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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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gofreak said:
The article says that a sensor 'corresponding to the sensor bar' is incorporated in the controller.

If true/accurate, that could mean a couple of things but the article isn't clear on what exactly. Perhaps that there's some sensor setup that renders the sensor bar redundant, or that beacons tracked from another point are included in the controller (instead of the controller tracking them on a sensor bar, as in Wii).
All the rumors sound a little crazy but that one I felt had to be some kind of mistranslation or something. I have a feeling that once everything is unveiled there will be very little that matches what's being described in that French article.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less than PS3
- Ps3 level
- More than PS3
- WAY more than PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- Sensor bar is controller
- Camera is Controller
- HD screen on controller
- System is controller
- God is the controller


charlequin said:
I honestly think it's fine if Nintendo keeps pointing standard as a secondary controller. If I were them, I'd sell the system with one each of an upgraded Wiimote Plus and a... whatever this new thing is in the box. You are basically never going to need both functionalities simultaneously, you can use the new system's controller for games that demand dual analog or other more traditional setups or the Wiimotes for motion games. Plus a large portion of their audience will already own one or more Wiimotes anyway.

That's exactly what I was trying to say. Keep the pointer as a secondary method of input, possibly for controlling very basic, smartphone type games, but basically for navigational purposes. But also pack every console with a traditional type controller. Coupled with a reasonable CPU and GPU This will make it easier for third parties to support Nintendo's console.
I think Move is history. It's not popular, doesn't have the same breadth as a regular controller, and is not going to be packed in for free with future consoles.


Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less then PS3
- Ps3 level
- More then PS3
- WAY more then PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- HD screen on controller

it's than man, not then.


Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less then PS3
- Ps3 level
- More then PS3
- WAY more then PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- HD screen on controller

Welcome to any thread that can be summed up as, "Nintendo does _________"

Doesn't matter what _________ is. If there's a ____________ coupled with a 'Nintendo,' expect zany shit to ensue.


Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less then PS3
- Ps3 level
- More then PS3
- WAY more then PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- HD screen on controller
Bolded the ones that are pretty much given.


EmCeeGramr said:
Hideo Kojima will say "Wow, this [INSERT_NEW_INTERFACE] is the greatest thing ever. It's what I always wanted. I'm really excited and filled with ideas." and then he'll just keep making MGS games for standard platforms.
and this time they'll really be his last mgs games. like, really for reals guys.
brain_stew said:
The network problem has already been solved though, just not by Nintendo.

Oh, I agree completely. I'm not saying it would be easy for Nintendo to eliminate this problem (setting up a large distributed network app is never easy) but it would be thoroughly plausible. The problem is literally pride and/or ignorance causing Nintendo to believe it's not an important problem to solve when it's actually vital.

For all that we make fun of them, I'm sure even GameSpy could actually deliver an acceptable system for Nintendo, given proper instructions and a suitable budget and timeframe.
R700 series is the name of the GPU family used in the HD 4xxx cards, although R700 name is also used on 4870x2 GPU. The article mentions R700-series GPU, not R700 GPU so it doesn't seem to imply 4870x2. Also, using 4870x2 on dev kit or final console makes little sense, ATI has had comparable single chip GPU's for some while that are more efficient.
Gamescoopz is reporting that the Wii-Tu Controller will also contain two miniature German stick grenades.

AniHawk said:
and this time they'll really be his last mgs games. like, really for reals guys.

Well this time he needs to tell the missing link story of how Big Boss got his coat and met Naomi's parents.
Amir0x said:
No, I don't consider it a gimmick. I just meant to emphasize that it was the only new "addition" that I want, out of the many gimmicks that they did include on the wiimote. I couldn't find the right language to separate it from the other additions - the actual gimmicks - while simultaneously noting it wasn't a gimmick.

The fact that it worked so well for most of the genres it was applied to logically by my own definition means it is not a gimmick.

Fair enough, although I hope refined motion controls(useful for party games & certain sports) & split controller design(as unlikely as that seems with the current rumours) also carry over(if the can apapt the speaker to be a mic too, that would be awesome as well)


Amir0x said:
You don't lose creativity because you stop strapping every gadget and doodad your R&D team searches up on google and latches together for fifty cents. In fact, when you are able to stop worrying about the new set of limitations introduced by whatever unrefined gimmick is now being attached to your system, you can focus on nothing BUT good gameplay and nothing BUT being creative.

