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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Willy105 said:
Maybe the controller will come with the Wii remote.

What does this even mean? Come with the controller..... You act like the controller is actually the console. LOL

AniHawk said:
that already sounds amazing. it'll be one of the year's best games for sure. maybe on the screen that plugs to the top of the ds4, it'll show how old big boss is in years, months, etc all the way down to the most recent second, so we can watch him age decades in real time.

I would supply currency in exchange for this product.


Zeal said:
anything is better than a fucking Wiimote at this point. Two analog sticks rumored? thank god. maybe we can actually get some semblance of actual gameplay back into Nintendo games.

and I agree with Amirox's comments about creativity. what do we have? tons of shovelware party games, dancing garbage, and other bargain bin clutter filling the stores for $10. what we got this gen thanks to the 'creativity' of the Wiimote was Mario Galaxy.

I am ready for traditional Nintendo to comeback. I regret getting a Wii so bad at this point.
Ditching pointer controls would be a big mistake imo. Metroid Prime 3; so awesome.


First off:

never forget.

This time its Metroid man Yoshio Sakamoto who has chosen to speak out about the Wii's successor in an interview with Spanish gaming site 3dJuegos:

"At Nintendo we always have the obligation to surprise users with a new game console," he said.

"We have never done what others have. We prefer to create something new that catches attention, and I think this will continue this time as well. Surely the new Nintendo machine will leave you all with your mouth open."

Anyone else remember this from September 2010, around Metroid Other M's marketing period.


Zeal said:
anything is better than a fucking Wiimote at this point. Two analog sticks rumored? thank god. maybe we can actually get some semblance of actual gameplay back into Nintendo games.

and I agree with Amirox's comments
about creativity. what do we have? tons of shovelware party games, dancing garbage, and other bargain bin clutter filling the stores for $10. what we got this gen thanks to the 'creativity' of the Wiimote was Mario Galaxy.

I am ready for traditional Nintendo to comeback. I regret getting a Wii so bad at this point.
didn't see that one coming


Send Zelda back to Wind Waker graphically with a more content-heavy, smaller scale adventure style, and I might give a damn. Otherwise, screw it.


Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less than PS3
- Ps3 level
- More than PS3
- WAY more than PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- Sensor bar is controller
- Camera is Controller
- HD screen on controller
- System is controller
- God is the controller

Love the absurdity when it's all lumped together in one post.


badcrumble said:
going back to a Wind Waker style isn't losing, though
they already found a compromise between the two styles. i do want to see more wind waker like games (non-rpgs) on powerful new systems though.

fuck i mean could you imagine something like if super mario not galaxy 3 was cel-shaded and it looked like a cartoon, and part of the gameplay was about the game being really cartoony (think epic mickey but really excellent).


I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet, this thread is too fast to keep up with.

But what if the sensors built into the controller are receiving light output from the console ala that patent that leaked about the wii peripheral sending out different light signals? So maybe we wouldn't see the different "colors" or any light at all but it does something for the controller?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
JasonMCG said:
I love these threads, so I'll throw out some predictions like everyone else.

• Will be called Wii HiFi
• Will feature some kind of head tracking
• Graphics about on par w/PS3
• Controller will not feature a touch screen
• Wii Relax will be built into via a sensor pad on back of controller (kinda like the heart rate monitors you see on exercise bikes)
• Dragon Quest X as launch title

Horii said they were workin on several dq titles for wii - im sure one of the is dqx version for wii hifi.


artwalknoon said:
I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet, this thread is too fast to keep up with.

But what if the sensors built into the controller are receiving light output from the console ala that patent that leaked about the wii peripheral sending out different light signals? So maybe we wouldn't see the different "colors" or any light at all but it does something for the controller?
I suppose you could make each of the reference points tracked by the IR camera a different frequency? Might help to make the thing more precise.

Azure J

Lonely1 said:
Just to be clear, the 4870x2 is considerably more powerful than my 280, My 280 can Max the likes of Crysis, Metro and Mafia II at 720p and 30fps+. I consider it to be a gen ahead of my Ps3. And that's with the OS overhead.

But what modern card can they include in the system that approaches to an 4870x2 without being a power hungry, super hot GPU?

I'm actually wondering whether or not it's a super bite sized version of this chip made possible thanks to the die shrinks AMD/ATi have gone through, or a new custom chip that is "as powerful" as R700 but got reported as being a R700. This will be the first step in figuring out how far ahead this console could be.


Way too many assumptions in here. Zelda is big budget and Nintendo's largest team. The next Zelda will look incredible, probably on the level of or even surpassing the big budget PS3 games.

