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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Cerebral Assassin said:
Well it is meant to be backwardly compatible, which suggests Wiimotes will work. Perhaps a new native controller will be boxed in & people can choose to support the Wiimote Motion +?

Well, per Edge the controller has superior motion controls to Move as well.
udivision said:
You ARE the console, the Wii 2 is the controller, and the 3DS is the only game.


Way I see it, this thing's already gonna cost a bomb, if they want to throw in everything and the kitchen sink to allow as many control methods as possible, then fine by me. From what it sounds like, this thing should support traditional dual analogue setup and the pointer setup, so that'd be awesome.

Announcement this month yeah?
MindCollizion said:
Maybe thats what that guy from Capcom was talking about. How you can take the game from Super Wii and play it in 3D and on-the-go on the 3DS or something? I got nothing.

I'm telling you guys: Remote Play-like "Super Wii" games streamed to the 3DS when played locally. "Don't have a 3D TV? Just pick up a 3DS and you can still play in 3D!" Naturally, that would have to be enabled on a per-game basis (No 2nd analog won't work for every game type), but still!

Who's with me?? Guys...??


They will need some type of mandatory achievement/trophy system like the big boys have to get me (and countless other whores) to place this next to my PS360 in the Mancave.



I'm having a hard time believing all of this stuff will be on the controller, and if is, good god I can only imagine what the price for individual controllers would - $60 and up.
I am so confused as to how a controller can have a screen, dual analogs, two bumpers, two triggers, and still maintain pointer functionality.


Cerebral Assassin said:
Did you consider analogue sticks to be a gimmick?

No, because it wasn't a gimmick. Some things are gimmicks, some things are not. The things I describe as "gimmicks" are typically features that improve VERY FEW genres or gameplay if at all, and generally serve to introduce a slew of new problems that make gaming worse (or at the very least, less fun). Alternatively, they're just massive step backs from current standards with the "benefit" being the laughable "IMMERZIONLOL" defense.


Amir0x said:
Yeah, the pointer is the one thing I want kept from Wiimote. I want all systems to have pointer. That's one of the rare gimmicks that have actually worked out just ok with few problems at all.

Pointer kicks the shit out of dual analog for shooters and pretty much anything that involves aiming the cursor around. I hope Nintendo sticks with it.


Lonely1 said:
I believe that we will something approaching a 5670. (and yes, that's a gen ahead of the 360/Ps3).
Console derivatives of these cards occupy a weird place on the manufacturers' numbered scales. They generally use the same architecture as their PC brethren, but interface, clock speeds, and RAM are anyone's guess.
HisshouBuraiKen said:
I'll accept this. but I sure as hell will not go back to being hunched over with my shoulders slumped after the split-up goodness of the wiimote. Plus I gots to have my pointer.
You love your pointer right? This is going to be Wii BC. You already have your pointer, theres no need for the Super Wii to have anything bundled in for BC, millions of people already own the tool that will still allow them to enjoy their Wii games on the Super Wii. It's all part of the "Wii" family so I think you'll be able to simply connect a Wii-mote to the Super Wii and instantly have BC, while Nintendo releases a core-market controller with this HD screen or whatever which will bring in the core market and western market which they have gradually lost over the years.
Edit: Unless the rumors are true and the new controller also has motion control (more accurate than Move I hear?) but my statement stands. Could still work.


daevv said:
They will need some type of mandatory achievement/trophy system like the big boys have to get me (and countless other whores) to place this next to my PS360 in the Mancave.


Its kind of sad that this is actually true, Im constantly surprised by how much people actually enjoy getting achievements. Its not something I particularly care about but Nintendo has to recognize that at this point its a must.
JoshuaJSlone said:
It surprises me how many find the idea of a new Nintendo machine notably beyond X360/PS3 hard to believe.

People are theorizing based on extremely superficial "pattern recognition" about Nintendo's previous actions instead of looking at what would actually make sense in the marketplace and thinking about how it might fit with Nintendo's corporate culture and philosophy.


Unconfirmed Member
Vagabundo said:
I consider them something that should be consigned to the gaming hall of infamy.
Dual analogs are great for what they were designed for: 3D platformers. They being the standard for FPS/TPS ,and aiming in general, bothers me to no end, though.


If it's a controller with a 6 inch screen and dual analogues...that really doesn't seem to fit with the "better than Move" motion control rumours.

I can't see them dumping the Wii remote entirely..

...but I can't see them including a Super Wii remote, wireless nunchuk and a more classic controller with a six inch screen as well.
Orayn said:
I'm thinking about it as a pair of analog-bearing Wii remotes that can be dropped into some sort of shell or harness together.

