Still on paper mig 29 ( and its newer variant mig 35) are better on air to air confrontation
Gota admit russians are still better on that ( they only lack funding)
Oh for fuck’s sake. This is what I was talking about with the nukes shit. Miss one waypoint or whatever, someone gets trigger happy, someone else responds, and away we go.
The Mayans forgot to carry a 1 with the 2012 shit.
What kind of planes do Sweden and Finland have? I seem to recall Finland placing an order for F-35s but that was recent and they probably don't have them yet I'm guessing right?
Someone pages back Moscow markets probably closed all week. Only got Friday to go now.
And the Ruble will soon be named Rubbish
Those are no match for russian flankers ( not even the f 35)
Europe need to buit better fighters in the future
They’ll just go old school and have the officers point their guns at the kids that don’t want to fightState Department just said Putin's $600B war chest is gone. He has no money to continue financing the war.
Off course they did..
Ehhhhh don’t be so certainI hope China is watching as Russia crumbles to dust because that's what we'll need to do to them if they Invade Taiwan.
If you think jets like grippen are good enough to fight Su 30 MK, Su 33, Su35 or migs 29/35 youre in for rude awakening manBullshit
Off course they did..
Maybe theState Department just said Putin's $600B war chest is gone. He has no money to continue financing the war.
I doubt that, and I also doubt the world will have the same energy and corporate virtue signaling.I hope China is watching as Russia crumbles to dust because that's what we'll need to do to them if they Invade Taiwan.
Mmmm... what!? F35 weapons and targeting systems are so much more advanced than anything russians have in their inventory, it's not even funny. An F35 would take out most of the russian junk before it even realises there's an F35 haunting it. F35 is pretty much a flying computer meant to fight beyond visual range. Russian SUs are nothing but dogfighters. They are outdated as hell.Those are no match for russian flankers ( not even the f 35)
Europe need to buit better fighters in the future
Sadly most Wws started like this .. who knows
Now that is a great way for that legendary plane to retire.Commentator on the news suggesting the US gives them some A-10s as there are Ukrainian pilots who know how to fly them.
No man f35 stealth and radar are overestimated ( it is still detectable even with pesa/aesa). Once it located and have to face confrontation its a sitting duck...3d trust vectoring..climb rate..high altitude..low altitude fight...range...speed..agility...supermanouvreabilty...will be murdered by flankers...the typhoon f18 super hornets and f15 are still better options...Mhmmm... what!? F35 weapons and targeting systems are so much more advanced than anything russians have in their inventory, it's not even funny. An F35 would take out most of the russian junk before it even realises there's an F35 haunting it. F35 is pretty much a flying computer meant to fight beyond visual range. Russian SUs are nothing but dogfighters. They are outdated as hell.
Nice knowing you gentleman
Nice knowing you gentleman
Visegrad 24 is a bleh-source my friend.
Not seeing this anywhere else.
Visegrad 24 is a bleh-source my friend.
Not seeing this anywhere else.
BREAKING Un avion MiG 21 LanceR s-a prăbușit în județul Constanța, pilotul a fost găsit mort/ Video: Elicopterul care a plecat în căutarea avionului s-a prăbușit. Șapte militari au decedat
UPDATE 06:40 Pilotul avionului MiG-21 LanceR, prăbuşit, miercuri seara, în judeţul Constanţa a fost găsit decedat, iar Forţele Aeriene şi
Could be coincidence, but timing and shit.
Seems to be all over Romanian news. Bad weather, 5 dead in the helicopter crash. It's not that close to Ukraine or Snake Island.
Fair enoughThanks.
Nice knowing you gentleman
Still on paper mig 29 ( and its newer variant mig 35) are better on air to air confrontation compared to saab and gripen
Gota admit russians are still better on that ( they only lack funding) thats why i said nato need to built better fighter in the future
Fair enough
Holy shit a Mig-21? Are people still flying B17s and P-51s somewhere?
That's the kind of evil that leads to setting repressed people off.FUCKING MONSTERS!!
Russian police jail kids who took flowers and 'No to War' signs to Ukraine's embassy
The children were still clutching their flowers as they sat in custody. Police reportedly threatened mothers with losing their parental
FUCK PUTIN and his Regime.. Bunch of savage scum.
Dude Romania is really poor. It's hard to believe tho, we have such aircraft put as a memorials near military base (it's like 10kms from me, so that's how I know it)Holy shit a Mig-21? Are people still flying B17s and P-51s somewhere?
Fighting the good fight.I heard Disney Plus removed Anastasia.
Come on, man.
Nice knowing you gentleman
Are you implying all Muslims can be compared to Nazis?Why won't you disrespect their faith if they interpret it through violence? do you respect the nazis faith?
You still living in 20th century like russian planes? Man, dogfights are a thing of the past. It's now about, who spots who first. And F35 is light years ahead in this department.No man f35 stealth and radar are overestimated ( it is still detectable). Once it located and have to face confrontation its a sitting duck...3d trust vectoring..climb rate..high altitude..low altitude fight...range....supermanouvreabilty...will be murdered by flankers...the typhoon f18 super hornets and f15 are still better options...
Ok anyway im not here for that..
Im looking for good news anytime puttin army is getting halted or decimated...
Hopefully just weather.Russia?
Yeah I see that now. Perhaps we (the US) needs to bulk up our NATO allies so that they are not flying museum pieces.Romania is a very poor country. You use what you have.