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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Wow, you take pot shots and offer no substantive criticism. I have never seen someone do something so quirky before. Really activates the almonds.
It's not a pot shot. It was a counterpoint.

Here is a fine example of civil behavior and education involving conflict which illustrates my position in an attempt to help you understand


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The reporting on what is happening in Ukraine is so shoddy I doubt everything I read based on how many stories I've seen change over the course of a day. No one will know how much of this is true for some time.
You can do the basic math even if you have no military experience. The Russian forces have taken far more losses both in soldiers and in equipment than the Ukrainians.

That is just a fact no matter who you believe.


The amount of people here who've fallen for propaganda. Every video and statement I've seen about Ukraine doing well gets proven to be fake a few days after.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The amount of people here who've fallen for propaganda. Every video and statement I've seen about Ukraine doing well gets proven to be fake a few days after.
Ukraine is doing fucking work and that is a proven fact. That is all that matters.

The memes and the heroic propaganda is just what you would expect given the situation when you have an actual real life case of good vs evil. People want to make sure the good guy gets all the press, but even without that boost everyone knows that Russia has taken a significant amount of damage both on the ground and in the markets.

And in a war like this that is literally all that matters in the end.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Every video!
Wow. you watched them all?


Ukraine is doing fucking work and that is a proven fact. That is all that matters.

The memes and the heroic propaganda is just what you would expect given the situation when you have an actual real life case of good vs evil. People want to make sure the good guy gets all the press, but even without that boost everyone knows that Russia has taken a significant amount of damage both on the ground and in the markets.

And in a war like this that is literally all that matters in the end.

Yeah I can't think of another war were there was a clear side of good and a clear side of evil since WWII. Its why the entire world wants to come to the aid of the brave Ukrainians.
Sanctions continue to tighten by the day, as well as numerous companies jumping ship. Putin made that boisterous claim they could survive all this, but I don't believe it.

I've never seen such economic devastation in a short time and just when I think they've taken as many hits as possible, some other company pulls their operations.

Is the plan to just choke their economy out and force a retreat? Because I feel Putin is too arrogant to turn tail.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Yeah I can't think of another war were there was a clear side of good and a clear side of evil since WWII. Its why the entire world wants to come to the aid of the brave Ukrainians.
Yeah if it wasn't for their nukes The rest of the world would have laid waste to the Russian forces. I think Putin expected that fear to extend to protect them from true sanctions.

Sucks to suck bitch.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Don't have a lot of cash to spare, but this game Darkwood I've heard about years ago and it looks interesting so I might buy tonight.

It's on sale for about five dollars.

All the money for this sale will be donated to the Red Cross for humanitarian aid for Ukrainian victims.

Here's a list of other GOG games on sale that will be donated to Ukraine.

Rather than pouring down some Russian vodka you already bought, treat yourself to a game while also giving money to those in need in Ukraine.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I went ahead and bought Darkwood.


I know five dollars isn't really anything but I at least hope it helps or saves one life.
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Yeah its totally Ukrainian propaganda that the Russian military is performing far more poorly than almost everyone expected, even shockingly bad in many aspects.
Propaganda totally , all the free world experts who speak about the slow Russian invasion are also under Putin his payroll 🤡
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Apparently Odessa beaches are heavily mined and defended. Me thinks we will see a large spike in the Russian body count tomorrow....
Mine cutters exist...
Any idea what the other defenses are supposed to be?
My take on this situation:

From The West perspective (US, EU)
- This is a proxy war between the West vs Russia
- Putin may kill Zelensky and take Ukraine, but that won't be the end of the war. The guerilla war if it comes to that point, will rage on for years, bankrupting Russia. The West will keep supplying weapons and ammo and foreign fighters while choking Russia's economy. The ultimate goal is to oust Putin and to install Western democratic government
- Installing pro-Western democratic government will give them two huge advantages, weaken North Korea and weaken China, as Putin's Russia is one of their strongest ally
- Winning this war will give them a blueprint for China-Taiwan situation and serve a warning to China

