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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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gofreak said:
That would put paid to a non 16:9 aspect ratio.

So if true, I'm not sure how this controller will maintain one-handed motion controlling, in and of itself anyway.

Yet it apparently still offers motion control?

Maybe it is a break-apart multifunction thing...

I'm beginning to doubt this controller will have motion control as its main attraction. Maybe they will drop it after all?
charlequin said:
At this point, the best thing Sakamoto could say about the Wii's successor is "I will not develop for it."

They should tell me the Wii2 SDK is a sheet of graph paper, and lock him in a room until he makes the map for a Super Metroid sequel


Amir0x said:
Ridiculous. And all developers know it. And so does Nintendo, since they're bringing it back. Thank God.

Good wins out over evil once more. A new day dawns. Gaming is saved from game haters and their absurd ideals once more.

This is one area we 100 percent agree.


Flying_Phoenix said:
I do agree that developers would have to figure out camera movement but I can imagine them twisting the controller or controlling the touch screen to move the camera.
when wii came out i was inclined to think that some dev somewhere would figure out really excellent camera controls mapped to the remote. if it ever happened, i'm not aware of it. second stick is still best until proven otherwise.


From The Dust said:
more and more I don't like the sound of the controller. also, now we are reaching into stupid territory

So it has:
Can stream games
Dual Analog sticks
Possibly able to play Wii games (Maybe you still need a wii remote for them)

I can kinda imagine it being able to work. My only real problem is going to be Price and battery life
i hope "wii" isnt anywhere in the name. give me a completely new name, nintendo. 3rd parties, please pull your collective head out of your collective anus and support it!!!


charlequin said:
At this point, the best thing Sakamoto could say about the Wii's successor is "I will not develop for it."

But I want Balloon Kid and Famicom Detective Club sequels for my Super Wii. :(


Figured it out. It's a completely flat Wii mote. On one side are the standard buttons and analog stick. Turn it over and you have a touch screen on the other side.


Amir0x said:
guys what if "Wii" is not in the name at all!?

I thought it was already said that they were dropping the Wii brand. It's not like they absolutely need it. Especially if they want this system to be something new that people will buy into, they need a new brand so people know it's not just a, well, Super Wii (as awesome as that name is).


Would be pretty funny if Nintendo was just leaking out complete bullshit to these sites.

By the way, how much money do you guys reckon sites like IGN pay these "sources" for their inside info? Must be a lot to risk your fucking job.
charlequin said:
It's not similar at all. A control can only be "replicated" by another control that provides a superset of its functionality. Touchscreens don't provide a superset of button functionality, so they can't replace the full set of buttons on a controller, but they can replace a "button" that you only use rarely to trigger unusual functions like L3/R3 meaning you lose no real functionality replacing those specific buttons. Pointing control, on the other hand, does very different things from an analog stick and can't cleanly replace it (if you think it could, imagine playing Mario Galaxy with no analog stick at all, just the pointer somehow magically "replacing" the analog stick.)

I think what I'm trying to say is that almost anything a second analog can do, motion controls, pointer controls, or a touch screen can do better. And the trade offs (to me) are much superior.

But again Nintendo will most likely pack in two types of controllers with their system.

cuevas said:
By "pointer" do you mean mouse? If you don't then you should reconsider your opinion.

No, pointer. A pointer is better at aiming than a dual analog.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Cosmonaut X said:
Interesting - so you can pump the game to the controller in your hands and play it like a (ultra-powerful) handheld?

Selfishly, that would suit me sooooo much. It's just not always possible to play a game on the TV when I want to, so being able to veg on the couch while my wife watches the telly and play F-Zero NEXT (for example) on the controller itself would be fantastic.
Has the possibility of the VMU-like controller being auto-stereoscopic been speculated to death in this thread already?


Yea I have to agree at this point that someone out there is getting filled with a heaping cup of bullshit. At this point the controller would be nothing but a total mess with such quick battery usage that it would run maybe an hour before the battery was drained. That just don't sound right to me. It would have to have rumble, some sort of pointing ability, touch screen, way to receive video signal, etc. So I think either as mentioned there is a regular controller and a wiimote like controller both coming with it or these reports on the controller are just bullshit.
poppabk said:
Why do people think that backwards compatibility will be different for downloadable games versus disk games

For the same reason that record companies used to be able to scam people by re-releasing the same music on a new format every ten years but now everyone's just using infinitely interchangeable digital files that will last forever -- the internet happened, customers developed a new and superior expectation, and now companies have to deliver on that.

Everything people buy on the App Store is good forever. They don't need to think about whether it'll still work on their iPhone 6; everything is good out to infinity. We've already seen our first salvos into this market from gaming companies, and they've stuck very clearly to this standard: 3DS is BC with all DSi downloadable content, NGP is 100% BC with all digital PSP content. This is how things are now and companies that aren't interested in puttering around back in the Stone Age are going to accept that.


formerly cjelly
Rollo Larson said:
i hope "wii" isnt anywhere in the name. give me a completely new name, nintendo. 3rd parties, please pull your collective head out of your collective anus and support it!!!
Nintendo Touch HD Ultra 256


Orayn said:
Jim's tweets are just getting too weird to believe.

This is like that one scene from Metal Gear Solid. We're gonna find out Jim Reilly is actually dead and Pachter took over his twitter.


Orayn said:
Jim's tweets are just getting too weird to believe.

I really think he's making stuff up on purpose, then he can later blame Nintendo for not coming out with a statement sooner, typical. But seriously I'm not sure all of these controller rumors actually make a good controller at the end of the day, sounds too expensive and too big.


Would it be possible to build the vitality sensor tech into any of the trigger or analogue pad?
Or even into a touchscreen?
Cuz if so, that could be a cool idea.


