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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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I don't mind the new control schemes like a touch screen and stuff. But I really hope that they've done a lot of research on how this can make the gaming experience better, and that it's not just a thought process along the lines of: "what should our new 'thing' be? How about we slap on a touch screen and see what we and others come up with to utilize it!"

I don't want it to have potential, I want it to be a worthwhile addition proven in their r&d labs.


Plinko said:
2) Graphics are at a level now on PS3 and Xbox 360 where I think I'm pretty safe saying that most people outside of GAF couldn't care less. Will it be "outdated" technologically? Absolutely--but at that level of graphical power it's negligible at best.

Also, a release a YEAR ahead of time with a slightly more powerful console is a gigantic benefit.

But you saw how it went in the long run this gen, with wii sales horribly low this month. Like some said it has to be capable of playing the same games as the other systems or 3rd party support for it will drop.


From The Dust said:
I'd be ok with this. Needs more pointer controls though

Yeah i want that too but i really dont see how it can be implemented in a one piece controller.
Holding a screen on one hand and a nunchuck-like add-on with pointer makes no sense either


I don't know about the rest of you but even if Wii 2 only has the graphics capabilities of the 360, I would still be quite excited to see how Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc looks on that hardware. It's a GIANT leap over what the Wii is now and we all know that Nintendo can squeeze a lot in terms of graphics out of hardware. I think I'd be pretty satisfied. Then again I'm not expecting as big of a leap next generation as this generation has been over the previous one.

I wonder if Epic Games will finally support Nintendo consoles if these rumors are true... :p
All this controller talk just makes me realize how much I miss the SNES controller. I wish Nintendo would go for an elegantly simple approach with this console.


Luckydude23 said:
This is bad news in my opinion, if the rumors are true. What the hell happened to Disruption and the Blue Ocean strategy? The response to the 3DS, seems to indicate that Nintendo forgot what made the Wii and DS so successful in the first place. But I REALLY hope I'm wrong on that. I just can't shake off this bad feeling I've got.

This is all just speculation though. We'll just have to see huh?

If you think this is all the system is about, then you're kidding yourself. They are going to have to innovate with virtually every future console until either Sony or MS leaves the market. Both are too aggressive for Nintendo to play it safe too much, especially in the console market.

The_Darkest_Red said:
All this controller talk just makes me realize how much I miss the SNES controller. I wish Nintendo would go for an elegantly simple approach with this console.

The Wii and its controller are both very elegantly designed.


MYE said:
Who gives a shit about Epic? :/

I just want better support from Capcom.
Capcom played the hand they were dealt with the Wii. It could have been better, but it was more of a good faith effort than most other devs.
Kevin said:
I don't know about the rest of you but even if Wii 2 only has the graphics capabilities of the 360, I would still be quite excited to see how Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc looks on that hardware. It's a GIANT leap over what the Wii is now and we all know that Nintendo can squeeze a lot in terms of graphics out of hardware. I think I'd be pretty satisfied. Then again I'm not expecting as big of a leap next generation as this generation has been over the previous one.

I wonder if Epic Games will finally support Nintendo consoles if these rumors are true... :p

Most of those franchises (barring Metroid, I guess) are pretty stylized so I'm not sure how much they would take advantage of more processing power (other than higher resolution, 3D, etc) or if fans would even want them to do so. It's not like they're pushing for reality.
Kevin said:
I don't know about the rest of you but even if Wii 2 only has the graphics capabilities of the 360, I would still be quite excited to see how Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc looks on that hardware. It's a GIANT leap over what the Wii is now and we all know that Nintendo can squeeze a lot in terms of graphics out of hardware. I think I'd be pretty satisfied. Then again I'm not expecting as big of a leap next generation as this generation has been over the previous one.

I wonder if Epic Games will finally support Nintendo consoles if these rumors are true... :p

If they system is only 360+ in power, Epic still will probably announce UE3 support for them. However, once PS4 and Xbox720 roll around in 2013 or so, Epic will troll Ninetndo again and say that it can't support UE4 bc hardware is too weak.


I find this "controller with a hd touch screen hard to believe". Sounds too expensive. Probably already been said in the thread, but unless you could use the 3DS as some sort of controller, I can't see this being true.


Luckydude23 said:
This is bad news in my opinion, if the rumors are true. What the hell happened to Disruption and the Blue Ocean strategy? The response to the 3DS, seems to indicate that Nintendo forgot what made the Wii and DS so successful in the first place. But I REALLY hope I'm wrong on that. I just can't shake off this bad feeling I've got.

This is all just speculation though. We'll just have to see huh?

Why would they use the past to disrupt the future? Doing the same thing twice won't bring them success.