From Russia's perspective
- Sadly for them, there's no win scenario
- They will not win the proxy war against the unlimited resources of the West. Tens of thousands foreign fighters with fresh ammo will keep pouring into Ukraine
- They go from sitting equally with everyone, to becoming China's bitch, as they will totally depend on China
- If they trigger nuclear missiles, they will be wiped out. Putin may kill tens of millions of European but Russia will cease to exist

From China's perspective
- They don't want either one to win this war, the longer it goes, the better it is for China, as both sides will go on years with economic uncertainty and instability, weakening both sides. So they won't fully support Russia, and on the other they also criticize the West
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yeah its totally Ukrainian propaganda that the Russian military is performing far more poorly than almost everyone expected, even shockingly bad in many aspects.

Propaganda is an effective tool in war. The Ukrainians said that over 6 thousand Russian troops have been killed, yet Russians are claiming the figure to be far less and in the region of 500.

It's impossible to know the correct figure, although I'd say the Ukrainians are exaggerating the number of Russian troops killed as a form of propaganda and a psychological tactic. Hearing that 6 thousand Russians have died in less than ten days is going to have a huge impact on Russian morale, but also boost the morale of the Ukrainians fighting for their homeland. Russians are certainly losing the information war.

Saying that, I think it's pretty clear the Russians misjudged this invasion and underestimated the resolve of the Ukrainian people. I just hope the Ukrainians can keep holding out against the Russian war machine.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
My take on this situation:

From The West perspective (US, EU)
- This is a proxy war between the West vs Russia
- Putin may kill Zelensky and take Ukraine, but that won't be the end of the war. The guerilla war if it comes to that point, will rage on for years, bankrupting Russia. The West will keep supplying weapons and ammo and foreign fighters while choking Russia's economy. The ultimate goal is to oust Putin and to install Western democratic government
- Installing pro-Western democratic government will give them two huge advantages, weaken North Korea and weaken China, as Putin's Russia is one of their strongest ally

From Russia's perspective
- Sadly, there's no win scenario for them
- They will not win the proxy war against the unlimited resources of the West. Tens of thousands foreign fighters with fresh ammo will keep pouring into Ukraine
- They go from sitting equally with everyone, to becoming China's bitch, as they will totally depend on China

From China's perspective
- They don't either one to win this war, the longer it goes, the better it is for China, as both sides will go on years with economic uncertainty and instability. So they won't fully support Russia, and on the other they also criticize the West

Not sure how easy it'll be to oust Putin and put in a pro western leader. There are many people in Russia who distrust the west, so wouldn't this lead to either a split in the Russian federation and/or civil war?

Would China really accept the west installing a pro western leader of Russia? That would put a pro western nation right on their door step. I'm not sure the CCP would accept the west installing a pro western leader into Russia, especially as you've suggested it'll weaken China and North Korea. Wouldn't this move just escalate the war the further?
Not sure how easy it'll be to oust Putin and put in a pro western leader. There are many people in Russia who distrust the west, so wouldn't this lead to either a split in the Russian federation and/or civil war?

Would China really accept the west installing a pro western leader of Russia? That would put a pro western nation right on their door step. I'm not sure the CCP would accept the west installing a pro western leader into Russia, especially as you've suggested it'll weaken China and North Korea. Wouldn't this move just escalate the war the further?

Ousting Putin has to be the ultimate goal of the West. They cannot afford to co-exist with him as there always be continuous threat on their door step,

yeah I don't know if pro-Western democratic government is possible, but at least someone sane, not a warlord like Putin


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I admire the courage of these people for wanting to help, but many people signing up have no combat or military experience and have never held a gun in their life.

There was some British guy on the news the other day who was ex-British army, and he was signing up to fight because his wife and kids are in Ukraine. However, he has combat experience and when asked if people should join the fight his answer was only if people had military experience. His reasoning was without military experience, people could be more of a hindrance than help.



