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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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The_Darkest_Red said:
All this controller talk just makes me realize how much I miss the SNES controller. I wish Nintendo would go for an elegantly simple approach with this console.
You mean like they did for the Wii?
v1oz said:
Technically the n64 was FAR superior to the competition. For one it had a fully programmable graphics part; with filtered textures, perspective correction, coloured lighting, anti aliasing etc etc. This is stuff the PS could not do. And it could 500,000 polystyrene when pushed hard.
The limited amount of RAM and the storage limitation hurt it.


Nolan. said:
Ha, you said it better than I did but wholly agree with this.

It's a shame that with all Nintendo platforms since DS it really feels like Nintendo is just like "oh god we're running out of things to do here what other bullshit can we add!? VITALITY SENSOR! Yes! And, uh, we can revive the VMU but in HD! Everybody was asking for that, right?"

Just use what works and REFINE it.

Let me talk to Nintendo personally, since he's in the room and I think I made him feel bad.

Look, Nintendo...

We've had enough unrefined generations from you, Nintendo. I am half starting to believe that is the problem with your games these gens, that you're so busy experimenting in trying to work around the gargantuan limitations in these devices versus what came before that the gameplay and/or overall quality suffers./


Biggest mistake anyone can make is to review this as Wii 2 in every sense than rerun 2006 again. Both up and down.

For one, I think Wii as a concept, no matter how much people hated it, was brilliant and has changed games forever from interacting with an intimidating controller to what the public perceives as a more futuristic mode of interaction -- which is motion controls.

They won't have that 'surprise' factor again even if they go with crazy tablet inputs and the like.

On the same note, third parties are not in the same financial position they were in 2004/2005 nor are anyone, possibly except Ubisoft/EA/Activision to invest heavily on technology and ignore entire segments entirely.

However those two new realities mediate the resulting platform's success and or failure remains to be seen.

But so much so far is based on what happened in 2006, it's a recipe for disappointment and having said absolutist statements requoted by someone in a few years and laughed at.


The Amiga Brotherhood
v1oz said:
Why would you need a backlight indoors? Its a good idea actually. The Amazon kindle is super readable in most conditions.

Because games are often played in darkened rooms, in the same way as films are often watched in darkened rooms?

Kindle mirrors a book, people treat it like a book. With their bedside light if needed.

Also a touchscreen in a controller needs to be something you can glance down and immediately use, not maybe struggle to see what was on it. I really doubt Nintendo are going to drag up memories of the GBA debacle.
neptunes said:
This has been the case for the Nintendo64, Gamecube, and now Wii.

Why do you think this will change? In order for Nintendo to get "SNES" level of 3rd party support, one of its competitors would have to exit the console biz, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Whenever I buy I Nintendo console I always end up wishing it could play the series/games/franchises that its competitors had.

there are far less exclusives nowadays, the scene is completely different from GCN days, if nintendo simply makes a console that can handle the same engines as the competition then they get non-gimped support from EA/Activision/Ubisoft/Capcom and other third party developers.


Amir0x said:
eck that article "plus another big surprise."

The off chance that this gimmick is actually decent for once aside, I so hope we get past the era of every generation needing to satisfy the ADHD set/game haters set with some novel yet ultimately comically unrefined feature that serves more often to confuse and baffle developers with the built-in limitations inherent to the devices and massive steps back from currently established control standards.

I want refinements of what actually works, not more piling on of crap that will like improve a half of a genre like Kinect.

God I just hope this thing has buttons. I buckled for the remote, but if they drop buttons for touchscreen imitation buttons I really just won't buy the system. That's unacceptable. I hate these goddamn rumours


Gabe told Nintendo, make forth with built in biofeedback and I will bestow L4D3 upon thee.


I can only imagine what the next Super Mario game is going to be like on Nintendo's next home console. The plumber just conquered the galaxy twice! What's next?

My eyeballs would explode in excitement if Capcom announces Monster Hunter 4 for it.


GodDuckman said:
GodDuckman's Avatar
I think this topic proves that Amirox is the undisputed God of NeoGAF.

no hero worship plz just a guy with strong opinions like anyone else

i approve of Daleks, though. Let's say I am God of the Daleks.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NEO0MJ said:
But you saw how it went in the long run this gen, with wii sales horribly low this month. Like some said it has to be capable of playing the same games as the other systems or 3rd party support for it will drop.

Again, selling half of your competition's totals for a year still doesn't come anywhere near crushing them for over 3 years.


