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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Can’t Git Gud
I would not be surprised but it would just be Russia burying itself deeper into the earth.

It is honestly kind of crazy to watch a major world power commit suicide in real time.
For putin and his propaganda believing officials, you can be sure that they think the country died with the communism. They want to raise back to glory and they hate the west. Ukraine started to notice what the west is and liking it… and Russia don’t want this.
They know Russians will also sooner or later notice how modern and nice west is.

In short. Putin is an old communist and want ussr glory days back


Gold Member
What are the consequences for Russia if it's proven they've used a vaccum bomb?

"A vacuum bomb, or thermobaric weapon, sucks in oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion, typically producing a blast wave of a significantly longer duration than that of a conventional explosive and is capable of vaporizing human bodies".

This is a scaled down controlled experiment showing how a thermobaric weapon works. Harrowing to say the least!



Russian nuclear bombers have never flown over the UK.

There is enough misinformation around at the minute, lets not add to it.

Yeah, I doubt that too. Few years, a decade, I don't know, back they semi-regularly crossed into Finnish airspace but even then it was radar planes or something of the kind. Flying bombers in other country's airspace is a different thing.


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well, I prefer this approach. When a mad power hungry dictator plays his cards you have to counter in some way. I would rather pay more for my avocado toast and vanilla soy latte than be drafted and in a plane about parachute into moscow to get my head blown off in the front lines because putin invaded a nato territory as a result of suffering no consequences from taking non-nato neighbors.
Not everyone in the UK is some middle class millennial poster child living on avocado toast. There are a lot of very poor people due to the large wealth divide. The fact that there are a lot of "comfortable" people who are more than happy for those poorer people to take more economic hits for their support of Ukraine is not a heart-warming thing.


Relying on sensationalist tabloid headlines doesn't usually end well.
I just picked the first headline from search that was recent and not behind a wall. To me, the argument about what exactly is airspace or over land is a distinction without a difference. If the RAF waited until they were over London before intercepting them, it would be very shocking.


not tag worthy
Did you actually read the article?

Relying on sensationalist tabloid headlines doesn't usually end well.
Now because of what’s going on the word NUCLEAR is in the headline also.

It happens a lot they fly around the airspaces but not over the U.K.

Link from 2010
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Guy was streaming from Ukrainian capital for 2 hours talking about how complex the whole situation is. Very insightful.

Says that ENDGAME is probably about splitting Ukraine from 2 to up to 4 countries.
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Not everyone in the UK is some middle class millennial poster child living on avocado toast. There are a lot of very poor people due to the large wealth divide. The fact that there are a lot of "comfortable" people who are more than happy for those poorer people to take more economic hits for their support of Ukraine is not a heart-warming thing.
So you would rather those poor people be picking up rifles and dying by the millions in 5-10 years? pick a struggle dude.


So you would rather those poor people be picking up rifles and dying by the millions in 5-10 years? pick a struggle dude.
This is about the idea that the UK can choose to impose sanctions because they are so insulated and far away from Russia. Not saying what the "correct" policy is for a country, which will see severe consequences for the invasion either way.


Gold Member
Honestly, my biggest worry is if/when Putin decides “to hell with it” and tries to turn Ukraine into another Syria and begins indiscriminate shelling of the major cities. He is definitely the vindictive type whom is currently backed into a corner, and is likely to take the “if I can’t have it then no one can” stance to reinforce how “strong” Russia is.


This is about the idea that the UK can choose to impose sanctions because they are so insulated and far away from Russia. Not saying what the "correct" policy is for a country, which will see severe consequences for the invasion either way.
UK is part of the free world, and has a responsiblity to work together with other free nations to defend the rights and privileges we have. Putin has decided to attack a peaceful and sovereign nation because he believes that the people and world leaders of the west think like you. That we should do our own thing and be selfish and isolationist, and that we would continue to be splintered and slow to act to forces of aggression. I have no doubt the collective focus and steps the NATO and other international allies have taken will have cascading effects on the history of the planet. This could very will be a pivotal moment that stops russia and china from instagating a devastating global conflict.


Honestly, my biggest worry is if/when Putin decides “to hell with it” and tries to turn Ukraine into another Syria and begins indiscriminate shelling of the major cities. He is definitely the vindictive type whom is currently backed into a corner, and is likely to take the “if I can’t have it then no one can” stance to reinforce how “strong” Russia is.
Watch the video I posted. Russia is winning all around. There's no way for Ukrainian army to win anything. No carpet bombing is needed.