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Ousting Putin has to be the ultimate goal of the West. They cannot afford to co-exist with him as there always be continuous threat on their door step,

yeah I don't know if pro-Western democratic government is possible, but at least someone sane, not a warlord like Putin

Russia doesn't have a good history with western style democracy. It tried it between 1991 - 1999 and it wasn't really what I would call a success. I'm not sure if it would work now because many Russians distrust the west.

In regards to ousting Putin, this can only be achieved by the Russian people and whoever takes his place also has to be decided by the Russian people. The west can't be seen in meddling in the Russian political system and installing their own pro western government.
Russia doesn't have a good history with western style democracy. It tried it between 1991 - 1999 and it wasn't really what I would call a success. I'm not sure if it would work now because many Russians distrust the west.

In regards to ousting Putin, this can only be achieved by the Russian people and whoever takes his place also has to be decided by the Russian people. The west can't be seen in meddling in the Russian political system and installing their own pro western government.

yes ousting Putin has to be done by Russian people. I think they have election coming in 2024?.....or by assassination, sponsored by one of the oligarch


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
yes ousting Putin has to be done by Russian people. I think they have election coming in 2024?.....or by assassination, sponsored by one of the oligarch

No election will get rid of Putin. He's a tsar in all but name and the elections are there to give the illusion of democracy.

Assassination is highly unlikely to be successful and even more unlikely to be sponsored by an oligarch. Putin has a very loyal following with the elite, not to mention I'm sure he's got a very loyal group of bodyguards that would make any assassination attempt extremely difficult.
I don't know how many of you are business owners, aside from EviLore, but consider fortifying your cybersecurity capabilities if you haven't already. Especially, if you're in a country that has activated significant sanctions or support Ukrainian efforts. There are some malicious actors that are coming out of the woodwork.
Russia giving me some major blue balls over here....
They're going to keep swelling since Russia continues to postpone the opening of MOEX. Not much reliable information about the current state of Russia is slipping out.

Sweden has also like Germany ordered a immediate rearmarment order, and also ordered a review of the green party.

The Green parties in Europe has been found to have been funded by Russia, and in each country they have gained political power in, contrary to spear heading green energy, they have in each nation starkly voiced for cuts in military spending, as, obviously, Russia is no longer a threat.

Did Putin try to play the long game?
The Russian regime was very likely using state sponsored hacking to interfere with the west for years now if not at least a decade for one thing.
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If Russia wanted bloodshed,Ukraine would be theirs by now.
They would have to bomb the living hell out of the citys and reduce them to rubble for that to happen Ukraine are not gone to surrender & Russia want the country so that they can install their puppet government if they destroy everything what is the point if all you have left is a wasteland


Hey, you guys remember that massive 40 mile long column of russian military vehicles moving towards Kyiv, and being 30 km away for like 4 days straight? Turns out they were all smaller separate convoys that all merged together on the same road because of blockage of various roads due to debris and several destroyed/abandoned vehicles. It's actually just another big L of russian logistics.


They're going to keep swelling since Russia continues to postpone the opening of MOEX. Not much reliable information about the current state of Russia is slipping out.
Wait, MOEX is STILL not trading? I guess one way to do it - there won't be a crash if you don't open.

Think About It Reaction GIF by Identity
4 Russian aircraft violated Swedish airspace today.

2x Su-27 and 2x Su-24.
They were photographed by Swedish fighters.

This occurred outside the island of Gotland.

EDIT: poor assessment: They're probably trying to provoke an attack. Like fishing for a new pretext to engage the North and label them a new threat.
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They're probably trying to provoke an attack. Like fishing for a new pretext to engage the North and label them a new threat.
Don't know why they would do that, based on what we've seen in Ukraine the Russian army will be obliterated by a strong competent force. Unless vlad really wants to push that nuke button at least once in his life.
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