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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I am extremely pleased with Biden coming out and saying that this is a fight for Democracy. I think it was very important for the US to come out and say it and base our actions around it.

I think it was also very important, that the section of the speech about Ukraine/Russia was complete and total unanimity from the crowd in favor of what was said.

GOP thank you for that.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
US: Sanctions Russia back to the Stone Age
Also US: Buys thousands of barrels of oil from Russia every day.

What’s the use of the sanctions then?
I know you and I know you are not that stupid. You know the damage of the sanctions stretch FAR beyond oil sales. The sanctions have destroyed the Russian economy. The oil thing will be figured out as soon as there is an alternative or as soon as Russia turns off the taps.

Pretending that the sanctions mean nothing because we still buy oil from Russia is just ridiculous.


WW3 here we come.

I see in no way how this ends with Russia standing down outside of an outright revolution or military coup.
I simply can not believe or stomach the EU countries and the Uk above all of them is not stepping in to help beyond sanctions and weapons.

My grandparents didn't fight in WW2 for this fucking cyka to walk in Hitlers shoes
Its embarrassing, obviously with all the airspace ban, its clear on whose side they are but everyone is watching from their armchairs it seems. My only guess is, if another country gets involved, we might be going on a full scale WW. But even still, it just shows how much power Russia has and that people are afraid to say anything, actually all they do is protest or ban. But nobody dares to make a threat. Which is ridiculous that you give so much weight to a single country.


Gold Member
Its embarrassing, obviously with all the airspace ban, its clear on whose side they are but everyone is watching from their armchairs it seems. My only guess is, if another country gets involved, we might be going on a full scale WW. But even still, it just shows how much power Russia has and that people are afraid to say anything, actually all they do is protest or ban. But nobody dares to make a threat. Which is ridiculous that you give so much weight to a single country.
That's because it's Ukraine.

The whole "Ukraine isn't part of NATO so that's why we arent going on the offensive" or "we can't go in because Russia will nuke us" is BS.

If lets' say France wasnt part of NATO for some reason and Russia attacked France, there is no way the US, UK and all the other European countries immediately beside France would do nothing and just send Macron bullets and anti-tank rockets.


That's because it's Ukraine.

The whole "Ukraine isn't part of NATO so that's why we arent going on the offensive" or "we can't go in because Russia will nuke us" is BS.

If lets' say France wasnt part of NATO for some reason and Russia attacked France, there is no way the US, UK and all the other European countries immediately beside France would do nothing and just send Macron bullets and anti-tank rockets.

Finland and Sweden are probably the better example..
but yes… no way the world would stand by and watch it happen.


US: Sanctions Russia back to the Stone Age
Also US: Buys thousands of barrels of oil from Russia every day.

What’s the use of the sanctions then?
ya it's the most maddening thing about what's happening domestically they do one thing then they do the opposite simultaneously. so they waste overall productivity.

its like when the nazi's ordered jews in the concentration camps to dig a hole, then the next day fill that same hole.


ya it's the most maddening thing about what's happening domestically they do one thing then they do the opposite simultaneously. so they waste overall productivity.

its like when the nazi's ordered jews in the concentration camps to dig a hole, then the next day fill that same hole.
It's madness you don't understand how economics work. How would Americans feel if the price of gas shot up to $20/gal


It's madness you don't understand how economics work. How would Americans feel if the price of gas shot up to $20/gal

this is an asinine response. I wasn't even speaking specifically about oil but if you wanna go there you're failing to realize that Russian oil is only a fraction of our supply. But also the halting of keystone XL (speculation causing increased pricing), halting of federal land leases and massive reduction in domestic production. then we have the Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughing when asked about increasing oil production. The current situation is that they made terrible decisions at the worst possible time.


United States.- 8,134 tons
Germany - 3,364 tons
Italy - 2,453 tons
France - 2,436 tons
Russia - 2,299 tons
China - 1,948 tons
Switzerland - 1,040 tons
Japan - 765 tons
India - 642 tons
Netherlands - 612 tons
The United States has the largest gold reserves in the world at 8,134 tons, more than Germany and Italy combined. The U.S also has the highest gold allocation as a percentage of its foreign reserves at 76%. Russia has been the largest purchaser of gold for the last seven years, purchasing 274 tons in 2018 alone.