Biggest Ukrainian forces were / is located next to Mariupol area. They're getting surrounded from. Same goes for Kyev, there's no way out from it.


Russian people had a chance to change the course under Yeltsin, but he was seen as weak. So they decided to drink the power cool aid and screwed themselves once again.
Did we, really? I was too young to remember any details, but the general public was played for fools, and by the time people enjoyed some measure of stability and even prosperity, there wasn't that much freedom left.


Watch the video I posted. Russia is winning all around. There's no way for Ukrainian army to win anything. No carpet bombing is needed.


Biggest Ukrainian forces were / is located next to Mariupol area. They're getting surrounded from. Same goes for Kyev, there's no way out from it.
I agree there is no way out for Russia .. living in poverty it is ..


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I just want this to be over. The situation is tragic and what happened in Kharkiv recently is just fucking vile.
Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.
What are the consequences for Russia if it's proven they've used a vaccum bomb?
What were the consequences for the US from Vietnam to Iraq?

Putin has decided to attack a peaceful and sovereign nation
Ah yes, the peaceful nation that occupied Snake Island, blocked and later destroyed Romania's Danube Delta despite international sanctions, publishes lists of people to kill (usually minorities) with full personal info in the newspaper of the secret service... They also publicly supported Transnistria's independence while secretly negotiating with them to join Ukraine. What a great neighbour!

People in the West never heard of Kharkov until last week and now they're experts on Ukraine politics and society. Ukraine is just as evil as Russia, only smaller.
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Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.

Nope and certainly not before Ukraine falls, which I'm afraid it will unless NATO gets directly involved, by accident or design, in which case we have much bigger problems to worry about.

Putins clique of goons, who control all the levers of power, know that if Putin falls, they fall. The suffering of ordinary Russians is another world to them and won't affect their behavior.

Only a coup by the Russian military will put an end to Putin's regime.


Hey, now Russia is threatening my country as well:

Maybe Bruno Le Maire shouldn’t have said that “we are going to crush the Russian economy”? Nah, he did the right thing, fuck Putin.

Maybe we should answer in the language they understand, something like “we got nukes too”, hein?
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Hey, now Russia is threatening my country as well:

Maybe Bruno Le Maire shouldn’t have said that “we are going to crush the Russian economy”? Nah, he did the right thing, fuck Putin.

Maybe we should answer in the language they understand, something like “we got nukes too”, hein?

Least you could do is put that in English so we know wtf the tweet is about


Least you could do is put that in English so we know wtf the tweet is about
The French Minister of Economy has said today that they declared an economic war against us. Be careful Sirs! Do not forget that in the history of mankind economic wars turned often into real ones.

This comes from the guy who threatened Europe to pay 2000€ per cubic meter of gas soon. Russia, never change.


A French minister said today that they had declared economic war on us. Watch your speech, gentlemen! And do not forget that economic wars in the history of mankind have often turned into real wars
It’s always same pattern 😜 but it’s okay .. freedom is earned .. not a given.. we will see what the future will bring us.


Gold Member
how long before the west step in if civilians keep dying or he flattens a city?

Probably never, Russia has made it clear that anyone seen as directly aiding Ukraine with its own forces would be declaring war with Russia themselves.

And currently it seems no one is willing to step up to bat in that regard. So the plan so far is to supply Ukraine with what they can to hold out longer while also keeping plausible deniability on entering the conflict directly. While forcing Russia to its knees economically to get a resolution that way.
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I just had a thought, what if the reason the russians are sending in all of these barely trained kids on the ground, sending all of these outdated tanks and equipment in mass, and committing to a limited air assault, is because he expects to engage in another war soon. He wants his best and brightest in the next battlefront and doesn't want to waste any of the best high end equipment and most polished and accomplished soldiers in a place he can win with pure attrition and overwhelming waves and numbers. He could've made the assumption to expect to win here with equipment that was going to be de-commissioned and scrapped anyways. It would also explain why he is sending the chechens and belarusians to pad the numbers, so he doesn't have to commit forces that he would like to keep in the back pocket for stage 2.


Hey, now Russia is threatening my country as well:

Maybe Bruno Le Maire shouldn’t have said that “we are going to crush the Russian economy”? Nah, he did the right thing, fuck Putin.

Maybe we should answer in the language they understand, something like “we got nukes too”, hein?