Edit: lol I just made a gigantic assumption.


apana said:
Way too many assumptions in here. Zelda is big budget and Nintendo's largest team. The next Zelda will look incredible, probably on the level of or even surpassing the big budget PS3 games.

Don't care how Zelda looks, so long as it's fun again.


Maybe it'll just use the Wii Remote Plus, and actually use it for new games, so you got motion and pointers, and dual analogs and screeny


AniHawk said:
they already found a compromise between the two styles. i do want to see more wind waker like games (non-rpgs) on powerful new systems though.

fuck i mean could you imagine something like if super mario not galaxy 3 was cel-shaded and it looked like a cartoon, and part of the gameplay was about the game being really cartoony (think epic mickey but really excellent).

Yeah. I don't get that either. SS is definitely a mashing of the two and a good balance that wouldn't need changes to look good rendered at 1080P.

Although I do agree with the Fuck Zelda sentiment. SS very well may be the first Zelda console game I don't play. Series needs a desperate kick in the rear. It's the anti-Mario when it comes to series evolution.


JasonMCG said:
I love these threads, so I'll throw out some predictions like everyone else.

• Will be called Wii HiFi
• Will feature some kind of head tracking
• Graphics about on par w/PS3
• Controller will not feature a touch screen
• Wii Relax will be built into via a sensor pad on back of controller (kinda like the heart rate monitors you see on exercise bikes)
• Dragon Quest X as launch title

Nintendo did invest a ton in R&D so we might be on the verge of another "blue ocean" being made with this system.

i believe that the Wii 2 will:

- be much more powerful than the PS3 & Xbox 360
- will be able to run next gen middleware engines
- will feature a new sensor that will combine kinect like tracking that will work with their new controller
- i also believe this system will come out at 299.99

what i hope for:

- better online gaming network
- upgraded channel system
- more channels (hulu channel, cnn channel, G4TV channel, etc.)


charlequin said:
You heard me.

I'm increadibly burned out by Zelda at this point.

The subpar DS games, Aonuma's lack of magic touch on anything after MM is increasingly grating.

I think Zelda needs to go away for 10 years. But alas it is too valuable for Nintendo.
Vinci said:
Send Zelda back to Wind Waker graphically with a more content-heavy, smaller scale adventure style, and I might give a damn. Otherwise, screw it.

they saving that for 3DS

I hope Zelda SS been work on alot so it not just some port if they have move it to wii 2


1-D_FTW said:
Yeah. I don't get that either. SS is definitely a mashing of the two and a good balance that wouldn't need changes to look good rendered at 1080P.

Although I do agree with the Fuck Zelda sentiment. SS very well be the first Zelda console game I don't play. Series needs a desperate kick in the rear. It's the anti-Mario when it comes to series evolution.

Actually, SS is the last hope for the Zelda series as far as I'm concerned. Their comments about the philosophies behind its design give me hope. If they screw it up, I'm done with Zelda.
artwalknoon said:
I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet, this thread is too fast to keep up with.

But what if the sensors built into the controller are receiving light output from the console ala that patent that leaked about the wii peripheral sending out different light signals? So maybe we wouldn't see the different "colors" or any light at all but it does something for the controller?

What a stupid idea. Why would the controller need to see lights coming from the TV or a peripheral at all, adding costs of a camera in the controller (again), when it could just recieve the information through bluetooth?
AniHawk said:
they already found a compromise between the two styles. i do want to see more wind waker like games (non-rpgs) on powerful new systems though.

fuck i mean could you imagine something like if super mario not galaxy 3 was cel-shaded and it looked like a cartoon, and part of the gameplay was about the game being really cartoony (think epic mickey but really excellent).
This is getting way off topic, but I've always wanted a game that was all about cartoon logic - not the somewhat unimaginative ink mechanics of Epic Mickey, but the actual bizarre illogical stuff that happens in cartoons, like hooking cows up to air compressors and turning them into balloons that let you float over something. Take the player on the same sort of journey into believing in and understanding that alternate bizarro-logic that Bob Hoskins underwent in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Cartoons are great because they make no sense, and because impossible stuff happens in them all the time, not because they're made of ink. Paint a tunnel on a wall and the Road Runner disappears into it.


PKrockin said:
This. Wind Waker looks absolutely glorious in Dolphin. I NEED to see another cel-shaded Zelda with today's technology.

Zelda basically needs to look like an animated movie or painting come to life. That's the direction I see all fantasy games heading.


charlequin said:
Exactly. The huge advantage Nintendo has here is that cartoonish, abstract, heavily stylized, cel-shaded, and simplistic art styles all benefit enormously from HD resolutions while requiring far smaller increases in asset density and development costs. Many first-party Wii games look fantastic in HD resolutions already and wouldn't cost much more to make in a comparable style on an HD-native platform.

