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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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jett said:
The "Wii2" is sounding pretty ridiculous. I wonder how many of these rumors will actually be true when it's revealed.

If all the pre Wii 'project revolution' rumours are anything to go by none of them will be.


Willy105 said:
That's just preference of 2D Zelda over 3D Zelda. Same thing happens with Mario on some people.

Yes and no. I enjoy both 2D and 3D Mario. Mario hasn't generally suffered from going 3D the same way that Zelda did. Mario is at least still fun. Zelda games are just mostly boring now, just wide open, empty spaces in some uninteresting attempt for being epic.

ryan-ts said:
No...please no. Give them a chance, they need you to succeed. I bag of you sir, please never give up on Zelda...

What're you babbling about?
Dual joysticks are completely unnecessary in this day and age. I'd prefer to see the second stick fazed out completely and replaced by IR in all controllers, rather than having it in there as an option for shitty devs to force us to use for slow and imprecise aiming.
So now IGN says dual analogs with dpad and trigger. Sounds about right if they're looking to put more third party games on their system and chase the core market. Good to hear that.


artwalknoon said:
Well to me dolphin sounded fun, whimsical, and kid-like, and we got a system called the Gamecube! And the revolution obviously referred to the motion controls. I think if cafe is the codename it probably hints at something...

Revolution made sense. Maybe it's because I've always thought of dolphins as deceptive bloodthirsty monsters...

Anyways, we still can't fully confirm cafe is the official codename(lul) so lets wait.


Souldriver said:
To go from "dolphin" to "kid like" to "purple box called gamecube" is quite a leap. By that standard "cafe" could mean just about everything. I doubt we can deduct anything from it.

Yeah I agree. But I do wish the codename was cooler. Cafe doesn't compare to Revolution in epicness.


Vinci said:
Yes and no. I enjoy both 2D and 3D Mario. Mario hasn't generally suffered from going 3D the same way that Zelda did. Mario is at least still fun. Zelda games are just mostly boring now, just wide open, empty spaces in some uninteresting attempt for being epic.

Well, I can't agree with that, since I prefer 3D Zelda over 2D Zelda. I find 3D Zelda games a lot more fun, because it feels like you are exploring an actual world, instead of 2D grids. 2D Zelda doesn't feel epic at all to me.


Vinci said:
Yes and no. I enjoy both 2D and 3D Mario. Mario hasn't generally suffered from going 3D the same way that Zelda did. Mario is at least still fun. Zelda games are just mostly boring now, just wide open, empty spaces in some uninteresting attempt for being epic.

What're you babbling about?

Seems like Zelda fans have reacted better to Zelda going 3D than Mario fans did when Mario made the transition.


As long as it's got enough oomph to give me a new Metroid Prime game in 1080p @ 60Hz (and a controller that isn't too gimmicky) I'll be satisfied.
Vanille said:
As previously mentioned, Nintendo's codenames are almost always nonsensical and tell us nothing about the console.

This. The DS had Nitro as a code name - how do you extract anything from that name?

The N64 was Project Reality.
The GB Micro was Project Oxygen.
Project Cafè could mean the dude in charge of naming the project really wanted some damned coffee right then.
Project Cafe... Partnership with Saeco and Pellini or bust.


or it's a partnership with NESpresso... believe



-Pyromaniac- said:
So now IGN says dual analogs with dpad and trigger. Sounds about right if they're looking to put more third party games on their system and chase the core market. Good to hear that.
Sounding more and more like a traditional pad all the time... gone is the "remote" style. Touch screen is a cool inclusion tho.
birdchili said:
i hope project cafe indicates that the console is targeted to folk that really like coffee.
That's me :) *sigh* Project cafe sounds like they're trying to get me back to over caffeinated all night game sessions again...good times, good times


Willy105 said:
Well, I can't agree with that, since I prefer 3D Zelda over 2D Zelda. I find 3D Zelda games a lot more fun, because it feels like you are exploring an actual world, instead of 2D grids. 2D Zelda doesn't feel epic at all to me.