Refinement is the key, I think.


professor_t said:
To be fair, the SNES released two years after the Genesis, so being "on par" would hardly qualify it as a muscle console. In fact, that's pretty lame, from a hardware perspective. The N64 also released after the competition and, technically, had slightly superior hardware ("mopping the floor" seems a bit hyperbolic), and the GCN may have competed with the Xbox, but you're high if you think it was capable of more. Elegantly designed? Yes. More powerful? Hardly.

And then you have the Gameboy and DS, their most successful product lines, which have been clearly eclipsed by the competition in terms of raw power.

So, yes, Nintendo does not have a history of focusing on powerful hardware, even when those hardware comparisons should be clearly biased in their favor (e.g., the SNES vs. the two-year old Genesis).

Nintendo has good games. That's their M.O. Always will be. If you want advanced hardware, look elsewhere.
Technically the n64 was FAR superior to the competition. For one it had a fully programmable graphics part; with filtered textures, perspective correction, coloured lighting, anti aliasing etc etc. This is stuff the PS could not do. And it could push 500,000 polys when pushed hard.
MYE said:
Yeah i want that too but i really dont see how it can be implemented in a one piece controller.
Holding a screen on one hand and a nunchuck-like add-on with pointer makes no sense either

You do know the screen's diagonal length only has to be six inches. The screen's vertical dimension will be much greater than the screen's horizontal dimension assuming this rumor is true.


neptunes said:
not that I don't believe you, but do you have a link or source for that?
Not on me, but I know it's true. Nintendo said so during an interview close to when it came out.
Genesis Knight said:
Most of those franchises (barring Metroid, I guess) are pretty stylized so I'm not sure how much they would take advantage of more processing power (other than higher resolution, 3D, etc) or if fans would even want them to do so. It's not like they're pushing for reality.
It's not about pushing for reality, it's about taking advantage of that 1080p beast of a TV that you have in your living room. I want classic Nintendo franchises without all the jaggies.


I am still secretly wishing for Nintendo to become the early nineties Nintendo again. Top of market and master of the hardware game.

They are indeed doing good but only in a specific market.
Vinci said:
The Wii and its controller are both very elegantly designed.
True, although I prefer classic elegance. I don't mind the controls of the Wii though, for what it's worth, but this new controller sounds far too needlessly complicated.


Tarin02543 said:
I am still secretly wishing for Nintendo to become the early nineties Nintendo again. Top of market and master of the hardware game.

They are indeed doing good but only in a specific market.
For that to happen you need that the various hardware companies competing to be gaming company at their core like they were on those golden years.
I think whoever brought up the idea of the controller having a color e-ink screen has a good idea there. I have no idea what the display could be used for besides inventory, menus, or mini-games, but regardless we will be spending the majority of our time looking at the television, not our controllers. So it is likely the screen will usually be displaying a static image, and using e-ink to display a static uses almost no power at all. This would greatly reduce the power costs of having a screen in the controller.


Kevin said:
I don't know about the rest of you but even if Wii 2 only has the graphics capabilities of the 360, I would still be quite excited to see how Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc looks on that hardware. It's a GIANT leap over what the Wii is now and we all know that Nintendo can squeeze a lot in terms of graphics out of hardware. I think I'd be pretty satisfied.

Personally, I'll be disappointed if it only matches the PS3 and X360 because it basically guarantees that even in a best case scenario the new console would only achieve Wii-level support.

The graphics themselves aren't a problem to me. It's just that this guarantees it'll be yet another console without any consistent software support two or three years after its release. Not a real problem now that I have a job and can afford buying multiple consoles, but it still hurts the value of the console itself.


The_Darkest_Red said:
True, although I prefer classic elegance. I don't mind the controls of the Wii though, for what it's worth, but this new controller sounds far too needlessly complicated.

Don't be too concerned. We don't know if the controller rumors are remotely accurate, and it sounds unlikely based on some of the statements. I mean, FFS, Nintendo's not going to release a console controller that costs $100 to buy - I don't care if it shoots off fireworks in your room each time you complete a game level.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Struggling to see the benefits of a large touchscreen in a controller. It's of limited use, outside information display such as the VMU and limited application in some genres like play-calling. A large touchscreen would kill the battery life of the controllers as well.

So could see a small screen being there to complement the already under-used speaker but a big screen as a key feature? There's just not enough benefits versus the downsides.

Can't see them abandoning the iconic remote shape either, and the screen taking up the face of the remote with buttons protruding through it would be a manufacturing nightmare as well as not serving much point apart from looking pretty.


y'all should be ashamed
Well, I like my controllers to be (a) durable, and (b) have a nice long battery life before recharging. I'm not sure how exactly Nintendo plans to pull either of these off with a touch screen attached to it.

