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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Lonely1 said:
But what modern card can they include in the system that approaches to an 4870x2 without being a power hungry, super hot GPU?
Yeah, I get the feeling that we will definitely not see anything like that. My money is on a derivative of the (4/5)8(5/7)0.


Amir0x said:
not a god controller at all. Any controller with all this shit attached would be an unergonomic mess. Like a fucking transformer with spikes or some shit.

That's why I think there is either detachable segments or multiple controller types.

I was thinking it might just ship with two controllers, a classic type and the wiimote revision. I cant really imagine a segmented controller with detachable parts.


Just saw the information about the controller stuff and it sounds amazing. I just hope the tech is at the same level as PS4/720 or isn't too far off.
Woke up to see if anything had been confirmed. This is starting to sound too good to be true. Imagine the backlash if this turns out to be a giant hoax.


y'all should be ashamed
DECK'ARD said:
But even talk of a touchscreen in the controllers is quite baffling, so little to gain with massive downsides of cost, fragility and battery life.
Yeah, that's what I can't wrap my head around. I can understand the uniqueness of the screen- maybe setting up a security camera in a multiplayer game so you have it on your controller while playing normally on your TV, inventory lists, and so on. But man, the limitations you put on that controller might not be worth it.

It's exactly the same problem I have with the 3DS- the 3D is great, but comes with the low battery life, hindered graphical performance and limitations on control input such as tilting. I don't feel the 3D was worth it in a gameplay sense, but marketing wise, sure I guess.
Amir0x said:
it said triggers and a d-pad. Seems pretty mute about the uh more important things like ANALOGS and buttons. Either way, if any of these buttons are left off, the system becomes essentially worthless (and indisputably inferior) for controlling games unless the system ships with multiple controllers and this is just one option

That, or this thing is like the Wiimote in the sense that it can be used on its own, and is the base controller for the system, but it lets you attach extensions to it.

I agree that no mention of analogs is worrying as "others" probably refers to stuff like Home/Power button.

EDIT: disregard that last sentence, Jim Reilly relieved us both. :)


brochiller said:
Unless the console is EXTREMELY more powerful than the PS3, it will simply emulate Wii games in 480p. To upscale games like the Dolphin emulator does you need a processor vastly more powerful than the one that is currently in the Wii. Even high-end PC processors have trouble doing it.
You forget that PCs are jumping through numerous hoops to emulate a PowerPC based CPU on x86, though. If Nintendo sticks with PowerPC, it would be much, much easier.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Even if new Sony/MS hardware is vastly more powerful (analogous to this generation), things could work out less awfully for Nintendo. Last time Wii's success came too surprisingly late, by which time most everyone had moved on to post-Wii-level projects. If Wii had released and made a splash before the HD transition point-of-no-return, we'd probably have a lot more Wii/HD multiplatform games like Sengoku Basara 3.

I definitely think there is no way things will be as bad for Wii HD as it was for Wii. There's no way you could go lower. No place to go but up imo.


comedy bomb said:
Woke up to see if anything had been confirmed. This is starting to sound too good to be true. Imagine the backlash if this turns out to be a giant hoax.

Discrete sources, it seems like. There's definitely something on the horizon.
I predict having the option to display/play games streamed to the 3DS locallly, a la Remote Play.

EDIT: With the games rendering in 3D when played on 3DS, of course.


Amir0x said:
I definitely think there is no way things will be as bad for Wii HD as it was for Wii. There's no way you could go lower. No place to go but up imo.
Definitely. Even if 3rd party support winds up looking like the Gamecube's, it'll still be head and shoulders above what the Wii got from some of the major developers this generation.
Orayn said:

This is wonderful news if it's true. As a big fan of both dual analog and pointer/nunchuk setups, having either at my disposal would be amazing.

that jpg says it all, so long as the controls are versatile and offer traditional options then this will be great.
Bentendo said:
Phew. If this rumor is true does this mean it truly will be a traditional controller and not a Wii Remote remake? I can't see the Wii Remote having two analogs and a d-pad.
If we are to believe all the rumors, the controllers will weigh 2 pounds and you'll need 3 hands to use them.


Instro said:
I was thinking it might just ship with two controllers, a classic type and the wiimote revision. I cant really imagine a segmented controller with detachable parts.
Could they just have to different packages? One with Wii Remote out of the the box the other with the classic style. I just don't see them putting both in the same package.


I could see Nintendo launch Zelda in september as rumored earlier. That leaves the november spot open for Wii 2. I was convinced they'd make the 3DS their top holiday attraction but I'm not sure anymore.


