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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I just want to point out how wild some of these speculations are we're having about the future of a despot is in 2022 (assassinated, overthrown, etc), and they're all actually valid possible outcomes. That's how bad Putin fucked up.


I just want to point out how wild some of these speculations are we're having about the future of a despot is in 2022 (assassinated, overthrown, etc), and they're all actually valid possible outcomes. That's how bad Putin fucked up.
Or most likely nothing will happen and Putin will burn Russia to the ground and rule over rubble.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Or most likely nothing will happen and Putin will burn Russia to the ground and rule over rubble.

Other despots that seemed untouchable fell in our times after they fucked up. Putin is actually looking just as weak if not weaker than some. Hell, it took the US and their ally's direct intervention to overthrow Saddam. Putin may well do himself in at this point.
No, They're just reminding everyone that they can operate on more than one front and talk of Sweden & Finland (possibly) joining NATO hasn't gone unnoticed.

Sounds like a more rational assesment. Instances like that just unnerve me.
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Or most likely nothing will happen and Putin will burn Russia to the ground and rule over rubble.
Russian foreign minister sticks to the narrative that the Ukrainian people are "neo nazis" and added that they rob their own cities.

He even had the audacity to compare the US and west to Napoleon and Hitler.


Ukraine is doing fucking work and that is a proven fact. That is all that matters.

The memes and the heroic propaganda is just what you would expect given the situation when you have an actual real life case of good vs evil. People want to make sure the good guy gets all the press, but even without that boost everyone knows that Russia has taken a significant amount of damage both on the ground and in the markets.

And in a war like this that is literally all that matters in the end.

The military people, who are practically waging this war, know no good versus evil. It is the Ukrainian and Russian soldiers who are dying every day and who, if it were not for this war, would otherwise be playing football together and having a drink in a bar.
Meanwhile, on both sides, narcissistic and sick politicians are playing chess with these people and shitting on the lives of the people who are fighting each other, even though these people are not actually enemies. And what is the strongest weapon of such politicians to control their soldiers? It is lies and propaganda.

Do you still remember the video below?

I think it is the most shared video about this idiotic war and even the media on TV showed it permanently. It shows a Ukrainian father leaving his daughter in a bus to fight for Ukraine. That's how it was spread everywhere.

The problem is, that this is not true. It shows a Ukrainian in eastern Ukraine saying goodbye to his daughter so that she can be evacuated to Russia because it is too dangerous at home due to permanent bombings by the Ukrainian military. It shows the complete opposite of what people think they're seeing.

It is clear that both sides lie and use propaganda to achieve their goals.

On the one hand, you have Putin, who has more than enough dirt on him. On the other hand, you have Zelenskyy, who had hardly any support among the population until before the war, has not fought corruption as promised, and owns several off-shore companies for tax fraud. And that is only a small selection of the questionable and factually proven realities.

Whatever the outcome of this war, in the end 99.8% of the casualties were not enemies of each other.
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To the guy that said everyone is falling for Ukranian propaganda that is proven to be false a few days later every time, I don't disagree a lot of propaganda is coming from all angles, but can you give me some examples of things in favor of Russia right now? I think right now this is proving to the world that Russia is no longer a super power.


Why have people seemingly stopped believing in awful Russia propaganda? I suppose they have just been scared straight for a short period and will go back to following any old Russian nonsense soon enough.


To the guy that said everyone is falling for Ukranian propaganda that is proven to be false a few days later every time, I don't disagree a lot of propaganda is coming from all angles, but can you give me some examples of things in favor of Russia right now? I think right now this is proving to the world that Russia is no longer a super power.
I'm puzzled too, but it is what it is. It starts to reek of : "look at this motherfuckers, so powerful" like they're fighting against air, and yet, for a fucking super mega power they didn't achieve to conquer a country with a much inferior military.

If not for nuclear, USA alone, would be all over them and fuck them up in less time that they're taking to conquer Ukraine. I'm 45, i remember USSR, that was fucking powerful. Russia is not and they're showing that with this pathetic war. Like i said before, if not for the nuclear threat, they would be already eating dirt.
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I'm puzzled too, but it is what it is. It starts to reek of : "look at this motherfuckers, so powerful" like they're fighting against air, and yet, for a fucking super mega power they didn't achieve to conquer a country with a much inferior military.

If not for nuclear, USA alone, would be all over them and fuck them up in less time that they're taking to conquer Ukraine. I'm 45, i remember USSR, that was fucking powerful. Russia is not and they're showing that with this pathetic war. Like i said before, if not for the nuclear threat, they would be already eating dirt.
Like, I get they weren't going to take Ukraine quickly. We didn't take Iraq quickly either and Afghanistan falling the way it did was considered a miracle how it played out. But, to not even establish air superiority at this point seems insane for Russia.