Very intriguing stuff.
NeonZ said:
Personally, I'll be disappointed if it only matches the PS3 and X360 because it basically guarantees that even in a best case scenario the new console would only achieve Wii-level support.

The graphics themselves aren't a problem to me. It's just that this guarantees it'll be yet another console without any consistent software support two or three years after its release.
Why do you assume that? Maybe it'll be easy for third party developers to downscale their games for the Wii 2 as long as it's in the same ballpark as PS4/720.


chubigans said:
Well, I like my controllers to be (a) durable, and (b) have a nice long battery life before recharging. I'm not sure how exactly Nintendo plans to pull either of these off with a touch screen attached to it.

Very intriguing stuff.

Well, Nintendo can make the screen durable just like their handhelds, and the touch screen doesn't even have to be back lit.


I call bullshit on the french rumor just cause it sounds lame, lol at Project Cafe. Anyways my guess is still with more powerful than a PS3 but the graphics don't matter much to me. I am more interested in the controller.
with almost everything now days being multiplat i just want it to be close enough in the range of 720/ps4 for developers to just say "sure why not, nintendo console as well, more money our way"
Vinci said:
Don't be too concerned. We don't know if the controller rumors are remotely accurate, and it sounds unlikely based on some of the statements. I mean, FFS, Nintendo's not going to release a console controller that costs $100 to buy - I don't care if it shoots off fireworks in your room each time you complete a game level.
I think (and hope) you're right. Then again, a Wiimote + motion plus + nunchuk combo isn't very cheap.


DoomXploder7 said:
with almost everything now days being multiplat i just want it to be close enough in the range of 720/ps4 for developers to just say "sure why not, nintendo console as well, more money our way"

And I think that's all Nintendo will go for.
MYE said:
fucking around with photoshop


Nahh, but seriously. Hate that controller.


NeonZ said:
Personally, I'll be disappointed if it only matches the PS3 and X360 because it basically guarantees that even in a best case scenario the new console would only achieve Wii-level support.

The graphics themselves aren't a problem to me. It's just that this guarantees it'll be yet another console without any consistent software support two or three years after its release.
This has been the case for the Nintendo64, Gamecube, and now Wii.

Why do you think this will change? In order for Nintendo to get "SNES" level of 3rd party support, one of its competitors would have to exit the console biz, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Whenever I buy I Nintendo console I always end up wishing it could play the series/games/franchises that its competitors had.
brochiller said:
I think whoever brought up the idea of the controller having a color e-ink screen has a good idea there. I have no idea what the display could be used for besides inventory, menus, or mini-games, but regardless we will be spending the majority of our time looking at the television, not our controllers. So it is likely the screen will usually be displaying a static image, and using e-ink to display a static uses almost no power at all. This would greatly reduce the power costs of having a screen in the controller.

That might have been me, although I don't know if I was the first!
I've seen something about a colour e-Ink tech which can even be refreshed up to speeds of 60hz if required, I don't know if they're on the market yet. It would naturally lend itself for the controllers to double up as some kind of e-reader when you're not using the console.


The Amiga Brotherhood
brochiller said:
I think whoever brought up the idea of the controller having a color e-ink screen has a good idea there. I have no idea what the display could be used for besides inventory, menus, or mini-games, but regardless we will be spending the majority of our time looking at the television, not our controllers. So it is likely the screen will usually be displaying a static image, and using e-ink to display a static uses almost no power at all. This would greatly reduce the power costs of having a screen in the controller.

E-ink can't be backlit, going with that display would be a GBA-style fail.


DoomXploder7 said:
with almost everything now days being multiplat i just want it to be close enough in the range of 720/ps4 for developers to just say "sure why not, nintendo console as well, more money our way"

Yes, good post.


-Pyromaniac- said:
Why do you assume that? Maybe it'll be easy for third party developers to downscale their games for the Wii 2 as long as it's in the same ballpark as PS4/720.

That message was in reply to a comment about the new Wii only matching the 360. I agree with what you're saying.

They only need to make something close enough to next gen in order to receive easy ports from it, however, that's not what seems to be going on according to the current rumor everyone is talking about. It only mentions the new console matching the 360.


neptunes said:
This has been the case for the Nintendo64, Gamecube, and now Wii.

Why do you think this will change? In order for Nintendo to get "SNES" level of 3rd party support, one of its competitors would have to exit the console biz, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I like how you're completely ignoring the current economic landscape surrounding game publishers these days. If they can, they will port to anything. Anything. They cannot afford to ignore a comparable system just because Nintendo makes it. Many of them have been bleeding for the last four to five years. They don't have the luxury of being picky like they were in the past. If the Wii were HD, I guarantee you every major release would be on it. Period.