So if we're reverting back to dual-analog stick gamepads, where does that leave pointer mechanics? Is Nintendo admitting it just didn't work out so well, or are we expected to keep two entirely different sets of controllers?
Neiteio said:
I'm not. Nintendo's the only thing that seems to get this forum excited these days. It's engrained in our gamer DNA, all dem warm fuzzy memories. Nintendo's conference this year will nuke GAF's servers.

In terms of graphics, if this thing can run, say, God of War III, I say that's more than good enough. Improvements beyond that game (in its best moments, I mean, I.E. Poseidon, etc) is splitting hairs.

44 pages late....but I honestly doubt Nintendos graphic artists are that capable, skyward sword and hey even TP, thus far their most gorgeous game(s) still pale in comparison to those gorgeous games from other developers. They just arent driven to make amazing graphics games and drop the ball when they have ample opportunity to do so (Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 3DS remakes Skyward Sword)... and they will probably still use one of the most loudest disk drives Ive ever encountered, all that loading in Brawl.


If they replace dual analogues with the point controls I'm out.

Such a backward move and most of the Wii base wont move to dual Analogue either.

Maybe they will be just there for the gaming grognards who won't get with the times.

EDIt Reverse; if the replace the pointer controls with dual analogues.


I just hope Nintendo won't fuck up the controller part of their next console again. In their efforts to simplify controls with the Wii, they somehow managed to make it worse for anyone that actually uses it for more than a single game. There's a pile of different controllers, add-ons, controller set-ups and calibration options, not to mention the stupid straps, rubber jackets and empty batteries. And, excluding wavebird, none of them are really comfortable.

Just give me a pointer and a standalone classic type controller in the box and design your game for either of those, not both.


comedy bomb said:
Woke up to see if anything had been confirmed. This is starting to sound too good to be true. Imagine the backlash if this turns out to be a giant hoax.

Err it seriously sounds like a hoax to me. The controller sounds ridiculous.
One area where the Wii 2 will stop lagging behind will be if it actually outputs in 1080p. Just running in the same resolution as the other consoles will be a huge boon.


Unconfirmed Member
brochiller said:
Unless the console is EXTREMELY more powerful than the PS3, it will simply emulate Wii games in 480p. To upscale games like the Dolphin emulator does you need a processor vastly more powerful than the one that is currently in the Wii. Even high-end PC processors have trouble doing it.
No, to emulate the system you need a powerful CPU, once you do that there's no difference in rendering the graphics at 480p or 1440p, (granted you have a GPU powerful enough to handle such resolutions). That being said, is safe to assume that it will render wii games at 480p for compatibility sake.


[Nintex] said:
I could see Nintendo launch Zelda in september as rumored earlier. That leaves the november spot open for Wii 2. I was convinced they'd make the 3DS their top holiday attraction but I'm not sure anymore.

You're assuming the Wii 2 would launch this year?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
[Nintex] said:
I could see Nintendo launch Zelda in september as rumored earlier. That leaves the november spot open for Wii 2. I was convinced they'd make the 3DS their top holiday attraction but I'm not sure anymore.
I doubt the Wii 2 would come out this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see Zelda HD Edition pop up at launch once it releases, though.


M74 said:
So if we're reverting back to dual-analog stick gamepads, where does that leave pointer mechanics? Is Nintendo admitting it just didn't work out so well, or are we expected to keep two entirely different sets of controllers?
It means we're either heading for a big split between the two methods, or some sort of modular controller system.
Really, really hoping for the latter. It would open so many doors.
Amir0x said:
That's why I think there is either detachable segments or multiple controller types.

I'll accept this. but I sure as hell will not go back to being hunched over with my shoulders slumped after the split-up goodness of the wiimote. Plus I gots to have my pointer.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
zoukka said:
Err it seriously sounds like a hoax to me. The controller sounds ridiculous.
To be fair, we have different sources saying different stuff. We shouldn't mesh all them together randomly.


Vagabundo said:
If they replace dual analogues with the point controls I'm out.

Such a backward move and most of the Wii base wont move to dual Analogue either.

Maybe they will be just there for the gaming grognards who won't get with the times.
A well-implemented pointer and a second analog stick are pretty much interchangeable, though. I'd love to see games give me both options.
Skiesofwonder said:
The problem is Amir0x, and please don't take offense to this, but you and your opinion is basically obsolete. Because your opinion belongs to a very small minority (though a majority on GAF), but in the grand schemes of things, a minority.

There's a world of difference between people being open to new ideas and people demanding a constant parade of gimmicks.