I'm still struck by just how great some first-party Wii games look merely with a bump in resolution. Nintendo surely must have not just Wii backwards compatibility in the new console but also an emulator that bumps up the res internally. It would be criminal if they don't. Sticking with PowerPC it should be doable.


Survives without air, food, or water
Deku said:
I'm increadibly burned out by Zelda at this point.

The subpar DS games, Aonuma's lack of magic touch on anything after MM is increasingly grating.

I think Zelda needs to go away for 10 years. But alas it is too valuable for Nintendo.
Deku said:
Aonuma's lack of magic touch on anything after MM

Alright now, this is getting ridiculous. If Wind Waker wasn't magic, I don't know what is.
artwalknoon said:
I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet, this thread is too fast to keep up with.

But what if the sensors built into the controller are receiving light output from the console ala that patent that leaked about the wii peripheral sending out different light signals? So maybe we wouldn't see the different "colors" or any light at all but it does something for the controller?

That's what the camera inside each Wii Remote already does, except the light comes from the sensor bar instead. They may have some sort of two way optical, radio or ultrasound system, it could be anything really.
Absolute Bastard said:
R700 series is the name of the GPU family used in the HD 4xxx cards, although R700 name is also used on 4870x2 GPU. The article mentions R700-series GPU, not R700 GPU so it doesn't seem to imply 4870x2. Also, using 4870x2 on dev kit or final console makes little sense, ATI has had comparable single chip GPU's for some while that are more efficient.

That's revisionist history. AMD/ATI, never referred to anything other than a 4870x2 when referencing the R700 codename, go look at the articles of the day yourself. R700 was an internal codename for the 4870x2 , it was never anything more than that. Every chip in that family had a different codename.


FoxHimself said:
What a stupid idea. Why would the controller need to see lights coming from the TV or a peripheral at all, adding costs of a camera in the controller (again), when it could just recieve the information through bluetooth?
That's exactly how the Wii's pointer functionality works, silly. The IR sensor bar is just a couple of infared LEDs, and the system moves your onscreen pointer based on how the Wii remote's IR camera is seeing those lights. It's much, much better than an accelerometer or gyro controlled pointer because it has concrete points of reference.


Pseudo_Sam said:
Alright now, this is getting ridiculous. If Wind Waker wasn't magic, I don't know what is.

Wind Waker was magic visually. Otherwise? Not so much.

brain_stew said:
That's revisionist history. AMD/ATI, never referred to anything other than a 4870x2 when referencing the R700 codename, go look at the articles of the day yourself. R700 was an internal codename for the 4870x2 , it was never anything more than that. Every chip in that family had a different codename.

Is this R700 rumored to be in the Wii 2? Or is this just ... I don't know ... random discussion?


I'm not very optimistic with all this, so I'm taking the "Nintendo Café" thing as the real deal. If it results to be more powerful, I will be very happy ;)
It's impossible to talk about Zelda and have everyone agree, so I'll just be that guy and say that I hope they never go back to the WW-artstyle. I find it really ugly.


Orayn said:
That's exactly how the Wii's pointer functionality works, silly. The IR sensor bar is just a couple of infared LEDs, and the system moves your onscreen pointer based on how the Wii remote's IR camera is seeing those lights. It's much, much better than an accelerometer or gyro controlled pointer because it has concrete points of reference.

Yup. That is one thing I want to keep. The IR pointer still has a lot of potential(more than motion imo). Plus I want to play Pikmin HD with it.


Survives without air, food, or water
Vinci said:
Wind Waker was magic visually. Otherwise? Not so much.

Best overworld, best music, best swordplay, best Zelda. Don't wanna veer us off-track any further, so I'll refrain from further elaboration.

Also, I am eating a danish right this very moment. Thought you should know.
Vinci said:
Don't care how Zelda looks, so long as it's fun again.

Don't care how it looks, but that's because it has never stopped being fun for me.

I don't think that going back to TWW style-wise would be needed to keep costs and/or the need for horsepower from skyrocketing, especially if you think it's not a problem for a game like Mario Galaxy. Something like Skyward Sword is a style that would look good in HD even though it's not that detailed.

EDIT: ah fuck it the "magic and soul" shit has found its way in this thread of all places

Guerrillas in the Mist said:
If it's not called the Super Wii, or SWii for short, I'll be sad.

"Only on SWii" rolls off the tongue quite nicely.

EX Wii. You burn 25% meter when you play it.
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