Gold Member
United States.- 8,134 tons
Germany - 3,364 tons
Italy - 2,453 tons
France - 2,436 tons
Russia - 2,299 tons
China - 1,948 tons
Switzerland - 1,040 tons
Japan - 765 tons
India - 642 tons
Netherlands - 612 tons
The United States has the largest gold reserves in the world at 8,134 tons, more than Germany and Italy combined. The U.S also has the highest gold allocation as a percentage of its foreign reserves at 76%. Russia has been the largest purchaser of gold for the last seven years, purchasing 274 tons in 2018 alone.


Random factoids are random.
Goddamn, it only took a week for the myth of Putin's military to implode on the world stage.

When push comes to shove it turned out all those tough guy recruiting ads and manly men pandering didn't matter for a single thing.

Everyone has seen how poorly trained (even outright confused) their soldiers look, the broken-down decrepit equipment, the amateurish bordering on non-existent tactics everywhere, and the crippling logistics problems of an army that seems it can barely operate beyond its own borders.

Sure Russian can win but they will staggered to victory by throwing men and machines at vastly weaker country, resorted to clumsy indiscriminate use of firepower, and hid behind their nuclear umbrella.


I just want this to be over. The situation is tragic and what happened in Kharkiv recently is just fucking vile.
Does anybody think the squeeze on the Russian economy is going to stop Putin? Serious question.

No. But it will stop this happening again as they just won't have money. Whether it starts Putin's end, no one can tell. Russia doesn't follow the normal rules and a large part of the russians are brainwashed to think their presidenr is a great man. Those who know otherwise and dare to say it, are arrested or killed.


Goddamn, it only took a week for the myth of Putin's military to implode on the world stage.

When push comes to shove it turned out all those tough guy recruiting ads and manly men pandering didn't matter for a single thing.

Everyone has seen how poorly trained (even outright confused) their soldiers look, the broken-down decrepit equipment, the amateurish bordering on non-existent tactics everywhere, and the crippling logistics problems of an army that seems it can barely operate beyond its own borders.

Sure Russian can win but they will staggered to victory by throwing men and machines at vastly weaker country, resorted to clumsy indiscriminate use of firepower, and hid behind their nuclear umbrella.
Yup, a sad pathetic showing , now go home Putin !


No. But it will stop this happening again as they just won't have money. Whether it starts Putin's end, no one can tell. Russia doesn't follow the normal rules and a large part of the russians are brainwashed to think their presidenr is a great man. Those who know otherwise and dare to say it, are arrested or killed.
That’s how a WW starts if you let them or ignore .. it’s good that the west and the world do what they can as civilized as possible .


WW3 here we come.

I see in no way how this ends with Russia standing down outside of an outright revolution or military coup.
That would probably be the best outcome, and one that most countries hope for by applying restrictions on the whole country. In the end it’s for the Russian people to take care of their own leader (or accept his choices and assume the consequences, but I don’t think they will).
Unfortunately a coup would probably create its own instability, but considering the situation it can’t be worse than what we have now.


That would probably be the best outcome, and one that most countries hope for by applying restrictions on the whole country. In the end it’s for the Russian people to take care of their own leader (or accept his choices and assume the consequences, but I don’t think they will).
Unfortunately a coup would probably create its own instability, but considering the situation it can’t be worse than what we have now.
apparently their is dissention in moscow. the last assassination attempt on zelensky was tipped off by security service board members that are opposed to the war putin's started. LINK people are sticking their neck out to stop putin already.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
NATO isn't coming to save Ukraine unless Russia starts carpet bombing major cities with the FOAB.
I doubt NATO would step in even IF Russia fired nukes in Ukraine. Why should they? NATO has no legal obligation to do so. Ukraine isn’t in the NATO. NATO will never start WW3 over Ukraine of all places.
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If the Russian people keep suffering, does anybody think the people will turn on Putin and spark a revolutionary movement?
In my heart.. no .. most are brainwashed for decades .. and the new generations are still to few. What most likely will happen , that the West is looked at as aggressors from Russian point of view. Which could happen that he gets killed within his ranks .
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