Vinci said:
I like how you're completely ignoring the current economic landscape surrounding game publishers these days. If they can, they will port to anything. Anything. They cannot afford to ignore a comparable system just because Nintendo makes it. Many of them have been bleeding for the last four to five years. They don't have the luxury of being picky like they were in the past. If the Wii were HD, I guarantee you every major release would be on it. Period.

And that will be true with this system.
If they weren't willing to support the GameCube, which was technically superior to the PS2.

What makes you think they will support this next console? especially if next Xbox & PlayStation are generation ahead and close to each other in power? I just see another repeat of the past 3 generations, the only difference is that this console might actually sell a lot. I think it's fine to buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo developed games, but always wishing for decent 3rd party support always leave you disappointed.


Hiltz said:
I can only imagine what the next Super Mario game is going to be like on Nintendo's next home console. The plumber just conquered the galaxy twice! What's next?

My eyeballs would explode in excitement if Capcom announces Monster Hunter 4 for it.

How about we see the machine first before we get excited over specific games on it? I'm not sure where MH4 would be best till we've seen all the possible combinations.

neptunes said:
If they weren't willing to support the GameCube, which was technically superior to the PS2.

Because that had nothing to do with that outcome: The PS2 was crowned king before it even launched. Everyone planned something for it. 3rd parties could put their titles predominantly or even exclusively on the PS2 and have a strong chance of return since it had, by far, the largest momentum and eventual install base.

Nowadays, that isn't true. Multiplatform titles are the rule, not the exception. Any additional source of revenue is not only preferable, it's necessary. Again: You are ignoring how drastically the development side of things has changed over this generation. The moment we got game budgets hitting $100 million, the rules had to change.


neptunes said:
If they weren't willing to support the GameCube, which was technically superior to the PS2.

What makes you think they will support this next console? especially if next Xbox & PlayStation are generation ahead and close to each other in power? I just see another repeat of the past 3 generations, the only difference is that this console might actually sell a lot.

Read my comments. Knowing history is great but we're not in $2 million development environment anymore.



Four Swords without the impossible hardware bullshit.

Bring it on. So hyped now. The next 18 months will be the most difficult of my gaming life (alongside the time leading up to MGS2).


Whatever the new controller does I still want it to be sleek and simple like the Wii mote. Here is another cool example of a touch screen remote.



Nolan. said:
Yeah but it's just not sustainable any more I don't think. If Nintendo hopes to continue on with just moulding their home console around a gimmick Sony and MS will always be there to just do it better alongside defining features for their respective consoles. Plus to be honest I just feel like we are hitting a point where the gimmick tank is running low. So maybe it's best to just build a solid console based around what we already have, strengthen those concepts and ideas instead of shifting the playing field for both the developers and gamers constantly. Personally I feel it ends up taking longer to get good solid games out.

Ha, you said it better than I did but wholly agree with this.

Huh? No I meant that I agree with you about the constant evolution of introducing gimmicky hardware. I think Nintendo soars when they don't aspire to "evolve".


GodDuckman said:
Yes, but the difference is that your opinions are actually right.

Agreeing with someone else's opinion doesn't make the opinion right. It just makes two people who think the same.


Utako said:

Four Swords without the impossible hardware bullshit.

Bring it on. So hyped now. The next 18 months will be the most difficult of my gaming life (alongside the time leading up to MGS2).

hehe that is only really good thing from this concept I can think of so far. But if the controller has limited/no buttons outcome still sucks.

1-D_FTW said:
Agreeing with someone else's opinion doesn't make the opinion right. It just makes two people who think the same.

It makes you agree that the opinion is right. Of course, I am always right, so it is a little difficult to find fault in his thesis.
Mithos said:
Yeah but R700 tech is anything from 4350 to 4890 so what did they go for if the went for R700, and why wouldn't that be more then enough compared to what the PS360 has?
R700 is the codename for only one GPU; the 4870x2.

There's no way that would end up in the system but if Nintendo are using a GPU that is more than 10x as powerful as Xenos in their dev kits, then this thing is going to be no slouch.
neptunes said:
If they weren't willing to support the GameCube, which was technically superior to the PS2.

What makes you think they will support this next console? especially if next Xbox & PlayStation are generation ahead and close to each other in power? I just see another repeat of the past 3 generations, the only difference is that this console might actually sell a lot.

phrasing it that way makes it sounds like the wii didn't sell a lot.