This is why I'm glad to be french, we can pissed everyone so easily just by being french !
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I just had a thought, what if the reason the russians are sending in all of these barely trained kids on the ground, sending all of these outdated tanks and equipment in mass, and committing to a limited air assault, is because he expects to engage in another war soon. He wants his best and brightest in the next battlefront and doesn't want to waste any of the best high end equipment and most polished and accomplished soldiers in a place he can win with pure attrition and overwhelming waves and numbers. He could've made the assumption to expect to win here with equipment that was going to be de-commissioned and scrapped anyways. It would also explain why he is sending the chechens and belarusians to pad the numbers, so he doesn't have to commit forces that he would like to keep in the back pocket for stage 2.

Doesn’t matter, moment he hits a NATO country it’s a full nuclear war, and no amount of troops or tanks will save either side. All the simulations show this doesn’t end well for the all of us if it escalates. Nobody in their right mind would provoke one, but the fear is Putin has lost his.


The French Minister of Economy has said today that they declared an economic war against us. Be careful Sirs! Do not forget that in the history of mankind economic wars turned often into real ones.

This comes from the guy who threatened Europe to pay 2000€ per cubic meter of gas soon. Russia, never change.

He did not threaten Europe with 2000€ per cubic meter of gas (Russia has no means or possibilities to do that), but that was a response to the fact that Nord Stream 2 was stopped.

As for the economic warfare issue, I'm afraid he's right even if i would like to say otherwise.

Russia must be stopped and is clearly the aggressor. However, I have my doubts that this war will remain limited to Ukraine if the US and EU continue to act so undiplomatically.

Not that Russia deserves any direct concession, but currently the escalation spiral knows only one way and that will eventually lead to many victims, which will make the current situation look like a kids' birthday.

Whether you like it or not, and I personally don't like it either, but we will not get out of the current situation without diplomacy. The alternative is to continue as we have done so far. That may also be a solution and for many internet warriors in front of their keyboard that's probably the best one. But for the world and many many people it would be a nightmare and the end of an era for all of us.

The arms deliveries to Ukraine, as necessary and important as they are, are already going to escalate this war. It will start with targeted missiles on bases and weapons factories in the EU near Ukraine and that will start a spiral that nobody really wants to experience.


Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.
From getting Ukraine? Unlikely.

They knew going in they would be hit hard economically.

Longer term? Hard to say; Putin will be banking on the West being unable or unwilling to lose Russia as an energy provider and if they get Ukraine they'll have the largest reserves with infrastructure directly to Europe at hand. Would Europe / the West be willing to not do business with a country that controls that much in energy reserves? Already seen how Germany was reluctant to give that up.

Basically unless the West can find another way to provide energy that isn't so reliant on oil and natural gas Putin has something he can leverage.
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This is why I'm glad to be french, we can pissed everyone so easily just by being french !

Not difficult when you have that jumped up little french Twot, Macron, running to Putin & attempting to negotiate Ukraine's sovereignty away on their behalf.

Someone should tell him that his imbecilic input is neither wanted nor requested.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I just had a thought, what if the reason the russians are sending in all of these barely trained kids on the ground, sending all of these outdated tanks and equipment in mass, and committing to a limited air assault, is because he expects to engage in another war soon. He wants his best and brightest in the next battlefront and doesn't want to waste any of the best high end equipment and most polished and accomplished soldiers in a place he can win with pure attrition and overwhelming waves and numbers. He could've made the assumption to expect to win here with equipment that was going to be de-commissioned and scrapped anyways. It would also explain why he is sending the chechens and belarusians to pad the numbers, so he doesn't have to commit forces that he would like to keep in the back pocket for stage 2.

If you're suggesting stage 2 is war with the West (NATO) then I hope it doesn't come to that.

It wouldn't just be war with Russia, but the whole CSTO and would plunge the world into a state of total war.


I just want this to be over. The situation is tragic and what happened in Kharkiv recently is just fucking vile.
Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.

No, they are prepared for a complete cutoff from the West. financially and culturally.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
From getting Ukraine? Unlikely.

They knew going in they would be hit hard economically.

Longer term? Hard to say; Putin will be banking on the West being unable or unwilling to lose Russia as an energy provider and if they get Ukraine they'll have the largest reserves with infrastructure directly to Europe at hand. Would Europe / the West be willing to not do business with a country that controls that much in energy reserves? Already seen how Germany was reluctant to give that up.

Basically unless the West can find another way to provide energy that isn't so reliant on oil and natural gas Putin has something he can leverage.

EU president is currently addressing the EU council. They seem to think the sanctions they've put in place will stop the Russian war machine and swiftly end this war.

Do we think that's possible? Could the EU be the ones to stop Russia with these hardcore sanctions?
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