The reality for me is that for me this has been some of Nintendo's least creative generations I've seen. Certainly it has been wildly successful, no one is denying it. But they've been one massive disappointment after another, with only really Mario Galaxy (and I'm presuming Skyward Sword) really demonstrating anything super creative, even from a gameplay perspective. They've got a lot of "concepts", most unrefined. Shallow sports games - WITH MOTION! Shallow party games - WITH MOTION! Fitness games - WITH MOTION and a board. I mean, all these genres existed before and in better form. They've just been latched (successfully, obviously) to a really attractive mass market gimmick.

So obviously, as far as not thinking it hurt Nintendo, that's not something we'll find common ground on. This has been a terrible gen for Nintendo, and were it not for Mario Galaxy, almost complete unsalvageable from the creativity standpoint you're held up on.

This is just unfounded anxiety. There is no better chance of wrongly feeling your game is amazing on better hardware than there is on worse hardware.

This can't be quoted enough. I agree. Focus on the games. They spend entirely too much time worrying about gimmicks. Sure their games still turn out good but they have dropped in quality since they took on this focus on gimmicks.


Coen said:
That's exactly what I was trying to say. Keep the pointer as a secondary method of input, possibly for controlling very basic, smartphone type games, but basically for navigational purposes. But also pack every console with a traditional type controller. Coupled with a reasonable CPU and GPU This will make it easier for third parties to support Nintendo's console.
The early news of dual analogs suggests that neither method will be primary of secondary. Like I said before, a well-done pointer system and a second analog stick are very interchangeable, so there's no reason we wouldn't see robust support for both.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Willy105 said:
I'm sure the controller will be a lot closer to the Wii remote than many here think. A lot of the rumors here may not have to be about the remote controller, it could be something else, like a Classic Controller.

Yeah I think it will be a lot closer to the remote as well, and Chinese whispers are in full-effect. A little screen/touchscreen in the remote I could see, and have some benefits. Especially if bio-feedback is a feature of the system as it can display information relative to each player. A big touch-screen controller with dual analog is just frankly bizarre.

There is no way in my opinion Nintendo will go from the remote to effectively a dumb-NGP looking controller. It would be intimidating as Hell to people used to the Wii, big, fragile, expensive and with useless battery-life.

Not to mention there isn't a compelling reason why the screen should even be in there, not enough to justify the obvious downsides. Fantasy stuff like streaming games has practical problems with wireless and lag, not to mention what is even the point when you'd have to get up to change them and how they'd be encroaching on the territory of the 3DS.

Roll on some concrete information.


Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less than PS3
- Ps3 level
- More than PS3
- WAY more than PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- Sensor bar is controller
- Camera is Controller
- HD screen on controller
- System is controller
- God is the controller

- Nintendo Yuu Yuu are the console.


Sirius said:
Dude, as long as it can do 720p HD @ 60fps (1080p would be a bonus) I'm sold.. I've spent generations dreaming about Nintendo titles in pristine HD.. this becoming a reality (and at a fluid screen refresh rate for all those playing the HD emulators at home) is a dream come true.

Thing is, as charlequin was noting before, Nintendo doesn't have to create performance-intensive games to make them look really good (the proof is in how certain first-party Wii games like Mario Galaxy look in Dolphin at high res), so potentially some of their titles could reach the coveted 1080p @ 60 FPS mark with a striking-yet-undemanding art style.

charlequin said:
Yes, especially since Sony will almost certainly ship with Move 2 day-and-date on the PS4. If people have to play shooters on consoles, moving to a world where they utilize superior-to-dual-analogs pointer controls would be a very good step.

It would also begin to unshackle devs from having to develop around the dual analog handicap in shooters. More freedom of motion and precision means that devs can do a lot more with level design, since they don't have to play to some poor sap playing twiddlesticks and trying to control movement solely with their thumbs.


One of the previous rumors stated that the controller is "better than move". So I assume it does have some kind of pointer/motion abilities built in.

Yay at pointing things.
EmCeeGramr said:
Hideo Kojima will say "Wow, this [INSERT_NEW_INTERFACE] is the greatest thing ever. It's what I always wanted. I'm really excited and filled with ideas." and then he'll just keep making MGS games for standard platforms.