Amir0x said:
hehe that is only really good thing from this concept I can think of so far. But if the controller has limited/no buttons outcome still sucks.

It makes you agree that the opinion is right. Of course, I am always right, so it is a little difficult to find fault in his thesis.
If it has no buttons or haptics magic... At least the meltdowns will be enjoyable to watch. My own included!
Nintendo has been trying so hard to be different lately they've lost sight of the fact that there are some things you should swallow your pride on and copy to offer your customers a better experience, like copying MS/Sony online functionality in some way in terms of the way they are set up, high end graphics, good controller, hard drive, new IPs with big budgets etc etc....
has the possibility of using the screen to present all useless HUD information been discussed? a HUD-less screen is ideal for games. especially nintendo games, considering the 'skyward sword' screens everyone cries about around here.


Amir0x said:
It makes you agree that the opinion is right. Of course, I am always right, so it is a little difficult to find fault in his thesis.

How are those long lines for 3DS working out for you ;-)


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
"According to the report, the console will run on a custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three cores, a ATI R700 family GPU with a shader unit at version 4.1, and at least 512mb of RAM, which is “a bit more powerful” than an Xbox 360."

Fuck me Nintendo, stop selling me 5-6 year old hardware at a premium price! I'll probably still bite since Sony and MS are going to be a few years out on their next platforms. And the idea of Zelda/Mario with Xbox360/PS3 level graphics is still cool.

But it really sucks that they take advantage of customers by selling them old tech. Even the Tablets are going to be more powerful than Ninteodo's hardware when it comes out (or soon after). Nintendo first party games is what saves it, that and that Sony's and MS's next consoles are a bit further out.

I'm still annoyed. I was really excited yesterday, thinking "finally a next generation console". Instead I'll get old hardware with some "gimmick" (my choice of words, my opinion which I have a right to) that I might or might not like.

Like I said, Zelda and Mario on Xbox360/PS3 level quality coupled with the "next-generation" still being a few years out will most likely make me bite. I am sure the demos at E3 will be awesome.


I actually agree with gluv65 on this matter. Gamers are too safe and conservative by nature, everything in the process of evolving will be imperfect. I see the Wii as the metamorphosis stage towards something greater. Maybe touch screen is the next step. One thing is clear, we are not going back to the traditional controller.
brochiller said:
I think whoever brought up the idea of the controller having a color e-ink screen has a good idea there.

I don't think e-ink can be redrawn quickly enough to keep pace with a video game. e-ink is a wonderful replacement for INK but it wouldn't work in a gaming system.

One thing I think a (small) screen would be cool for is MGS style puzzles where the answer isn't on the TV, like:

"I've sent you the info."
*messes around in menus and inventories for 5 minutes*
"where the fuck is it?!"
*sees info on controller screen*


The Amiga Brotherhood
Utako said:

Four Swords without the impossible hardware bullshit.

Bring it on. So hyped now. The next 18 months will be the most difficult of my gaming life (alongside the time leading up to MGS2).

Yes, very nice but you'd need still need to buy 3 now very expensive controllers with terrible battery life.

Connectivity has been explored, and there really isn't much there to be gained. Not enough to justify doing something as ridiculous as putting 6 inch HD touchscreens in every controller. I'm hoping these rumours are either off-base, or got exaggerated Chinese whispers style. Anything more than a small VMU style screen for player information, maybe bio-feedback stuff, is complete overkill.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I still think this controller will have buttons but, if it doesn't, I'll join in on the meltdown.

I just can't possibly see Nintendo going this direction after their negative comments toward the App-method of gaming.


-Pyromaniac- said:
Nintendo has been trying so hard to be different lately they've lost sight of the fact that there are some things you should swallow your pride on and copy to offer your customers a better experience, like copying MS/Sony online functionality in some way in terms of the way they are set up, high end graphics, good controller, hard drive, new IPs with big budgets etc etc....

High end graphics is not something you can copy. It's a moving target, and to argue they don't care about visuals is to not understand what they are. Visuals is a component Nintendo has continually refined.

I've argued this generation of hardware was designed to put them out of business, which is why the came out with the Wii and the DS.

I have no doubt Wii 2 will be more conventional, but it will have something that will make it different.


a touch panel/screen could be nice for some games or for menus, but if has to show animated / advanced graphics it would need extra battery for both screen and performance, as well as price for extra controllers would climb quite a bit.


robor said:
Huh? No I meant that I agree with you about the constant evolution of introducing gimmicky hardware. I think Nintendo soars when they don't aspire to "evolve".