Me, I'm very open. I thought touchscreen on DS was a great idea; I thought motion control on Wii was a great idea.* I believed both would create new forms of gameplay and prove to be valuable tools in the arsenal of game developers, and I was right.

The thing is, both were still embryonic in their first runs. Both had much more room to expand. I'm much more interested in seeing games continue to expand and refine both, while also using more "traditional" controls where necessary.

In general, I think it's much more valuable to introduce only good new ideas and to try to spend time making them work better. Buying into the "there must be a new AAA-level gimmick every time!" mindset is prioritizing lowest-common-denominator snake-oil marketing over actual gameplay benefits.

*Let's assume I mean pointing here, which is extremely useful, rather than "waggle" which is mostly shitty.

Deku said:
Yes back in 2006 I thought multi-touch would be a shoe in, but having used them on iOS onther other devices it is not precise enough nor is it practical enough to provide real evolution or refinement over resisitive screens, especially not when you need to deal with precise touch controls for DS BC.

In terms of "refined touch controls" both 3DS and NGP get rolled by the iPad, anyway, since the single most important factor for better touch gaming is a larger play area.
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Does Nintendo have a habit of denying rumours? Or do they keep silent about them regardless of whether they are true or not?

It's pretty standard corporate practice to deny rumors until they're ready to announce anything. Especially Nintendo. (GBA SP announcement was an extreme example--IIRC, NOE denied new GBA model, and it was announced by NCL/NOA within days.)
Maybe thats what that guy from Capcom was talking about. How you can take the game from Super Wii and play it in 3D and on-the-go on the 3DS or something? I got nothing.


HisshouBuraiKen said:
I'll accept this. but I sure as hell will not go back to being hunched over with my shoulders slumped after the split-up goodness of the wiimote. Plus I gots to have my pointer.

Yeah, the pointer is the one thing I want kept from Wiimote. I want all systems to have pointer. That's one of the rare gimmicks that have actually worked out just ok with few problems at all.
M74 said:
So if we're reverting back to dual-analog stick gamepads, where does that leave pointer mechanics? Is Nintendo admitting it just didn't work out so well, or are we expected to keep two entirely different sets of controllers?

Well it is meant to be backwardly compatible, which suggests Wiimotes will work. Perhaps a new native controller will be boxed in & people can choose to support the Wiimote Motion +?


EmCeeGramr said:
One area where the Wii 2 will stop lagging behind will be if it actually outputs in 1080p. Just running in the same resolution as the other consoles will be a huge boon.

I hope they aim their 1st party effort so that they run 60fps minimum still. I don't care about the resolution.


apana said:
dual analog, wii remote, touch screen: at some point something has to give. This is gonna be some god like controller.
two problems could occur:

1. How on earth are you going to use these at once? Just seems like way too many inputs.

2. Battery life = 2 minutes.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Does Nintendo have a habit of denying rumours? Or do they keep silent about them regardless of whether they are true or not?

Um usually if asked its just the standard "we dont comment on rumors/speculation". They have certainly been oddly silent about the whole thing, which makes me wonder if they are the source for a lot of this info?


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Does Nintendo have a habit of denying rumours? Or do they keep silent about them regardless of whether they are true or not?
Strong denial = You're very close, or you're very wrong.
Generic "no comment" = You're either partially right, or so off-base that it's not even worth addressing.


HisshouBuraiKen said:
Yes except you would have to take your eyes off the action because you can't use your sense of touch to realize you're using the right area of the screen. "Haptic" vibration feedback won't cut it.

It could be textured in a way that you'd know where things would be.
Amir0x said:
Yeah, the pointer is the one thing I want kept from Wiimote. I want all systems to have pointer. That's one of the rare gimmicks that have actually worked out just ok with few problems at all.

Did you consider analogue sticks to be a gimmick?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Roll on the 25th and hope we get something from Nintendo. This is getting out of control.

Streaming games makes very little sense as well. Its not foolproof wirelessly, and there's lag if its a realtime thing. If it's downloading and running little self-contained things on the controller then you are encroaching on the 3DS territory, not to mention adding hugely to the cost of the controller.

This is all quite frankly bizarre, and very un-Nintendo. If you take all these rumours as fact you are going to end up with a controller that looks like the NGP. Big, costly, fragile, and totally opposite to what they did with the Wii.



Unconfirmed Member
Orayn said:
Yeah, I get the feeling that we will definitely not see anything like that. My money is on a derivative of the (4/5)8(5/7)0.
I believe that we will something approaching a 5670. (and yes, that's a gen ahead of the 360/Ps3).
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