For clarification I don't necessarily believe the rumour,, I'm just clearing up what it acctually says.

As for your question, well Nintendo can rely upon one more full process shrink before launch so halve the TDP of equivalent contemporary GPUs for starters then reduce it further because of the efficiencies of an integrated closed box solution. It should absolutely be doable in a 100-150w system, for reference both the PS3 and 360 launched with a TDP in excess of 200w, so its not totally outlandish. Fwiw, I was always expecting half of that.


EmCeeGramr said:
I am so confused as to how a controller can have a screen, dual analogs, two bumpers, two triggers, and still maintain pointer functionality.

Someone need to photoshop this monstrosity together.

It is a frankenstein controller.


EmCeeGramr said:
I am so confused as to how a controller can have a screen, dual analogs, two bumpers, two triggers, and still maintain pointer functionality.
The only way I could imagine is something like this Revolution controller mockup from IGN back in the day.


Nintendo sure does like to surprise us, though, so I'm really interested in what they've got.


EmCeeGramr said:
I am so confused as to how a controller can have a screen, dual analogs, two bumpers, two triggers, and still maintain pointer functionality.
99% chance of the screen being a relatively minor feature or a complete red herring.
The other stuff points to either two distinct controllers being available, or some sort of merging/morphing controller Megazord.
I feel like a broken record but if this thing is only marginally more powerful that the current HD offerings then no buy for me.

I want to believe. I really do...


EmCeeGramr said:
Oh man the controller is going to have StreetPass isn't it.

who would tug a controller around with them

especially one that is clearly going to look like freakazoid with all these rumours ;)


Kaizer said:
I'm having a hard time believing all of this stuff will be on the controller, and if is, good god I can only imagine what the price for individual controllers would - $60 and up.

And what the battery life will be.

Oh, and $60 is such a modest assumption.


EmCeeGramr said:
I am so confused as to how a controller can have a screen, dual analogs, two bumpers, two triggers, and still maintain pointer functionality.

I'm assuming the pointer will be separate, but everything else is just odd.

Jim Reilly's tweet points to a dual analog and a screen on the same pad. So if you have dual analog, triggers, and presumably face buttons, and a screen big enough to "stream game content from the console" (and possibly have touch) and not cause an eyestrain, then how large is this thing?


Junior Member
Xdrive05 said:
Zelda on a >360 chipset would be nice. No more goddamn 7 polygon trees. Speaking of... SS a Wii 2 launch title? :p

Probably not. They could get away with it with Twilight Princess because the Wii was still basically the same "generation" as the Gamecube hardware-wise. No matter what, at this point the Wii2 will be a significant leap over what Skyward Sword is being designed for. That said, if it does happen, I will be pissed... and I will buy it just to have Zelda in 1080p.

To Amir0x:

I think no matter what happens, we'll see more refinement in motion controls next gen. It'll probably be in all three consoles from day one, so every developer will at least be dabbling in it.

This gen we did get motion controls, but we also got refined online functionality on consoles. I think you can innovate one thing and refine another thing in the same generation.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Vagabundo said:
Someone need to photoshop this monstrosity together.

It is a frankenstein controller.

I'm putting it down to Chinese whispers gone mad at the moment.

It sounds totally ridiculous and impractical.


Amir0x said:
No, because it wasn't a gimmick. Some things are gimmicks, some things are not. The things I describe as "gimmicks" are typically features that improve VERY FEW genres or gameplay if at all, and generally serve to introduce a slew of new problems that make gaming worse (or at the very least, less fun). Alternatively, they're just massive step backs from current standards with the "benefit" being the laughable "IMMERZIONLOL" defense.

Analog sticks were not a boon for every genre either, they were noticeably inferior for any type of game that needed good response time, like fighters. Analog sticks were a much slower type of control input.

Amir0x said:
who would tug a controller around with them

especially one that is clearly going to look like freakazoid with all these rumours ;)

I'm sure it will be very portable, like the Wii remote.


Whatever they do with the controller, they SHOULD NOT remove the pointer.
Dedication Through Light said:
44 pages late....but I honestly doubt Nintendos graphic artists are that capable, skyward sword and hey even TP, thus far their most gorgeous game(s) still pale in comparison to those gorgeous games from other developers. They just arent driven to make amazing graphics games and drop the ball when they have ample opportunity to do so (Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 3DS remakes Skyward Sword)... and they will probably still use one of the most loudest disk drives Ive ever encountered, all that loading in Brawl.
Mario Galaxy means you're wrong.
EmCeeGramr said:
Oh man the controller is going to have StreetPass isn't it.


