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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
No, they are prepared for a complete cutoff from the West. financially and culturally.

If you don't mind me asking, how are they prepared, because the EU think the new set of sanctions have Russia by the balls.


*Refreshes biennially
EU president is currently addressing the EU council. They seem to think the sanctions they've put in place will stop the Russian war machine and swiftly end this war.

Do we think that's possible? Could the EU be the ones to stop Russia with these hardcore sanctions?

We're ruled by fucking imbeciles. They had 30 years to get energy independent. Instead, they did the exact opposite.

Fucking idiots thought that history won't repeat itself and we will live in peace for ever and ever.

It's hard to listen to them and not get your blood boiled.


I just had a thought, what if the reason the russians are sending in all of these barely trained kids on the ground, sending all of these outdated tanks and equipment in mass, and committing to a limited air assault, is because he expects to engage in another war soon. He wants his best and brightest in the next battlefront and doesn't want to waste any of the best high end equipment and most polished and accomplished soldiers in a place he can win with pure attrition and overwhelming waves and numbers. He could've made the assumption to expect to win here with equipment that was going to be de-commissioned and scrapped anyways. It would also explain why he is sending the chechens and belarusians to pad the numbers, so he doesn't have to commit forces that he would like to keep in the back pocket for stage 2.
There was mention yesterday of some troop movements from the East towards the Caspian.

Georgia supports Ukraine.


If you're suggesting stage 2 is war with the West (NATO) then I hope it doesn't come to that.

It wouldn't just be war with Russia, but the whole CSTO and would plunge the world into a state of total war.
stage 2 in my humble opinion would any close neighboring countries not currently under the NATO umbrella, finland and sweden im looking at you. They should be serious in joining NATO ASAP. Belarus will be upgraded from a puppet state to fully absorbed into the new 'Russian Empire'. They don't care about being isolated they will trade with china and developing countries and produce a shit ton of war machines and sell them off to third world countries, terrorists, crime syndicates, whoever is the highest bidder. They will have by far the biggest military on earth rivaling everyone's standing army combined. And then lets hope it doesn't get to a stage 3.


Do we think that's possible? Could the EU be the ones to stop Russia with these hardcore sanctions?
Whatever the sanctions are, it's gonna take time before our reserves are depleted and economy crumbles completely. I don't think spooking Putin into submission is gonna work, it actually might backfire on you and provoke him.


Gold Member
We're ruled by fucking imbeciles. They had 30 years to get energy independent. Instead, they did the exact opposite.

Fucking idiots thought that history won't repeat itself and we will live in peace for ever and ever.

It's hard to listen to them and not get your blood boiled.

One of the few things to happen in the UK in recent years, was the plan to move further and further onto renewable sources for energy, this would effectively cut off the requirement to do business with Russia for fossil fuels... before we then tried to have the Chinese run a nuclear plant in the UK and I was like "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!" .

Also in fairness History dousen't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. In a way the leaders where doing what other leaders had also done before, the same kind of mistakes in believing that War is the last resort for all, and not just anouther tool in the tool box.
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Supposedly, the top Russian vampire goblin moved some assets around back in 2021 in preparation for this invasion. I still don't think he expected the west to activate such tough sanctions though.

Some economic pundits are predicting a... really ugly picture of what's in store for Russia's economy. Some say the average Russian's economy is headed into an "abyss", worse than their forefather's generation.

Least you could do is put that in English so we know wtf the tweet is about

Deepl.com can be an useful future reference, mate.
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One of the few things to happen in the UK in recent years, was the plan to move further and further onto renewable sources for energy, this would effectively cut off the requirement to do business with Russia for fossil fuels... before we then tried to have the Chinese run a nuclear plant in the UK and I was like "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!"

Also in fairness History dousen't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

we get all ours from Norway, please don't start a war Norway!


Never happened. Politicians are people with values, respectable. Selling out? Never happened. No. No. Never.

Ah yes, the western press is clearly gonna go all out and publicly show how rotten the US Foreign Affairs actually are. Get your head out of the sand, it's not only Russia and China that have propaganda. If you want to learn more you need to dig deeper, you can't expect the NY Times or Washington Post to show these things.

And btw, all the links I provided are basically western news. If you ACTUALLY read through them, and checked the links on the wikipedia page, then you would see it. But hey, you do you. I'm happy with being a critical thinking person.

Forget it, you are a lost cause. Go to the streets protest Russian invasion of Ukraine in the streets of some random US city. That will clearly show them.
You sure seem hellbent in criticizing people supporting a country victim of tirany of a completely fuckface(I hope this doesn't count as geopolitical lack of knowledge). Do you also use hashtags supporting Russia?
Seems the fact that people are supporting Ukraine is getting under you skin. Is the 5th post in a row where you mention it.
Yes, I believe US and the Ukrainian government supported this kind of troops, they had non trouble supporting the Taliban (US) when it fitted their purposes.
Now, explain to me, please, how a small part of an entire army justifies (even if only 10%) what that fucker brought to Ukraine and possibly the rest of the world.