Ha must have interpreted it wrong but yup I agree with that sentiment, I really hope Nintendo can get me excited come E3.


thecouncil said:
has the possibility of using the screen to present all useless HUD information been discussed? a HUD-less screen is ideal for games. especially nintendo games, considering the 'skyward sword' screens everyone cries about around here.
Wouldn't looking down to view HUD information be distracting to the gameplay? I could see it being used for quick switch style stuff like inventory etc but not as a full HUD.


Deku said:
Read my comments. Knowing history is great but we're not in $2 million development environment anymore.
The actual dollar figure is irrelevant, It's all relative anyway. I think $ 2 million was considered a lot back then. Especially when compared to the N64/GC days.

There's no reason why the Wii didn't even get half of the 3rd party games the PS2 had, but look where where we are now. Third parties could have ported their most established IPs.

Where was the Wii iteration of [insert AAA 3rd party franchise here], "shit they could have just ported the PS2 game etc..."


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The controller screen should never be a full hud replacement, just an additional piece to use for info or a quick view aspect (again like the VMU). Maybe use it for tips or to help locate objects. Immersion, not distraction.

Hiltz said:
I can only imagine what the next Super Mario game is going to be like on Nintendo's next home console. The plumber just conquered the galaxy twice! What's next?

Actual plumbing. He'll have no idea what to do.


This is what I had in mind, excuse the terrible graphics:




Something like this would add a lot of functionality above just pressing it like a button, like being able to have a sliding interface. And of course, being a screen, the buttons could be mapped in anyway they want to, and even label them conveniently.


Amir0x said:
hehe that is only really good thing from this concept I can think of so far. But if the controller has limited/no buttons outcome still sucks.

It makes you agree that the opinion is right. Of course, I am always right, so it is a little difficult to find fault in his thesis.

Maps, inventory management, stats, extra interfacing options (like extra virtual buttons) come to mind as well. I hope the controller has a high quality speaker in there as well. That would work well in combination.


neptunes said:
If they weren't willing to support the GameCube, which was technically superior to the PS2.

What makes you think they will support this next console? especially if next Xbox & PlayStation are generation ahead and close to each other in power? I just see another repeat of the past 3 generations, the only difference is that this console might actually sell a lot. I think it's fine to buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo developed games, but always wishing for decent 3rd party support always leave you disappointed.

Problem is, that most everyone is assuming that the X720 and PS4 are going to be a huge step up from the 360 and PS3.

I don't think they will be. In fact, I see them taking about the same step that Nintendo did going from the Cube to the Wii. I'm guessing what they will be aiming for will be to get a solid 720p/1080p(no more sub-hd resolutions) standard with a solid and stable 30fps with all the bells and whistles on.

If Nintendo can position themselves at just slightly better than the PS3, they will be in a good position where they can possibly repeat the success that Sony had with the PS2. Will it happen? Who knows. But at least it will be interesting.


I hope the hd screen is just a tiny little feature thing on the controller and not the whole point. Wouldn't the controller be slightly expensive with any kind of screen on it? Maybe this is not even true. *fingers crossed
DoomXploder7 said:
with almost everything now days being multiplat i just want it to be close enough in the range of 720/ps4 for developers to just say "sure why not, nintendo console as well, more money our way"

Thats what I take from the "Much stronger than the PS3" bit.
They want to make a true gen jump so that they don't run into the same problem with games as they did this gen because then devs could easily port games to what will likely be the lead console next gen.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Plinko said:
I still think this controller will have buttons but, if it doesn't, I'll join in on the meltdown.

I just can't possibly see Nintendo going this direction after their negative comments toward the App-method of gaming.

I can't see Nintendo abandoning something they've used since the Game & Watch days either. The buttons are there for a reason.

But even talk of a touchscreen in the controllers is quite baffling, so little to gain with massive downsides of cost, fragility and battery life.
Deku said:
High end graphics is not something you can copy. It's a moving target, and to argue they don't care about visuals is to not understand what they are. Visuals is a component Nintendo has continually refined.

I've argued this generation of hardware was designed to put them out of business, which is why the came out with the Wii and the DS.

I have no doubt Wii 2 will be more conventional, but it will have something that will make it different.
When the other 2 companies did it 5-6 years ago and you haven't, it becomes a trend you can copy =p
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