Zeliard said:
It would also begin to unshackle devs from having to develop around the dual analog handicap in shooters. More freedom of motion and precision means that devs can do a lot more with level design, since they don't have to play to some poor sap playing twiddlesticks and trying to control movement solely with their thumbs.
The very thought of Nintendo spearheading a revival of fast, arcadey FPS games makes me want to post some inspiring picture with BELIEVE on it in a huge font. Again.
  • R700(wii2? on left VS x1900 (similar to xenos, 360's gpu)
  • Core clock: 750 vs 575
  • Memory Clock: 1800 mhz (3600 DDR) vs 600 (1200 DDR)
  • Memory Bandwidth: 230.4 GB/s VS 38.4 GB/s
  • FLOPS: 2400 GFLOPS vs unknown
  • Texture Fill rate: 60000 MTexels/Sec vs 6900 Mtexels/sec
  • Direct X: 10.1 vs 9.0c
  • OpenGL: 3.3 vs 2.0
  • texture Units: 80 (40) vs 12 (16)
  • Raster operators: 32(16) vs 12(16)
  • Process: 55nm vs 90nm
What do you think?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Orayn said:
I was just thinking of this... What if the controller, or some component of it, has a hefty amount of storage space, or an SD card slot? You could keep your entire gamer profile on the thing, and take it wherever you wanted to play.
They never really used the wiimotes storage space - sure it was only 6k but you can fit an entire game in 1k of script http://js1k.com/2010-first/demo/736 - or its speaker, so I wonder if they had plans for a controller that was more than just a controller last time, which they will now bring to fruition.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
So IGN picked up on the french site's Project Cafe, but didn't confirm specs.

IGN said:
According to our sources, the new Nintendo controller will feature dual analog sticks in addition to standard d-pad and trigger buttons. It'll mirror a Gamecube controller in general function but not in specific form.

French website 01.net has published additional details (via Develop), that say the touch capable screen on the controller is 6 inches in size, but we were unable to confirm the accuracy of the report. Additional details about the console's hardware specs could also not be confirmed.

Players will actually be able to stream game content to the controller screen from the console. It's unclear at this time what type of content it will be, whether it's full games you can take with you on the go, mini-games or applications.

At E3 in June, our sources also said Nintendo will show first and third party titles at the event, but it's unsure if they'll be playable or only in video form.

Um..... that sounds nothing like the Wiimote.


Unconfirmed Member
Absolute Bastard said:
R700 series is the name of the GPU family used in the HD 4xxx cards, although R700 name is also used on 4870x2 GPU. The article mentions R700-series GPU, not R700 GPU so it doesn't seem to imply 4870x2. Also, using 4870x2 on dev kit or final console makes little sense, ATI has had comparable single chip GPU's for some while that are more efficient.
The same can be said for any R7xx core.


Stephen Colbert said:
For those wondering how powerful the Wii 2 will be, we have good reason to think it will be powered by either the AMD Krishna or the AMD Trinity SOC. The AMD Trinity seems the most likely at this point since it's built on 32nm.


The AMD Krishna is designed to be usable in netbooks and tablets. Krishna uses Bobcat cores that are "AMD's mobile architecture for netbooks, nettops and ultra mobiles."

The Trinity APU is designed for desktops and mainstream laptops and uses much faster Bulldozer cores. Trinity is a combined CPU+GPU in one.

Odds are, Nintendo will be opting for this. It would be downright stupid of this to opt to use a cpu designed for netbooks over a SOC designed for mainstream laptops and using much faster bulldozer cores.

Even using the Trinity, there is a small chance that Nintendo is opening themselves to get leapfrogged by both Sony and Microsoft when they launch in 2013-2014 and become the defacto baseline graphics for next gen games. But if they opt to go with the significantly weaker Krishna, this is pretty much a certainty and we would have a repeat of this generation with MS/Sony getting all the third party support and attention.

So here's hoping they're using Trinity.

So Krishna=Wii 2? That's an awful lot of speculation. Also PS4 to be powered by Jesus confirmed.
slopeslider said:
  • R700(wii2? on left VS x1900 (similar to xenos, 360's gpu)
  • Core clock: 750 vs 575
  • Memory Clock: 1800 mhz (3600 DDR) vs 600 (1200 DDR)
  • Memory Bandwidth: 230.4 GB/s VS 38.4 GB/s
  • FLOPS: 2400 GFLOPS vs unknown
  • Texture Fill rate: 60000 MTexels/Sec vs 6900 Mtexels/sec
  • Direct X: 10.1 vs 9.0c
    [*]OpenGL: 2.1 vs 2.0
  • texture Units: 80 (40) vs 12 (16)
  • Raster operators: 32(16) vs 12(16)
  • Process: 55nm vs 90nm
What do you think?
The R700 series supports OpenGL 3.3. Obviously, it is definately at least a generation beyond 360's GPU.
Zeliard said:
Thing is, as charlequin was noting before, Nintendo doesn't have to create performance-intensive games to make them look really good (the proof is in how certain first-party Wii games like Mario Galaxy look in Dolphin at high res), so potentially some of their titles could reach the coveted 1080p @ 60 FPS mark with a striking-yet-undemanding art style.