Yeah, but most main cities are surrounded. A drone isn’t something you put below your armpit and walk-in a city.
Kyiv is not surrounded. Kherson is pretty much taken, but not entirely. Mariupol is surrounded. Kharkiv is surrounded. But, Odessa is not nor all of Western Ukraine. You don't have to get things directly to Kyiv to use them.
Kyiv is not surrounded. Kherson is pretty much taken, but not entirely. Mariupol is surrounded. Kharkiv is surrounded. But, Odessa is not nor all of Western Ukraine. You don't have to get things directly to Kyiv to use them.
Not having control over the city doesn’t mean they aren’t surrounded. Surrounded in this context means that Russia has positioned artillery/defenses within the area of the city and has some degree of control over the flux of people/vehicles. Just look at any military map. I guess that the British gov from time to time is publishing one. You will see that Russia has been striking the main roads reaching every single major city located on the North/South/Southeast.
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Not having control over the city doesn’t mean they aren’t surrounded. Surrounded in this context means that Russia has positioned artillery/defenses within the area of the city and controls the flux of people. Just look at any military map. I guess that the British gov from time to time is publishing one. You will see that Russia has been striking the main roads reaching every single major city.
Show the map because I call major bs on that. They aren't even near some of the major cities. Lviv is basically not even in the stratosphere of Russian forces to my knowledge.
Well that is an overarching problem right now isn't it. The neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is currently fighting in and around the Mariupol I mentioned, and I can imagine the foreign legion attracting some loons as well.
When you've got those groups of militia fighting all over I suppose atrocities lie around the corner.

This is it, and we've potentially seen the results of this assumption already with the administration building in Kharkiv being destroyed under the pretense that it was a staging ground for the Azov regiment.

Sort of tangentially related but I cant help but think Zelensky arming civilians will bite them in the ass in the end. Sure it sounds romantic, "stand up and fight for your freedom and country!", but the moment you arm civilians they cease to be civilians and become armed combatants. That's not going to end well.


Don't know if its old news yet but Bucha, the town north west of Kyiv has been recaptured by UA! All the people saying Kyiv is surrounded need to stop.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Sort of tangentially related but I cant help but think Zelensky arming civilians will bite them in the ass in the end. Sure it sounds romantic, "stand up and fight for your freedom and country!", but the moment you arm civilians they cease to be civilians and become armed combatants. That's not going to end well.

I'm not sure what choice he had but to arm civilians. He needs numbers and civilians are more likely to step up and defend their nation with their life. There is also the question of how much of a assistance will somebody be without combat experience. Which leads me on the the call for foreign citizens to come and fight.

Asking civilians from other countries to help the fight might have been a mistake. If somebody has military and combat experience then yeah, by all means go and lend your support to Ukraine. However we're seeing, in the UK anyway, people going off to join the fight with absolutely no military or combat experience. I admire the bravery of these people, but unfortunately they're more likely to be a danger to the people their fighting with more than a danger to the Russians. These are people who have never fired off a gun in their life.

Some guy who was interviewed for the BBC today said he was going off to fight because be once knew a guy from Ukraine. When asked about his combat experience, he admitted he had never been in the armed forces. However, he asked his friend, who's in the army, about it and he now thinks he knows what to expect.

No, mate. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You're stepping into an urban warfare meat grinder with absolutely no combat experience. Like I said, I admire the bravery, but people really need to think about the decision they're making.


Sort of tangentially related but I cant help but think Zelensky arming civilians will bite them in the ass in the end. Sure it sounds romantic, "stand up and fight for your freedom and country!", but the moment you arm civilians they cease to be civilians and become armed combatants. That's not going to end well.
It doesn't matter, they will still be reported as civilian casualities. That's what it is about.


This is it, and we've potentially seen the results of this assumption already with the administration building in Kharkiv being destroyed under the pretense that it was a staging ground for the Azov regiment.

Sort of tangentially related but I cant help but think Zelensky arming civilians will bite them in the ass in the end. Sure it sounds romantic, "stand up and fight for your freedom and country!", but the moment you arm civilians they cease to be civilians and become armed combatants. That's not going to end well.
They’re being targeted either way.


Gold Member
Don't take anything Paul Joseph Watson has to say seriously, the guy is a fucking moron.
I dont take anything anyone has to say seriously in this day and age, everyone has an agenda. Like I said, love or hate him but when someone puts this garbage together then the picture is not a pretty one

I've watched all of the clips and 'news' articles in the video before pjw did the montage, I just find it so shocking that this stuff is in the public domain and yet people still have no clue whats really going on

...And PLEASE, can someone explain Palosi getting excited over burn pits? :messenger_neutral:

We're so fucked.


Shocked face that conspiracy theory and white supremacy cards would be played, sorta sad that Nazi wasn't used
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