There is also the distinct possibility that they are worried about domestic control. With ~70% of their armed forces actively involved with the Ukrainian invasion, domestic uprisings and the border with NATO countries are exposed.
Well, I think that's the main reason behind his nuclear threat. He left his country exposed and is showing is ass with this offensive. Im just glad none of the strongest NATO countries has a war happy goer in there, or else he would be inclined to hammer on Russia.
They have a lot of firepower, but if the main brunt of your army are kids, something's not right.



He'd never get the chance. One thing mafioso billionaires like more than money, it's being alive to spend that money, and they like mansions, and beach holidays and fast cars and nights out. They don't want to spend the next 20 years in lockdown underground, with nothing to come up to. If he gave the order he'd probably be and most like will anyway, be assassinated.


Gold Member



Gold Member
He'd never get the chance. One thing mafioso billionaires like more than money, it's being alive to spend that money, and they like mansions, and beach holidays and fast cars and nights out. They don't want to spend the next 20 years in lockdown underground, with nothing to come up to. If he gave the order he'd probably be and most like will anyway, be assassinated.

Want to cause a huge issue with dire consequences for Europe, while essentially causing a nuclear disaster without using a single Nuke?

So right now the Russians hold the Chernobyl nuclear plant to the north. Just wait for a day with a west facing wind and blow the top right off the plant.

First blame it on the Ukranians, say it was one of their missile strikes during a failed attempt to retake the reactor. Then when eventually mounting evidence points out that the Russians had done it, blame it on Belarus. Afterall it's their forces that where holding the plant, it was never the Russians they are a peaceful people that would never uncork the reactor by vacuum bombing it.

There we go, you have just committed a giant war crime and problem for decades to come while still claiming plausible deniability and not pushing the big red button.
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Gold Member
I just want this to be over. The situation is tragic and what happened in Kharkiv recently is just fucking vile.
Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.
Doubt it.

Russia is going all in no matter the sanctions. It'll as usual hit the regular people the most (their soldiers dying and all getting grilled with sanctions, and Ukraines dying). Putin and his elites wont care as they're all mega millionaires.

Russian economy is fucked going forward. Sure, they might still have some chums like China and any other country who didnt do anything, but you can see just by a few days sanctions from the big western economies what it did to Russian currency and stocks and interest/mortgage rates.

And it's not like these sanctions will reverse tomorrow if Putin actually gave up an hour from now. These sanctions will stick for years. Even common folk stuff like Russian sports teams in global tournaments, movies and some tech stuff from Apple, Google or Disney are being banished. So even though the average Russian probably doesnt care or want war, they're all getting grilled by the rest of the world by the actions of their own government as if they are North Korea V2.


So turns out russian units are even using public radio lines to communicate and people are trolling them. They have numbers but they are so underprepared it's astounding. One thing this whole thing shows is that their military beyond nukes and fancy parades is the biggest paper tiger ever.
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Welp…so much for the stories about 70 fighter jets coming over to help.

It was pointless anyway. You can't just Transfer planes, put a pilot in it and go wreck things. It doesn't work like that. You need operational airfields defended from long distance missiles, supply lines and supporting manpower to maintain them and keep those planes useful. It's a logistical nightmare in this kind of a situation.
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NATO is not sending any aircraft to Ukraine after all and at the same time Dmitry Peskov announces that Russia still fully recognizes the president of Ukraine and categorically rules out interference in elections.

This may be a coincidence, but perhaps it is also the beginning of diplomacy and developing agreements behind closed doors or at least a sign for a peaceful solution.


The colonel knows what he is talking about. I do disagree though, we should use sanctions against Russian aggression. But this is the first person I have seen talk about how the war is actually going. Russia is winning, despite what social media says.
They are definitely gaining positions by the sheer fact that ukrainian forces/resources are limited, they can't defend everywhere.


Litte bit of interesting news, apparently the Crimea Tatar's have apparently taken up arms to join the war against Russia, interesting if true imho.



Right, I forgot all about that! I just took it as posturing to put pressure on the EU to lift sanctions, just like the nuclear threats. Maybe we just found a piece to the puzzle here.
The death cultist and Orthodox influence with the Russian Symphonia has got to have a few wondering if Israel is an objective.

Quite the corridor coming in between the Caspian and Black with Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria right there. Although, regardless of the high human cost, if there was assistance from these against the West I doubt more than a few would complain about the moldavite.
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The colonel knows what he is talking about. I do disagree though, we should use sanctions against Russian aggression. But this is the first person I have seen talk about how the war is actually going. Russia is winning, despite what social media says.
He spoke very blunt and matter of fact. The way it should be.
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