And that will be true with this system.


eck that article "plus another big surprise."

The off chance that this gimmick is actually decent for once aside, I so hope we get past the era of every generation needing to satisfy the ADHD set/game haters set with some novel yet ultimately comically unrefined feature that serves more often to confuse and baffle developers with the built-in limitations inherent to the devices and massive steps back from currently established control standards.

I want refinements of what actually works, not more piling on of crap that will like improve a half of a genre like Kinect.

God I just hope this thing has buttons. I buckled for the remote, but if they drop buttons for touchscreen imitation buttons I really just won't buy the system. That's unacceptable. I hate these goddamn rumours


DECK'ARD said:
E-ink can't be backlit, going with that display would be a GBA-style fail.
Why would you need a backlight indoors? Its a good idea actually. The Amazon kindle is super readable in most conditions.


robor said:
It's the best thing about Nintendo.

Yeah but it's just not sustainable any more I don't think. If Nintendo hopes to continue on with just moulding their home console around a gimmick Sony and MS will always be there to just do it better alongside defining features for their respective consoles. Plus to be honest I just feel like we are hitting a point where the gimmick tank is running low. So maybe it's best to just build a solid console based around what we already have, strengthen those concepts and ideas instead of shifting the playing field for both the developers and gamers constantly. Personally I feel it ends up taking longer to get good solid games out.

Amir0x said:
eck that article "plus another big surprise."

The off chance that this gimmick is actually decent for once aside, I so hope we get past the era of every generation needing to satisfy the ADHD set/game haters set with some novel yet ultimately comically unrefined feature that serves more often to confuse and baffle developers with the built-in limitations inherent to the devices and massive steps back from currently established control standards.

I want refinements of what actually works, not more piling on of crap that will like improve a half of a genre like Kinect.

Ha, you said it better than I did but wholly agree with this.


I remember Iwata saying recently that what separates consoles from handhelds is that many people can enjoy a game together in front of a tv. Everybody sees what is happening on the same screen. He later added that they want to focus on this aspect and make consoles meaningfully different from handhelds.

I think the rumor kind of matches what Iwata said. The on controller screen is kind of a secret space for everybody while the TV is the main hub. I see a lot of potential for party games and multilayer games in general and also for single player games. It could make the interface a lot easier (for example inventory management, maps etc). It all depends on how this is designed though. But I'm guessing its going to be pretty great judging Nintendo's controller design history has been pretty amazing so far.
DECK'ARD said:
Struggling to see the benefits of a large touchscreen in a controller. It's of limited use, outside information display such as the VMU and limited application in some genres like play-calling. A large touchscreen would kill the battery life of the controllers as well.

So could see a small screen being there to complement the already under-used speaker but a big screen as a key feature? There's just not enough benefits versus the downsides.

Can't see them abandoning the iconic remote shape either, and the screen taking up the face of the remote with buttons protruding through it would be a manufacturing nightmare as well as not serving much point apart from looking pretty.

Yeah, I don't see any chance the screen will be 6 inches. There's no point, and it would be way too expensive. But, I can see a benefit of putting a 3-3.5" screen above the A button to act as a quick reference, additional button emulation, augmented reality, scanner, etc.

v1oz said:
Why would you need a backlight indoors? Its a good idea actually. The Amazon kindle is super readable in most conditions.

Alot of people like dimming the lights when they game, including myself. They'd be fine with just including an lcd screen with adjustable brightness settings.


NEO0MJ said:
But you saw how it went in the long run this gen, with wii sales horribly low this month. Like some said it has to be capable of playing the same games as the other systems or 3rd party support for it will drop.

In the long run Nintendo came out first.
DECK'ARD said:
E-ink can't be backlit, going with that display would be a GBA-style fail.

The front-lit SP wasn't that bad, was it? Whilst it wouldn't even need a light in most conditions, it would probably be best to have one for dark rooms.


MYE said:
fucking around with photoshop


Make it transformable so the left and right side can slide out of the tablet portion and you've got a winner (obviously the biofeedback membrane is on the backside of the controller.)

I'm sure this won't be it, but I'd sure like to have the option of 1) Tablet only 2) Left and right hand like the nunchuck and wiimote 3.) Traditional controller with an LCD screen sandwiched in-between.


Genesis Knight said:
Most of those franchises (barring Metroid, I guess) are pretty stylized so I'm not sure how much they would take advantage of more processing power (other than higher resolution, 3D, etc) or if fans would even want them to do so. It's not like they're pushing for reality.



While the above are just renders, it's obvious (at least to me) that there is still a LOT of room for graphical improvements for Nintendo's key franchises whether they are cartoony or realistic.
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