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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Images from demonstrations in Moscow:







They'll learn quick that they will have to kill these people in black, their informants and commanders.


Putin found new soldiers to fight in Ukraine...(talking about the pictures)
It's just a step down from public executions in Russia of Russians.
Hopefully if they do get sent to Ukraine like the teachers they can be identified and rescued by Ukraine and those that want to can get to safety or fight back.
So you understand but you don't understand at the same time ?
Just so you know, all government outlets are propaganda machines, that is par for the course.

Please keep cheering for one side as if we were in a video game, nobody's stopping you. Maybe refrain a bit from despising the other side (whom apart from a very small margin -look at the protests all over Russia- don't want that shitty war at all), for they suffer under putin a lot too.

Do not equate questioning the narrative to unconditionally supporting Russia, its dishonest and prohibits discussion. It's a discussion board, you must be able to accept others analysis of the situation. If you think these are wrong, explain why with more than "putin's best friend is here guys lets pile on him". No one is a putin's shill here there is only warmongers circlejerking and pouncing on any message they deem dissenting... Because it feels good to "righteously" hate someone and our leaders collectively (and globally) encourage it. It makes us easily controllable.

I think you'll really benefit from reading René Girard's "bouc émissaire" theory.

Fantastic post, this is the sort of objective thinking I've been trying to promote this whole time in the thread. It's fascinating to see such a binary response to the conflict right across the whole internet.

Do not equate questioning the narrative to unconditionally supporting Russia

So many responses reek of the same tribalistic response to every single other issue that occurs in the world. From Trump/Biden to race issues to covid. Covid has brought out some of the most egregious examples where someone questioning vaccines or government response is instantly being vilified as anti vax or covid skeptic etc and here we are yet again. People have drawn lines in the sand and if you don't subscribe to this tribes beliefs then you are terrible or you are cheering on the "enemy" therefor you must be vilified and ostracized.

It's a reductive and basic way of looking at an incredibly complex event and proves that people are reacting out of pure emotion as opposed to engaging in logical conversation. So, props to you sir. We need more people using rational thinking like you've shown in your reply.
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it's still an unplayed bargaining chip at the moment, Russia is happy to provide it and Germany is happy to take it

at any point it can be used to force the issue, with either Russia cutting off/inflating the price or Germany taking the financial burden/resourcing elsewhere


I was just wondering how much teeth these sanctions truly have long term, that’s assuming Putin understood they would come. Knowing that, he could eventually tighten the tap on EU / NATO nations when Russias reserves started running out and the sanctions truly started to hurt.

And EU nations finding other supplies, where would that be? Saudi Arabia and Russia are some of the biggest players and atm they’re part of opec+, allies if you will. Can the US handle supporting EU demand?

It’s interesting given NATO’s purpose was to protect itself from Russia but the member countries became so dependent on Russian resources that effectively, NATO was weakened. Maybe not immediately but something will have to break and they’ll need oil, lots of it. It’s crazy how so many conflicts, and politics, still revolve around oil. And I think it’s a huge factor being over looked by many regarding all the sanctions being thrown around.
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Gold Member
Couple things that are interconnected:

Russia returns to Gold Standard.

Saudi Arabia to put more into China and less US (related to how China is getting business from Russia and now this strengthens their hand)

A reminder to not completely take your eyes off Taiwan

Simply reminders that we may be feeling a tighter crunch in our collective wallets in the near-future.

Also ran into this, make as you will.
Video - Gab - Said to be Russians providing humanitarian aid in Ukrainian towns

China is definitely into their necks in all this. This is the real risk. However, I don't think China is enough of an outlet for Russia to survive these economic sanctions. Even if China could 1:1 replace what was before it isn't a good spot since Russia was already in a shitter.

And I wouldn't source anything on Gab.


Gold Member
I hope China is watching as Russia crumbles to dust because that's what we'll need to do to them if they Invade Taiwan.
Nobody is helping ukraine against the fucking russia so not sure if they are gonna help taiwan against a colossus like china...

I'm not informed about who has more nukes, but i bet china beats russia by a landslide...


Gold Member
Nobody is helping ukraine against the fucking russia so not sure if they are gonna help taiwan against a colossus like china...

I'm not informed about who has more nukes, but i bet china beats russia by a landslide...
We don't even know if China's equipment is reliable

Putin want more people in his portable crematorium
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Gold Member
Fantastic post, this is the sort of objective thinking I've been trying to promote this whole time in the thread. It's fascinating to see this binary response to the conflict right across the whole internet.

This reeks of the same tribalistic response to every single other issue that occurs in the world. From Trump/Biden to race issues to covid. Covid has brought out some of the most egregious examples where someone questioning vaccines or government response is instantly being vilified as anti vax or covid skeptic etc and here we are yet again. People have drawn lines in the sand and if you don't subscribe to this tribes beliefs then you are terrible or you are cheering on the "enemy" therefor you must be vilified and ostracized.

It's a reductive and basic way of looking at an incredibly complex event and proves that people are reacting out of pure emotion as opposed to engaging in logical conversation. So, props to you sir. We need more people using rational thinking like you've shown in your reply.

This isn't at all what is happening. It's also totally reasonable to come to a conclusion, and then position their argument from that position. There's not much to vacillate on here anyway. If you don't support the war, and recognize there is civilian deaths, there isn't much more nuance to debate or discuss. What led up to now could be worth discussing but that's really just a navel gazing exercise at this point.

Honestly, this actually reads like "you can agree with Putin, from a certain point of view" defense. Me? I unequivocally against this prick and that's not tribal - dude is straight up murdering people for his own gains - and I don't support that shit no matter the reason.


