Nintendo doesn't listen to anyone.


Whoa. I read this whole thread from the beginning. Took all day, but I got it done.

Good to see some new hardware, and I hope it's way more powerful than what we have now. I suppose I'll buy one even if it's at the same level, but if they're going to release new hardware, they should go all out to avoid what happened to the Wii this time around.

A few things I want in the next console are:

- IR shooters and 3rd person games. I don't care if there's the dual analog option for those who simply refuse to move on to motion controls, but I want to play Mass Effect with IR controls.

- A good user interface in the OS with store integration and demos.

- The controller is separated like the current remote and nunchuck. I find that control the most comfortable for me, so I'd like to see it return.

- Lots of RAM. No more of this 64MB stuff. Those days are long gone. 1GB or more is definitely the way to go.

- Some kind of mass storage. An SSD or normal harddrive would be fine. Something that can be replaced fairly easily and solves the storage space problem the Wii has.

I'm not really sure how the screen on the controller is gonna turn out, but like other people in this thread, I started thinking about the VMS days. Man, I liked that setup a lot. Especially when playing NFL 2k1 with friends. Nintendo going that route would be awesome.

Can't wait until we get more information about the system. Seems to be conflicting reports about how powerful it is. We definitely need to temper our expectations.


DoomXploder7 said:
you are living in this sad little world where you think you're the majority and nintendo is in third place for abandoning the hardcore aren't you?I certainly don't agree with everything nintendo has done the past years but come on motion controls are here to stay, all you can hope for is traditional control support to be an option in every game.
Its so sad you have no idea.

I don't disagree that motion controls are here to say but why don't you think its possible to be packed with two types of controls? A normal controller and maybe something more like kinect or PSMove.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
antonz said:
Being reported as Blu Ray disc or at least a Nintendo version of Blu Ray

So... Region-locked Blu-rays?


timetokill said:
How is Nintendo "holding back" gaming progress as a whole? Developers didn't have to (and indeed often didn't) make software for their platforms.

Well, first, with their introduction of the miserably flawed motion controllers which now fucking 'tard Sony thought prudent to copy. And then by influencing/inspiring Microsoft to go after the game haters market via the laggy, barely functional Kinect. And then by making just miserably powered platforms with DS and Wii, ensuring any 3D games that came out for them almost immediately looked dated. Particularly with DS, this essentially held back the entire handheld industry for a generation. Most developers made games for DS, and the result is embarrassing garbage like Okamiden - a true insult to fans of the series who also did not want to get their eyes stabbed blind. By imprisoning their own franchises to a generation of near completely nonfunctional online infrastructure, non-HD, Xbox-level visuals and shoddily designed motion gimmicks.

Just my opinion, yo.


Amir0x said:
yeah Lonely1 gaming history goes back before 2008 dude. Nintendo didn't materialize OR become successful with fitness games. preeeeetty sure :p

seriously, where's the god damn playing cards nintendo jesus fuck
Really really doubt those rumours are true, they wouldn't go the complete opposite of what brought them so much money and success, they don't want to do a ps3 now do they


Amir0x said:
Well, first, with their introduction of the miserably flawed motion controllers which now fucking 'tard Sony thought prudent to copy. And then by influencing/inspiring Microsoft to go after the game haters market via the laggy, barely functional Kinect. And then by making just miserably powered platforms with DS and Wii, ensuring any 3D games that came out for them almost immediately looked dated. Particularly with DS, this essentially held back the entire handheld industry for a generation. Most developers made games for DS, and the result is embarrassing garbage like Okamiden - a true insult to fans of the series who also did not want to get their eyes stabbed blind. By imprisoning their own franchises to a generation of near completely nonfunctional online infrastructure, non-HD, Xbox-level visuals and shoddily designed motion gimmicks.

Just my opinion, yo.

on the plus side, the non-good 3d on the ds meant lots of spritey ds games. except for nsmb, which sucked.

you can blame okamiden on capcom for being stupid though. they really hate that series. it's like they consider kamiya to be their michel ancel.


Branduil said:
Both the DS and 3DS were a full generation ahead of their predecessor, if not a bit more. Wii is literally the only time they have not made a huge leap processor-wise.

Predecessors but not competitors.

360/PS3 > Wii
iPad2 / NGP > 3DS

All 3 of them are a generation behind any direct competitor.


Unconfirmed Member
UnblessedSoul said:
Really really doubt those rumours are true, they wouldn't go the complete opposite of what brought them so much money and success, they don't want to do a ps3 now do they
They don't need to do an $599 bloatware to be a gen ahead of the Ps3/360. A sub 30W system with fusion and a 6600s would fit on a wii-like case.
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