Bwahaha, I was hyped before but now reading all (well, not all, I'm not a masochist) these GAF comments, I'm even more hyped just to see a) what the fuck this thing is and b) meltdowns.


EmCeeGramr said:
Oh man the controller is going to have StreetPass isn't it.
I was just thinking of this... What if the controller, or some component of it, has a hefty amount of storage space, or an SD card slot? You could keep your entire gamer profile on the thing, and take it wherever you wanted to play.


That controller better be modular as all hell, or it's going to be a monstrosity and impossible to hold comfortably... unless...


N64's turn for revenge?


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
No, because it wasn't a gimmick. Some things are gimmicks, some things are not. The things I describe as "gimmicks" are typically features that improve VERY FEW genres or gameplay if at all, and generally serve to introduce a slew of new problems that make gaming worse (or at the very least, less fun). Alternatively, they're just massive step backs from current standards with the "benefit" being the laughable "IMMERZIONLOL" defense.

So basically you're creating your own definitions for english words now.

Zeliard said:
Pointer kicks the shit out of dual analog for shooters and pretty much anything that involves aiming the cursor around. I hope Nintendo sticks with it.

Pointer functionality is unquestionably a success. As a tool available to developers, it's a huge improvement for gaming and one that should be standard on every platform.

I honestly think it's fine if Nintendo keeps pointing standard as a secondary controller. If I were them, I'd sell the system with one each of an upgraded Wiimote Plus and a... whatever this new thing is in the box. You are basically never going to need both functionalities simultaneously, you can use the new system's controller for games that demand dual analog or other more traditional setups or the Wiimotes for motion games. Plus a large portion of their audience will already own one or more Wiimotes anyway.
Dude it's so going to have Street Pass or some other social feature. Remember how Wii remotes can have Miis in them and Nintendo was all "oh you can take them to your friend's house and use data on the remote"? I'm like 80% sure now and that there will be some Iwata Asks where they're like "well if you remember this feature from the Wii."
Amir0x said:
No, because it wasn't a gimmick. Some things are gimmicks, some things are not. The things I describe as "gimmicks" are typically features that improve VERY FEW genres or gameplay if at all, and generally serve to introduce a slew of new problems that make gaming worse (or at the very least, less fun). Alternatively, they're just massive step backs from current standards with the "benefit" being the laughable "IMMERZIONLOL" defense.

Then why would you consider Pointer controls to be a gimmick, FPS's, RTS,s(theoretically anyway) hell any genre that requires a lot of menu interactions would(have) be(en) improved by pointer controls.


Zeliard said:
Pointer kicks the shit out of dual analog for shooters and pretty much anything that involves aiming the cursor around. I hope Nintendo sticks with it.

The only thing I can agree with regarding the Wiimote.


There should definitely be pointer controls. They should be standard everywhere.

Vinci said:
That controller better be modular as all hell, or it's going to be a monstrosity and impossible to hold comfortably... unless...


N64's turn for revenge?

Something like the N64's design will be great for choosing between two types of gameplay (analog and D-Pad for N64), but it may scare off those who aren't used to controllers (like back in the N64 days).
Amir0x said:
No, because it wasn't a gimmick. Some things are gimmicks, some things are not. The things I describe as "gimmicks" are typically features that improve VERY FEW genres or gameplay if at all, and generally serve to introduce a slew of new problems that make gaming worse (or at the very least, less fun). Alternatively, they're just massive step backs from current standards with the "benefit" being the laughable "IMMERZIONLOL" defense.
How could you possibly consider a pointer to be a gimmick then? The possibilities from that were clear from the moment it was shown.


DragonKnight said:
I feel like a broken record but if this thing is only marginally more powerful that the current HD offerings then no buy for me.

I want to believe. I really do...
It's a worst case scenario, but it still looks good. This is the first generation where developers have managed to build such a comprehensive library of middleware for the consoles of the day. When you realize how easy it is to port content to the 360, this suddenly becomes a wide open door.


ChefRamsay said:
I dunno if it's bad to mention it here in this thread (hopefully not as it might spark interesting conversation) but do these industry-wide rumors mean Sony and MS will have to bump up a teaser for their next-gen hardware this E3 as well?

IMO, I think Fall 2012 is still too soon for PS4/X720.. Fall 2013 at the earliest. Therefore, I doubt Sony and MS were planning on showing anything hardware-related this E3.

But... now do they "have" to?

I don't think they have to do anything, they can sit back and see what Nintendo has to show this year and then make their moves at next year's E3 still before Wii 2 even launches


Could pointer functionality work with a traditional controller? Obviously it would WORK, but would it be as accessible as the Wii's pointer is?
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