That's probably the main difference: Back in the early days, I had no conception that Zelda was meant to be epic. It was just a fun adventure title. Lots of content per square foot; lots of stuff to interact with, secrets to find. Goes 3D and suddenly there are these massive expanses of land you spend tons of time running around in with mostly forgettable content contained within them.

I mean, it might work for me better if it were like Shadow of the Colossus - at least at the end of those expanses of nothing there was something interesting to do.

Oh well. We're just different people.


Evilink said:
Sounding more and more like a traditional pad all the time... gone is the "remote" style. Touch screen is a cool inclusion tho.

I find it incredibly difficult to believe this.

I hope so, though. I mean I want them to retain the pointer but if abandoning motion controls means sacrificing the pointer in the name of bringing back the far and away vastly superior applications of traditional pads I'd begrudgingly approve.

But really with all these rumours about the controller we're obviously missing some basic concept that could tie these functionality together in a logical fashion. It just is way too much stuff to fit on a single device without looking and feeling like a demon spawn.
Vinci said:
That's probably the main difference: Back in the early days, I had no conception that Zelda was meant to be epic. It was just a fun adventure title. Lots of content per square foot; lots of stuff to interact with, secrets to find. Goes 3D and suddenly there are these massive expanses of land you spend tons of time running around in with mostly forgettable content contained within them.

I mean, it might work for me better if it were like Shadow of the Colossus - at least at the end of those expanses of nothing there was something interesting to do.

Oh well. We're just different people.

So you're saying at the end of Zeldas overworlds there was nothing interesting to do? Confused.

I think a big problem with the content per square meter in 3D was actually the 3D itself. No way in hell the N64 would've been able to render the amount of stuff from Alttp or even Links Awakening in 3D.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Amir0x said:
But really with all these rumours about the controller we're obviously missing some basic concept that could tie these functionality together in a logical fashion. It just is way too much stuff to fit on a single device without looking and feeling like a demon spawn.

Yeah, I still consider it distracting if the controller has a touch-screen - since you have to monitor two screens and unlike the DS they're a bit farther from each other.
Amir0x said:
I find it incredibly difficult to believe this.

I hope so, though. I mean I want them to retain the pointer but if abandoning motion controls means sacrificing the pointer in the name of bringing back the far and away vastly superior applications of traditional pads I'd begrudgingly approve.

But really with all these rumours about the controller we're obviously missing some basic concept that could tie these functionality together in a logical fashion. It just is way too much stuff to fit on a single device without looking and feeling like a demon spawn.

Well it is supposedly backwards compatible, so why not simply use a Wiimote or a new version of it for that stuff? That would add to the clutter, but hell, it can't hardly be worse than the accesory craze on the Wii. I for one am quite happy with the Wiimote/CCP option. Just making it wireless would help a lot.


Amir0x said:
who would tug a controller around with them

especially one that is clearly going to look like freakazoid with all these rumours ;)

Streetpass would work if you link up your 3DS to the system and it downloads your system's info to share it when streetpassing on the 3DS.

Glass Joe

Wow I usually like to read through the threads before posting but this has gotten huge, ha ha. Fall 2012 sounds far away when you look at the current Wii slump. I guess it's gonna be a 3DS year?

I'll probably pick up Wii 2 regardless, but I hope Nintendo is learning from their mistakes and doesn't forget these basics:

HD + ROOMY HARD DRIVE - Both should be a given but Nintendo's never delivered on this. A hard drive is simply essential for patches and downloading from the e-Shops. It's just good for business.

BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY - For Wii and also the e-Shop. Don't wanna buy Super Mario 1 all over again. Gamecube compatibility would be nice but if they're available in the shop (for a reasonable price), that's okay too.

REGULAR CONTROLLER - It can do fancy stuff but normal functionality HAS to be there. The Wii innovated itself out of the hardcore crowd, which may have been avoided if they simply tossed a classic controller in the box. If one looks at the PS3 controller and Xbox pad, they look an awful lot like SNES controllers. Nintendo, don't ignore your past successes just to be different.