Gold Member
You weren't questioning anything apart from why she was excited, which i guess has been answered or you have just forgotten or are ignoring it. You are now jumping off into a range of topics that probably flow in your head because you're convinced these things are connected but they are non sequiturs. As I said you should ask and follow through with your questions but you couldn't do that with the only question you did ask.
These things are all connected, shes sitting in a damn position where they have to be.


Gold Member
We don't even know if China's equipment is reliable
Not sure how this help...
Yes we don't know if they work, but even the small chance of them being functional is enough to scare other countries to death.

Nobody is gonna push china to his limit to see if their 1000 nukes work or not.


Not sure how this help...
Yes we don't know if they work, but even the small chance of them being functional is enough to scare other countries to death.

Nobody is gonna push china to his limit to see if their 1000 nukes work or not.
No one is going to live in fear of them and let them do what they want either. Respect, yes. Fear, no.
These things are all connected, shes sitting in a damn position where they have to be.

I'm talking about those things being connected to your actual question about her being excited, "where they have to be" is a belief

but you are spinning your wheels here unfortunately, and we are getting nowhere...I hope you can see my viewpoint one day and start to be more critical of the YouTube videos you watch and choose to share before trying to tackle the wheres and whats of American politicians


Gold Member
Russia has more nuclear weapons than anyone else on earth.
Ok, maybe i was wrong (although i won't trust china to be honest when they declare their nuclear power) but the point still stand, even if china has less nukes, it still has nukes, and everyone does affairs with china, you don't want to fight with them unless it's basically unavoidable.

Ffs they started a world contagion that fucked up the entire planet and nobody call them out for it, taiwan can burn in ashes before people are gonna go openly against china.
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Not sure. It’s not like they would advertise that a bunch of their nuclear missiles don’t work. I know the reportedly have thousands.

I did a quick google search. Apparently they have just under 1500 operational warheads and a total of about 4500 in stockpiles.

By contrast the US has just under 1400 strategic warheads and about 3800 in stockpile.


Our president, Finland, is going to meet Biden tomorrow. Is that a middle finger to Putin, I see?

Oh and Lukoil Oil demands ending the war.
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Easy to say now dude, let's wait and see how many countries are gonna help taiwan if something happen there.

If the russia\ukraine is anything to go by, you are gonna be surprised...
You should learn to control your own fear instead of trying to instill it in others

Not sure. It’s not like they would advertise that a bunch of their nuclear missiles don’t work. I know the reportedly have thousands.

I did a quick google search. Apparently they have just under 1500 operational warheads and a total of about 4500 in stockpiles.

By contrast the US has just under 1400 strategic warheads and about 3800 in stockpile.
Lavrov has plainly said they're escalating to nuclear war. Hope Russia can get their control back of these from this cabal. Wouldn't expect those to all go off clean if anyone is thinking of partying in the aftermath.
Ukraine/Russia conflict isn’t the worlds issue, you’re made at Syria for its government nothing wrong with that, want China to clean up its house (slaves, minimum wage etc.) this whole thing feels like dusting off a news article from 2014, how is it every election Putin wins overwhelmingly let me remind you the Russian people already elected Putin.
When one side is threatening nukes, it is the worlds, including yours, problem.


Gold Member
You should learn to control your own fear instead of trying to instill it in others

Lavrov has plainly said they're escalating to nuclear war. Hope Russia can get their control back of these from this cabal. Wouldn't expect those to all go off clean if anyone is thinking of partying in the aftermath.
dafuq? I was not talking about me dude, it was a broad discourse.

Since when being a realist is instilling fear in others? Do you think people in here is not already aware that china has nukes? Lol...


dafuq? I was not talking about me dude, it was a broad discourse.

Since when being a realist is instilling fear in others? Do you think people in here is not already aware that china has nukes? Lol...
Chipmaking is a business decision which shouldn't be influenced by terrorists.


So 1 missile is enough to cancel like a small region from the map?

Scary shit.
Pretty much. Each major metro area targeted would get a spread of warheads from one missile to maximize damage/minimize chances of interception. I imagine if they went for DC it might get even more just to be sure. I’d prefer not to find out what living through that is like.



How might the war end? Five scenarios​

Amid the fog of war, it can be hard to see the way forward. Here are some potential outcomes. Most are bleak.

1. Short war
Russia ramps up its military operations with devastating attacks. Thousands die, Kyiv falls, Ukraine's president is killed or flees, and Russia installs a pro-Moscow puppet regime. This would be an unstable outcome, vulnerable to insurgency and future conflict.

2. Long war
Perhaps more likely. Maybe Russian forces get bogged down, with low morale and poor logistics. They may struggle to control even captured cities. Over time, Ukraine's forces become an effective insurgency, while the West continues to supply weapons. Perhaps after many years, Russia eventually leaves.

3. European war
Putin could send troops into ex-Soviet republics like Moldova and Georgia, that are not part of Nato. Or there could just be miscalculation and escalation. Putin might take a risk if he felt it was the only way to save his leadership - if he faced defeat, he might be tempted to escalate further.

4. Diplomatic solution
By already agreeing to talks - even if they haven't made much progress - Putin seems to at least have accepted the possibility of a negotiated ceasefire. If the war goes badly for him, Putin may judge that continuing is a greater leadership threat than the humiliation of ending it.

5. Putin ousted
It might seem unthinkable. Yet the world has changed in recent days. If the war is disastrous for Russia, there may be the threat of popular revolution. And if those who have benefited from Putin no longer think he can defend their interests, such an outcome may not be implausible.

Read James Landale's full analysis here.
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