-MB- said:
Would it be possible to build the vitality sensor tech into any of the trigger or analogue pad?
Cuz if so, that could be a cool idea.
You could measure skin conductivity through any little metal pad on the controller. Heart rate would be more difficult though, due to differing hand sizes and grips.
apana said:
Figured it out. It's a completely flat Wii mote. On one side are the standard buttons and analog stick. Turn it over and you have a touch screen on the other side.

Yeah I had wondered about that. Not sure who or what to believe right now, will be interesting to see what's there once the dust settles.


charlequin said:
Dual analog control is just shy of an abomination for shooter games (which can indeed be improved via pointing control) but it's exceptionally, irreplaceably useful for 2D shooting games (both "twinstick shooters" and side-scrolling platform-shooter games), 3D action games, and a variety of other genres. Getting rid of the second analog stick is an insipid idea.

Agreed on 3D shooters.

What does the second analogue stick bring to 2D shooters/platforms (except for twinstick shooters obviously)?

I've never missed DS controls on the PC or on the Wii. On the PS3 I avoid all games that require them and lament that 3rd person action games can't have a decent automatic camera.

It's time for the gaming industry to move on from DS controls.

Cosmonaut X said:
Good man! You're the first person here who's ever picked up on it :)

lol do I get a prize? I suppose you not killing me arbitrarily is good enough.


cuevas said:
Then a mouse is way better, it is so much easier to keep a mouse stable than a pointer and while aiming that is a necessity.
Not necessarily. This just means that pointers need a little bit of a dead zone. They might not be pixel perfect, but they're still very intuitive and have the potential to be much more accurate than an analog stick.


Amir0x said:
eh, i'd say it's arguable that it 'worked.' I mean, let me rephrase, it worked in that it played games with it. I did not think it was a comfortable controller whatsoever.

I meant more in terms of manageable size rather than comfort, necessarily. I just have no idea how this thing is supposed to end up looking like, and every time I try to picture it based on the possibly dubious info we're getting, it looks like something that would be quite large in size for a controller (even relative to that Xbox 1 monstrosity).


likeGdid said:
I've always thought that the "split-controller" part of the wiimote+nunchuck was the best way to go about it, in terms of comfort.
What if it was controlled with 2 Nunchuck style controllers that had a stick and d-pad on each side and 4 buttons for your fingers? You'd have dual analog control, but also have access to 8 buttons at the same time. It would have the exact same number of buttons we have now (4 face, 4 triggers), but all can be used at once.


GAF's Bob Woodward
apana said:
Alright, I'm calling most elaborate hoax ever. Somebody tricked somebody somewhere.

Honestly, why is that a 'breaking point' piece of info?

That's the most obvious thing ever if it has a screen on the controller.


Zeliard said:
I meant more in terms of manageable size rather than comfort, necessarily. I just have no idea how this thing is supposed to end up looking like, and every time I try to picture it based on the possibly dubious info we're getting, it looks like something that would be quite large in size for a controller (even relative to that Xbox 1 monstrosity).

at this point i'm half expecting a tweet to go

"Also it has a scorpion tail."

Vagabundo said:
I've never missed DS controls on the PC or on the Wii. On the PS3 I avoid all games that require them and lament that 3rd person action games can't have a decent automatic camera.

It's time for the gaming industry to move on from DS controls.

Just because apparently your hands are handicapped doesn't mean you need to sentence the industry to a life sentence of inferior controls. Anyway, you've already lost, gaming and quality controls win in the end, as always.


What's fun about Nintendo is that nobody is going to speculate this much and actually partway buy into rumors such as these for any other hardware manufacturer. Nintendo is just so willing to do crazy shit that people are like, "Touch-screen HD game stream - sure!"


Vinci said:
What's fun about Nintendo is that nobody is going to speculate this much and actually partway buy into rumors such as these for any other hardware manufacturer. Nintendo is just so willing to do crazy shit that people are like, "Touch-screen HD game stream - sure!"

Actually we did exactly this for the NGP prior to its show. We started getting similar "EVERYTHING AND THE KITCHEN SINK" info right as it was leading up and had a big topic

Amusingly, everything there turned out to be basically true. So if this is all true gonna be fucking a curiosity to say the least
Flying_Phoenix said:
I think what I'm trying to say is that almost anything a second analog can do, motion controls, pointer controls, or a touch screen can do better.

I understand what you're trying to say. You're just wrong about it.

I don't think there's any fundamental holy war for the future of control here or anything. But your statement is factually inaccurate. If you made a controller that was a Wiimote (with no nunchuk attachment) with a touchscreen bolted on and you tried to play Super Mario Galaxy with it, it would fucking suck. That's so obvious I shouldn't even have to point it out.

A 360-style pad is not a bad design; it's actually an extremely elegant and refined tool for gaming control that's stood the test of fifteen years of time with largely ergonomic improvements specifically because it's so good at its job. FPS/TPS control is borked on consoles only from the requirement that every game use the same control scheme (even in genres that suit said control less well), not from the controller or the use of two analog sticks being poor in the first place.
Orayn said:
Not necessarily. This just means that pointers need a little bit of a dead zone. They might not be pixel perfect, but they're still very intuitive and have the potential to be much more accurate than an analog stick.

Than an analog stick? Of course, but before he edited his post he didn't have that. The "best" thing to aim with though? Still a mouse.

Tron 2.0

It's weird to me that all of these websites dropped Wii-successor info at the same time. It feels like a coordinated leak.

It just seems strange that, with Nintendo's notorious secrecy, we are hearing so much about this new system. Specifically the controller.

I'm honestly not sure what to make of it all.
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