UPSCALING - I dunno how that works exactly and my comp isn't boss enough to run Dolphin, but seeing Wii and GC games at 720p is HOT. It would be a major miss for me if Wii2 couldn't do this.

3DS COMPATIBILITY - How cool would it be to use the 3DS as a controller and to play a 3DS game's top screen on your TV? Without the 3D of course.

LAUNCH TITLES - Nintendo's been pretty pompous/lazy in this category lately. If they were trying to throw a bone to give 3rd parties the spotlight, it's pretty much failed. I only bought a 3DS at launch because I'm a huge Nintendo nerd. The Wii's selling point was Zelda, which was also a GC game. GC had Luigi's Mansion? Come on Nintendo, remember your awesome launches from before and give people a reason to be hyped.

3RD PARTY SUPPORT - Nintendo needs to find the reasons they keep missing out on great titles and do what's necessary (moneyhats?) to get games back on their consoles.


Jin34 said:
Streetpass would work if you link up your 3DS to the system and it downloads your system's info to share it when streetpassing on the 3DS.

I would LOVE this feature! Streetpass is already great and getting content swapping/unlocking for the "SuperWii" would be genius and an added incentive to buy a 3ds if you don't own one or just to carry it with you more.
nincompoop said:
Dual joysticks are completely unnecessary in this day and age. I'd prefer to see the second stick fazed out completely and replaced by IR in all controllers, rather than having it in there as an option for shitty devs to force us to use for slow and imprecise aiming.
Aiming was a popular use, but certainly not the only one. Camera control on a second analog control is very much missed.
jump_button said:
where are the bad fake Touch Screen Controllers?


J-Rock said:
Are you one of those guys that hold their arms straight out when they use the pointer?
:p I didn't hold it straight out, but I didn't rest it on my leg either... I guess I either need more time with it, or it just isn't for me.


Glass Joe said:
UPSCALING - I dunno how that works exactly and my comp isn't boss enough to run Dolphin, but seeing Wii and GC games at 720p is HOT. It would be a major miss for me if Wii2 couldn't do this.

Just to note, the Dolphin isn't actually upscaling; it's increasing the internal resolution and rendering it at that.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think the IGN note that first and third party games will be shown at E3 is interesting.

Assuming it's the usual multiplat third party stuff...what on earth will they show for release in late 2012? Or will they show 'this is what X franchise could look like on Wii 2' type stuff?


Glass Joe said:
BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY - For Wii and also the e-Shop. Don't wanna buy Super Mario 1 all over again. Gamecube compatibility would be nice but if they're available in the shop (for a reasonable price), that's okay too.

Yeah Wii Shop purchase BC is a biiiiig point for me. I really want to hear about that. It will literally determine whether I spend a dime on Wii HD's shop or not. There is no way all the money I spent on downladable games should be eliminated in the move to Wii HD, considering how simple it would be to retain licenses for the software you downloaded.

If Nintendo could not do that, then I would not trust them enough to do it for Wii HD's successor, and that'd make me turn to other downloadable services.


marc^o^ said:
Project cafe, what else?

In the French context a Cafe is a gathering place for political discourse, that coffee was served was less important. It is where the intelligentsia gathered and where the French revolution had its intellectual birthing.

It's a clever play on the revolution idea.
Amir0x said:
I find it incredibly difficult to believe this.

I hope so, though. I mean I want them to retain the pointer but if abandoning motion controls means sacrificing the pointer in the name of bringing back the far and away vastly superior applications of traditional pads I'd begrudgingly approve.

But really with all these rumours about the controller we're obviously missing some basic concept that could tie these functionality together in a logical fashion. It just is way too much stuff to fit on a single device without looking and feeling like a demon spawn.

all i can think of is them trying to run with 2 controllers,
this new one thats more traditional but has a touch screen
and an updated wii remote, probably with vitality sense integrated in some way.

that or as you said something ties these features together in one controller that some how both works and isn't an ergonomic nightmare.


boris feinbrand said:
So you're saying at the end of Zeldas overworlds there was nothing interesting to do? Confused.