Exactly. The huge advantage Nintendo has here is that cartoonish, abstract, heavily stylized, cel-shaded, and simplistic art styles all benefit enormously from HD resolutions while requiring far smaller increases in asset density and development costs. Many first-party Wii games look fantastic in HD resolutions already and wouldn't cost much more to make in a comparable style on an HD-native platform.

The real loser here is Zelda (which either would have to go back to a Wind Waker style or see an unsustainable cost spiral), but fuck Zelda anyway.

It would also begin to unshackle devs from having to develop around the dual analog handicap in shooters.



EmCeeGramr said:
Well this time he needs to tell the missing link story of how Big Boss got his coat and met Naomi's parents.

that already sounds amazing. it'll be one of the year's best games for sure. maybe on the screen that plugs to the top of the ds4, it'll show how old big boss is in years, months, etc all the way down to the most recent second, so we can watch him age decades in real time.
Orayn said:
Bolded the ones that are pretty much given.

Lol, reading all this makes it seem like Nintendo must of sent out a hat with different ideas on pieces of paper, and whatever you pick out, you cite as something that the new Wii 2 will have, which you heard from a reliable source.

A lot of this stuff just sounds fuckin' weird, but some of them sound awesome. Wonder if they'll have a press release for it soon.


Don't care about the power of the system at this point. I just want to see this funky controller. I'm hoping it's like some crazy-ass Japanese sculpture. I want to see this thing and say, "WTF?" in at least three languages.

And then, magically, I want it to work really, really well.


anything is better than a fucking Wiimote at this point. Two analog sticks rumored? thank god. maybe we can actually get some semblance of actual gameplay back into Nintendo games.

and I agree with Amirox's comments about creativity. what do we have? tons of shovelware party games, dancing garbage, and other bargain bin clutter filling the stores for $10. what we got this gen thanks to the 'creativity' of the Wiimote was Mario Galaxy.

I am ready for traditional Nintendo to comeback. I regret getting a Wii so bad at this point.


charlequin said:
Exactly. The huge advantage Nintendo has here is that cartoonish, abstract, heavily stylized, cel-shaded, and simplistic art styles all benefit enormously from HD resolutions while requiring far smaller increases in asset density and development costs. Many first-party Wii games look fantastic in HD resolutions already and wouldn't cost much more to make in a comparable style on an HD-native platform.

The real loser here is Zelda (which either would have to go back to a Wind Waker style or see an unsustainable cost spiral), but fuck Zelda anyway.


I don't know, is Last Guardian breaking the bank for Ueda and Sony? I think there must be ways of managing costs, Zelda is a winner.


Dual analog sticks on controller? That's some good news.

So they're trying to make a dual screen experience on the home console like they did with the portable console. I'm down for some of that.
apana said:
I just realized that the first year that Pachter doesn't predict Wii 2, it actually happens.

Pachter's prediction was silly from the start. He always maintained that they would be releasing a mid-generation refresh that buffed the existing Wii platform, basically. He stopped making the prediction because it got so late that he'd been proven wrong because now Nintendo are actually starting a new generation. :p


Zeal said:
anything is better than a fucking Wiimote at this point. Two analog sticks rumored? thank god. maybe we can actually get some semblance of actual gameplay back into Nintendo games.

and I agree with Amirox's comments about creativity. what do we have? tons of shovelware party games, dancing garbage, and other bargain bin clutter filling the stores for $10. what we got this gen thanks to the 'creativity' of the Wiimote was Mario Galaxy.

I am ready for traditional Nintendo to comeback. I regret getting a Wii so bad at this point.
Think and not or. Nintendo's not going to throw away what made the Wii so successful.


Wow this thread is moving by leaps and bounds...

We should totally have a posts/sec speedometer somewhere to quantify the magnitude of hype through post frequency.
apana said:
I don't know, is Last Guardian breaking the bank for Ueda and Sony?

Have to wait to see how much of TLG is copy-paste environments before we can really speak to that.

badcrumble said:
going back to a Wind Waker style isn't losing, though

True, except everyone would whine like a baby again.

But actually upon consideration Zelda fans crying into their soup is a win too


I love these threads, so I'll throw out some predictions like everyone else.

• Will be called Wii HiFi
• Will feature some kind of head tracking
• Graphics about on par w/PS3
• Controller will not feature a touch screen
• Wii Relax will be built into via a sensor pad on back of controller (kinda like the heart rate monitors you see on exercise bikes)
• Dragon Quest X as launch title
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