Well, the whole epic thing made every boss battle in 3D Zelda games feel like a letdown. I mean, I wouldn't mind so much if I found the content in between Point A and Point B fun, but mostly it's not - it's few and far between, and what's there isn't particularly challenging or complex. *shrugs*

I think a big problem with the content per square meter in 3D was actually the 3D itself. No way in hell the N64 would've been able to render the amount of stuff from Alttp or even Links Awakening in 3D.

Oh, I totally agree - which is my problem with most 3D games in general. The content to scale ratio is just all jacked up in most. Some get away from that. Morrowind did. RDR threw in enough randomly generated shallow content whilst traveling to distract you from how mindbogglingly dull traveling was outside of the first few hours of 'Ooo, that's pretty."

But, again, I am not proposing that people agree with me. We're all different.


gofreak said:
I think the IGN note that first and third party games will be shown at E3 is interesting.

Assuming it's the usual multiplat third party stuff...what on earth will they show for release in late 2012? Or will they show 'this is what X franchise could look like on Wii 2' type stuff?
Its crazy but the french site speculated it. We could see an early 2012 launch. The word is major 3rd parties got the kits months ago. So they could be planning their major fall releases for the Wii2. Not as cool if it comes a few months after they launch on the others but could give the Wii 2 a solid launch lineup.
I just want developers to really grab motion controls by the horns.

Some games like Punchout!, Red Steel, and SSX Blur practically revolutionized the genre in terms of input.

Other games like No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Mario Galaxy found nice ways to add them into the experience.

Developers have really let me done with the motion controller revolution.


GAF's Bob Woodward
antonz said:
Its crazy but the french site speculated it. We could see an early 2012 launch. The word is major 3rd parties got the kits months ago. So they could be planning their major fall releases for the Wii2. Not as cool if it comes a few months after they launch on the others but could give the Wii 2 a solid launch lineup.

If it came early 2012, then port-overs from the 2011 lineups would make sense.

Late 2012 and I'd expect them to be prepping their fall/winter 2012 lineup for it instead...which in many cases probably wouldn't be showable at E3 this year. But maybe not? I dunno. Certainly the 'annual' franchises wouldn't be showable for a late 2012 release at E3, but others perhaps...


6" screen, hmm..

The Wii Remote measures 5.83" x 1.43" — that happens to be exactly 6" diagonally.

5.83² + 1.43² = c²
33.99 + 2.05 = c²
36.04 = c²
c = 6.00 inches

Could be a coincidence, but I don't think Nintendo is going to go with a conventional touch screen on the controller. If there is any truth to the rumor, I bet it'll be a new remote with some sort of haptic feedback on the surface.. Who knows..


Flying_Phoenix said:
I just want developers to really grab motion controls by the horns.

Some games like Punchout!, Red Steel, and SSX Blur practically revolutionized the genre in terms of input.

Other games like No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Mario Galaxy found nice ways to add them into the experience.

Developers have really let me done with the motion controller revolution.

No motion controllers let down developers. Hell that's practically the reason Nintendo was forced to amend the outlandish limitations of the "motion control" with the Motion+. The sooner you learn this, the earlier you can move on to a life of superior control functionality.

Gameplay/Control Refinement over Inferior controls for IMMERZION ftw
Amir0x said:
Yeah Wii Shop purchase BC is a biiiiig point for me. I really want to hear about that. It will literally determine whether I spend a dime on Wii HD's shop or not. There is no way all the money I spent on downladable games should be eliminated in the move to Wii HD, considering how simple it would be to retain licenses for the software you downloaded.

If Nintendo could not do that, then I would not trust them enough to do it for Wii HD's successor, and that'd make me turn to other downloadable services.

I think you can expect Nintendo do this. We'll so how DSiWare ---> 3DS actually turns out, but they've stated what they intend to allow people to do, and I believe they'll make similar efforts with regards to WiiWare and VC. I for one would love it if they also allowed transfer of VC games for playing on the touch screen doodad, if it exists, but the logistics for that might be hard.

I'll expect them to allow players to transfer over Wii downloads, but if it doesn't happen... I won't be surprised either way, basically.
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